Natural Grocers® Expands Private-Label Beverage Line with 100% Pure Organic Coconut Water
Natural Grocers has expanded its private-label beverage line with the launch of 100% Pure Organic Coconut Water. The new product is available in 17.5 oz recyclable aluminum cans, priced at $2.49 individually or $26.89 for a 12-pack case.
The single-ingredient beverage is Certified Organic and non-GMO, made without artificial flavors, additives, preservatives, or synthetic colors. It serves as a natural source of potassium and electrolytes for hydration support.
This launch adds to Natural Grocers' private-label portfolio, which has grown to over 800 products since its 2016 inception. Recent additions include Organic Raw Kombucha and Organic Raw Tepache, with Organic Frozen Mussels planned for future release.
Natural Grocers ha ampliato la sua linea di bevande a marchio privato con il lancio di Acqua di Cocco 100% Pura e Biologica. Il nuovo prodotto è disponibile in lattine di alluminio riciclabili da 17,5 oz, al prezzo di $2.49 singolarmente o $26.89 per un pacco da 12.
Questa bevanda a un solo ingrediente è Certificata Biologica e non contiene OGM, ed è realizzata senza aromi artificiali, additivi, conservanti o coloranti sintetici. Costituisce una fonte naturale di potassio ed elettroliti per supportare l'idratazione.
Questo lancio si aggiunge al portafoglio di prodotti a marchio privato di Natural Grocers, che è cresciuto a oltre 800 prodotti dalla sua nascita nel 2016. Le recenti aggiunte includono Kombucha Cruda Biologica e Tepache Crudo Biologico, con Cozze Surgelate Biologiche previste per il rilascio futuro.
Natural Grocers ha ampliado su línea de bebidas de marca propia con el lanzamiento de Agua de Coco 100% Pura y Orgánica. El nuevo producto está disponible en latas de aluminio reciclables de 17.5 oz, a un precio de $2.49 individualmente o $26.89 por un paquete de 12.
La bebida de un solo ingrediente es Certificada Orgánica y no contiene OGM, elaborada sin sabores artificiales, aditivos, conservantes ni colorantes sintéticos. Sirve como una fuente natural de potasio y electrolitos para el apoyo a la hidratación.
Este lanzamiento se suma al portafolio de marca propia de Natural Grocers, que ha crecido a más de 800 productos desde su creación en 2016. Las adiciones recientes incluyen Kombucha Cruda Orgánica y Tepache Crudo Orgánico, con Mejillones Congelados Orgánicos planeados para un lanzamiento futuro.
내추럴 그로서스는 100% 순수 유기농 코코넛 워터 출시로 자사 브랜드 음료 라인을 확장했습니다. 새로운 제품은 17.5 oz 재활용 알루미늄 캔으로 제공되며, 개별 가격은 $2.49, 12팩 케이스는 $26.89입니다.
이 단일 성분 음료는 인증된 유기농이며 비유전자변형(GMO)으로, 인공 향료, 첨가제, 보존제 또는 합성 색소 없이 제조되었습니다. 이는 수분 보충을 위한 자연적인 칼륨과 전해질의 원천 역할을 합니다.
이번 출시로 내추럴 그로서스의 자사 브랜드 포트폴리오는 2016년 설립 이후 800개 이상의 제품으로 성장했습니다. 최근 추가된 제품으로는 유기농 생콤부차와 유기농 생테파체가 있으며, 향후 유기농 냉동 홍합 출시가 계획되어 있습니다.
Natural Grocers a élargi sa gamme de boissons à marque propre avec le lancement de Eau de Coco 100% Pure et Biologique. Le nouveau produit est disponible en canettes en aluminium recyclables de 17,5 oz, au prix de 2,49 $ individuellement ou 26,89 $ pour un pack de 12.
Cette boisson à un seul ingrédient est Certifiée Biologique et sans OGM, fabriquée sans arômes artificiels, additifs, conservateurs ou colorants synthétiques. Elle constitue une source naturelle de potassium et d'électrolytes pour soutenir l'hydratation.
Ce lancement s'ajoute au portefeuille de marques propres de Natural Grocers, qui a crû à plus de 800 produits depuis sa création en 2016. Les ajouts récents incluent Kombucha Crue Biologique et Tepache Cru Biologique, avec des Moules Congelées Biologiques prévues pour une sortie future.
Natural Grocers hat seine Eigenmarken-Getränkelinie mit der Einführung von 100% reinem Bio-Kokoswasser erweitert. Das neue Produkt ist in recycelbaren Aluminiumdosen mit 17,5 oz erhältlich und kostet einzeln $2,49 oder $26,89 für eine 12er-Packung.
Das Getränk mit nur einer Zutat ist zertifiziert biologisch und nicht gentechnisch verändert (GMO), hergestellt ohne künstliche Aromen, Zusatzstoffe, Konservierungsstoffe oder synthetische Farbstoffe. Es dient als natürliche Quelle für Kalium und Elektrolyte zur Unterstützung der Hydration.
Dieser Launch erweitert das Portfolio der Eigenmarken von Natural Grocers, das seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 2016 auf über 800 Produkte gewachsen ist. Zu den jüngsten Ergänzungen gehören Bio-Rohkombucha und Bio-Rohtepache, während Bio-gefrorene Muscheln für eine zukünftige Veröffentlichung geplant sind.
- Expansion of private label portfolio with new organic beverage
- Growing private label line with over 800 products
- Premium pricing strategy with $26.89 for 12-pack case
- None.
Now available in stores—sold individually and in a convenient 12-pack
Natural Grocers Brand Organic Coconut Water comes in recyclable aluminum cans, making it easy to enjoy at home, at work, or on the go. Customers can choose from Always AffordableSM 17.5 oz cans, available individually or in a convenient 12-pack case made of recyclable cardboard.
- Certified Organic, Non-GMO
- Single-Ingredient (
100% pure coconut water) - Made without Artificial Flavorings, Additives or Preservatives, or Synthetic Colors
- Vegan Friendly
- 17.5 oz Aluminum Cans (
)$2.49 - 12 Pack (
Since its launch in 2016, the Natural Grocers Brand has grown to feature more than 800 high-quality products, available exclusively at Natural Grocers stores. Learn more about Natural Grocers' product standards here. Recent additions to the private-label line include Organic Raw Kombucha and Organic Raw Tepache, with even more premium-quality, Always Affordable products on the way—like Natural Grocers Brand Organic Frozen Mussels.
- Click here for a media kit, courtesy of Natural Grocers.
- To learn more about Natural Grocers' grocery standards, click here.
- To request media samples, or for any press-related questions, please contact Katie Macarelli:
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2024, the Company invested more than
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.
How much does Natural Grocers' new organic coconut water cost?
What are the key features of Natural Grocers' new organic coconut water?
How many private-label products does Natural Grocers currently offer?