Natural Grocers® Commemorates Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2025 with Annual Fundraiser Supporting Jack and Jill of America Foundation
Natural Grocers (NGVC) has announced a fundraising campaign on January 20, 2025, supporting the Jack and Jill of America Foundation's College GAP Fund. The company aims to raise $45,000 or more to help students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with tuition debt.
The initiative includes a company pledge to donate 1% of sales from all 167 stores nationwide, along with customer donations at registers in $1, $5, and $10 increments. The Foundation previously invested $125,768 to support 113 HBCU graduates in May 2024.
Additionally, Natural Grocers has established a year-round give-back program with 13 Jack and Jill chapters across Colorado, Texas, Oregon, and Arkansas. Members receive partnership cards that trigger an uncapped 5% sales give-back, split equally between local chapters and the HBCU Gap Fund.
Natural Grocers (NGVC) ha annunciato una campagna di raccolta fondi il 20 gennaio 2025, a supporto del College GAP Fund della Jack and Jill of America Foundation. L'obiettivo dell'azienda è raccogliere 45.000 dollari o più per aiutare gli studenti delle Università Storicamente Black (HBCUs) a far fronte ai debiti di iscrizione.
L'iniziativa prevede un impegno da parte dell'azienda di donare l'1% delle vendite da tutti i 167 negozi a livello nazionale, oltre alle donazioni dei clienti alla cassa in incrementi di 1, 5 e 10 dollari. La Fondazione ha precedentemente investito 125.768 dollari per supportare 113 laureati HBCU nel maggio 2024.
Inoltre, Natural Grocers ha stabilito un programma di restituzione che dura tutto l'anno con 13 capitoli di Jack and Jill in tutto il Colorado, il Texas, l'Oregon e l'Arkansas. I membri ricevono carte di partnership che attivano un programma di restituzione delle vendite del 5% senza limiti, suddiviso equamente tra i capitoli locali e il Fondo GAP HBCU.
Natural Grocers (NGVC) ha anunciado una campaña de recaudación de fondos el 20 de enero de 2025, apoyando el College GAP Fund de la Jack and Jill of America Foundation. La empresa tiene como objetivo recaudar 45,000 dólares o más para ayudar a los estudiantes de las Universidades Históricamente Negras (HBCUs) con la deuda de matrícula.
La iniciativa incluye un compromiso por parte de la empresa de donar el 1% de las ventas de las 167 tiendas en todo el país, junto con donaciones de los clientes en cajas en incrementos de 1, 5 y 10 dólares. La Fundación anteriormente invirtió 125,768 dólares para apoyar a 113 graduados de HBCU en mayo de 2024.
Además, Natural Grocers ha establecido un programa de contribución durante todo el año con 13 capítulos de Jack and Jill en Colorado, Texas, Oregón y Arkansas. Los miembros reciben tarjetas de asociación que activan un reembolso del 5% de las ventas sin límite, dividido equitativamente entre los capítulos locales y el Fondo GAP HBCU.
내추럴 그로서스(NGVC)는 2025년 1월 20일 잭 앤 질 오브 아메리카 재단의 대학 GAP 기금을 지원하는 모금 캠페인을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 역사적으로 흑인 대학(HBCU)의 학생들을 위한 학비 부채를 돕기 위해 45,000달러 이상을 모금할 계획입니다.
이 이니셔티브에는 전국의 167개 매장에서 판매의 1%를 기부하겠다는 회사의 약속이 포함되어 있으며, 고객들은 1달러, 5달러, 10달러 단위로 계산대에서 기부할 수 있습니다. 재단은 2024년 5월에 113명의 HBCU 졸업생을 지원하기 위해 125,768달러를 투자했습니다.
또한, 내추럴 그로서스는 콜로라도, 텍사스, 오레곤, 아칸소에서 13개의 잭 앤 질 지부와 함께 연중 내내 기부 프로그램을 구축했습니다. 회원들은 지역 지부와 HBCU 갭 기금 간에 균등하게 나누어지는 한도 없는 5% 판매 기부를 촉발하는 파트너십 카드를 받습니다.
Natural Grocers (NGVC) a annoncé une campagne de collecte de fonds le 20 janvier 2025, soutenant le College GAP Fund de la Jack and Jill of America Foundation. L'objectif de l'entreprise est de collecter 45 000 dollars ou plus pour aider les étudiants des Universités Historiques Noires (HBCUs) à rembourser leurs dettes de scolarité.
Cette initiative inclut un engagement de l'entreprise à donner 1% des ventes de l'ensemble des 167 magasins à l'échelle nationale, ainsi que des dons de clients à la caisse par tranches de 1, 5 et 10 dollars. La Fondation a précédemment investi 125 768 dollars pour soutenir 113 diplômés d'HBCU en mai 2024.
De plus, Natural Grocers a mis en place un programme de dons toute l'année avec 13 chapitres de Jack and Jill à travers le Colorado, le Texas, l'Oregon et l'Arkansas. Les membres reçoivent des cartes de partenariat qui déclenchent un retour sur vente illimité de 5%, réparti également entre les chapitres locaux et le fonds GAP HBCU.
Natural Grocers (NGVC) hat am 20. Januar 2025 eine Spendenkampagne zur Unterstützung des College GAP Fund der Jack and Jill of America Foundation angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, 45.000 USD oder mehr zu sammeln, um Studenten an Historisch Schwarzen Colleges und Universitäten (HBCUs) bei Studiengebühren zu helfen.
Die Initiative umfasst das Versprechen des Unternehmens, 1% des Umsatzes aus allen 167 Filialen landesweit zu spenden, sowie Kundenbeiträge an den Kassen in Beträgen von 1, 5 und 10 USD. Die Stiftung hat zuvor 125.768 USD investiert, um 113 HBCU-Absolventen im Mai 2024 zu unterstützen.
Darüber hinaus hat Natural Grocers ein ganzjähriges Rückgabeprogramm mit 13 Jack and Jill-Kapitel in Colorado, Texas, Oregon und Arkansas eingerichtet. Mitglieder erhalten Partnerschaftskarten, die eine unbegrenzte Rückgabe von 5% des Umsatzes auslösen, die gleichmäßig zwischen lokalen Kapiteln und dem HBCU-Gap-Fonds aufgeteilt wird.
- Potential revenue boost from increased store traffic during fundraising day
- Enhanced brand reputation through community engagement and social responsibility
- Expanded customer base through partnership with 13 regional chapters
- 1% sales donation commitment may impact profit margins
- 5% ongoing give-back program in participating regions affects revenue
Join Natural Grocers on January 20, 2025, to support the JJ College GAP Fund through customer donations at the register and a company pledge of
The GAP Fund is used to provide scholarship endowments to directly satisfy tuition debt of students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Natural Grocers pledges to donate
Executive Director of Jack and Jill Foundation, Pier Blake states, "I am proud of our investment of
Jack and Jill of America Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated (JJOA, Inc.). In 1968, mother members of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated—the largest and most prominent African American family organization—established Jack and Jill of America Foundation as a charitable entity to address social issues and problems affecting African American communities, families, and children. Currently, Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated families (mother members, fathers, children, teens, and associates) play a significant role in charitable giving and fundraising to the foundation and beyond, collectively raising more than
Annissa D. Owens, a graduate from Southern University, responded after her student balance was paid by Jack and Jill Foundation "…financial challenges of pursuing a higher education can often feel overwhelming, and your support has made an immeasurable difference in my life. Thanks to your generosity, I can now focus fully on navigating life after college without the constant worry of student debt. I cannot thank you enough for your dedication to supporting students like me and your incredible generosity. It is organizations like the Jack and Jill Foundation that help make education more accessible and inspire hope in students striving for their dreams. Your contribution has made a lasting impact on my life. We are forever grateful." - Annissa D. Owens Graduate from Southern University (
The partnership between Natural Grocers and Jack and Jill of America was born of a shared value system of commitment to the communities and families they serve through education and empowerment.
Natural Grocers has a longstanding history of giving back to its communities since it was established in 1955. With 167 stores in 21 states, Natural Grocers' commitment is manifested by supporting the health and wellbeing of its communities with free Nutrition Education and high-quality affordable health and wellness choices that are accessible to all.
In addition to the national fundraising campaign on January 20, 2025, the partnership extends to a year-round give-back program with 13 Jack and Jill of America, Inc. chapters based in Colorado,
Visit the Natural Grocers' Store Directory to find the nearest participating store. Additional details on the partnership can be found here.
- Click here to learn more about the Jack and Jill of America Foundation and the College GAP Fund.
- Click here to directly support the College GAP Fund and educate students from HBCUs.
- For a complimentary media kit click here.
- For media inquiries contact
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2024, the Company invested more than
Incorporated as a public charity in 1968, Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. is the oldest African American-led philanthropic nonprofit organization in
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded in 1938 to nurture future African American leaders by stimulating the growth and development of children through educational, cultural, civic, recreational, health and social programs inspired by mothers. Through its 267 chapters organized in seven regions across the United States, Jack and Jill is considered the largest African American family organization in the nation representing 70,000 family members which includes, mother members, fathers, and children ages two through 19. For more information about Jack and Jill of America, Inc. please visit or @jackandjillinc on Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, or LinkedIn: Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
[i] Excludes gift cards.
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.