Neurogene Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results and Highlights Recent Updates
Neurogene (NASDAQ: NGNE) has released its Q4 and full year 2024 financial results, highlighting progress in its NGN-401 Phase 1/2 trial for Rett syndrome. The company reported encouraging interim efficacy data, with NGN-401 being well-tolerated at the 1E15 vg dose in pediatric patients.
Key financial metrics include cash position of $312.4 million, providing runway into H2 2027. R&D expenses increased to $60.9 million in 2024 from $44.4 million in 2023, while G&A expenses rose to $22.6 million from $11.2 million. Net loss for 2024 was $75.1 million.
Notable developments include:
- Received PRIME designation from European Medicines Agency
- Protocol amended to use 1E15 vector genomes dose for future trial participants
- Expanded age range to include patients >11 years
- Plans to provide regulatory update on registrational trial in H1 2025
- Additional interim clinical data expected in H2 2025
Neurogene (NASDAQ: NGNE) ha pubblicato i risultati finanziari del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024, evidenziando i progressi nella sperimentazione clinica di fase 1/2 del NGN-401 per la sindrome di Rett. L'azienda ha riportato dati di efficacia intermedia incoraggianti, con NGN-401 ben tollerato alla dose di 1E15 vg nei pazienti pediatrici.
I principali indicatori finanziari includono una posizione di cassa di 312,4 milioni di dollari, che garantisce una copertura fino al secondo semestre del 2027. Le spese per R&S sono aumentate a 60,9 milioni di dollari nel 2024 rispetto ai 44,4 milioni del 2023, mentre le spese generali e amministrative sono salite a 22,6 milioni da 11,2 milioni. La perdita netta per il 2024 è stata di 75,1 milioni di dollari.
Sviluppi notevoli includono:
- Ricevuta la designazione PRIME dall'Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali
- Protocollo modificato per utilizzare la dose di 1E15 genomi vettoriali per i futuri partecipanti alla sperimentazione
- Espansione della fascia di età per includere pazienti >11 anni
- Piani per fornire un aggiornamento normativo sulla sperimentazione registrativa nel primo semestre del 2025
- Ulteriori dati clinici intermedi attesi nel secondo semestre del 2025
Neurogene (NASDAQ: NGNE) ha publicado sus resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024, destacando los avances en su ensayo de fase 1/2 del NGN-401 para el síndrome de Rett. La compañía reportó datos intermedios de eficacia alentadores, con NGN-401 bien tolerado en la dosis de 1E15 vg en pacientes pediátricos.
Las métricas financieras clave incluyen una posición de efectivo de 312.4 millones de dólares, lo que proporciona un margen de maniobra hasta el segundo semestre de 2027. Los gastos de I+D aumentaron a 60.9 millones de dólares en 2024 desde 44.4 millones en 2023, mientras que los gastos generales y administrativos subieron a 22.6 millones desde 11.2 millones. La pérdida neta para 2024 fue de 75.1 millones de dólares.
Desarrollos notables incluyen:
- Recepción de la designación PRIME de la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos
- Protocolo modificado para usar una dosis de 1E15 genomas vectores para futuros participantes del ensayo
- Ampliación del rango de edad para incluir pacientes >11 años
- Planes para proporcionar una actualización regulatoria sobre el ensayo de registro en el primer semestre de 2025
- Datos clínicos intermedios adicionales esperados en el segundo semestre de 2025
Neurogene (NASDAQ: NGNE)는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표하며 Rett 증후군에 대한 NGN-401 1/2상 시험의 진행 상황을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 소아 환자에서 1E15 vg 용량의 NGN-401이 잘 견디는 것으로 나타났으며, 중간 효능 데이터가 고무적이라고 보고했습니다.
주요 재무 지표에는 3억 1,240만 달러의 현금 보유액이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 2027년 하반기까지의 운영 자금을 제공합니다. 연구 개발 비용은 2023년 4,440만 달러에서 2024년 6,090만 달러로 증가했으며, 일반 관리 비용은 1,120만 달러에서 2,260만 달러로 상승했습니다. 2024년 순손실은 7,510만 달러였습니다.
주목할 만한 발전 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 유럽 의약품청(EMA)으로부터 PRIME 지정 받음
- 향후 시험 참가자를 위한 1E15 벡터 유전자 용량 사용을 위한 프로토콜 수정
- 11세 이상의 환자를 포함하도록 연령 범위 확대
- 2025년 상반기 등록 시험에 대한 규제 업데이트 계획
- 2025년 하반기 추가 중간 임상 데이터 예상
Neurogene (NASDAQ: NGNE) a publié ses résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre et de l'année complète 2024, mettant en évidence les progrès de son essai de phase 1/2 du NGN-401 pour le syndrome de Rett. La société a rapporté des données d'efficacité intermédiaires encourageantes, avec le NGN-401 bien toléré à la dose de 1E15 vg chez les patients pédiatriques.
Les indicateurs financiers clés incluent une position de trésorerie de 312,4 millions de dollars, offrant une marge de manœuvre jusqu'au deuxième semestre 2027. Les dépenses de R&D ont augmenté à 60,9 millions de dollars en 2024, contre 44,4 millions de dollars en 2023, tandis que les dépenses générales et administratives ont augmenté à 22,6 millions de dollars contre 11,2 millions de dollars. La perte nette pour 2024 s'élevait à 75,1 millions de dollars.
Les développements notables comprennent :
- Obtention de la désignation PRIME de l'Agence européenne des médicaments
- Protocole modifié pour utiliser la dose de 1E15 génomes vecteurs pour les futurs participants à l'essai
- Extension de la tranche d'âge pour inclure les patients >11 ans
- Plans pour fournir une mise à jour réglementaire sur l'essai d'enregistrement au premier semestre 2025
- Données cliniques intermédiaires supplémentaires attendues au deuxième semestre 2025
Neurogene (NASDAQ: NGNE) hat seine Finanzzahlen für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht und dabei Fortschritte in der NGN-401 Phase 1/2 Studie zur Rett-Syndrom hervorgehoben. Das Unternehmen berichtete von ermutigenden interimistischen Wirksamkeitsdaten, wobei NGN-401 in der Dosis von 1E15 vg bei pädiatrischen Patienten gut vertragen wurde.
Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen umfassen eine Barreserve von 312,4 Millionen Dollar, die Spielraum bis in die zweite Jahreshälfte 2027 bietet. Die F&E-Ausgaben stiegen im Jahr 2024 auf 60,9 Millionen Dollar von 44,4 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023, während die allgemeinen und administrativen Ausgaben auf 22,6 Millionen Dollar von 11,2 Millionen Dollar anstiegen. Der Nettoverlust für 2024 betrug 75,1 Millionen Dollar.
Bemerkenswerte Entwicklungen umfassen:
- Erhalt der PRIME-Designierung von der Europäischen Arzneimittelagentur
- Änderung des Protokolls zur Verwendung der Dosis von 1E15 Vektor-Genomen für zukünftige Studien-Teilnehmer
- Erweiterung des Altersbereichs zur Einbeziehung von Patienten >11 Jahren
- Pläne zur Bereitstellung eines regulatorischen Updates zur Zulassungsstudie im ersten Halbjahr 2025
- Zusätzliche interimistische klinische Daten werden im zweiten Halbjahr 2025 erwartet
- Strong cash position of $312.4M providing extended runway into H2 2027
- Received PRIME designation from EMA for NGN-401
- NGN-401 showed encouraging interim efficacy data and good tolerability
- Successfully aligned with FDA on CMC scale-up plans for potential commercial launch
- Net loss increased to $75.1M in 2024 from $36.3M in 2023
- R&D expenses increased 37% to $60.9M in 2024
- G&A expenses doubled to $22.6M in 2024
Neurogene's Q4/FY2024 results show a solid financial foundation with
The clinical strategy refinement is encouraging, with protocol amendments standardizing the 1E15 vg dose based on previously reported positive interim efficacy data. Expanding the age range beyond the initial 4-10 years cohort to include participants >11 years broadens the potential patient population, enhancing commercial prospects if approved.
R&D expenses increased to
The defined catalysts in 2025 (regulatory update in H1, additional clinical data in H2) provide clear valuation inflection points. Importantly, management's confirmation of CMC scale-up plans and potency assay strategy alignment with FDA indicates they're addressing manufacturing considerations early – often a critical bottleneck for gene therapy commercialization.
Neurogene's protocol amendment standardizing the 1E15 vg dose for all future NGN-401 Rett syndrome trial participants represents a critical advancement, directly building on their encouraging interim efficacy data from November 2024. This dose confirmation, early in development, significantly de-risks their clinical pathway.
The cohort expansion to include patients >11 years (previously >16 years) alongside the 4-10 years group is particularly significant for Rett syndrome, as it allows evaluation across a broader neurodevelopmental spectrum. This expanded age range could potentially address the substantial unmet need in adolescent patients where developmental windows remain partially open.
The EMA's PRIME designation further validates NGN-401's potential, as this designation requires demonstration of promising early clinical evidence addressing substantial unmet need. Only about
The aligned CMC scale-up strategy with FDA suggests Neurogene is proactively addressing vector manufacturing considerations – particularly important for CNS-directed gene therapies where consistent quality and potency are essential for predictable biodistribution and expression profiles. The planned additional interim data in 2H 2025 will be crucial to confirm durability of effect and safety profile across different age cohorts.
Remains on track to provide regulatory update on registrational trial plans with
Continues to expect to share additional interim clinical data from
Received PRIME designation for
Cash runway into the second half of 2027
“We believe 2024 was a year of significant progress for our
Fourth Quarter 2024 and Recent Highlights, and Anticipated Milestones
Phase 1/2 Trial of
Protocol amended and submitted to
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with the 1E15 vector genomes (vg) dose for all future participants in the trial, and enrollment is ongoing; 1E15 vg is the dose Neurogene expects to evaluate in a future registrational trial ofNGN-401 based on positive interim efficacy results presented in November 2024 -
Expanded the age range in the trial to evaluate
NGN-401 in a broader population, including ages > 11 years in the older pilot cohort (n=3), from the previous design of > 16 years; the pilot cohort is in addition to the 4 to 10 years cohort (n=8) -
Previously shared the Company gained alignment with the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) scale-up plans to supportNGN-401 potential commercial launch and potency assay strategy for the program - Remains on track to provide a regulatory update on registrational trial plans in the first half of 2025
- Continues to expect to report additional interim clinical data from the Phase 1/2 trial in the second half of 2025, including additional participants expected to be dosed during the first half of the year
- Announced today it has received Priority Medicines (PRIME) designation by the European Medicines Agency (EMA); medicines are eligible for PRIME if they demonstrate the potential to address an unmet medical need by showing a meaningful improvement of clinical outcomes
Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results
Cash, Cash Equivalents and Marketable Securities: Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities as of December 31, 2024 were
and are expected to provide runway into the second half of 2027, which would allow for the completion of enrollment of a future registrational trial for$312.4 million NGN-401 for Rett syndrome, CMC scale-up to supportNGN-401 registrational activities and further development of Neurogene’s EXACT™ gene therapy pipeline. -
Research & Development (R&D) Expenses: R&D expenses were
and$15.3 million for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024, respectively, compared to$60.9 million and$12.2 million for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2023, respectively. The increase in R&D for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 was primarily driven by an increase in Rett syndrome clinical trial costs, employee-related expenses due to an increase in headcount, and preclinical costs related to Neurogene’s EXACT gene therapy pipeline.$44.4 million -
General & Administrative (G&A) Expenses: G&A expenses were
and$6.2 million for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024, respectively, compared to$22.6 million and$2.5 million for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2023, respectively. The increase in G&A expenses for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 was primarily driven by an increase in employee-related expenses due to an increase in headcount, professional fees, and office-related and other corporate expenses.$11.2 million -
Net Income and Net Loss: Net loss was
for the three months ended December 31, 2024, and$19.5 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, respectively, compared to net income of$75.1 million and net loss of$2.4 million for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2023, respectively. Net income for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023 included a one-time$36.3 million bargain purchase gain related to the reverse merger.$16.4 million
About Neurogene
The mission of Neurogene is to treat devastating neurological diseases to improve the lives of patients and families impacted by these rare diseases. Neurogene is developing novel approaches and treatments to address the limitations of conventional gene therapy in central nervous system disorders. This includes selecting a delivery approach to maximize distribution to target tissues and designing products to maximize potency and purity for an optimized efficacy and safety profile. The Company’s novel and proprietary EXACT™ transgene regulation platform technology allows for the delivery of therapeutic levels while limiting transgene toxicity associated with conventional gene therapy. Neurogene has constructed a state-of-the-art gene therapy manufacturing facility in
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. Neurogene does not undertake any obligation to make any updates to these statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that arise after the date of this press release, except as may be required under applicable
Statements in this press release which are not historical in nature are intended to be, and hereby are identified as, forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may discuss goals, intentions and expectations as to future plans, trends, events, results of operations or financial condition, or otherwise, based on current expectations and beliefs of the management of Neurogene, as well as assumptions made by, and information currently available to, management of Neurogene, including, but not limited to, statements regarding: the therapeutic potential and utility, efficacy and clinical benefits of
This communication contains hyperlinks to information that is not deemed to be incorporated by reference into this communication.
- Financial Tables Follow -
Neurogene Inc. Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet Data
(In thousands of |
December 31, 2024 |
December 31, 2023 |
Assets | |||||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ |
136,586 |
$ |
148,210 |
Short-term Investments |
175,819 |
48,947 |
Other current assets |
3,518 |
3,191 |
Non-current assets |
19,807 |
22,225 |
Total assets | $ |
335,730 |
$ |
222,573 |
Liabilities | |||||
Current liabilities |
15,157 |
22,973 |
Non-current liabilities |
10,198 |
13,576 |
Total liabilities |
25,355 |
36,549 |
Stockholders' equity |
310,375 |
186,024 |
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity | $ |
335,730 |
$ |
222,573 |
Neurogene Inc. Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(In thousands of |
Year Ended December 31, | |||||||||||
2024 |
2023 |
Revenue under licensing agreements | $ |
925 |
$ |
— |
Operating expenses: | |||||||||||
Research and development expenses |
60,917 |
44,394 |
General and administrative expenses |
22,613 |
11,189 |
Total operating expenses |
83,530 |
55,583 |
Loss from operations |
(82,605) |
(55,583) |
Other income, net |
7,461 |
2,911 |
Bargain purchase gain |
— |
16,355 |
Net loss | $ |
(75,144) |
$ |
(36,317) |
Pre-Merger | Post-Merger | ||||||||||
Per share information (1): | (a) | (b) | (c) | ||||||||
Net income (loss) per share, basic | $ |
(4,28) |
$ |
(117,28) |
$ |
— |
$ |
(27,76) |
Weighted-average shares outstanding used in computing net income (loss) per share, basic |
17,567,082 |
426,097 |
— |
491,867 |
Net income (loss) per share, diluted | $ |
(4,28) |
$ |
(117,28) |
$ |
— |
$ |
2,93 |
Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding, basic and diluted |
17,567,082 |
426,097 |
— |
4,656,947 |
(1) On December 18, 2023, the Company completed its reverse merger, which among other things, resulted in Neurogene OpCo merging with and into a wholly owned subsidiary of Neoleukin Therapeutics, Inc. As the earnings per share information for the pre-merger period is not comparable to the earnings per share information for the post-merger period, the earnings per share information is being presented separately for these periods. See Note 3, Net Income (Loss) Per share, for additional information. | |||||||||||
(a) Presents information for the pre-merger period for Class A common stock. The pre-merger period is January 1, 2023 through December 17, 2023 for the year ended December 31, 2023. | |||||||||||
(b) Presents information for the pre-merger period for Class B common stock. The pre-merger period is January 1, 2023 through December 17, 2023 for the year ended December 31, 2023. | |||||||||||
(c) Presents information for the post-merger period for common stock. The post-merger period is December 18, 2023 through December 31, 2023. |
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Company Contact:
Cara Mayfield
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Investor Contact:
Melissa Forst
Argot Partners
Source: Neurogene Inc.