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New Gold Inc. (TSX: NGD) (NYSE American: NGD) reported a fatal accident at its Rainy River Mine in northwestern Ontario on July 24, 2024. An employee operating equipment in the open pit was fatally injured. The company has voluntarily suspended operations and is cooperating with local authorities in an ongoing investigation. New Gold emphasizes that the health, safety, and wellbeing of its employees is its top priority. Management has expressed condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues affected by this tragic incident. The company will provide updates as more information becomes available.

New Gold Inc. (TSX: NGD) (NYSE American: NGD) ha riportato un incidente fatale presso la sua Rainy River Mine nel nord-ovest dell'Ontario il 24 luglio 2024. Un dipendente che operava attrezzature nella miniera a cielo aperto è rimasto gravemente ferito. L'azienda ha sospeso volontariamente le operazioni e sta collaborando con le autorità locali in un'indagine in corso. New Gold sottolinea che la salute, la sicurezza e il benessere dei suoi dipendenti sono la sua massima priorità. La direzione ha espresso le proprie condoglianze alla famiglia, agli amici e ai colleghi colpiti da questo tragico incidente. L'azienda fornirà aggiornamenti non appena saranno disponibili ulteriori informazioni.

New Gold Inc. (TSX: NGD) (NYSE American: NGD) informó sobre un accidente fatal en su mina Rainy River en el noroeste de Ontario el 24 de julio de 2024. Un empleado que operaba equipos en la mina a cielo abierto resultó gravemente herido. La empresa ha suspendido voluntariamente las operaciones y está cooperando con las autoridades locales en una investigación en curso. New Gold enfatiza que la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de sus empleados es su máxima prioridad. La dirección ha expresado sus condolencias a la familia, amigos y colegas afectados por este trágico incidente. La empresa ofrecerá actualizaciones a medida que se disponga de más información.

뉴골드 주식회사 (TSX: NGD) (NYSE American: NGD)는 2024년 7월 24일 온타리오 주 북서부에 위치한 레인리버 광산에서 치명적인 사고가 발생했다고 보고했습니다. 노천 채굴장에서 장비를 조작 중이던 한 직원이 치명적인 부상을 입었습니다. 회사는 자발적으로 작업을 중단했으며, 현재 진행 중인 조사에 대해 지역 당국과 협력하고 있습니다. 뉴골드는 직원들의 건강, 안전 및 복지가 최우선 과제임을 강조합니다. 경영진은 이 비극적인 사건의 영향을 받은 가족, 친구, 동료들에게 애도의 뜻을 전했습니다. 회사는 더 많은 정보가 확보되는 대로 업데이트를 제공할 것입니다.

New Gold Inc. (TSX: NGD) (NYSE American: NGD) a signalé un accident mortel survenu dans sa mine Rainy River au nord-ouest de l'Ontario le 24 juillet 2024. Un employé opérant des équipements dans la mine à ciel ouvert a été mortellement blessé. L'entreprise a suspendu volontairement ses opérations et collabore avec les autorités locales dans une enquête en cours. New Gold souligne que la santé, la sécurité et le bien-être de ses employés sont sa priorité absolue. La direction a présenté ses condoléances à la famille, aux amis et aux collègues affectés par cet incident tragique. L'entreprise fournira des mises à jour dès que de plus amples informations seront disponibles.

New Gold Inc. (TSX: NGD) (NYSE Amerikanisch: NGD) meldete am 24. Juli 2024 einen tödlichen Unfall in seiner Rainy River Mine im nordwestlichen Ontario. Ein Mitarbeiter, der Geräte im Tagebau bediente, wurde tödlich verletzt. Das Unternehmen hat die Arbeiten freiwillig eingestellt und arbeitet mit den örtlichen Behörden bei den laufenden Ermittlungen zusammen. New Gold betont, dass die Gesundheit, Sicherheit und das Wohlbefinden seiner Mitarbeiter oberste Priorität haben. Das Management hat den Angehörigen, Freunden und Kollegen, die von diesem tragischen Vorfall betroffen sind, sein Beileid ausgesprochen. Das Unternehmen wird Aktualisierungen bereitstellen, sobald weitere Informationen verfügbar sind.

  • None.
  • Fatal accident at Rainy River Mine
  • Operations voluntarily suspended
  • Potential impact on production and financial performance
  • Possible regulatory scrutiny and safety reviews

This tragic incident at New Gold's Rainy River Mine is a stark reminder of the inherent risks in the mining industry. The fatality of an employee operating equipment in the open pit raises serious questions about the company's safety protocols and risk management strategies.

From a safety perspective, this event could have significant implications:

  • Regulatory scrutiny: Expect increased oversight from mining safety authorities, potentially leading to more rigorous inspections and audits.
  • Operational impact: The voluntary suspension of operations will likely affect production targets and financial performance in the short term.
  • Safety culture review: New Gold will need to conduct a comprehensive review of its safety practices, potentially leading to increased investment in safety measures and training.
  • Reputation damage: Such incidents can harm a company's reputation, affecting investor confidence and potentially impacting future hiring and community relations.

For investors, this news warrants close attention. While the immediate financial impact may be to the temporary suspension of operations, the long-term consequences could be more substantial. Mining companies with strong safety records tend to outperform their peers, as they face fewer disruptions and regulatory challenges.

New Gold's response to this tragedy will be crucial. Investors should watch for:

  • Transparency in the investigation process
  • Concrete steps taken to prevent similar incidents in the future
  • Any changes in senior management or safety leadership roles
  • Potential revisions to the company's ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) policies

While it's too early to determine the full impact of this event, it underscores the importance of robust safety measures in high-risk industries like mining. Investors should carefully evaluate New Gold's handling of this crisis and its commitment to employee safety as key factors in assessing the company's long-term prospects.

New Gold Logo (CNW Group/New Gold Inc.)

TORONTO, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - New Gold Inc. ("New Gold" or the "Company") (TSX: NGD) (NYSE American: NGD) deeply regrets that early this morning, July 24th, 2024, an employee operating a piece of equipment in the open pit was fatally injured at the Rainy River Mine in northwestern Ontario.

The health, safety and wellbeing of our employees is our top priority. The Company is working closely with local authorities and an investigation is underway. Operations have been voluntarily suspended. The thoughts of management are with the family, friends and colleagues who have been impacted by this tragic incident.

The Company will provide additional information as appropriate.

About New Gold 
New Gold is a Canadian-focused intermediate mining company with a portfolio of two core producing assets in Canada, the Rainy River gold mine and the New Afton copper-gold mine. The Company also holds other Canadian-focused investments. New Gold's vision is to build a leading diversified intermediate gold company based in Canada that is committed to the environment and social responsibility. For further information on the Company, visit   

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SOURCE New Gold Inc.


What happened at New Gold's Rainy River Mine on July 24, 2024?

On July 24, 2024, an employee operating equipment in the open pit at New Gold's Rainy River Mine in northwestern Ontario was fatally injured.

How has New Gold (NGD) responded to the fatal accident at Rainy River Mine?

New Gold (NGD) has voluntarily suspended operations at Rainy River Mine, is cooperating with local authorities in an investigation, and has expressed condolences to those affected by the incident.

Will the fatal accident at Rainy River Mine affect New Gold's (NGD) production?

The voluntary suspension of operations at Rainy River Mine following the fatal accident may impact New Gold's (NGD) production, but the extent is not yet known.

What safety measures does New Gold (NGD) have in place at its mines?

While specific details aren't provided in the press release, New Gold (NGD) states that the health, safety, and wellbeing of employees is their top priority. The incident may lead to a review of existing safety protocols.

New Gold Inc.


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