Nuclear Fuels Releases Technical Report for the Kaycee Uranium Project

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Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) has released a NI 43-101 Technical Report for its Kaycee In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Uranium Project in Wyoming's Powder River Basin. The report, prepared by WWC Engineering, identifies an exploration target of 11.5 to 30 million pounds of uranium (U3O8) at average grades of 0.06% to 0.10%. Key highlights include:

  • Approximately 430 miles of roll fronts identified
  • Multiple stacked roll fronts in three uranium-hosting stratigraphic formations
  • Potential for ISR extraction based on historical metallurgical tests
  • Eleven areas of historical uranium resources at depths ranging from less than 50 to 1,300 feet

The report recommends continuing the current drilling program and preparing a classified mineral resource estimate. The Kaycee Project covers over 55 square miles with a 36-mile mineralized trend, representing the first time since the early 1980s that the entire district is controlled by one company.

Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) ha pubblicato un Rapporto Tecnico NI 43-101 per il suo Progetto di Recupero In-Situ (ISR) di Uranio Kaycee nel Bacino del Powder River, Wyoming. Il rapporto, redatto da WWC Engineering, identifica un target di esplorazione di 11,5 a 30 milioni di libbre di uranio (U3O8) con gradi medi dello 0,06% allo 0,10%. I punti salienti includono:

  • Circa 430 miglia di fronti di rotolo identificati
  • Molteplici fronti di rotolo sovrapposti in tre formazioni stratigrafiche ospitanti uranio
  • Potenziale per estrazione ISR basata su test metallurgici storici
  • Undici aree di risorse storiche di uranio a profondità che variano da meno di 50 a 1.300 piedi

Il rapporto raccomanda di continuare il programma di perforazione attuale e di preparare una stima classificata delle risorse minerarie. Il Progetto Kaycee copre oltre 55 miglia quadrate con un trend mineralizzato di 36 miglia, rappresentando la prima volta dai primi anni '80 che l'intero distretto è controllato da un'unica azienda.

Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) ha publicado un Informe Técnico NI 43-101 para su Proyecto de Recuperación In-Situ (ISR) de Uranio Kaycee en la Cuenca del Powder River, Wyoming. El informe, elaborado por WWC Engineering, identifica un objetivo de exploración de 11,5 a 30 millones de libras de uranio (U3O8) con grados promedio del 0,06% al 0,10%. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Aproximadamente 430 millas de frentes de rodillo identificados
  • Múltiples frentes de rodillo apilados en tres formaciones estratigráficas que contienen uranio
  • Potencial para la extracción ISR basado en pruebas metalúrgicas históricas
  • Once áreas de recursos históricos de uranio a profundidades que varían de menos de 50 a 1.300 pies

El informe recomienda continuar con el programa de perforación actual y preparar una estimación clasificada de recursos minerales. El Proyecto Kaycee cubre más de 55 millas cuadradas con una tendencia mineralizada de 36 millas, representando la primera vez desde principios de los 80 que todo el distrito está controlado por una sola empresa.

Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF)는 와이오밍 파우더 리버 분지에 있는 케이시 현장 회수 (ISR) 우라늄 프로젝트에 대한 NI 43-101 기술 보고서를 발표했습니다. WWC Engineering이 작성한 이 보고서는 11.5에서 30백만 파운드의 우라늄 (U3O8) 탐사 목표를 평균 0.06%에서 0.10%의 품질로 식별합니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 약 430마일의 롤 프론트 식별됨
  • 세 개의 우라늄 호스트 층에서 여러 개의 중첩된 롤 프론트
  • 역사적인 금속 테스트에 기반한 ISR 추출 가능성
  • 50피트에서 1,300피트 깊이까지의 역사적인 우라늄 자원 11곳

보고서는 현재의 시추 프로그램을 계속하고 분류된 광물 자원 추정치를 준비할 것을 권장합니다. 케이시 프로젝트는 55평방 마일 이상을 차지하며 36마일의 광물화 경향을 나타내며, 이는 1980년대 초 이후 처음으로 전체 구역이 하나의 회사에 의해 제어되고 있음을 나타냅니다.

Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) a publié un rapport technique NI 43-101 pour son projet d'extraction in situ (ISR) d'uranium Kaycee dans le bassin du Powder River, Wyoming. Le rapport, préparé par WWC Engineering, identifie un objectif d'exploration de 11,5 à 30 millions de livres d'uranium (U3O8) avec des teneurs moyennes de 0,06 % à 0,10 %. Les points forts incluent :

  • Environ 430 miles de fronts de rouleaux identifiés
  • Plusieurs fronts de rouleaux empilés dans trois formations stratigraphiques abritant de l'uranium
  • Potentiel d'extraction ISR basé sur des tests métallurgiques historiques
  • Onze zones de ressources historiques en uranium à des profondeurs variant de moins de 50 à 1 300 pieds

Le rapport recommande de poursuivre le programme de forage actuel et de préparer une estimation classifiée des ressources minérales. Le projet Kaycee couvre plus de 55 miles carrés avec une tendance minéralisée de 36 miles, représentant la première fois depuis le début des années 1980 que l'ensemble du district est contrôlé par une seule entreprise.

Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) hat einen NI 43-101 technischen Bericht für sein Kaycee In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Uranprojekt im Powder River Basin in Wyoming veröffentlicht. Der Bericht, der von WWC Engineering erstellt wurde, identifiziert ein Explorationsziel von 11,5 bis 30 Millionen Pfund Uran (U3O8) mit durchschnittlichen Gehalten von 0,06% bis 0,10%. Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

  • Ungefähr 430 Meilen identifizierte Rollfronten
  • Mehrere übereinanderliegende Rollfronten in drei uranhaltigen stratigraphischen Formationen
  • Potenzial für ISR-Extraktion basierend auf historischen metallurgischen Tests
  • Elf historische Uranressourcengebiete in Tiefen von weniger als 50 bis 1.300 Fuß

Der Bericht empfiehlt, das laufende Bohrprogramm fortzusetzen und eine klassifizierte Schätzung der Mineralressourcen vorzubereiten. Das Kaycee-Projekt umfasst mehr als 55 Quadratmeilen mit einem mineralisierten Trend von 36 Meilen, was das erste Mal seit den frühen 1980er Jahren ist, dass das gesamte Gebiet von einem einzigen Unternehmen kontrolliert wird.

  • Exploration target of 11.5 to 30 million pounds of uranium identified
  • 430 miles of roll fronts mapped, up from previously outlined 110 miles
  • Potential for ISR extraction, which is economical and environmentally responsible
  • Project covers 55 square miles with a 36-mile mineralized trend
  • All three known historically productive sandstone formations are mineralized and potentially accessible for ISR extraction
  • Only 10% of the mapped redox trends have been explored with close-spaced drilling
  • Mineral resource estimate not yet prepared, contingent on positive drilling results

Exploration Target Identified of 11.5 to 30 Million Pounds

VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Nuclear Fuels Inc. (CSE: NF) (OTCQX: NFUNF) ("Nuclear Fuels" or the "Company") today released a NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Kaycee In-Situ Recovery ("ISR") Uranium Project located in Wyoming's Powder River Basin.  The Technical Report, prepared by WWC Engineering, has identified an exploration target of 11.5 to 30 million pounds of uranium ("U3O8") supported by available historical data from previous operators and recent exploration recently conducted by Nuclear Fuels.

Significant highlights of the Technical Report include:

  • An exploration target of 11.5 to 30 million pounds uranium ("U3O8) at average grades of 0.06% to 0.10%;
  • A more extensive, in-depth review of historical data identified approximately 430 miles of roll fronts, an increase from the +110 miles previously outlined.  Approximately 10% of the mapped redox trends have been explored with close-spaced drilling;
  • The identification of the presence of multiple stacked roll fronts in each of the three stratigraphic formations that are known to host uranium mineralization;
  • Indication the uranium mineralization lying under the water table may be amenable to In-Situ Recovery ("ISR"), based on historical metallurgical and mineral processing test work.  ISR is an economical and environmentally responsible means of extracting uranium through wellfield technology and the use of oxygenated water, eliminating the use of conventional mining techniques;
  • Details regarding the eleven (11) reported areas of historical uranium resources occurring at depths that range from less than 50 to 1,300 feet with a shallow water table typically lying between 50 and 250 feet.
  • The Technical Report recommended that the Company should continue the current drilling program to delineate mineralization and explore for additional mineralized areas on the Project.  In addition, the Technical Report recommended that the Company should prepare a classified mineral resource estimate for the Project, contingent on positive results of the drilling program.   

To view project maps please visit:

Greg Huffman, Chief Executive Officer, stated: "We are experiencing a nuclear renaissance and significantly increased uranium activity in the region, including the announced planned restart of the ISR operations immediately to the east of Kaycee Project. The Kaycee Technical Report provides an exploration target which potentially represents a new uranium resource in Wyoming's prolific Powder River Basin. The Technical Report, combined with encouraging results from our ongoing drill program,  increases our confidence that the Kaycee project has the potential to emerge as another uranium development project in the Powder River Basin."

Methodology to estimate an exploration target range based on historical data includes: 

  • Average grade and thickness for the mineralized zones in the Wasatch and Fort Union formations were calculated based on the historical data;
  • Grade-Thickness calculated as weighted averages based on the number of drillholes in the various mineralized zones.  Grade Thickness ("GT"), is defined as the product of the uranium grade (U3O8%) multiplied by the thickness of the intercept (in feet).  In the Powder River Basin of Wyoming, potentially ISR- recoverable uranium mineralization with a GT of greater than 0.20 is considered suitable for inclusion in a potential wellfield;
  • Outlines of the historically mapped mineralized areas were digitized with the area and length of the mineralized zones calculated;
  • The average width of the mineralized zones was established by dividing the area of the mineralized zones by their length;
  • The average width for each formation was multiplied by the length of the roll front trends to estimate the total area of mineralized trend for each formation;  
  • Mineralization does not occur along the entire roll front trend; therefore, a Trend Mineralization Factor was calculated for the Wasatch and Fort Union formations by dividing the length of the historically mapped mineralized zones by the total roll front trend length for each mineralized zone;
  • The weighted average GT and Trend Mineralization Factor for the Wasatch and Fort Union formations was used for the purposes of calculating an exploration target in the Lance Formation.

Kaycee ISR Uranium Project Exploration Target1

Kaycee ISR Uranium Project Exploration Target (CNW Group/Nuclear Fuels Inc.)

The Kaycee Technical Report can be found on the Nuclear Fuels website at:

Kaycee Uranium Project, Wyoming

The Kaycee Project in Wyoming's Powder River Basin ("PRB"), Nuclear Fuels' priority project, consists of over 55 square miles of mineral rights over a 36-mile mineralized trend hosting approximately 430 miles of identified roll fronts. The Kaycee Project is believed to be the only project in the PRB where all three known historically productive sandstone formations (Wasatch, Fort Union, and Lance) are mineralized and potentially accessible for ISR extraction. The Kaycee Project, under Nuclear Fuels, represents the first time since the early 1980's that the entire district is controlled by one company.  

In 2023, Nuclear Fuels acquired the Kaycee Project from enCore Energy Corp., which retains a back-in right for 51% of the project by paying 2.5X the exploration costs and financing the Kaycee project to production (costs recoverable from production) upon Nuclear Fuels establishing a minimum 15 million pound uranium 43-101 compliant resource.

Wyoming is a proven and prolific uranium producer with a pro-energy government and established regulatory regime for the permitting and extraction of uranium through ISR technology.  Wyoming is one of the few "Agreement States" hosting ISR uranium deposits, where the federal government and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have ceded regulatory authority to the state government, making permitting and advancing uranium projects more efficient and streamlined as compared to most other states. Wyoming, with over 250 million pounds of historic uranium production, ranks as the state with the second most uranium production to date, most of which has been through the ISR technology since 1990, predominantly from the PRB.

The NI 3-101 Technical Report will be made available on SEDAR and the Company's website within the time prescribed by NI 43-101. The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Christopher McDowell, MBA, P.G., a Project Manager with WWC Engineering, independent of Nuclear Fuels and a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mark Travis, CPG., a contractor to the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

About Nuclear Fuels Inc.

Nuclear Fuels Inc. is a uranium exploration company advancing early-stage, district-scale In-Situ Recovery ("ISR") amenable uranium projects towards production in the United States of America. Leveraging extensive proprietary historical databases and deep industry expertise, Nuclear Fuels is well-positioned in a sector poised for significant and sustained growth in a nuclear renaissance. Nuclear Fuels has consolidated the Kaycee Wyoming district under single-company control for the first time since the early 1980s. Currently executing its second drill program at the Kaycee Project, the Company aims to expand on historic resources across a 35-mile trend with over 430 miles of mapped roll-fronts defined by 3,800 drill holes. The Company's strategic relationship with enCore Energy Corp., America's Clean Energy Company™, offers a mutually beneficial "pathway to production," with enCore retaining the right to back  in to 51% ownership in the flagship Kaycee Project in Wyoming's prolific Powder River Basin.

1 NI 43-101 Technical Report - Kaycee Uranium Project WWC Engineering September 6, 2024.

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Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "anticipate", "expect", "potential", "believe", "intend" or the negative of these terms and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements relating to planned exploration programs and the results of additional exploration work in seeking to establish mineral resources as defined in NI43-101 on any of our properties. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation, risks associated with the completing planned exploration programs and the results of those programs; the ability to access additional capital to fund planned and future operations; regulatory risks including exploration permitting; risks associated with title to our mineral projects; the ability of the company to implement its business strategies; and other risks including risks contained in documents available for review at under the Company's profile. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

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What is the exploration target for the Kaycee Uranium Project (NFUNF)?

The NI 43-101 Technical Report identifies an exploration target of 11.5 to 30 million pounds of uranium (U3O8) at average grades of 0.06% to 0.10% for the Kaycee Uranium Project.

How many miles of roll fronts were identified in the Kaycee Project (NFUNF)?

The Technical Report identified approximately 430 miles of roll fronts in the Kaycee Uranium Project, an increase from the previously outlined 110 miles.

What extraction method is potentially suitable for the Kaycee Uranium Project (NFUNF)?

Based on historical metallurgical and mineral processing test work, the uranium mineralization may be amenable to In-Situ Recovery (ISR) extraction, which is considered economical and environmentally responsible.

How many stratigraphic formations host uranium mineralization in the Kaycee Project (NFUNF)?

The Kaycee Project hosts uranium mineralization in three stratigraphic formations: Wasatch, Fort Union, and Lance. It is believed to be the only project in the Powder River Basin where all three are mineralized and potentially accessible for ISR extraction.

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