Exploits: Visible Gold at Saddle Zone Extends Strike and Lateral Continuity

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Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) reports assay results from three diamond drill holes at the Saddle Zone within its Bullseye property in Central Newfoundland. Highlights include:

- BE-24-022: 1.60 g/t Au over 2.05m at ~73m depth, and 3.92 g/t Au over 0.45m at ~84m depth
- BE-24-024: 1.48 g/t Au over 0.65m and 3.68 g/t Au over 0.50m (with visible gold) at ~165-166m depth

The Saddle Zone remains open in all directions. CEO Jeff Swinoga states these results confirm the gold mineralization system extends beyond the previously reported high-grade intersection of 67.55 g/t gold over 3.3 metres. The company is now designing follow-up drill plans and completing a till-sampling program at its Gazeebow property.

Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) riporta i risultati delle analisi provenienti da tre fori di perforazione a diamante nella Zona Saddle all'interno della sua proprietà Bullseye, nel Newfoundland centrale. I punti salienti includono:

- BE-24-022: 1.60 g/t Au su 2.05 m a ~73 m di profondità, e 3.92 g/t Au su 0.45 m a ~84 m di profondità
- BE-24-024: 1.48 g/t Au su 0.65 m e 3.68 g/t Au su 0.50 m (con oro visibile) a ~165-166 m di profondità

La Zona Saddle rimane aperta in tutte le direzioni. Il CEO Jeff Swinoga afferma che questi risultati confermano che il sistema di mineralizzazione dell'oro si estende oltre l'intersezione ad alto grado precedentemente riportata di 67.55 g/t d'oro su 3.3 metri. L'azienda sta ora progettando piani di perforazione di follow-up e completando un programma di campionamento del suolo presso la sua proprietà Gazeebow.

Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) informa sobre los resultados de los análisis de tres perforaciones con diamante en la Zona Saddle dentro de su propiedad Bullseye en la parte central de Newfoundland. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

- BE-24-022: 1.60 g/t Au sobre 2.05 m a ~73 m de profundidad, y 3.92 g/t Au sobre 0.45 m a ~84 m de profundidad
- BE-24-024: 1.48 g/t Au sobre 0.65 m y 3.68 g/t Au sobre 0.50 m (con oro visible) a ~165-166 m de profundidad

La Zona Saddle permanece abierta en todas las direcciones. El CEO Jeff Swinoga declara que estos resultados confirman que el sistema de mineralización de oro se extiende más allá de la intersección de alta ley reportada anteriormente de 67.55 g/t de oro sobre 3.3 metros. La empresa está ahora diseñando planes de perforación de seguimiento y completando un programa de muestreo en su propiedad Gazeebow.

Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF)는 중앙 뉴펀들랜드의 Bullseye 소유지 내의 Saddle Zone에서 세 개의 다이아몬드 굴삭공 시료 분석 결과를 보고합니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- BE-24-022: 1.60 g/t Au, 깊이 약 73m에서 2.05m 구간, 그리고 깊이 약 84m에서 3.92 g/t Au, 0.45m 구간
- BE-24-024: 깊이 약 165-166m에서 0.65m 구간에 대해 1.48 g/t Au 및 눈에 보이는 금과 함께 0.50m 구간에서 3.68 g/t Au

Saddle Zone은 모든 방향으로 열려 있습니다. CEO Jeff Swinoga는 이러한 결과가 금 광물화 시스템이 이전에 보고된 67.55 g/t 금의 고급 교차점보다 더 확장됨을 확인한다고 말합니다. 회사는 현재 후속 굴삭 계획을 설계하고 Gazeebow 소유지에서 토양 샘플링 프로그램을 완료하고 있습니다.

Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) annonce les résultats des analyses de trois forages diamant dans la Zone Saddle, située au sein de sa propriété Bullseye au Canada, à Terre-Neuve centrale. Les points saillants incluent :

- BE-24-022 : 1.60 g/t Au sur 2.05 m à environ 73 m de profondeur, et 3.92 g/t Au sur 0.45 m à environ 84 m de profondeur
- BE-24-024 : 1.48 g/t Au sur 0.65 m et 3.68 g/t Au sur 0.50 m (avec de l'or visible) à environ 165-166 m de profondeur

La Zone Saddle reste ouverte dans toutes les directions. Le PDG Jeff Swinoga déclare que ces résultats confirment que le système de minéralisation de l'or s'étend au-delà de l'intersection à haute teneur précédemment rapportée de 67.55 g/t d'or sur 3.3 mètres. L'entreprise conçoit maintenant des plans de forage de suivi et termine un programme d'échantillonnage des tills sur sa propriété Gazeebow.

Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) berichtet über die Analysenergebnisse aus drei Diamantbohrungen in der Saddle Zone innerhalb ihrer Bullseye-Eigentum in Zentral-Neufundland. Die Highlights umfassen:

- BE-24-022: 1.60 g/t Au über 2.05 m bei ca. 73 m Tiefe und 3.92 g/t Au über 0.45 m bei ca. 84 m Tiefe
- BE-24-024: 1.48 g/t Au über 0.65 m und 3.68 g/t Au über 0.50 m (mit sichtbarem Gold) bei ca. 165-166 m Tiefe

Die Saddle Zone bleibt in alle Richtungen offen. CEO Jeff Swinoga erklärt, dass diese Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass das Goldmineralisierungssystem über die previously reported high-grade intersection von 67.55 g/t Gold über 3.3 Meter hinaus reicht. Das Unternehmen entwirft jetzt Nachfolgebohrpläne und führt ein Bodenprobenprogramm auf seinem Gazeebow-Eigentum durch.

  • Discovery of a new gold zone called Saddle
  • Gold mineralization system extends beyond previously reported high-grade intersection
  • Saddle Zone remains open in all directions, indicating potential for further expansion
  • Company is well-funded with large supporting shareholders like Eric Sprott and New Found Gold
  • Drill hole BE-24-023 reported no significant values (NSV)

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 27, 2024) - Exploits Discovery Corp. (CSE: NFLD) (OTCQB: NFLDF) (FSE: 634) ("Exploits" or the "Company") is pleased to report assay results from the remaining three diamond drill holes recently completed at the Saddle Zone situated within the Company's Bullseye property.

The Saddle Zone is in the vicinity of the Company's drill hole # BE-23-028, near the Appleton Fault Zone (AFZ) in Central Newfoundland. In 2023, Exploits' drilling program intersected several clusters of quartz veining within an 18 metre interval of core (refer to hole # BE-23-028 assays within a news release dated August 14, 2023). In June 2024, follow-up drilling encountered coarse visible gold in hole BE-24-015 which generated a 254.08 g/t Au intercept over a 0.8 m core sample (see Press Release dated July 15, 2024).
Drill holes BE-24-022 and 023 were designed to extend the mineralization intersected in hole BE-24-015 along strike and provide additional lateral continuity to the mineralized zone. BE-24-024 was designed to test the potential connection of the mineralization intersected in drill holes BE-24-013 and 014 with BE-24-015.

Highlights Include:

  • BE-24-022:
    • Intersected 1.60 g/t Au over 2.05 m core-length, located at a vertical depth of approximately 73 m below surface.
      • Including 1.26 g/t Au contribution from a 0.65 m sample
      • Including 1.76 g/t Au contribution from a 1.40 m sample
    • Intersected 3.92 g/t Au over 0.45 m core-length, located at a vertical depth of approximately 84 m below surface.

  • BE-24-024:
    • Intersected 1.48 g/t Au over 0.65 m core-length, located at a vertical depth of approximately 165 m below surface.
    • Intersected 3.68 g/t Au over 0.50 m core-length, located at a vertical depth of approximately 166 m below surface. Fine-grained visible gold noted.
  • Drill holes within the Saddle Zone are currently being surveyed by DGI Geoscience with their proprietary downhole Televiewer tool to assist with the final structural-orientation interpretation of this zone.

  • Current interpretation of 2023-2024 logging observations and these assay results suggest that the Saddle Zone remains open in all directions.

Jeff Swinoga, President and CEO, comments, "We are pleased that our Phase 3 drill program discovered a new gold zone which we have called Saddle. These remaining drill results confirm the gold mineralization system extends beyond the previously reported central high grade gold mineralization that reported initial results of 67.55 g/t gold over 3.3 metres.

Our all-local talented team are now focused on designing follow-up drill plans utilizing their logging insights coupled with downhole Televiewer data. Meanwhile, to the north, our till-sampling program at our large Gazeebow property is 80% complete. Results from this program are expected in the coming months. With 10 kms of claims on the Appleton Fault Zone, we remain well-funded with large supporting shareholders such as Eric Sprott and New Found Gold, our goal is to be the next large successful gold exploration company in the beautiful Province of Newfoundland and Labrador."

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Figure 1: Plan map of Bullseye property; recent collars from drilling at the Saddle Zone are shown in red; previously released drill-collars shown in white.

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Figure 2: Simplified cross section (looking north) of drilling at the Saddle Zone. The plotted large discs with corresponding yellow text indicate assay values (Au g/t) from current release; white text are results from past 2024 releases. The smaller discs indicate previously released assay values encountered in drill hole BE-23-028.

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Table 1: Select drill core assays. Additional samples are being collected.

2024 Bullseye Drilling - Selected Assays
Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Vertical Depth (m) Below SurfaceAnalysis Type Au Assay (ppb)* Au Assay (g/t) Au - Weighted Average Grade (g/t )* Comments

BE-24-02294.0094.650.65~73mFire Assay 1,260.00 1.26 1.60 g/t Au / 2.05m
94.6596.051.40 1,757.00 1.76
AND111.85112.300.45~84mFire Assay 3,918.00 3.92



BE-24-024242.60243.250.65~165mScreen-Met 1,475.00 1.48

AND244.20244.700.50~166mScreen-Met 3,684.00 3.68

*Assays reported direct from lab certificate. Screen-Met samples are 'Weighted Averaged ppb' as calculated from lab
**All intersections are core intervals and do not represent true thickness


Table 2: Drill collar data.

Bullseye - Collar Information for Reported Drill Holes

Hole IDEastingNorthingElevation (m)AzimuthDipLength (m)

Coordinates Reported in NAD-83


Bullseye Gold Property

The Bullseye claims were staked by Exploits in September 2022 and are contiguous to New Found Gold Corp.'s Queensway project. The claims are considered by the Company's geologists to be highly prospective because they directly overlay a 1,200 by 800 m segment of the AFZ and its related splay structures.

Quality Assurance - Quality Control ("QA/QC")

All prospective NQ core is logged and delineated for sampling by an Exploits' professional geologist. The core is subsequently halved by a diamond-bladed core saw by the Company's technicians with one half being placed in a bag with a unique sample identification. The remaining half core is retained within the Company's secure storage facility in Gander, NL. Sample bags are sealed and then shipped directly to Eastern Analytical Ltd. Certified standards and blanks are inserted at defined intervals following the Company's QA/QC documented procedures, representing approximately 5% of all samples sent for assaying. All core samples are currently analyzed at Eastern Analytical Ltd. of 403 Little Bay Road, Springdale, NL, a commercial laboratory that is ISO/IEC 17025 accredited and completely independent of Exploits. Samples are analyzed using fire assay (30g) with AA finish (Au-FAA 30 ppb process) and/or a four-acid digestion followed by multi-element ICP-OES analysis. All samples with visible gold or assaying above 10.0 g/t Au are further assayed using metallic screen to mitigate the presence of the nugget effect of coarse gold. Metallic screen assays are reported as 'Weighted Averaged ppb' directly calculated from the lab.

National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure

Ken Tylee, P.Geo., VP of Exploration with Exploits, is a qualified person within the Provinces of Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador as defined by NI 43-101 standards. Mr. Tylee has reviewed and approved the technical information presented herein.

About Exploits Discovery Corp.

Exploits is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition and development of mineral projects in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Exploits is utilizing its experienced, talented local team and geologic understanding with the vision to become one of the most successful explorers in Canada.

On Behalf of the Board

/s/ "Jeff Swinoga"
President and CEO

For more information, please contact:

Shanda Kilborn
VP, Corporate Development & Investor Relations
+1 (778) 819-2708

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as the term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy of accuracy of this news release.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements, which relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's current expectations and assumptions. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are neither promises nor guarantees, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ materially from those expected including, but not limited to, market conditions, availability of financing, actual results of the Company's exploration and other activities, environmental risks, future metal prices, operating risks, accidents, labor issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry. All the forward-looking statements made in this news release are qualified by these cautionary statements and those in our continuous disclosure filings available on SEDAR+ at These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and the Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances save as required by applicable law.


Exploits Discovery would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program from the Department of Natural Resources, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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What were the key gold intersections reported by Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) at the Saddle Zone?

The key intersections reported were 1.60 g/t Au over 2.05m and 3.92 g/t Au over 0.45m in hole BE-24-022, and 1.48 g/t Au over 0.65m and 3.68 g/t Au over 0.50m (with visible gold) in hole BE-24-024.

Where is the Saddle Zone located within Exploits Discovery Corp.'s (NFLDF) property?

The Saddle Zone is located within the Bullseye property, near the Appleton Fault Zone in Central Newfoundland.

What is the current status of the Saddle Zone mineralization according to Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF)?

According to the company, the Saddle Zone mineralization remains open in all directions, suggesting potential for further expansion of the gold system.

What other exploration activities is Exploits Discovery Corp. (NFLDF) currently conducting?

The company is completing a till-sampling program at its Gazeebow property, which is 80% complete, with results expected in the coming months.

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