New Found Intersects 300 g/t Au Over 5.1M and 215 g/t Au Over 5.2M at Keats With Phase I Trench Channel Samples
New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-V: NFG, NYSE-A: NFGC) has announced high-grade gold results from channel samples at the Keats Trench of its Queensway Project in Newfoundland. Highlights include 300 g/t Au over 5.1m and 215 g/t Au over 5.2m, confirming good continuity of high-grade mineralization. The trench exposed a 50m by 50m surface expression of a key high-grade corridor within the Keats-Baseline Fault Zone.
The Phase I channel sampling program covered a 200m long by 70m wide stripped bedrock surface with a 27-line sampling grid. A Phase II program is ongoing to increase sample density along high-grade veins. The company is also 80% complete with excavation at the Iceberg Trench, which will expose 220m of strike length over a 105m wide area.
New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-V: NFG, NYSE-A: NFGC) ha annunciato risultati di alta qualità d'oro da campioni a canale nel Keats Trench del suo progetto Queensway in Newfoundland. I punti salienti includono 300 g/t Au su 5.1m e 215 g/t Au su 5.2m, confermando una buona continuità della mineralizzazione ad alta grade. Il trench ha rivelato una superficie di 50m per 50m di un importante corridoio ad alta qualità all'interno della Zona della Frattura Keats-Baseline.
Il programma di campionamento a canale della Fase I ha coperto una superficie di roccia nuda lunga 200m e larga 70m con una griglia di campionamento di 27 linee. È in corso un programma di Fase II per aumentare la densità dei campioni lungo le vene ad alta qualità. L'azienda ha anche completato l'80% dello scavo nel Iceberg Trench, che esporrà 220m di lunghezza di strike su un'area larga 105m.
New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-V: NFG, NYSE-A: NFGC) ha anunciado resultados de oro de alta calidad de muestras de canal en el Keats Trench de su Proyecto Queensway en Newfoundland. Los aspectos destacados incluyen 300 g/t Au en 5.1m y 215 g/t Au en 5.2m, confirmando una buena continuidad de mineralización de alta ley. La trinchera expuso una expresión en superficie de 50m por 50m de un importante corredor de alta ley dentro de la Zona de Fallas Keats-Baseline.
El programa de muestreo por canal de la Fase I cubrió una superficie de roca desnuda de 200m de largo por 70m de ancho con una cuadrícula de muestreo de 27 líneas. Se está llevando a cabo un programa de Fase II para aumentar la densidad de las muestras a lo largo de las vetas de alta ley. La empresa también ha completado el 80% de las excavaciones en el Iceberg Trench, que expondrá 220m de longitud de strike sobre un área de 105m de ancho.
New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-V: NFG, NYSE-A: NFGC)는 뉴펀들랜드의 Queensway 프로젝트에 있는 Keats Trench에서 채널 샘플의 고품질 금 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 내용으로는 300 g/t Au의 5.1m 및 215 g/t Au의 5.2m가 포함되어 있으며, 고품질 광물질의 좋은 연속성을 확인했습니다. 이 트렌치는 Keats-Baseline 단층대의 중요한 고품질 코리도르의 50m x 50m 표면 표현을 드러냈습니다.
1단계 채널 샘플링 프로그램은 200m 길이와 70m 너비의 노출된 암석 표면을 27개 라인 샘플링 격자로 커버했습니다. 고품질 광맥을 따라 샘플 밀도를 증가시키기 위해 2단계 프로그램이 진행 중입니다. 이 회사는 또한 Iceberg Trench의 굴착 작업이 80% 완료되었으며, 이는 105m 너비의 영역에서 220m의 스트라이크 길이를 노출할 것입니다.
New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-V: NFG, NYSE-A: NFGC) a annoncé des résultats d'or de haute qualité provenant d'échantillons de canaux dans le Keats Trench de son projet Queensway à Terre-Neuve. Les points forts incluent 300 g/t Au sur 5,1 m et 215 g/t Au sur 5,2 m, confirmant une bonne continuité de la minéralisation hautement qualitative. Le trench a révélé une expression de surface de 50 m sur 50 m d'un corridor clé de haute qualité au sein de la zone de faille Keats-Baseline.
Le programme d'échantillonnage par canal de la Phase I a couvert une surface de roche dénudée de 200 m de long et 70 m de large avec un grille d'échantillonnage de 27 lignes. Un programme de Phase II est en cours pour augmenter la densité des échantillons le long des veines hautement qualitatives. L'entreprise a également terminé 80 % de l'excavation dans le Iceberg Trench, qui exposera 220 m de longueur de strike sur une zone de 105 m de large.
New Found Gold Corp. (TSX-V: NFG, NYSE-A: NFGC) hat hochwertige Goldresultate aus Kanalmuster im Keats-Trench seines Queensway-Projekts in Neufundland bekannt gegeben. Die Highlights umfassen 300 g/t Au über 5,1 m und 215 g/t Au über 5,2 m, was die gute Kontinuität der hochgradigen Mineralisierung bestätigt. Der Graben legte eine 50 m mal 50 m große Oberflächenausprägung eines wichtigen hochgradigen Korridors innerhalb der Keats-Baseline-Verwerfungszone frei.
Das Kanalprobenprogramm der Phase I umfasste eine 200 m lange und 70 m breite freigelegte Felsoberfläche mit einem 27-linigen Probenraster. Ein Phase-II-Programm ist im Gange, um die Probenanzahl entlang der hochgradigen Adern zu erhöhen. Das Unternehmen ist auch zu 80 % mit den Ausgrabungen im Iceberg-Trench fertig, der 220 m Streichenlänge über ein 105 m breites Gebiet freilegen wird.
- High-grade gold results from channel samples: 300 g/t Au over 5.1m and 215 g/t Au over 5.2m
- Confirmation of good continuity of high-grade mineralization at Keats Trench
- Exposure of a 50m by 50m surface expression of a key high-grade corridor
- Ongoing Phase II channel sampling program to increase sample density along high-grade veins
- 80% completion of excavation at Iceberg Trench, exposing 220m of strike length
- None.

Figure 1. Keats Trench plan map with the simplified geology, channel sample assay results and gold grade contours (Graphic: Business Wire)
Keats Trench Highlights:
Hole No. |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Interval (m) |
Au (g/t) |
Zone |
KM-24-01-11 |
14.93 |
16.98 |
2.05 |
10.87 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
15.43 |
16.18 |
0.75 |
27.80 |
And |
22.59 |
25.15 |
2.56 |
26.23 |
Including |
24.15 |
25.15 |
1.00 |
60.84 |
And |
30.03 |
34.91 |
4.88 |
7.35 |
Including |
30.03 |
30.93 |
0.90 |
37.65 |
And |
48.23 |
50.90 |
2.67 |
35.61 |
Including |
48.23 |
49.08 |
0.85 |
108.74 |
KM-24-01-12 |
20.77 |
25.98 |
5.21 |
214.97 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
20.77 |
21.67 |
0.90 |
14.72 |
And |
22.58 |
24.18 |
1.60 |
688.66 |
And Including |
22.58 |
23.58 |
1.00 |
1088 |
KM-24-01-13 |
32.58 |
39.13 |
6.55 |
27.70 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
33.23 |
33.98 |
0.75 |
37.14 |
Including |
35.68 |
36.23 |
0.55 |
263.48 |
KM-24-01-15 |
50.77 |
53.02 |
2.25 |
9.73 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
51.32 |
52.07 |
0.75 |
27.76 |
KM-24-01-16 |
17.50 |
31.20 |
13.70 |
10.38 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
19.25 |
20.20 |
0.95 |
128.71 |
And |
44.25 |
70.84 |
26.59 |
13.41 |
Including |
54.89 |
57.34 |
2.45 |
63.41 |
Including |
58.34 |
63.00 |
4.66 |
13.61 |
Including |
63.98 |
67.04 |
3.06 |
28.28 |
Including |
69.94 |
70.84 |
0.90 |
12.46 |
KM-24-01-17 |
18.33 |
32.40 |
14.07 |
3.77 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
25.80 |
27.00 |
1.20 |
16.82 |
Including |
27.85 |
28.60 |
0.75 |
10.88 |
And |
39.97 |
51.59 |
11.62 |
33.57 |
Including |
48.36 |
51.59 |
3.23 |
119.31 |
And |
56.70 |
62.37 |
5.67 |
19.04 |
Including |
59.39 |
61.77 |
2.38 |
43.62 |
And |
73.66 |
78.76 |
5.10 |
300.36 |
Including |
73.66 |
74.47 |
0.81 |
32.74 |
Including |
76.22 |
77.86 |
1.64 |
907.44 |
And Including |
76.22 |
77.02 |
0.80 |
1808 |
KM-24-01-18 |
35.85 |
52.45 |
16.60 |
38.88 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
38.35 |
41.45 |
3.10 |
44.53 |
Including |
44.60 |
46.80 |
2.20 |
221.00 |
Table 1: Keats Trench Channel Sample Highlights
True widths are generally estimated to be
- Today’s highlight channel intervals include 300 g/t Au over 5.10m, 215 g/t Au over 5.21m, 38.9 g/t Au over 16.60m, 13.4 g/t Au over 26.60m, 10.4 g/t Au over 13.70m, and 27.7 g/t Au over 6.55m, confirming good continuity of high-grade mineralization while comparing well with neighbouring drill holes and demonstrating the broad distribution of gold mineralization in this portion of the Keats Zone (Figure 1).
- Prior to trenching and channel sampling, the Keats Zone was fully obscured by overburden and defined entirely by diamond drilling. Exposing the bedrock surface and sampling it at this resolution represents an important step to fully understand the extent, distribution and variability of gold mineralization across this portion of the Keats Zone and provides insights that might apply to other areas of Keats that are not currently exposed or able to be assessed in this way. This new exposure has also enabled validation of the 3D geologic model, which controls, constrains, and dictates the geometries of gold mineralization at Queensway.
The Keats Zone is hosted within the Keats-Baseline Fault Zone (“KBFZ”), a high-grade gold bearing structure that has been defined over a current strike length of 1.9km averaging 50m wide. It is characterized by a damage zone containing gold-bearing quartz veins that form a network with varying orientations. The trenched surface gives a complete 2D picture, providing additional understanding of the gold system in the following ways:
- Exposed an approximately 50m by 50m surface expression of the key southwest plunging high-grade corridor within the KBFZ that has been drill defined over a length of over 500m. Detailed mapping has provided an increased understanding of its controls, which will be beneficial for future exploration targeting.
- Uncovered veins that were not well constrained by the drilling because of their oblique orientation in relation to the main drill orientation.
- Revealed additional peripheral low-grade gold mineralization currently not well represented in drilling and the existing model.
- This improved understanding along with the channel gold results are currently being incorporated into the Company’s 3D geological model which will extend the gold mineralization to the bedrock surface.
- The Phase I channel sampling program was completed over a stripped bedrock surface that is 200m long by 70m wide with a 27-line sampling grid spaced 7.5m apart, covering a total length of 1,782m that includes 2,200 individual samples.
- A Phase II channel sampling program is ongoing at Keats that is designed to increase the sample density along very high-grade veins to provide more certainty about grade variability of these domains. In addition, the Phase II program aims to better assess vein domains oblique to the systematic grid that were not adequately represented in the Phase I program.
Iceberg Trench Update:
- A surface trench at the Iceberg Zone was announced on July 3, 2024, with a plan to excavate between 1-12 metres of overburden that covers the projection of the Iceberg Zone at the bedrock surface, exposing 220m of strike length over a 105m wide area (Figure 3).
The Company is now
80% complete with excavation and plans to undertake a detailed analysis of the geological and structural models currently defined through drilling, as well as a detailed channel sampling program.
Greg Matheson, COO of New Found, stated: “Our approach at the Keats Trench has been to systematically test across the entire exposed surface to accurately map the extent of gold mineralization and determine with more certainty the distribution and variability of the gold contained within the mineralized domain. This is the highest density of assay data at Keats obtained to date and we are extremely pleased to see the broad widths of high-grade mineralization carrying across the exposure which is largely in line with modelled mineralization from the drilling program. The assay grade data from the trench is another key component to building our geologic understanding of the mineralization and structural controls at Keats. Given some of the elevated high-grade gold encountered, with many individual samples exceeding 100 g/t and some above 1,000 g/t, the team is now completing a second phase of channel sampling. This Phase II program will include a more targeted assessment of the high-grade components of Keats and cross veins that were not well tested in the first phase.
“Many of the key zones at Queensway extend to the bedrock surface and given some of the sensitivity surrounding these types of systems, it is fortunate that we are able to remove the overburden cover to study these zones in finite terms. We feel that uncovering both Keats and Iceberg will contribute significantly to the understanding of this gold system and future study work.
Channel Details
Hole No. |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Interval (m) |
Au (g/t) |
Zone |
KM-24-01-01 |
26.07 |
28.50 |
2.43 |
3.72 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-02 |
25.90 |
28.37 |
2.47 |
1.75 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
33.00 |
40.22 |
7.22 |
1.04 |
And |
41.89 |
44.22 |
2.33 |
1.01 |
And |
46.18 |
49.06 |
2.88 |
1.21 |
KM-24-01-03 |
1.90 |
4.54 |
2.64 |
1.78 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-04 |
29.49 |
31.74 |
2.25 |
2.95 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-05 |
11.57 |
14.14 |
2.57 |
2.74 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
26.87 |
29.11 |
2.24 |
2.69 |
KM-24-01-06 |
7.48 |
10.06 |
2.58 |
1.24 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-07 |
4.45 |
7.11 |
2.66 |
1.85 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
28.75 |
30.88 |
2.13 |
1.03 |
KM-24-01-08 |
No Significant Values |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-09 |
33.30 |
39.60 |
6.30 |
1.26 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
47.22 |
49.70 |
2.48 |
1.54 |
KM-24-01-10 |
13.12 |
15.79 |
2.67 |
1.36 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
35.13 |
39.51 |
4.38 |
2.78 |
KM-24-01-11 |
7.03 |
10.80 |
3.77 |
5.39 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
7.03 |
7.97 |
0.94 |
18.78 |
And |
14.93 |
16.98 |
2.05 |
10.87 |
Including |
15.43 |
16.18 |
0.75 |
27.80 |
And |
22.59 |
25.15 |
2.56 |
26.23 |
Including |
24.15 |
25.15 |
1.00 |
60.84 |
And |
30.03 |
34.91 |
4.88 |
7.35 |
Including |
30.03 |
30.93 |
0.90 |
37.65 |
And |
48.23 |
50.90 |
2.67 |
35.61 |
Including |
48.23 |
49.08 |
0.85 |
108.74 |
And |
58.86 |
61.07 |
2.21 |
1.90 |
KM-24-01-12 |
20.77 |
25.98 |
5.21 |
214.97 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
20.77 |
21.67 |
0.90 |
14.72 |
And |
22.58 |
24.18 |
1.60 |
688.66 |
And Including |
22.58 |
23.58 |
1.00 |
1088 |
And |
31.63 |
34.92 |
3.29 |
1.89 |
Including |
31.63 |
32.03 |
0.40 |
11.77 |
KM-24-01-13 |
32.58 |
39.13 |
6.55 |
27.70 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
33.23 |
33.98 |
0.75 |
37.14 |
Including |
35.68 |
36.23 |
0.55 |
263.48 |
KM-24-01-14 |
31.28 |
36.44 |
5.16 |
2.56 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-15 |
25.25 |
29.80 |
4.55 |
1.73 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
50.77 |
53.02 |
2.25 |
9.73 |
Including |
51.32 |
52.07 |
0.75 |
27.76 |
And |
60.58 |
62.63 |
2.05 |
1.84 |
KM-24-01-16 |
17.50 |
31.20 |
13.70 |
10.38 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
19.25 |
20.20 |
0.95 |
128.71 |
And |
44.25 |
70.84 |
26.59 |
13.41 |
Including |
54.89 |
57.34 |
2.45 |
63.41 |
Including |
58.34 |
63.00 |
4.66 |
13.61 |
Including |
63.98 |
67.04 |
3.06 |
28.28 |
Including |
69.94 |
70.84 |
0.90 |
12.46 |
KM-24-01-17 |
18.33 |
32.40 |
14.07 |
3.77 |
Keats Main Trench |
Including |
25.80 |
27.00 |
1.20 |
16.82 |
Including |
27.85 |
28.60 |
0.75 |
10.88 |
And |
39.97 |
51.59 |
11.62 |
33.57 |
Including |
48.36 |
51.59 |
3.23 |
119.31 |
And |
56.70 |
62.37 |
5.67 |
19.04 |
Including |
59.39 |
61.77 |
2.38 |
43.62 |
And |
73.66 |
78.76 |
5.10 |
300.36 |
Including |
73.66 |
74.47 |
0.81 |
32.74 |
Including |
76.22 |
77.86 |
1.64 |
907.44 |
And Including |
76.22 |
77.02 |
0.80 |
1808 |
KM-24-01-18 |
16.90 |
20.25 |
3.35 |
1.20 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
24.40 |
26.70 |
2.30 |
8.20 |
Including |
25.80 |
26.70 |
0.90 |
14.04 |
And |
35.85 |
52.45 |
16.60 |
38.88 |
Including |
38.35 |
41.45 |
3.10 |
44.53 |
Including |
44.60 |
46.80 |
2.20 |
221.00 |
And |
61.05 |
69.00 |
7.95 |
2.47 |
And |
79.15 |
81.50 |
2.35 |
1.17 |
KM-24-01-19 |
22.78 |
25.19 |
2.41 |
2.18 |
Keats Main Trench |
And |
35.32 |
37.93 |
2.61 |
1.52 |
And |
48.48 |
53.70 |
5.22 |
1.13 |
KM-24-01-20 |
No Significant Values |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-21 |
No Significant Values |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-22 |
38.05 |
41.00 |
2.95 |
1.77 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-23 |
54.85 |
57.60 |
2.75 |
1.15 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-24 |
No Significant Values |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-25 |
No Significant Values |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-26 |
17.55 |
20.05 |
2.50 |
1.24 |
Keats Main Trench |
KM-24-01-27 |
No Significant Values |
Keats Main Trench |
Table 2: Summary of composite results reported in this press release for Keats Trench channel samples
True widths are generally estimated to be
Channel No. |
Azimuth (°) |
Length (m) |
Channel Start UTM E |
Channel Start UTM N |
KM-24-01-01 |
118 |
40.92 |
658087 |
5427477 |
KM-24-01-02 |
118 |
53.87 |
658117 |
5427512 |
KM-24-01-03 |
118 |
16.28 |
658101 |
5427461 |
KM-24-01-04 |
118 |
47.04 |
658088 |
5427484 |
KM-24-01-05 |
118 |
51.22 |
658094 |
5427490 |
KM-24-01-06 |
118 |
49.32 |
658099 |
5427496 |
KM-24-01-07 |
118 |
45.98 |
658105 |
5427501 |
KM-24-01-08 |
118 |
49.76 |
658111 |
5427507 |
KM-24-01-09 |
118 |
56.99 |
658124 |
5427516 |
KM-24-01-10 |
118 |
55.20 |
658132 |
5427521 |
KM-24-01-11 |
118 |
58.87 |
658138 |
5427526 |
KM-24-01-12 |
118 |
91.40 |
658140 |
5427533 |
KM-24-01-13 |
118 |
91.08 |
658144 |
5427539 |
KM-24-01-14 |
118 |
87.81 |
658153 |
5427543 |
KM-24-01-15 |
118 |
96.35 |
658161 |
5427548 |
KM-24-01-16 |
118 |
90.07 |
658169 |
5427552 |
KM-24-01-17 |
118 |
91.63 |
658173 |
5427558 |
KM-24-01-18 |
118 |
77.20 |
658180 |
5427563 |
KM-24-01-19 |
118 |
76.86 |
658187 |
5427568 |
KM-24-01-20 |
118 |
69.05 |
658192 |
5427573 |
KM-24-01-21 |
118 |
61.62 |
658201 |
5427577 |
KM-24-01-22 |
118 |
57.19 |
658206 |
5427583 |
KM-24-01-23 |
118 |
56.00 |
658209 |
5427590 |
KM-24-01-24 |
118 |
51.75 |
658215 |
5427595 |
KM-24-01-25 |
118 |
55.17 |
658217 |
5427602 |
KM-24-01-26 |
118 |
52.54 |
658223 |
5427608 |
KM-24-01-27 |
118 |
20.68 |
658244 |
5427605 |
Table 3: Details of channels reported in this press release
Queensway 650,000m Drill Program Update
The Company is currently undertaking a 650,000m drill program at Queensway. Approximately 232m of channels is currently pending assay results.
Sampling, Sub-sampling, and Laboratory
All channel samples are collected directly from the bedrock.
A geologist examines the bedrock and marks out the intervals to be sampled and the cutting line. Sample lengths are mostly 1.0 metre and adjusted to respect lithological and/or mineralogical contacts and isolate narrow (<1.0m) veins or other structures that may yield higher grades.
Technicians saw the channel along the cut line, producing two lines 5 cm apart and approximately 6-8 cm deep. The sample is removed from the bedrock and placed into sample bags. Individual sample bags are sealed and placed into totes, which are then sealed and marked with the contents.
New Found has submitted channel samples for gold determination photon assay or screened metallic at ALS in
Samples submitted to ALS received gold analysis by photon assay whereby the entire sample is crushed to approximately
For samples that have VG identified, the entire crushed sample is riffle split and weighed into multiple jars that are submitted for photon assay. The assays from all jars are combined on a weight-averaged basis.
For samples which returned values >350 g/t, the samples were submitted for screen metallic. All jars were analysed, with results combined as a weighted average. For the screened metallics assay, the entire coarse fraction (sized greater than 106 microns) is fire-assayed, and two splits of the fine fraction (sized less than 106 microns) are fire-assayed with a gravimetric finish.
Channel sample design, Quality Assurance/Quality Control, and interpretation of results are performed by qualified persons employing a rigorous Quality Assurance/Quality Control program consistent with industry best practices. Standards and blanks account for a minimum of
Quality Control data are evaluated on receipt from the laboratories for failures. Appropriate action is taken if assay results for standards and blanks fall outside allowed tolerances. All results stated have passed New Found’s quality control protocols.
New Found’s quality control program also includes submission of a duplicate channel for
The Company does not recognize any factors sampling, or recovery that could materially affect the accuracy or reliability of the assay data disclosed.
The assay data disclosed in this press release have been verified by the Company’s Qualified Person against the original assay certificates.
The Company notes that it has not completed any economic evaluations of its Queensway Project and that the Queensway Project does not have any resources or reserves.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information disclosed in this press release was reviewed and approved by Greg Matheson, P. Geo., Chief Operating Officer of the Company, and a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101. Mr.
About New Found Gold Corp.
New Found holds a
Please see the Company’s website at and the Company’s SEDAR+ profile at
New Found acknowledges the financial support of the Junior Exploration Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources, Government of
To contact the Company, please visit the Company’s website, and make your request through our investor inquiry form. Our management has a pledge to be in touch with any investor inquiries within 24 hours.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Forward-Looking Statement Cautions
This press release contains certain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, relating to exploration, drilling and mineralization on the Company’s Queensway gold project in
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New Found Gold Corp.
Per: “Collin Kettell”
Collin Kettell, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: +1 (845) 535-1486
Source: New Found Gold Corp.
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