NFE’s Fast LNG Asset Receives DOE Long-Term Authorization for LNG Export to Non-FTA Countries

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New Fortress Energy (NFE) has received authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to export up to 1.4 million tonnes per annum of LNG to non-Free Trade Agreement countries from its Fast LNG 1 asset located offshore Altamira, Mexico. This authorization is valid for a five-year term and complements the previously received Free Trade Agreement authorization, allowing NFE to export LNG globally.

Wes Edens, Chairman and CEO of NFE, stated that this authorization strengthens NFE's position as a leading global vertically integrated gas-to-power company and enhances the marketability of their FLNG 1 asset. The company aims to supply cheaper and cleaner natural gas to underserved markets worldwide, furthering their goal of accelerating the world's energy transition.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) ha ricevuto l'autorizzazione dal Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti (DOE) per esportare fino a 1,4 milioni di tonnellate all'anno di GNL verso paesi non in accordo di libero scambio dal suo asset Fast LNG 1 situato al largo di Altamira, in Messico. Questa autorizzazione è valida per un periodo di cinque anni e complementa l'autorizzazione già ricevuta per gli accordi di libero scambio, consentendo a NFE di esportare GNL a livello globale.

Wes Edens, presidente e CEO di NFE, ha dichiarato che questa autorizzazione rafforza la posizione di NFE come azienda leader globale nel settore gas-elettricità e aumenta la commerciabilità del loro asset FLNG 1. L'azienda mira a fornire gas naturale più economico e pulito a mercati non serviti in tutto il mondo, promuovendo ulteriormente il loro obiettivo di accelerare la transizione energetica globale.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) ha recibido autorización del Departamento de Energía de los EE. UU. (DOE) para exportar hasta 1,4 millones de toneladas por año de GNL a países no incluida en acuerdos de libre comercio desde su activo Fast LNG 1 ubicado frente a la costa de Altamira, México. Esta autorización es válida por un período de cinco años y complementa la autorización previamente recibida para los acuerdos de libre comercio, permitiendo a NFE exportar GNL a nivel global.

Wes Edens, presidente y director ejecutivo de NFE, declaró que esta autorización fortalece la posición de NFE como una empresa líder mundial integrada verticalmente en el sector de gas a electricidad y mejora la comercialización de su activo FLNG 1. La empresa tiene como objetivo suministrar gas natural más barato y limpio a mercados desatendidos en todo el mundo, avanzando en su meta de acelerar la transición energética del mundo.

New Fortress Energy (NFE)는 미국 에너지부(DOE)로부터 멕시코 알타미라 해안에 위치한 Fast LNG 1 자산에서 연간 140만 톤의 액화천연가스(LNG)를 자유무역협정 비가입국으로 수출할 수 있는 승인 받았습니다. 이 승인은 5년 유효 기간 동안 유효하며, 이전에 받은 자유무역협정 허가를 보완하여 NFE가 전 세계적으로 LNG를 수출할 수 있도록 합니다.

NFE의 회장兼 CEO인 Wes Edens는 이 승인이 NFE의 글로벌 수직 통합 가스-전력 회사로서의 입지를 강화하고 그들의 FLNG 1 자산의 시장성을 높인다고 밝혔습니다. 이 회사는 전 세계의 관리되지 않은 시장에 더 저렴하고 더 깨끗한 천연가스를 공급하여 세계 에너지 전환을 가속화하는 목표를 더욱 발전시키고자 합니다.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) a reçu l'autorisation du Département de l'énergie des États-Unis (DOE) d'exporter jusqu'à 1,4 million de tonnes par an de GNL vers des pays non couverts par des accords de libre-échange depuis son actif Fast LNG 1 situé au large d'Altamira, au Mexique. Cette autorisation est valable pour une durée de cinq ans et complète l'autorisation de libre-échange déjà reçue, permettant à NFE d'exporter du GNL à l'échelle mondiale.

Wes Edens, président et PDG de NFE, a déclaré que cette autorisation renforce la position de NFE en tant qu'entreprise leader mondiale intégrée verticalement du gaz à l'électricité et améliore la commercialisation de leur actif FLNG 1. L'entreprise vise à fournir du gaz naturel moins cher et plus propre aux marchés mal desservis dans le monde entier, poursuivant ainsi son objectif d'accélérer la transition énergétique mondiale.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) hat die Genehmigung des US-Energieministeriums (DOE) erhalten, bis zu 1,4 Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr LNG aus seinem Fast LNG 1-Asset vor der Küste Altamira in Mexiko an nicht-freihandelsabkommensgebundene Länder zu exportieren. Diese Genehmigung ist für einen Fünfjahreszeitraum gültig und ergänzt die zuvor erhaltene Genehmigung für Freihandelsabkommen, die es NFE ermöglicht, LNG weltweit zu exportieren.

Wes Edens, Vorsitzender und CEO von NFE, erklärte, dass diese Genehmigung die Position von NFE als führendes globales vertikal integriertes Gas-zu-Strom-Unternehmen stärkt und die Marktfähigkeit ihres FLNG 1-Assets erhöht. Das Unternehmen beabsichtigt, kostengünstigeren und saubereren Erdgas an nicht versorgte Märkte weltweit zu liefern und damit ihr Ziel zu verfolgen, den weltweiten Energiewandel zu beschleunigen.

  • Received DOE authorization to export LNG to non-FTA countries
  • Export capacity of up to 1.4 million tonnes per annum
  • Five-year authorization term
  • Global export capabilities with combined FTA and non-FTA authorizations
  • Enhanced marketability of FLNG 1 asset
  • None.

The DOE's authorization for NFE's Fast LNG 1 asset to export LNG to non-FTA countries is a significant development in the global energy landscape. This decision effectively opens up new markets for NFE, potentially increasing its revenue streams and competitive position. The five-year term provides a stable window for operations and planning.

However, it's important to consider the geopolitical implications. This move aligns with the U.S. strategy to increase its global LNG market share, potentially challenging traditional suppliers like Russia and Qatar. For investors, this could mean increased exposure to international market dynamics and geopolitical risks, but also opportunities for growth in emerging markets.

This DOE authorization is a positive catalyst for NFE's financial outlook. The ability to export to non-FTA countries significantly expands the potential customer base, which could lead to increased demand and potentially higher profit margins. Investors should watch for potential revenue growth and improved capacity utilization of the FLNG 1 asset in the coming quarters.

However, it's important to note that the LNG market is highly competitive and volatile. The five-year term of the authorization provides some stability, but long-term contracts and pricing will be important for sustained financial performance. Investors should also consider the capital expenditure required for potential expansion and the impact on NFE's balance sheet.

While NFE positions this authorization as supporting the global energy transition, it's important to critically assess this claim. LNG, while cleaner than coal, is still a fossil fuel with significant methane emissions throughout its lifecycle. The environmental impact of increased LNG exports should be carefully considered, especially in light of global climate commitments.

However, for countries transitioning away from coal, LNG can serve as a bridge fuel. The ability to export to non-FTA countries could potentially accelerate this transition in developing markets. Investors should monitor regulatory developments and ESG considerations, as these factors could significantly impact the long-term viability and public perception of LNG projects.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- New Fortress Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NFE) (“NFE” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has received authorization from the United States Department of Energy (“DOE”) to export up to ~1.4 million tonnes per annum of LNG to non-Free Trade Agreement countries from its Fast LNG 1 (“FLNG 1”) asset located offshore Altamira, Mexico for a term of five years. In combination with the previously received Free Trade Agreement authorization granted by the DOE, our FLNG 1 asset is now able to export LNG to markets and customers worldwide.

“This important authorization cements NFE’s position as a leading global vertically integrated gas to power company and enhances the marketability of our FLNG 1 asset. NFE is now able to freely supply cheaper and cleaner natural gas to underserved markets across the world and further our goal of accelerating the world’s energy transition,” said Wes Edens, Chairman and CEO of New Fortress Energy.

About New Fortress Energy Inc.

New Fortress Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NFE) is a global energy infrastructure company founded to address energy poverty and accelerate the world’s transition to reliable, affordable, and clean energy. The Company owns and operates natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure and an integrated fleet of ships and logistics assets to rapidly deliver turnkey energy solutions to global markets. Collectively, the Company’s assets and operations reinforce global energy security, enable economic growth, enhance environmental stewardship and transform local industries and communities around the world.



Source: New Fortress Energy Inc.


What authorization did New Fortress Energy (NFE) receive from the DOE?

NFE received authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy to export up to 1.4 million tonnes per annum of LNG to non-Free Trade Agreement countries from its Fast LNG 1 asset for a five-year term.

Where is NFE's Fast LNG 1 asset located?

NFE's Fast LNG 1 asset is located offshore Altamira, Mexico.

How does this authorization benefit New Fortress Energy (NFE)?

This authorization allows NFE to export LNG globally, enhances the marketability of their FLNG 1 asset, and strengthens their position as a leading global vertically integrated gas-to-power company.

What is New Fortress Energy's (NFE) goal regarding the global energy market?

NFE aims to supply cheaper and cleaner natural gas to underserved markets worldwide and accelerate the world's energy transition.

New Fortress Energy Inc.


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Utilities - Regulated Gas
Natural Gas Distribution
United States of America