New Fortress Energy Names Andrew Dete President

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New Fortress Energy (NFE) has appointed Andrew Dete, previously Managing Director, as the company's new President. Dete, who has been instrumental in NFE's commercial growth and development, joins the senior management team alongside Chairman and CEO Wes Edens, General Counsel Cameron MacDougall, and CFO Chris Guinta. The appointment was approved by NFE's board of directors.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) ha nominato Andrew Dete, precedentemente Direttore Generale, come nuovo Presidente dell'azienda. Dete, che è stato fondamentale per la crescita commerciale e lo sviluppo di NFE, si unisce al team di alta dirigenza insieme al Presidente e CEO Wes Edens, al Consigliere Generale Cameron MacDougall e al CFO Chris Guinta. La nomina è stata approvata dal consiglio di amministrazione di NFE.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) ha nombrado a Andrew Dete, anteriormente Director General, como el nuevo Presidente de la compañía. Dete, quien ha sido fundamental en el crecimiento y desarrollo comercial de NFE, se une al equipo de alta dirección junto al Presidente y CEO Wes Edens, al Asesor Legal Cameron MacDougall y al CFO Chris Guinta. La nominación fue aprobada por la junta directiva de NFE.

New Fortress Energy (NFE)Andrew Dete를 새 대통령으로 임명했습니다. Dete는 이전에 전무이사로 재직했으며 NFE의 상업적 성장과 발전에 중요한 역할을 해왔습니다. 그는 의장 겸 CEO인 Wes Edens, 법률 고문인 Cameron MacDougall, CFO인 Chris Guinta와 함께 고위 경영진 팀에 합류합니다. 이번 임명은 NFE의 이사회에서 승인되었습니다.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) a nommé Andrew Dete, précédemment Directeur Général, comme nouveau Président de l'entreprise. Dete, qui a joué un rôle clé dans la croissance commerciale et le développement de NFE, rejoint l'équipe de direction aux côtés du Président et CEO Wes Edens, du Conseiller Général Cameron MacDougall et du CFO Chris Guinta. La nomination a été approuvée par le conseil d'administration de NFE.

New Fortress Energy (NFE) hat Andrew Dete, bisher Geschäftsführer, zum neuen Präsidenten des Unternehmens ernannt. Dete, der maßgeblich zum kommerziellen Wachstum und zur Entwicklung von NFE beigetragen hat, tritt dem Führungsteam bei, das aus dem Vorsitzenden und CEO Wes Edens, dem General Counsel Cameron MacDougall und dem CFO Chris Guinta besteht. Die Ernennung wurde vom Vorstand von NFE genehmigt.

  • Strategic appointment of an internal candidate with proven track record in commercial growth
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- New Fortress Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NFE) (“NFE” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that its board of directors has agreed to appoint Andrew Dete, Managing Director, to the role of President of NFE, joining the senior management team of Chairman and CEO Wes Edens, General Counsel Cameron MacDougall and Chief Financial Officer Chris Guinta.

“Andrew has been fundamental to NFE’s commercial growth and development over the past few years, and we are proud to formally appoint Andrew to the role of President as we see him as an integral part of NFE’s future” says Wes Edens.

About New Fortress Energy Inc.

New Fortress Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NFE) is a global energy infrastructure company founded to address energy poverty and accelerate the world’s transition to reliable, affordable, and clean energy. The Company owns and operates natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure and an integrated fleet of ships and logistics assets to rapidly deliver turnkey energy solutions to global markets. Collectively, the Company’s assets and operations reinforce global energy security, enable economic growth, enhance environmental stewardship and transform local industries and communities around the world.



Source: New Fortress Energy Inc.


Who is the new President of New Fortress Energy (NFE)?

Andrew Dete, previously Managing Director at NFE, has been appointed as the new President of New Fortress Energy.

What is New Fortress Energy's (NFE) current senior management structure?

NFE's senior management team consists of Wes Edens as Chairman and CEO, Andrew Dete as President, Cameron MacDougall as General Counsel, and Chris Guinta as CFO.

What was Andrew Dete's role at NFE before becoming President?

Andrew Dete served as Managing Director at New Fortress Energy before his appointment as President.

New Fortress Energy Inc.


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Utilities - Regulated Gas
Natural Gas Distribution
United States of America