NewHydrogen CEO Steve Hill Explores AI’s Role in Cutting-Edge Hydrogen Solutions with Renowned Computational Scientist

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NewHydrogen's CEO Steve Hill recently interviewed Dr. Carol Parish, a renowned computational scientist, on the NewHydrogen Podcast. The discussion focused on AI's role in advancing hydrogen storage solutions and its potential impact on renewable energy. Dr. Parish highlighted how AI can help scientists solve energy problems by exploring molecular possibilities for efficient hydrogen storage.

The conversation also touched on the synergy between renewable energy, data centers, and green hydrogen storage. Dr. Parish's research on organic-based radical molecules for environmentally friendly batteries was discussed, showcasing the importance of computational science in developing sustainable energy solutions.

Dr. Parish, a distinguished professor at the University of Richmond, has an extensive background in computational chemistry and has received numerous awards for her work in advancing diversity in chemical sciences and supporting undergraduate research.

Il CEO di NewHydrogen, Steve Hill, ha recentemente intervistato la Dr.ssa Carol Parish, una rinomata scienziata computazionale, nel podcast di NewHydrogen. La discussione si è concentrata sul ruolo dell'IA nell'avanzare le soluzioni per lo stoccaggio dell'idrogeno e sul suo potenziale impatto sulle energie rinnovabili. La Dr.ssa Parish ha sottolineato come l'IA possa aiutare gli scienziati a risolvere i problemi energetici esplorando possibilità molecolari per uno stoccaggio efficiente dell'idrogeno.

La conversazione ha toccato anche la sinergia tra energie rinnovabili, data center e stoccaggio di idrogeno verde. È stata discussa la ricerca della Dr.ssa Parish su molecole radicali a base organica per batterie ecologiche, evidenziando l'importanza della scienza computazionale nello sviluppo di soluzioni energetiche sostenibili.

La Dr.ssa Parish, una professoressa di spicco presso l'Università di Richmond, ha un'ampia esperienza in chimica computazionale e ha ricevuto numerosi premi per il suo lavoro nel promuovere la diversità nelle scienze chimiche e nel supportare la ricerca per laureandi.

El CEO de NewHydrogen, Steve Hill, entrevistó recientemente a la Dra. Carol Parish, una renombrada científica computacional, en el podcast de NewHydrogen. La discusión se centró en el papel de la IA en el avance de las soluciones de almacenamiento de hidrógeno y su posible impacto en las energías renovables. La Dra. Parish destacó cómo la IA puede ayudar a los científicos a resolver problemas energéticos explorando posibilidades moleculares para un almacenamiento de hidrógeno eficiente.

La conversación también abordó la sinergia entre energías renovables, centros de datos y almacenamiento de hidrógeno verde. Se discutió la investigación de la Dra. Parish sobre moléculas radícales orgánicas para baterías ecológicas, mostrando la importancia de la ciencia computacional en el desarrollo de soluciones energéticas sostenibles.

La Dra. Parish, una profesora destacada en la Universidad de Richmond, tiene una amplia trayectoria en química computacional y ha recibido numerosos premios por su trabajo en la promoción de la diversidad en las ciencias químicas y el apoyo a la investigación de estudiantes.

NewHydrogen의 CEO 스티브 힐은 최근 유명한 계산 과학자인 캐롤 패리시 박사를 NewHydrogen 팟캐스트에서 인터뷰했습니다. 논의는 수소 저장 솔루션을 발전시키는 AI의 역할과 재생 가능 에너지에 미칠 잠재적 영향에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 패리시 박사는 AI가 분자 가능성을 탐구하여 효율적인 수소 저장을 위한 에너지 문제를 해결하는 데 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지를 강조했습니다.

대화는 재생 가능 에너지, 데이터 센터 및 그린 수소 저장 간의 시너지에 대해서도 다뤘습니다. 환경 친화적인 배터리를 위한 유기 기반 자유 라디칼 분자에 대한 패리시 박사의 연구가 논의되었으며, 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션 개발에서 계산 과학의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

리치몬드 대학교의 저명한 교수인 패리시 박사는 계산 화학 분야에서 폭넓은 배경을 가지고 있으며, 화학 과학에서 다양성을 촉진하고 학부 연구를 지원한 공로로 여러 차례의 상을 수상한 바 있습니다.

Le PDG de NewHydrogen, Steve Hill, a récemment interviewé le Dr Carol Parish, une scientifique computationnelle de renom, dans le podcast NewHydrogen. La discussion s'est concentrée sur le rôle de l'IA dans l'avancement des solutions de stockage d'hydrogène et son impact potentiel sur les énergies renouvelables. Le Dr Parish a souligné comment l'IA peut aider les scientifiques à résoudre des problèmes énergétiques en explorant des possibilités moléculaires pour un stockage efficace de l'hydrogène.

La conversation a également abordé la synergie entre les énergies renouvelables, les centres de données et le stockage d'hydrogène vert. La recherche du Dr Parish sur les molécules radicalaires d'origine organique pour des batteries écologiques a été discutée, mettant en avant l'importance de la science computationnelle dans le développement de solutions énergétiques durables.

Dr Parish, professeur distingué à l'Université de Richmond, possède une vaste expérience en chimie computationnelle et a reçu de nombreux prix pour son travail en faveur de la diversité dans les sciences chimiques et du soutien à la recherche des étudiants de premier cycle.

Steve Hill, der CEO von NewHydrogen, hat kürzlich Dr. Carol Parish, eine renommierte computergestützte Wissenschaftlerin, im NewHydrogen-Podcast interviewt. Die Diskussion konzentrierte sich auf die Rolle der KI bei der Weiterentwicklung von Wasserstoffspeicherlösungen und deren potenziellen Einfluss auf erneuerbare Energien. Dr. Parish hob hervor, wie KI Wissenschaftlern helfen kann, Energieprobleme zu lösen, indem sie molekulare Möglichkeiten für eine effiziente Wasserstoffspeicherung untersucht.

Das Gespräch berührte auch die Synergien zwischen erneuerbaren Energien, Rechenzentren und grünem Wasserstoffspeicher. Dr. Parishs Forschung zu organischen Radikal-Molekülen für umweltfreundliche Batterien wurde diskutiert, was die Bedeutung der computergestützten Wissenschaft für die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Energielösungen verdeutlicht.

Dr. Parish, eine angesehene Professorin an der University of Richmond, hat einen umfangreichen Hintergrund in der computergestützten Chemie und zahlreiche Auszeichnungen für ihre Arbeit erhalten, die Vielfalt in der chemischen Wissenschaft fördert und die Forschung von Studierenden unterstützt.

  • NewHydrogen's ThermoLoop™ technology uses water and heat to produce cheap green hydrogen
  • The company is exploring cutting-edge advancements in hydrogen storage solutions
  • AI is being utilized to optimize room temperature hydrogen storage
  • Potential synergy identified between renewable energy and green hydrogen storage for data centers
  • None.

A Conversation on Artificial Intelligence, Renewable Energy, and Sustainable Innovation with Dr. Carol Parish

SANTA CLARITA, Calif., July 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NewHydrogen, Inc. (OTCMKTS:NEWH), the developer of ThermoLoop, a breakthrough technology that uses water and heat rather than electricity to produce the world’s cheapest green hydrogen, today announced that in a recent episode of the NewHydrogen Podcast, Steve Hill, CEO of New Hydrogen, explored cutting-edge advancements in hydrogen storage solutions with Dr. Carol Parish, the Floyd D. and Elisabeth S. Gottwald Professor of Chemistry at the University of Richmond.

The conversation delved into groundbreaking advancements in hydrogen storage solutions, particularly the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in optimizing room temperature hydrogen storage. Dr. Parish, a luminary in computational science, highlighted the significance of AI in exploring molecular possibilities for efficient hydrogen storage. Reflecting on AI's role, Dr. Parish remarked, "AI is a really useful tool, and it can certainly help scientists to solve our energy problems." She underscored the importance of AI in studying molecular candidates and optimizing structures for effective hydrogen storage.

Furthermore, Dr. Parish shed light on the intersection of renewable energy, data centers, and hydrogen storage. She emphasized, "Our need for energy and electricity is not going away." She discussed the potential synergy between renewable energy and green hydrogen storage as a promising avenue for addressing the energy needs of expanding data centers efficiently.

The podcast concluded with insights into Dr. Parish's research on organic-based radical molecules for designing environmentally friendly batteries. Her expertise in computational chemistry, coupled with ongoing projects, exemplified the role of computational science in advancing sustainable energy solutions.

Listeners can gain valuable insights into the intricate relationship between AI, computational science, and renewable energy, positioning Dr. Carol Parish's work at the forefront of innovative solutions for a greener future.

Carol Parish received her Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at Purdue University. Dr. Parish is the Floyd D. and Elisabeth S. Gottwald Professor of Chemistry and Associate Provost for Academic Integration at the University of Richmond. She specializes in data analysis and computational simulations that provide atomistic insight into important problems in drug design, sensors, alternative sources of energy and CO2 capture. She has mentored more than 110 undergraduate students, authored 70 research publications, and raised over $4 million to support her research from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the American Chemical Society, the Jeffress and Dreyfus Foundations. She is co-editor of the two-volume series Physical Chemistry Research at Undergraduate Institutions published by the American Chemical Society. She has received awards for her work including the 2019 American Chemical Society award for Research at Undergraduate Institutions, the 2018 State Council in Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Outstanding Faculty award, the University of Richmond Distinguished Educator award and the Stanley Israel ACS Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences. She was the recipient of a 2012 Fulbright Fellowship for research at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She co- founded the University of Richmond’s Integrated and Inclusive Science (IIS) program. IIS focuses on supporting all students in their pursuit of scientific excellence; particularly students who have not historically received such support. She also co-founded the MERCURY Supercomputer consortium that has trained hundreds of students in computational science and mentored more than 50 faculty. Currently, Dr. Parish is the Associate Provost for Academic Integration where she is responsible for supporting programs in Data Science/Data Analytics, as well as Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Integrated Learning. She supports the Quantitative Resource Center, Academic Advising Resource Center, Speech Center, Writing Center, Technology Learning Center and the English Language Learning Center, and coordinates academic program review for departments and programs across the university. Dr. Parish is listed as Google Scholar at

Watch the full discussion on the NewHydrogen Podcast featuring Dr. Carol Parish at

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About NewHydrogen, Inc.

NewHydrogen is developing ThermoLoop – a breakthrough technology that uses water and heat rather than electricity to produce the world’s lowest cost green hydrogen. Hydrogen is the cleanest and most abundant element in the universe, and we can’t live without it. Hydrogen is the key ingredient in making fertilizers needed to grow food for the world. It is also used for transportation, refining oil and making steel, glass, pharmaceuticals and more. Nearly all the hydrogen today is made from hydrocarbons like coal, oil, and natural gas, which are dirty and limited resources. Water, on the other hand, is an infinite and renewable worldwide resource.

Currently, the most common method of making green hydrogen is to split water into oxygen and hydrogen with an electrolyzer using green electricity produced from solar or wind. However, green electricity is and always will be very expensive. It currently accounts for 73% of the cost of green hydrogen. By using heat directly, we can skip the expensive process of making electricity, and fundamentally lower the cost of green hydrogen. Inexpensive heat can be obtained from concentrated solar, geothermal, nuclear reactors and industrial waste heat for use in our novel low-cost thermochemical water splitting process. Working with a world class research team at UC Santa Barbara, our goal is to help usher in the green hydrogen economy that Goldman Sachs estimated to have a future market value of $12 trillion.

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Matters discussed in this press release contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. These include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties associated with: the impact of economic, competitive and other factors affecting the Company and its operations, markets, the impact on the national and local economies resulting from terrorist actions, the impact of public health epidemics on the global economy and other factors detailed in reports filed by the Company with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Any forward-looking statement made by us in this press release is based only on information currently available to us and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

Investor Relations Contact:

NewHydrogen, Inc.


What is NewHydrogen's (NEWH) ThermoLoop™ technology?

ThermoLoop™ is NewHydrogen's breakthrough technology that uses water and heat, rather than electricity, to produce what they claim is the world's cheapest green hydrogen.

How is AI being used in NewHydrogen's (NEWH) hydrogen storage research?

AI is being used to explore molecular possibilities and optimize structures for efficient hydrogen storage at room temperature, potentially helping scientists solve energy problems more effectively.

What potential synergy did Dr. Carol Parish discuss regarding NewHydrogen (NEWH) and data centers?

Dr. Parish discussed the potential synergy between renewable energy and green hydrogen storage as a promising solution for addressing the growing energy needs of expanding data centers efficiently.

What is Dr. Carol Parish's research focus related to NewHydrogen's (NEWH) interests?

Dr. Parish's research focuses on organic-based radical molecules for designing environmentally friendly batteries, which aligns with NewHydrogen's interest in sustainable energy solutions.



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Santa Clarita