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NeoDynamics AB (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm: NEOD.ST) announced the shipment of its first production run of CorePulse needles to hospitals in the UK, Germany, and Switzerland, expected to arrive this month. This marks a significant step in the company's goal to enhance cancer diagnosis and care. The CorePulse needles will be delivered to 23 hospitals, including notable institutions such as The Royal Oldham Hospital and St Bartholomew's Hospital. Additionally, NeoDynamics is set to launch NeoNavia in the US, focusing on the FlexiPulse needle after successful trials in Europe.
NeoDynamics AB (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm: NEOD.ST) announced the granting of a Chinese patent for its innovative FlexiPulse needle design, a significant step towards commercial launch in China. This front-loaded, open-tip sampling needle maximizes tissue yield while minimizing patient trauma, targeting the technically challenging axillary lymph nodes. Previously, a US patent was granted in August 2021, followed by FDA clearance in September 2022. CEO Anna Eriksrud highlighted the potential of the Chinese breast biopsy market, valued over USD 100 million and growing at approximately 10% annually.
On February 16, 2023, NeoDynamics AB (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm: NEOD) announced a SEK 14 million loan from its largest shareholder, Gryningskust Holding AB, to support the launch of its NeoNavia system in the US. This loan carries an 8% fixed interest rate and is convertible into shares if the company issues new shares in the future. The loan is crucial for maintaining momentum as NeoDynamics prepares for its entry into the US market, following FDA clearance for NeoNavia. The support reflects Gryningskust's long-term commitment to NeoDynamics and confidence in its growth potential.
NeoDynamics AB (NEOD) announced a partnership with Uniphar Group to support the US launch of its pulse biopsy system, NeoNavia®. This collaboration aims to enhance logistics, customer service, and digital technology for a successful market entry. CEO Anna Eriksrud highlighted that this partnership is crucial for establishing a robust infrastructure for commercialization. NeoDynamics is also building a senior management team and plans to engage with US customers at the American Society of Breast Cancer Surgeons conference in April. Uniphar Group operates extensively across markets including the US, Europe, and Australia.