Newmont and MKS PAMP Partner to Launch Mine-to-Market Traceable Gold Bar at the Largest U.S. Wholesaler

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Newmont and MKS PAMP have partnered to launch a traceable gold bar made exclusively with Newmont-mined gold, refined and minted by MKS PAMP in Switzerland. The PAMP 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar is now available at the largest U.S. wholesaler, making gold ownership more accessible for wealth building.

The traceable gold bar utilizes the Provenance™ solution, which ensures complete segregation of the gold throughout the refining and minting process, guaranteeing transparency and full traceability. The bar is sealed within a secured CertiPAMP™ packaging, serving as a certificate of authenticity and quality excellence.

This collaboration marks the launch of their first co-branded traceable gold bar, reflecting their shared values and sustainability commitments. Notably, Newmont is the only gold producer listed in the S&P 500 Index and is recognized for its environmental, social, and governance practices.

Newmont e MKS PAMP hanno instaurato una partnership per lanciare un lingotto d'oro tracciabile realizzato esclusivamente con oro estratto da Newmont, raffinato e coniato da MKS PAMP in Svizzera. Il lingotto d'oro PAMP da 1oz La Libertà è ora disponibile presso il più grande grossista degli Stati Uniti, rendendo la proprietà dell'oro più accessibile per la creazione di ricchezza.

Il lingotto tracciabile utilizza la soluzione Provenance™, che garantisce una completa segregazione dell'oro durante il processo di raffinazione e coniatura, assicurando trasparenza e piena tracciabilità. Il lingotto è sigillato all'interno di un imballaggio CertiPAMP™ sicuro, che funge da certificato di autenticità ed eccellenza qualitativa.

Questa collaborazione segna il lancio del loro primo lingotto d'oro tracciabile co-branded, riflettendo i loro valori condivisi e gli impegni per la sostenibilità. È importante notare che Newmont è l'unico produttore di oro quotato nell'Indice S&P 500 ed è riconosciuto per le sue pratiche ambientali, sociali e di governance.

Newmont y MKS PAMP se han asociado para lanzar un lingote de oro rastreable hecho exclusivamente con oro extraído por Newmont, refinado y acuñado por MKS PAMP en Suiza. El lingote de oro PAMP de 1oz Dama de la Libertad ya está disponible en el mayor mayorista de EE. UU., lo que hace que la propiedad del oro sea más accesible para la creación de riqueza.

El lingote rastreable utiliza la solución Provenance™, que asegura la completa segregación del oro durante el proceso de refinación y acuñación, garantizando transparencia y total trazabilidad. El lingote está sellado en un empaquetado CertiPAMP™ seguro, que actúa como certificado de autenticidad y excelencia de calidad.

Esta colaboración marca el lanzamiento de su primer lingote de oro rastreable co-marcado, reflejando sus valores compartidos y compromisos de sostenibilidad. Notablemente, Newmont es el único productor de oro que figura en el Índice S&P 500 y es reconocido por sus prácticas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza.

뉴몬트MKS PAMP는 뉴몬트에서 채굴한 금으로만 만들어진 추적 가능한 금괴를 출시하기 위해 협력했습니다. 이 금은 스위스에서 MKS PAMP에 의해 정련되고 주조됩니다. PAMP 1oz 자유의 여신상 금괴가 이제 미국 최대 도매업체에서 구입할 수 있게 되어 금 소유의 장벽이 낮아져 자산 형성이 더 쉬워졌습니다.

추적 가능한 금괴는 Provenance™ 솔루션을 사용하여 정련 및 주조 과정 전체에서 금의 완전한 분리를 보장, 투명성과 완전한 추적성을 보장합니다. 이 금괴는 안전한 CertiPAMP™ 포장재에 밀봉되어 진품 인증서이자 품질 우수성을 나타냅니다.

이번 협력은 그들의 첫 공동 브랜드 추적 가능한 금괴 출시를 의미하며, 공유된 가치와 지속 가능성에 대한 약속을 반영합니다. 특히 뉴몬트는 S&P 500 지수에 등재된 유일한 금 생산자로, 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스 관행에 대한 인정을 받고 있습니다.

Newmont et MKS PAMP ont formé un partenariat pour lancer un lingot d'or traçable fabriqué exclusivement avec de l'or extrait par Newmont, raffiné et frappé par MKS PAMP en Suisse. Le lingot d'or PAMP de 1oz Drapeau de la Liberté est maintenant disponible auprès du plus grand grossiste des États-Unis, rendant la propriété de l'or plus accessible pour l'accumulation de richesse.

Le lingot traçable utilise la solution Provenance™, qui garantit une séparation complète de l'or tout au long du processus de raffinage et de frappe, assurant ainsi transparence et traçabilité totale. Le lingot est scellé dans un packaging CertiPAMP™ sécurisé, servant de certificat d'authenticité et d'excellence de qualité.

Cette collaboration marque le lancement de leur premier lingot d'or traçable co-marqués, reflétant leurs valeurs partagées et leurs engagements en matière de durabilité. Notamment, Newmont est le seul producteur d'or inscrit au Indice S&P 500 et est reconnu pour ses pratiques environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance.

Newmont und MKS PAMP haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um einen nachverfolgbaren Goldbarren zu lancieren, der ausschließlich aus von Newmont abgebautem Gold besteht, das von MKS PAMP in der Schweiz raffiniert und geprägt wurde. Der PAMP 1oz Freiheitsstatue Goldbarren ist nun beim größten Großhändler der USA erhältlich, was den Besitz von Gold für den Vermögensaufbau zugänglicher macht.

Der nachverfolgbare Goldbarren nutzt die Provenance™-Lösung, die eine vollständige Trennung des Goldes während des Raffinierungs- und Prägeprozesses gewährleistet und Transparenz sowie vollständige Rückverfolgbarkeit garantiert. Der Barren ist in einer sicheren CertiPAMP™-Verpackung versch sealed, die als Echtheits- und Qualitätszertifikat dient.

Diese Zusammenarbeit markiert die Einführung ihres ersten gemeinsamen nachverfolgbaren Goldbarren, der ihre gemeinsamen Werte und Verpflichtungen zur Nachhaltigkeit widerspiegelt. Bemerkenswerterweise ist Newmont der einzige Goldproduzent, der im S&P 500 Index gelistet ist, und wird für seine Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Praktiken anerkannt.

  • Launch of a traceable gold bar made exclusively with Newmont-mined gold
  • Partnership with MKS PAMP, a reputable refiner and minter
  • Increased accessibility of gold ownership for consumers through major U.S. wholesaler
  • Implementation of Provenance™ solution for enhanced transparency and traceability
  • Newmont's status as the only gold producer listed in the S&P 500 Index
  • None.


The launch of a traceable gold bar by Newmont and MKS PAMP is an interesting development, but its immediate financial impact on Newmont is likely to be minimal. While it demonstrates the company's commitment to transparency and sustainability, which could enhance its reputation, the direct revenue impact may be

This initiative could potentially increase consumer interest in gold ownership, which might indirectly benefit Newmont in the long term. However, the scale of this effect is uncertain and would depend on broader market trends and consumer behavior.

From an investor's perspective, this news is more about brand positioning and market strategy rather than a significant financial catalyst. It's a positive step towards differentiation in the gold market, but unlikely to move the needle on Newmont's $62.39 billion market cap in the short term.

Overall, while innovative, this product launch is not a game-changer for Newmont's financial outlook. Investors should continue to focus on more substantial factors such as gold prices, production volumes and operational efficiency when evaluating Newmont's stock performance.

The partnership between Newmont and MKS PAMP to launch a traceable gold bar represents a strategic move in the precious metals market. This initiative taps into growing consumer demand for transparency and ethical sourcing in luxury goods and investments.

Key points to consider:

  • Market Differentiation: This product offers a unique selling proposition in the gold market, potentially attracting consumers who value provenance and sustainability.
  • Brand Enhancement: Newmont's association with transparency and responsible mining practices could strengthen its brand image among both consumers and investors.
  • Market Expansion: By making gold more accessible through a major U.S. wholesaler, Newmont is potentially broadening its customer base beyond traditional investors.
  • Industry Trend-Setting: This move could influence industry standards, pushing competitors to adopt similar transparency measures.

While the immediate market impact may be , this initiative positions Newmont favorably in a market increasingly concerned with ethical sourcing and sustainability. Long-term, it could contribute to customer loyalty and market share growth, though the extent of this impact remains to be seen.

DENVER--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Newmont Corporation (NYSE: NEM, TSX: NGT, ASX: NEM, PNGX: NEM) and MKS PAMP partner to offer consumers a traceable gold bar exclusively made with Newmont-mined gold, refined and minted by MKS PAMP in Switzerland – powered by Provenance™. The mine-to-market traceable PAMP 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar is available at the largest U.S. wholesaler, making owning gold an accessible option for wealth building.

Newmont and MKS PAMP partner to offer consumers a traceable gold bar. (Photo: Business Wire)

Newmont and MKS PAMP partner to offer consumers a traceable gold bar. (Photo: Business Wire)

“The opportunity for Newmont gold to be accessible, direct to consumers, is a testament to our commitment to promoting gold as a prized commodity worth pursuing and owning. Our commitment to sustainable mining practices and sourcing transparency makes purchasing gold attainable for consumers – even while shopping for household goods,” said Peter Toth, Chief Development Officer, Newmont.

The traceable 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar leverages the established Provenance™ solution to give consumers greater assurance into the origin of their gold. The solution is pioneered by MKS PAMP and independently audited and certified, assuring complete segregation of the gold throughout the refining and minting process, guaranteeing transparency and full traceability of the gold.

“Our joint collaboration on this project is a crucial steppingstone towards a more unified gold industry where we collectively work together to further strengthen consumer trust and uphold the integrity that drives the demand for responsibly sourced gold," said Chris Carkner, Global Head of Minting, MKS PAMP.

In recognition of this longstanding partnership between the two companies, the Newmont and MKS PAMP teams worked collaboratively to bring this traceable gold bar to consumers. To craft this one-of-a-kind gold bar, highly skilled minting experts used the most advanced techniques to reimagine this iconic and recognizable figure adorning the gold bar. The PAMP 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar is sealed within a secured CertiPAMP™ packaging, which acts as a certificate of authenticity and quality excellence.

The decade-long partnership between Newmont and MKS PAMP further marks the launch of their first co-branded traceable gold bar, underpinned by their common values and unwavering sustainability commitments. In addition, Newmont is the only gold producer listed in the S&P 500 Index and is widely recognized for its principled environmental, social, and governance practices.

About Newmont

Newmont is the world’s leading gold company and producer of copper, zinc, lead, and silver. The company’s world-class portfolio of assets, prospects and talent is anchored in favorable mining jurisdictions in Africa, Australia, Latin America & Caribbean, North America, and Papua New Guinea. Newmont is the only gold producer listed in the S&P 500 Index and is widely recognized for its principled environmental, social, and governance practices. Newmont is an industry leader in value creation, supported by robust safety standards, superior execution, and technical expertise. Founded in 1921, the company has been publicly traded since 1925.

At Newmont, our purpose is to create value and improve lives through sustainable and responsible mining. To learn more about Newmont’s sustainability strategy and initiatives, go to


MKS PAMP is a precious metal market leader providing financial and physical trading services operating a state-of-the-art precious metals refinery and mint. With a global footprint and over 60 years of experience in the precious metals industry, MKS PAMP – part of the MKS PAMP GROUP – is dedicated to creating a sustainable future with precious metals products and services. The company offers the world’s most extensive range of durable, innovative, and responsibly sourced precious metal products and services.

Founded in 1977, PAMP (Produits Artistiques Métaux Précieux) is the product brand of the MKS PAMP company and is the world’s leading bullion brand. PAMP was the first brand to ever decorate the reverse sides of its minted bars and was the first to produce original collectibles that forever changed the industry, making PAMP bars, most notably the world-renowned Lady Fortuna™, the most coveted bullion bar in the world. As part of its minted bars collection, PAMP offers an extraordinary range of shapes and designs from which to choose from, building on leading artisan savoir-faire and Swiss engineering to manufacture a wide range of products in all four precious metals and in various forms.

Still managed by the founding family, MKS PAMP is an advocate for long-term thinking, responsible sourcing, sustainability, and ethics, working closely with its stakeholders to set the highest codes of conduct in the industry. MKS PAMP developed Provenance™, a traceability solution that traces precious metals along the supply chain and guarantees responsible sourcing globally. MKS PAMP aims to create value by leveraging its technical expertise, innovations, and global infrastructure to be an indispensable global partner and the most sustainable organization in the precious metals industry.

Media Contacts:

Jennifer Pakradooni - Newmont

Gloria Folidis - MKS PAMP

Investor Contact:

Neil Backhouse

Source: Newmont Corporation


What is the new product launched by Newmont (NEM) and MKS PAMP?

Newmont (NEM) and MKS PAMP have launched a traceable PAMP 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar, made exclusively with Newmont-mined gold, refined and minted by MKS PAMP in Switzerland.

Where can consumers purchase the traceable gold bar produced by Newmont (NEM)?

The traceable PAMP 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar is available at the largest U.S. wholesaler, making it accessible for consumers interested in gold ownership.

What technology is used to ensure the traceability of Newmont's (NEM) new gold bar?

The gold bar uses the Provenance™ solution, pioneered by MKS PAMP, which ensures complete segregation of the gold throughout the refining and minting process, guaranteeing transparency and full traceability.

How is the authenticity of Newmont's (NEM) traceable gold bar verified?

The PAMP 1oz Lady of Liberty gold bar is sealed within a secured CertiPAMP™ packaging, which acts as a certificate of authenticity and quality excellence.

Newmont Corporation


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Gold and Silver Ores
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