Jabil Recognizes Nordson Electronics Solutions with the 2024 Best Strategic Supplier Award
Nordson Electronics Solutions has been awarded the 2024 Jabil Best Strategic Supplier Award for their excellence in fluid dispensing systems used in electronics manufacturing. The award, presented during the Jabil Asia Indirect Supplier Conference in Shenzhen, China on November 28, 2024, recognizes superior performance in quality, delivery, innovation, and partnership.
Justin Hall, vice president of Nordson Electronics Solutions, acknowledged the honor, emphasizing their team's dedication to delivering products and being a reliable partner in Jabil's supply chain. This recognition reinforces Nordson's position as a key provider of fluid dispensing and conformal coating solutions in the electronics manufacturing industry.
Nordson Electronics Solutions ha ricevuto il Jabil Best Strategic Supplier Award 2024 per la sua eccellenza nei sistemi di erogazione di fluidi utilizzati nella produzione elettronica. Il premio, presentato durante la Conferenza dei Fornitori Indiretti di Jabil in programma a Shenzhen, Cina, il 28 novembre 2024, riconosce le prestazioni superiori in termini di qualità, consegna, innovazione e partnership.
Justin Hall, vicepresidente di Nordson Electronics Solutions, ha riconosciuto l'onore, sottolineando la dedizione del loro team nel fornire prodotti e nel essere un partner affidabile nella catena di approvvigionamento di Jabil. Questo riconoscimento rafforza la posizione di Nordson come fornitore chiave di soluzioni per l'erogazione di fluidi e rivestimenti conformali nell'industria della produzione elettronica.
Nordson Electronics Solutions ha sido galardonado con el Premio al Mejor Proveedor Estratégico de Jabil 2024 por su excelencia en los sistemas de dispensación de fluidos utilizados en la fabricación electrónica. El premio, presentado durante la Conferencia de Proveedores Indirectos de Jabil en Shenzhen, China, el 28 de noviembre de 2024, reconoce el rendimiento superior en calidad, entrega, innovación y colaboración.
Justin Hall, vicepresidente de Nordson Electronics Solutions, reconoció el honor, enfatizando la dedicación de su equipo para ofrecer productos y ser un socio confiable en la cadena de suministro de Jabil. Este reconocimiento refuerza la posición de Nordson como un proveedor clave de soluciones de dispensación de fluidos y recubrimientos conformales en la industria de la fabricación electrónica.
Nordson Electronics Solutions는 전자 제조에 사용되는 액체 분배 시스템에서의 우수성으로 2024 Jabil 최고의 전략적 공급업체 상을 수상했습니다. 이 상은 2024년 11월 28일 중국 선전에서 열린 Jabil 아시아 간접 공급업체 회의에서 수여되었으며, 품질, 납품, 혁신 및 파트너십에서의 우수한 성과를 인정합니다.
Justin Hall, Nordson Electronics Solutions의 부사장은 이 영예를 인정하며 팀의 제품 제공에 대한 헌신과 Jabil의 공급망에서 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너가 되고자 하는 노력을 강조했습니다. 이 인정을 통해 Nordson은 전자 제조 산업에서 액체 분배 및 conformal 코팅 솔루션의 주요 공급자로서의 입지를 강화하고 있습니다.
Nordson Electronics Solutions a reçu le 2024 Jabil Best Strategic Supplier Award pour son excellence dans les systèmes de distribution de fluides utilisés dans la fabrication électronique. Le prix a été remis lors de la Conférence des Fournisseurs Indirects de Jabil à Shenzhen, en Chine, le 28 novembre 2024, et reconnaît les performances supérieures en matière de qualité, de livraison, d'innovation et de partenariat.
Justin Hall, vice-président de Nordson Electronics Solutions, a reconnu cet honneur, soulignant le dévouement de son équipe à fournir des produits et à être un partenaire fiable dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement de Jabil. Cette reconnaissance renforce la position de Nordson en tant que fournisseur clé de solutions de distribution de fluides et de revêtements conformes dans l'industrie de la fabrication électronique.
Nordson Electronics Solutions wurde mit dem Jabil Best Strategic Supplier Award 2024 für ihre Exzellenz in den Flüssigkeitsdosiersystemen, die in der Elektronikfertigung verwendet werden, ausgezeichnet. Der Preis wurde während der Jabil Asien Indirekter Lieferantenkonferenz am 28. November 2024 in Shenzhen, China, verliehen und erkennt herausragende Leistungen in den Bereichen Qualität, Lieferung, Innovation und Partnerschaft an.
Justin Hall, Vizepräsident von Nordson Electronics Solutions, erkannte die Ehre an und betonte das Engagement seines Teams für die Bereitstellung von Produkten und die Zuverlässigkeit als Partner in der Lieferkette von Jabil. Diese Anerkennung stärkt die Position von Nordson als bedeutenden Anbieter von Flüssigkeitsdosier- und conformalen Beschichtungslösungen in der Elektronikfertigungsindustrie.
- Recognition as Best Strategic Supplier by major customer Jabil, strengthening business relationship
- Validation of operational excellence in quality, delivery, innovation, and partnership
- None.
- For superior performance in quality, delivery, innovation, and partnership related to fluid dispensing systems used in electronics manufacturing
The Jabil Best Strategic Supplier Award is presented annually to suppliers who consistently demonstrate superior performance in quality, delivery, innovation, and partnership. The award was presented to Nordson Electronics Solutions during the Jabil Asia Indirect Supplier Conference held on November 28, 2024 in
“It is an honor to be recognized by Jabil for helping them to achieve operational excellence,” said Justin Hall, vice president, Nordson Electronics Solutions. “Our global team has worked hard to deliver the products and be the partner that Jabil is looking for in their supply chain.”
As Nordson Electronics Solutions continues to develop cutting-edge solutions in fluid dispensing and conformal coating for the electronics manufacturing industry, this latest recognition solidifies its reputation as a trusted partner to global leaders, providing the tools necessary to navigate the challenges of modern manufacturing with confidence and efficiency.
About Jabil
Jabil Inc. is the world's leading provider of product solutions, ranking 121st on the 2023 Fortune National 500 and 456th on the Global 500. The company's business spans many key fields such as medical care, automobiles, and communications, demonstrating its strong comprehensive strength.
Since entering
About Nordson Electronics Solutions
Nordson Electronics Solutions makes reliable electronics a reality. Through our ASYMTEK, MARCH, and SELECT brands, we supply the world's semiconductor, electronics, and precision assembly manufacturers with the innovative fluid dispensing, conformal coating, plasma treatment, and selective soldering solutions their products need to protect sensitive electronics and deliver a lifespan of reliability. Day after day, year after year, across the globe, for over 40 years, we've provided engineering and applications excellence to help our customers succeed.
About Nordson Corporation
Nordson Corporation (NASDAQ: NDSN) is an innovative precision technology company that leverages a scalable growth framework through an entrepreneurial, division-led organization to deliver top tier growth with leading margins and returns. The Company’s direct sales model and applications expertise serves global customers through a wide variety of critical applications. Its diverse end-market exposure includes consumer non-durable, medical, electronics and industrial end markets. Founded in 1954 and headquartered in
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Roberta Foster-Smith
Nordson Electronics Solutions
2762 Loker Ave West
Tel: +1.760.431.1919
Email: roberta.foster-smith@nordson.com
Source: Nordson Electronics Solutions