Endo Releases Annual Corporate Responsibility Report

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Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) has released its annual Corporate Responsibility Report for 2023, highlighting progress across four key pillars: Business Practices, Team, Customers, and World. Notable achievements include:

Business Practices: 99.8% on-time completion rate for information security training, 99% awareness of ethical reporting procedures, and a 200% increase in LGBTQ-owned suppliers.

Team: Improved safety with a 0.1 Recordable Incident Rate, 16% internal promotion rate, and 2,000 volunteer hours in India.

Customers: 1,200 improvement ideas submitted, establishment of a Clinical Advisory Board, and donation of 402,000 medicine units to 23 countries.

World: 10% increase in recycling, 15% reduction in emissions, and improved water stewardship.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto Annuale di Responsabilità Aziendale per il 2023, evidenziando i progressi in quattro aree chiave: Pratiche Aziendali, Team, Clienti e Mondo. Risultati notevoli includono:

Pratiche Aziendali: tasso di completamento della formazione sulla sicurezza informatica del 99,8%, 99% di consapevolezza delle procedure di segnalazione etica e un aumento del 200% dei fornitori di proprietà LGBTQ.

Team: miglioramento della sicurezza con un tasso di incidenti registrabili dello 0,1, un tasso di promozione interna del 16% e 2.000 ore di volontariato in India.

Clienti: 1.200 idee di miglioramento presentate, istituzione di un Consiglio Consultivo Clinico e donazione di 402.000 unità di medicinali a 23 paesi.

Mondo: aumento del 10% nel riciclaggio, riduzione del 15% delle emissioni e miglioramento della gestione delle risorse idriche.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) ha lanzado su Informe Anual de Responsabilidad Corporativa para 2023, destacando los avances en cuatro pilares clave: Prácticas Empresariales, Equipo, Clientes y Mundo. Los logros notables incluyen:

Prácticas Empresariales: tasa de finalización a tiempo del 99,8% para la capacitación en seguridad de la información, 99% de conocimiento sobre los procedimientos de informes éticos y un aumento del 200% en proveedores de propiedad LGBTQ.

Equipo: mejora en la seguridad con una Tasa de Incidentes Registrables de 0.1, tasa de promoción interna del 16% y 2,000 horas de voluntariado en India.

Clientes: 1,200 ideas de mejora presentadas, establecimiento de un Consejo Asesor Clínico y donación de 402,000 unidades de medicamentos a 23 países.

Mundo: aumento del 10% en el reciclaje, reducción del 15% en emisiones y mejora en la gestión del agua.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI)는 2023년 연례 기업 책임 보고서를 발표하였으며, 사업 관행, 팀, 고객, 세계라는 네 가지 핵심 분야에서의 진행 상황을 강조하였습니다. 주목할 만한 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

사업 관행: 정보 보안 교육에 대한 99.8%의 정시 완료율, 윤리적 보고 절차에 대한 99%의 인식, LGBTQ 소유 공급업체의 200% 증가.

: 0.1의 기록된 사고율, 16%의 내부 승진율, 인도에서 2,000시간의 자원봉사로 안전 향상.

고객: 1,200개의 개선 아이디어 제출, 임상 자문 위원회 설립, 23개 국가에 402,000개의 의약품 기부.

세계: 재활용률 10% 증가, 배출량 15% 감소, 물 관리 개선.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) a publié son Rapport Annuel de Responsabilité Sociétale pour 2023, mettant en avant les progrès réalisés dans quatre domaines clés : Pratiques Commerciales, Équipe, Clients et Monde. Parmi les réalisations notables, on retrouve :

Pratiques Commerciales: taux d'achèvement à temps de 99,8 % pour la formation en sécurité de l'information, 99 % de sensibilisation aux procédures de signalement éthique et augmentation de 200 % des fournisseurs appartenant à la communauté LGBTQ.

Équipe: amélioration de la sécurité avec un taux d'incidents enregistrables de 0,1, un taux de promotion interne de 16 % et 2.000 heures de bénévolat en Inde.

Clients: 1.200 idées d'amélioration soumises, création d'un Conseil Consultatif Clinique et don de 402.000 unités de médicaments à 23 pays.

Monde: augmentation de 10 % du recyclage, réduction de 15 % des émissions, et amélioration de la gestion de l'eau.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) hat seinen jährlichen Bericht zur Unternehmensverantwortung für 2023 veröffentlicht und dabei Fortschritte in vier Schlüsselbereichen hervorgehoben: Geschäftspraktiken, Team, Kunden und Welt. Bemerkenswerte Errungenschaften sind:

Geschäftspraktiken: 99,8 % pünktliche Abschlussquote für Schulungen zur Informationssicherheit, 99 % Bewusstsein für ethische Meldeverfahren und ein 200 % Anstieg an LGBTQ-eigenen Lieferanten.

Team: Verbesserte Sicherheit mit einer Quote von 0,1 meldepflichtigen Vorfällen, 16 % interner Beförderungsquote und 2.000 Freiwilligenstunden in Indien.

Kunden: 1.200 eingereichte Verbesserungsvorschläge, Gründung eines Klinischen Beratungsrats und Spende von 402.000 Arzneimittel-Einheiten an 23 Länder.

Welt: 10 % Anstieg beim Recycling, 15 % Reduktion der Emissionen und verbesserte Wasserbewirtschaftung.

  • Improved safety performance with Recordable Incident Rate decreasing from 0.4 to 0.1 per 100 employees
  • 16% of team members promoted to new roles within the company
  • Increased recycling by 10%, from 713 to 795 tons
  • Reduced emissions by 15% through partnerships with international freight carriers
  • Donated 402,000 units of medicines to people in 23 countries
  • None.

MALVERN, Pa., July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Endo, Inc. ("Endo") (OTCQX: NDOI) announced today that it released its annual Corporate Responsibility Report, which reflects the progress Endo International plc ("EIP") made in 2023 prior to Endo's acquisition of EIP's assets in April 2024 through EIP's Chapter 11 process, plus the advancement of its corporate responsibility and sustainability strategy over the past five years.

"Our commitment to operating with sustainable and responsible business practices supports Endo's long-term business plan," said Blaise Coleman, President & Chief Executive Officer at Endo. "We remain steadfast in our dedication to operate as a force for good in service of our ambition to boldly transform insights into life-enhancing therapies."

The 2023 report details efforts and progress across four pillars. Here are select 2023 highlights:

Business Practices:

  • Team members participated in more than six hours of information security training, with 99.8% on-time completion rate in 2023.
  • More than 99% of team members reported they were aware of how to report ethical concerns or ask questions related to compliance.
  • Increased the number of LGBTQ-owned suppliers by 200%.


  • Overall Recordable Incident Rate was 0.1 per 100 employees (versus an already strong 0.4 in 2022), underscoring the company's safety standards. 
  • 16% of team members were promoted to new roles within the company in 2023, thanks in part to established leadership training programs.
  • More than 800 team members in India volunteered at 21 charities and donated 2,000 volunteer hours, touching the lives of 7,350 people.


  • Team members submitted 1,200 improvement ideas focused on quality, safety, compliance, efficiency, and the environment as part of its Good Catch program.
  • Convened a Clinical Advisory Board to gain insights and feedback about ways to conduct clinical trials and work with clinical sites. 
  • Donated 402,000 units of medicines to people in 23 countries and continued its partnership with Hand in Hand in India to support the Mobile Health Unit, which has reached almost 170,000 patients since its inception in 2017.


  • Continued to improve stewardship of water resources, using technologies such as membrane filtration/reverse osmosis to reuse effluents and sanitary waste for plant service and gardening needs.
  • Increased recycling by 10%, from 713 to 795 tons, the majority of which was plastics and corrugate materials, while also reducing non-recyclable content at sites.
  • Reduced emissions by 15% by tracking and partnering with international freight carriers.

Read the full report at

About Endo
Endo is a diversified specialty pharmaceutical company boldly transforming insights into life-enhancing therapies. Our passionate team members collaborate to develop and deliver these essential medicines. Together, we are committed to helping everyone we serve live their best life. Learn more at or connect with us on LinkedIn.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, the statements by Mr. Coleman and any statements relating to our long-term business plan and the advancement of our corporate responsibility, sustainability or responsible business strategies or practices. Statements including words such as "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates," "plan," "will," "may," "look forward," "intends," "guidance," "future," "potential" or similar expressions are forward-looking statements. Because these statements reflect our current views, expectations and beliefs concerning future events, they involve risks and uncertainties, some of which we may not currently be able to predict. Although we believe that these forward-looking statements and other information are based upon reasonable assumptions and expectations, readers should not place undue reliance on these or any other forward-looking statements and information. Actual results may differ materially and adversely from current expectations based on a number of factors, including, among other things, our ability to successfully implement and execute on our strategies and initiatives, and changes in competitive, market or regulatory conditions. Endo assumes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. Additional information concerning risk factors, including those referenced above, can be found in press releases issued by Endo and in Endo's public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the discussion under the heading "Risk Factors" in Endo's recently filed Form S-1/A. 

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SOURCE Endo, Inc.


What were Endo's (NDOI) key achievements in its 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report?

Endo's 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report highlighted achievements across four pillars: Business Practices (99.8% on-time completion of security training), Team (0.1 Recordable Incident Rate), Customers (1,200 improvement ideas submitted), and World (10% increase in recycling and 15% reduction in emissions).

How did Endo (NDOI) improve its environmental performance in 2023?

Endo improved its environmental performance in 2023 by increasing recycling by 10% (from 713 to 795 tons), reducing emissions by 15% through partnerships with international freight carriers, and improving water stewardship using technologies like membrane filtration and reverse osmosis.

What initiatives did Endo (NDOI) implement for employee development and engagement in 2023?

In 2023, Endo implemented initiatives for employee development and engagement including promoting 16% of team members to new roles, establishing leadership training programs, and encouraging volunteer work, with over 800 team members in India volunteering 2,000 hours at 21 charities.

How did Endo (NDOI) support its customers and communities in 2023?

Endo supported customers and communities in 2023 by donating 402,000 units of medicines to people in 23 countries, continuing its partnership with Hand in Hand in India to support the Mobile Health Unit, and convening a Clinical Advisory Board to gain insights on conducting clinical trials and working with clinical sites.



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