Endo Launches New Peyronie's Disease Campaign: I Got Somebody

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Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) has launched 'I Got Somebody,' a new television commercial and disease awareness campaign focused on Peyronie's disease (PD). The campaign directs men to to find urology specialists who can diagnose and offer treatment plans, including nonsurgical options.

PD, which affects an estimated 1 in 10 men in the U.S., is a condition where scar tissue causes a curve with a bump in the penis when erect. The campaign addresses research showing men often delay seeking treatment due to embarrassment and fear.

The commercial will run nationally on major networks like ESPN, ABC, NBC, and Fox Sports 1, streaming services including Hulu, Amazon, and Peacock, and through social media channels. The campaign showcases how men readily share recommendations for various problems and encourages them to do the same with PD-related healthcare concerns.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) ha lanciato 'I Got Somebody', un nuovo spot pubblicitario e una campagna di sensibilizzazione sulle malattie focalizzata sulla malattia di Peyronie (PD). La campagna invita gli uomini a visitare per trovare specialisti in urologia che possano effettuare diagnosi e proporre piani di trattamento, comprese opzioni non chirurgiche.

La PD, che colpisce un uomo su 10 negli Stati Uniti, è una condizione in cui il tessuto cicatriziale causa una curvatura con una protuberanza nel pene in erezione. La campagna affronta la ricerca che mostra come gli uomini spesso ritardino la ricerca di cure a causa di imbarazzo e paura.

Lo spot sarà trasmesso a livello nazionale su importanti reti come ESPN, ABC, NBC e Fox Sports 1, su servizi di streaming come Hulu, Amazon e Peacock, e tramite i canali dei social media. La campagna mostra come gli uomini siano pronti a condividere raccomandazioni per vari problemi e li incoraggia a fare lo stesso anche riguardo alle preoccupazioni sanitarie legate alla PD.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) ha lanzado 'I Got Somebody', un nuevo anuncio de televisión y campaña de concientización sobre la enfermedad centrada en la enfermedad de Peyronie (PD). La campaña dirige a los hombres a para encontrar especialistas en urología que puedan diagnosticar y ofrecer planes de tratamiento, incluidas opciones no quirúrgicas.

La PD, que afecta a un hombre de cada 10 en los EE.UU., es una condición en la que el tejido cicatricial causa una curva con un bulto en el pene cuando está erecto. La campaña aborda la investigación que muestra que los hombres a menudo retrasan la búsqueda de tratamiento debido a la vergüenza y el miedo.

El anuncio se transmitirá a nivel nacional en redes importantes como ESPN, ABC, NBC y Fox Sports 1, en servicios de streaming como Hulu, Amazon y Peacock, y a través de canales de redes sociales. La campaña muestra cómo los hombres comparten con facilidad recomendaciones para varios problemas y los anima a hacer lo mismo con las preocupaciones de atención médica relacionadas con la PD.

엔도 (OTCQX: NDOI)는 'I Got Somebody'라는 새로운 텔레비전 광고 및 페이로니병 (PD)에 대한 질병 인식 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 이 캠페인은 남성들이 진단하고 비수술적 치료 옵션을 포함한 치료 계획을 제공할 수 있는 비뇨기과 전문가를 찾기 위해 GoGetSomebody.com을 방문하도록 안내합니다.

PD는 미국에서 10명 중 1명이 영향을 받는 질환으로, 흉터 조직으로 인해 발기가 되었을 때 음경에 굴곡과 돌출이 발생하는 상태입니다. 이 캠페인은 남성이 종종 부끄러움과 두려움으로 인해 치료를 받는 것을 지연시키는 연구 결과를 다룹니다.

광고는 ESPN, ABC, NBC 및 Fox Sports 1과 같은 주요 네트워크에서 전국적으로 방송되며 Hulu, Amazon 및 Peacock와 같은 스트리밍 서비스, 그리고 소셜 미디어 채널을 통해 전파됩니다. 이 캠페인은 남성들이 다양한 문제에 대한 추천을 기꺼이 나누는 모습을 보여주며, PD 관련 의료 문제에 대해서도 같은 태도를 가지도록 격려합니다.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) a lancé 'I Got Somebody', une nouvelle publicité télévisée et une campagne de sensibilisation sur la maladie de Peyronie (PD). La campagne invite les hommes à se rendre sur pour trouver des spécialistes en urologie capables de poser des diagnostics et de proposer des plans de traitement, y compris des options non chirurgicales.

La PD touche environ 1 homme sur 10 aux États-Unis, condition où le tissu cicatriciel provoque une courbure avec une bosse sur le pénis lorsqu'il est en érection. La campagne aborde la recherche montrant que les hommes retardent souvent leur recherche de traitement par embarras et peur.

La publicité sera diffusée à l'échelle nationale sur des réseaux majeurs tels qu'ESPN, ABC, NBC et Fox Sports 1, sur des services de streaming comme Hulu, Amazon et Peacock, ainsi que sur les réseaux sociaux. La campagne illustre comment les hommes partagent facilement des recommandations pour divers problèmes et les encourage à faire de même pour les préoccupations de santé liées à PD.

Endo (OTCQX: NDOI) hat 'I Got Somebody' gestartet, einen neuen Fernsehwerbespot und eine Kampagne zur Aufklärung über Peyronie-Krankheit (PD). Die Kampagne richtet sich an Männer, die auf gehen, um Urologiespezialisten zu finden, die Diagnosen stellen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, einschließlich nicht-chirurgischer Optionen, anbieten können.

PD betrifft schätzungsweise 1 von 10 Männern in den USA und ist ein Zustand, bei dem Narbengewebe eine Krümmung mit einer Beule im erigierten Penis verursacht. Die Kampagne geht auf die Forschung ein, die zeigt, dass Männer oft die Behandlung aus Scham und Angst hinauszögern.

Der Werbespot wird landesweit in großen Netzwerken wie ESPN, ABC, NBC und Fox Sports 1 sowie bei Streaming-Diensten wie Hulu, Amazon und Peacock und über soziale Medien ausgestrahlt. Die Kampagne zeigt, wie Männer gerne Empfehlungen für verschiedene Probleme austauschen und ermutigt sie, dies auch in Bezug auf gesundheitliche Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit PD zu tun.

  • Large target market with 1 in 10 men affected by PD in the U.S.
  • Multi-channel marketing campaign across major TV networks and streaming platforms
  • Strategic focus on addressing treatment barriers identified through market research
  • None.
  • Disease awareness campaign encourages men to overcome their embarrassment and openly discuss Peyronie's disease (PD), taking charge of their health.
  • Campaign empowers men to connect with trusted healthcare providers and talk about nonsurgical treatment options.
  • PD is estimated to affect 1 in 10 men in the U.S., meaning it's likely that most men know someone who has dealt with the condition.

MALVERN, Pa., Jan. 13, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Endo, Inc. (OTCQX: NDOI) announced today the launch of its newest television commercial and disease awareness campaign, I Got Somebody. The campaign aims to motivate men who may have symptoms of Peyronie's disease (PD) to go to to find a urology specialist who can diagnose and offer them a treatment plan including nonsurgical options. PD is a men's health condition in which a buildup of scar tissue causes a curve with a bump that forms when the penis is erect. It is estimated to affect 1 in 10 men in the U.S.1

"When men share recommendations within their network, they're not just solving problems—they're fostering trust and connection," said Justin Mattice, Vice President & General Manager, Branded Specialty at Endo. "By encouraging men to seek and share healthcare recommendations, we're sending a powerful message: there is no shame in living with PD and making a plan to talk to a urology specialist is a vital step forward."

The commercial begins with a man searching online for answers to his PD-related questions, highlighting the anxiety, distress, and isolation he feels. As the story unfolds, a series of mishaps occur, with the man's peers confidently recommending solutions for a broken windshield, raccoon infestation, pulled garden plants, overflowing washing machine, and a smoking car engine. Finally, the protagonist asks his friends if they know someone who can help with his PD concerns.

Endo's approach is grounded in consumer insights from research, which indicates that men are often embarrassed to talk about the condition, leading to delays or inaction in seeking support from healthcare providers. Through this new campaign, Endo is encouraging men to overcome their fear and discuss PD and nonsurgical treatment options so they can be informed and help others by sharing their experiences. This shared knowledge helps individuals make informed decisions by leveraging trusted recommendations. 

"Endo's market research reveals that the journey to treatment for men with PD often takes years, with feelings of embarrassment, fear of treatments, and a 'wait and see' mindset contributing to the delay and in some cases inaction," noted Dayna Sracic, Executive Director, Consumer Marketing at Endo. "I Got Somebody empowers men to break this cycle and take proactive steps toward advocating for their health."

The I Got Somebody campaign will run on TV, online, and on social media channels, as well as through materials in doctors' offices—all driving to

Watch the commercial.

Media Buy
The 30- and 15-second spots will run nationally on broadcast TV (including networks such as ESPN, ABC, NBC, ESPN, USA, and Fox Sports 1), during programs such as "CBS Evening News" and "NASCAR on The CW," on streaming services (including Hulu, Amazon, and Peacock), and online. The campaign also includes social media, digital, and search advertising.

About Peyronie's Disease
Peyronie's disease (PD) is a condition in which a buildup of fibrous scar tissue causes a curvature deformity of the penis. This curvature can be bothersome during arousal and intimacy.2 It is estimated that PD can affect as many as 1 in 10 men in the U.S.,1 but diagnosis rates remain low because men with PD may be too uncomfortable to speak up and get help.3

About Endo
Endo is a diversified specialty pharmaceutical company boldly transforming insights into life-enhancing therapies. Our passionate team members collaborate to develop and deliver these essential medicines. Together, we are committed to helping everyone we serve live their best life. Learn more at or connect with us on LinkedIn.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, the statements by Mr. Mattice and Ms. Sracic and any statements relating to product efficacy, potential treatments or indications, therapeutic outcomes or treatment responses, and any statements that refer to expected, estimated or anticipated future results or that do not relate solely to historical facts. Statements including words such as "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "estimates," "plan," "will," "may," "look forward," "intends," "guidance," "future," "potential" or similar expressions are forward-looking statements. Because these statements reflect Endo's current views, expectations and beliefs concerning future events, they involve risks and uncertainties, some of which Endo may not currently be able to predict. Although Endo believes that these forward-looking statements and other information are based upon reasonable assumptions and expectations, readers should not place undue reliance on these or any other forward-looking statements and information. Actual results may differ materially and adversely from current expectations based on a number of factors, including, among other things, the following: changes in competitive, market or regulatory conditions; changes in legislation or regulations; the ability to obtain and maintain adequate protection for intellectual property rights; the impacts of competition; the timing and uncertainty of the results of the research and development and the regulatory processes; health care and cost containment reforms, including government pricing, tax and reimbursement policies; litigation and other disputes; consumer and physician acceptance of current and new products; the performance of third parties upon whom we rely for goods and services; issues associated with our supply chain; the ability to develop and expand our product pipeline, to launch new products and to continue to develop the market for our products; and the effectiveness of advertising and other promotional campaigns. Endo assumes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. Additional information concerning risk factors, including those referenced above, can be found in press releases issued by Endo and in Endo's public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the discussion under the heading "Risk Factors" in Endo's most recent Form 10-Q and in Endo's final prospectus filed pursuant to Rule 424(b) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in connection with Endo's Form S-1/A.


  1. Stuntz M, Perlaky A, des Vignes F, et al. PLoS One. 2016;11(2):e0150157.
  2. Hellstrom WJ. Int J Impot Res. 2003;15:S91-S92.
  3. DiBenedetti DB, Nguyen D, Zografoset L, et al. Adv Urol. 2011:282503.

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SOURCE Endo, Inc.


What is the goal of Endo's (NDOI) 'I Got Somebody' campaign launched in January 2025?

The campaign aims to encourage men with Peyronie's disease to visit to find urology specialists for diagnosis and treatment options, including nonsurgical solutions.

How many men are affected by Peyronie's disease according to Endo's (NDOI) campaign?

According to the campaign, Peyronie's disease affects approximately 1 in 10 men in the United States.

Which platforms will Endo's (NDOI) 'I Got Somebody' campaign be featured on?

The campaign will run on national broadcast TV networks (ESPN, ABC, NBC, Fox Sports 1), streaming services (Hulu, Amazon, Peacock), social media, and through materials in doctors' offices.

What barriers to treatment did Endo's (NDOI) market research identify for PD patients?

The research revealed that embarrassment, fear of treatments, and a 'wait and see' mindset contribute to delays in seeking treatment, often taking years for patients to pursue medical help.

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