Noodles Announces Inducement Grant Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) has announced that its Board of Directors granted an equity inducement award to Scott Davis, the company's new Chief Concept Officer. The award, consisting of 94,595 time-based RSUs, was granted outside of the Company's 2023 Stock Incentive Plan and in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4). This equity award is considered material to Mr. Davis's acceptance of employment with Noodles & Company.
The RSUs will vest over a four-year period, with one-fourth vesting on each anniversary of Mr. Davis's start date, contingent upon his continued employment with the company. This grant demonstrates Noodles & Company's commitment to attracting top talent and aligning executive interests with those of shareholders.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) ha annunciato che il suo Consiglio di Amministrazione ha conferito un premio di incentivazione azionaria a Scott Davis, il nuovo Chief Concept Officer dell'azienda. Il premio, composto da 94.595 RSU basate sul tempo, è stato conferito al di fuori del Piano di Incentivazione azionaria del 2023 dell'azienda e in conformità con la Regola di Quotazione 5635(c)(4) di Nasdaq. Questo premio azionario è considerato significativo per l'accettazione dell'impiego da parte del Sig. Davis presso Noodles & Company.
Le RSU si trasformeranno in azioni nel corso di un periodo di quattro anni, con un quarto che matura ad ogni anniversario della data di inizio del Sig. Davis, a condizione che continui a lavorare per l'azienda. Questo conferimento dimostra l'impegno di Noodles & Company nell'attrarre talenti di alto livello e nell'allineare gli interessi degli dirigenti con quelli degli azionisti.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) ha anunciado que su Junta Directiva ha otorgado un premio de incentivo en acciones a Scott Davis, el nuevo Chief Concept Officer de la compañía. El premio, que consiste en 94,595 RSU basadas en el tiempo, se otorgó fuera del Plan de Incentivos de Acciones 2023 de la empresa y de acuerdo con la Regla de Cotización 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq. Este premio en acciones se considera relevante para la aceptación del empleo por parte del Sr. Davis en Noodles & Company.
Las RSU se consolidarán durante un período de cuatro años, con una cuarta parte consolidándose en cada aniversario de la fecha de inicio del Sr. Davis, siempre que continúe empleado en la empresa. Esta concesión demuestra el compromiso de Noodles & Company de atraer talento destacado y alinear los intereses de los ejecutivos con los de los accionistas.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS)는 이사회를 통해 새로운 Chief Concept Officer인 Scott Davis에게 주식 인센티브 상여를 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 이 상여는 94,595개의 시간 기반 RSU로 구성되어 있으며, 회사의 2023년 주식 인센티브 계획 밖에서 부여되었고 Nasdaq 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 따라 이루어졌습니다. 이 주식 상여는 Mr. Davis가 Noodles & Company에 고용되는 데 중요한 요소로 간주됩니다.
RSU는 4년 동안 분할 납입되며, 매년 기념일마다 1/4이 분할 지급됩니다, 이는 그가 회사에 계속 재직할 경우에 한합니다. 이 부여는 Noodles & Company가 우수 인재를 유치하고 임원의 이해관계를 주주와 일치시키려는 의지를 보여줍니다.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) a annoncé que son Conseil d'Administration a accordé un prix d'incitation en actions à Scott Davis, le nouveau Chief Concept Officer de l'entreprise. Ce prix, composé de 94 595 RSU basées sur le temps, a été accordé en dehors du Plan d'Incentive Actions 2023 de l'entreprise et conformément à la Règle de Cotation 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq. Ce prix en actions est considéré comme essentiel à l'acceptation de l'emploi par M. Davis chez Noodles & Company.
Les RSU seront acquises sur une période de quatre ans, avec un quart acquis à chaque anniversaire de la date de début de M. Davis, sous réserve qu'il continue à travailler pour l'entreprise. Cette attribution démontre l'engagement de Noodles & Company à attirer des talents de premier plan et à aligner les intérêts des dirigeants avec ceux des actionnaires.
Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) hat bekannt gegeben, dass der Vorstand dem neuen Chief Concept Officer Scott Davis einen Aktienanreiz gewährt hat. Der Anreiz, bestehend aus 94.595 zeitbasierten RSUs, wurde außerhalb des Aktienanreizplans 2023 des Unternehmens gewährt und in Übereinstimmung mit der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4). Dieser Aktienanreiz wird als wesentlich für die Annahme der Beschäftigung durch Herrn Davis bei Noodles & Company angesehen.
Die RSUs werden über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren fällig, wobei ein Viertel an jedem Jahrestag des Startdatums von Herrn Davis fällig wird, vorausgesetzt, dass er weiterhin im Unternehmen tätig ist. Diese Gewährung zeigt das Engagement von Noodles & Company, Spitzenkräfte zu gewinnen und die Interessen der Führungskräfte mit denen der Aktionäre in Einklang zu bringen.
- Attraction of new high-level talent with Scott Davis as Chief Concept Officer
- Alignment of executive interests with shareholders through equity-based compensation
- None.
BROOMFIELD, Colo., Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Noodles & Company (NASDAQ: NDLS) (the “Company”) today announced that its Board of Directors (the “Board”) granted an equity award to Scott Davis as an equity inducement award outside of the Company’s 2023 Stock Incentive Plan and material to Mr. Davis’s acceptance of employment with the company. The equity award was approved by the Board, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).
In connection with Mr. Davis’s appointment as Chief Concept Officer, the Company granted Mr. Davis an award of 94,595 time-based RSUs. One-fourth of the RSUs will vest on each anniversary of Mr. Davis’s start date, subject to his continued employment with the Company on such vesting dates.
About Noodles & Company
Since 1995, Noodles & Company has been serving guests Uncommon Goodness and noodles your way, with noodles and flavors you know and love and new ones you’re about to discover. From indulgent Wisconsin Mac & Cheese to better-for-you Zoodles, Noodles serves a world of flavor in every bowl. Made up of more than 450 restaurants and 8,000 passionate team members, Noodles is dedicated to nourishing and inspiring every guest who walks through the door. To learn more or find the location nearest you, visit
Investor Relations
Danielle Moore

What type of equity award did Noodles & Company (NDLS) grant to Scott Davis?
How will the RSUs granted to Scott Davis by Noodles & Company (NDLS) vest?
Under what Nasdaq rule did Noodles & Company (NDLS) grant the equity award to Scott Davis?