Nasdaq Rises to 5th in RiskTech100 Global Ranking Following Launch of Financial Technology Division

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Nasdaq (NDAQ) has risen to 5th place in Chartis' annual RiskTech100® global ranking, up from 18th place in 2023. This significant jump comes less than a year after Nasdaq's acquisition of Adenza and the establishment of its Financial Technology division. The company also won two awards for its financial crime management and regulatory reporting technology.

Nasdaq's Capital Markets Technology serves as a backbone for over 130 financial market operators globally, including more than half of the world's largest exchanges. The company's Regulatory Technology solutions, including AxiomSL and Verafin, help clients comply with regulatory requirements across 55 countries and 110 regulators.

Nasdaq's technology is used by 97% of global systematically important banks, half of the world's top 25 stock exchanges, and 35 central banks and regulatory authorities. The company's ranking also considered its board management software, sustainability reporting platform, and ESG AI Research and Benchmarking solution.

Nasdaq (NDAQ) è salito al 5° posto nella classifica annuale RiskTech100® di Chartis, in aumento rispetto al 18° posto del 2023. Questo significativo balzo avviene meno di un anno dopo l'acquisizione di Adenza da parte di Nasdaq e la creazione della sua divisione Tecnologia Finanziaria. L'azienda ha inoltre vinto due premi per la sua tecnologia di gestione dei crimini finanziari e di reporting normativo.

La Tecnologia dei Mercati dei Capitali di Nasdaq funge da spina dorsale per oltre 130 operatori di mercati finanziari a livello globale, inclusi più della metà delle più grandi borse valori del mondo. Le soluzioni di Regulatory Technology dell'azienda, tra cui AxiomSL e Verafin, aiutano i clienti a conformarsi ai requisiti normativi in 55 paesi e 110 autorità di regolamentazione.

La tecnologia di Nasdaq è utilizzata dal 97% delle banche sistematicamente importanti a livello globale, dalla metà delle prime 25 borse valori del mondo e da 35 banche centrali e autorità di regolamentazione. La classifica dell'azienda ha anche preso in considerazione il suo software di gestione del consiglio, la piattaforma di reporting sulla sostenibilità e la soluzione di Ricerca e Benchmarking ESG AI.

Nasdaq (NDAQ) ha ascendido al 5° lugar en el ranking global anual RiskTech100® de Chartis, subiendo desde el 18° lugar en 2023. Este notable salto se produce menos de un año después de la adquisición de Adenza por parte de Nasdaq y el establecimiento de su división de Tecnología Financiera. La empresa también ganó dos premios por su tecnología en gestión de delitos financieros y reportes regulatorios.

La Tecnología de Mercados de Capitales de Nasdaq sirve como columna vertebral para más de 130 operadores del mercado financiero a nivel mundial, incluyendo a más de la mitad de las bolsas más grandes del mundo. Las soluciones de Tecnología Regulatoria de la empresa, incluyendo AxiomSL y Verafin, ayudan a los clientes a cumplir con los requisitos normativos en 55 países y 110 reguladores.

La tecnología de Nasdaq es utilizada por el 97% de los bancos sistemáticamente importantes a nivel global, por la mitad de las 25 principales bolsas de valores del mundo y por 35 bancos centrales y autoridades regulatorias. El ranking de la empresa también tuvo en cuenta su software de gestión de juntas, su plataforma de informes de sostenibilidad, y su solución de Investigación y Evaluación ESG AI.

Nasdaq(NDAQ)는 Chartis의 연례 RiskTech100® 글로벌 순위에서 5위로 상승했으며, 이는 2023년의 18위에서 상승한 것입니다. 이 중요한 도약은 Nasdaq이 Adenza를 인수하고 금융 기술 부서를 설립한지 1년이 채 지나지 않은 시점에서 이루어졌습니다. 이 회사는 또한 금융 범죄 관리 및 규제 보고 기술로 두 개의 상을 수상했습니다.

Nasdaq의 자본 시장 기술은 전 세계 130개 이상의 금융 시장 운영자의 중추 역할을 하며, 이는 세계 최대 거래소의 절반 이상을 포함합니다. 이 회사의 규제 기술 솔루션(AxiomSL 및 Verafin 포함)은 고객이 55개 국가와 110명의 규제 기관의 규제 요구 사항을 준수하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

Nasdaq의 기술은 전 세계적으로 체계적으로 중요한 은행의 97%, 세계 25대 주식 거래소의 절반, 35개 중앙은행 및 규제 기관에서 사용됩니다. 이 회사의 순위는 이사 관리 소프트웨어, 지속 가능성 보고 플랫폼 및 ESG AI 연구 및 벤치마킹 솔루션도 고려되었습니다.

Nasdaq (NDAQ) a grimpé à la 5ème place du classement mondial annuel RiskTech100® de Chartis, passant de la 18ème place en 2023. Ce bond significatif intervient moins d'un an après l'acquisition d'Adenza par Nasdaq et la création de sa division Technologie Financière. L'entreprise a également remporté deux prix pour sa technologie de gestion des crimes financiers et de reporting réglementaire.

La Technologie des Marchés de Capitaux de Nasdaq sert de colonne vertébrale à plus de 130 opérateurs de marché financier à l'échelle mondiale, y compris plus de la moitié des plus grandes bourses du monde. Les solutions de Technologie Réglementaire de l'entreprise, y compris AxiomSL et Verafin, aident les clients à se conformer aux exigences réglementaires dans 55 pays et auprès de 110 régulateurs.

La technologie de Nasdaq est utilisée par 97 % des banques d'importance systémique au niveau mondial, par la moitié des 25 principales bourses de valeurs et par 35 banques centrales et autorités de régulation. Le classement de l'entreprise a également pris en compte son logiciel de gestion des conseils, sa plateforme de reporting sur la durabilité et sa solution de Recherche et Évaluation ESG AI.

Nasdaq (NDAQ) ist auf den 5. Platz im jährlichen RiskTech100®-Ranking von Chartis gestiegen, von Platz 18 im Jahr 2023. Dieser bedeutende Sprung erfolgt weniger als ein Jahr nach der Übernahme von Adenza durch Nasdaq und der Gründung seiner Finanztechnologie-Abteilung. Das Unternehmen gewann außerdem zwei Auszeichnungen für seine Technologie zur Bekämpfung von Finanzkriminalität und zur regulatorischen Berichterstattung.

Die Kapitalmarkttechnologie von Nasdaq dient als Rückgrat für über 130 Finanzmarktbetreiber weltweit, darunter mehr als die Hälfte der größten Börsen der Welt. Die Regulatory Technology-Lösungen des Unternehmens, einschließlich AxiomSL und Verafin, helfen den Kunden, die regulatorischen Anforderungen in 55 Ländern und 110 Finanzaufsichtsbehörden zu erfüllen.

Die Technologie von Nasdaq wird von 97 % der global systemrelevanten Banken, der Hälfte der 25 größten Börsen der Welt und 35 Zentralbanken und Aufsichtsbehörden genutzt. Das Ranking des Unternehmens berücksichtigte auch seine Verwaltungssoftware, die Plattform für Nachhaltigkeitsberichte und die ESG AI-Forschungs- und Benchmarking-Lösung.

  • Nasdaq rose to 5th place in Chartis' RiskTech100® global ranking, up from 18th in 2023
  • Won two awards for financial crime management and regulatory reporting technology
  • Serves as technology provider to over 130 financial market operators globally
  • AxiomSL platform helps clients comply with requirements across 55 countries and 110 regulators
  • Technology used by 97% of global systematically important banks and half of the world's top 25 stock exchanges
  • None.


Nasdaq's rise to 5th place in the RiskTech100 global ranking is a significant achievement, demonstrating the company's growing strength in risk and compliance technology. This leap from 18th place last year (with Adenza at 10th) showcases the synergies realized from the Adenza acquisition.

The company's comprehensive portfolio now spans critical areas including:

  • Market infrastructure technology for 130+ financial market operators
  • Trade management and risk solutions via Nasdaq Calypso
  • Regulatory reporting through AxiomSL, covering 55 countries and 110 regulators
  • Anti-financial crime technology with Verafin, used by institutions representing >$9 trillion in assets

Winning awards for financial crime management and regulatory reporting further solidifies Nasdaq's position as a leader in these important areas. The company's extensive reach, serving 97% of global systemically important banks and half of the top 25 stock exchanges, positions it as a vital player in the global financial system's technology infrastructure.

For investors, this enhanced positioning in financial technology could lead to more stable, recurring revenue streams and potential growth opportunities as financial institutions increasingly rely on advanced risk and compliance solutions.

Nasdaq's rapid ascent in the RiskTech100 ranking, just one year after the Adenza acquisition, signals strong execution in integrating and leveraging the combined entity's capabilities. This achievement is particularly noteworthy given the challenges of post-merger integration.

The company's expanded portfolio now addresses critical needs across the financial services industry:

  • Regulatory compliance amidst increasing scrutiny
  • Market reforms adaptation
  • Sophisticated financial crime prevention
  • Technology innovation acceleration

Nasdaq's unique position as both a technology provider and a regulated entity itself adds credibility and depth to its offerings. This dual role could be a significant differentiator in winning and retaining clients, especially as financial institutions seek trusted partners to navigate complex regulatory landscapes.

The breadth of Nasdaq's solutions, touching various aspects of the financial ecosystem, creates potential for cross-selling and upselling opportunities. This could drive revenue growth and increase client stickiness, potentially leading to improved financial performance and shareholder value over time.

Announcement comes ahead of the first anniversary of Nasdaq’s acquisition of Adenza

Nasdaq also wins two awards for its financial crime management and regulatory reporting technology

NEW YORK, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) today announced it has jumped to 5th place in Chartis’ annual RiskTech100® global ranking and has won two awards for its financial crime management and regulatory reporting technology. The news comes less than a year after Nasdaq’s acquisition of Adenza and the establishment of its Financial Technology division. Today, as a scaled platform partner Nasdaq draws on deep industry experience, technology leadership and cloud managed services to help 3,500+ banks, brokers, regulators, central banks, financial infrastructure operators, and buy-side firms solve their most complex operational challenges across risk, compliance, and trade management.

Chartis’ annual RiskTech100® awards and ranking is widely regarded as the most comprehensive independent study of the world’s major players in risk and compliance technology. In 2023 Nasdaq ranked #18 while Adenza placed #10, with this year’s position reflecting the combined power of its technology offering.

“This is a remarkable achievement less than one year into the integration,” said Tal Cohen, President of Nasdaq. “The financial services industry faces a series of challenges through increased regulatory scrutiny, ongoing market reforms, and ever more sophisticated financial crime, alongside accelerated technology innovation. Our customers consistently tell us that they value the opportunity to partner with brands that they trust, that are highly regulated themselves and can offer insight and expertise beyond the platforms they provide. We welcome the opportunity to support our clients at such a pivotal moment for the industry, and I’m proud to see our achievements recognized by Chartis.”

Sid Dash, Chief Researcher at Chartis Research, added: “Nasdaq’s acquisitions, individually and collectively, provide comprehensive coverage of the transaction lifecycle, and are appropriately supported with a strong technology and service framework. Indeed, the breadth of its capabilities has moved it into the top five in the risk technology space.”

A comprehensive portfolio of mission-critical technology

Nasdaq’s Capital Markets Technology is deeply embedded into client workflows and serves as the backbone of the capital market operations it underpins, serving as one of the world's largest market infrastructure technology providers to more than 130 financial market operators globally, including over half of the world's largest exchanges. In addition, Nasdaq Calypso is a truly global front-to-back trade management, multi-asset class platform - spanning trading, clearing, risk management and post-trade processing - with particular strength in OTC products.

Nasdaq’s Regulatory Technology solutions play a critical role in protecting trust and integrity across the global financial system, helping clients efficiently and effectively comply with an extensive range of regulatory requirements in an increasingly complex and rapidly evolving environment.

Nasdaq AxiomSL is a comprehensive regulatory reporting and compliance platform, helping clients comply with requirements across 55 countries and 110 regulators. Nasdaq’s market and trade surveillance technology helps firms detect and prevent market abuse across an extensive network of regulators, exchanges, digital assets marketplaces and market participants. Its cloud-based anti-financial crime technology, Nasdaq Verafin, integrates, resolves, and enriches data from hundreds of data sources and thousands of institutions representing more than $9 trillion in collective assets, to help firms more effectively detect fraud and combat criminal activity.

With Nasdaq’s technology used by 97% of global systematically important banks, half of the world’s top 25 stock exchanges, 35 central banks and regulatory authorities, it touches a significant portion of the global financial system daily.

Nasdaq’s ranking also included an assessment of their Nasdaq Boardvantage® board management software, Nasdaq Metrio™ sustainability reporting platform, and Sustainable Lens™ ESG AI Research and Benchmarking solution. More details on the products and services can be found here.

Nasdaq wins two awards for financial crime and regulatory reporting technology

Alongside the RiskTech100 ranking, Chartis announced Nasdaq has won two industry awards for Managed Services: Financial Crime and Regulatory Reporting: Markets and Securities.

The award for Managed Services: Financial Crime recognizes Nasdaq Verafin’s leadership in financial crime management, emphasizing its comprehensive suite of anti-money laundering and fraud detection solutions for a large client base. Its unified platform combines financial crime solutions into one service, with scalable architecture serving a broad range of banks.

The Regulatory Reporting: Markets and Securities award highlights Nasdaq’s leadership in regulatory reporting through AxiomSL, noting its extensive multi-jurisdictional, multi-market reporting, and expertise in adapting to complex regulatory requirements.

About Nasdaq

Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) is a leading global technology company serving corporate clients, investment managers, banks, brokers, and exchange operators as they navigate and interact with the global capital markets and the broader financial system. We aspire to deliver world-leading platforms that improve the liquidity, transparency, and integrity of the global economy. Our diverse offering of data, analytics, software, exchange capabilities, and client-centric services enables clients to optimize and execute their business vision with confidence. To learn more about the company, technology solutions, and career opportunities, visit us on LinkedIn, on X @Nasdaq, or at

Nasdaq Media Contact: 
Andrew Hughes 
+44 (0)7443 100896  


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:  

Information set forth in this press release contains forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Nasdaq cautions readers that any forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance and that actual results could differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “can” and other words and terms of similar meaning. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements related to the benefits of Nasdaq’s Financial Technology solutions. Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or other factors beyond Nasdaq’s control. These risks and uncertainties are detailed in Nasdaq’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including its annual reports on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q which are available on Nasdaq’s investor relations website at and the SEC’s website at Nasdaq undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.  


What is Nasdaq's new ranking in the Chartis RiskTech100® global ranking for 2024?

Nasdaq (NDAQ) has risen to 5th place in Chartis' annual RiskTech100® global ranking for 2024, up from 18th place in 2023.

How many financial market operators does Nasdaq's Capital Markets Technology serve globally?

Nasdaq's Capital Markets Technology serves as a backbone for over 130 financial market operators globally, including more than half of the world's largest exchanges.

What percentage of global systematically important banks use Nasdaq's technology?

Nasdaq's technology is used by 97% of global systematically important banks.

How many countries and regulators does Nasdaq AxiomSL cover for regulatory reporting?

Nasdaq AxiomSL helps clients comply with regulatory requirements across 55 countries and 110 regulators.

What awards did Nasdaq (NDAQ) win in the Chartis RiskTech100® ranking for 2024?

Nasdaq won two awards: Managed Services: Financial Crime and Regulatory Reporting: Markets and Securities.

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