Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center Releases New Research on Models of Equitable Entrepreneurship Across the United States

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The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center has released new research from its Venture Equity Project (VEP), supported by JPMorganChase and Nasdaq. The study focuses on advancing equity in entrepreneurship and highlighting successful programs that catalyze funding for underrepresented entrepreneurs. The research evaluated how each U.S. state shapes opportunities for Black, Hispanic, and Women founders.

Key findings include the top 5 states advancing equity for each group of entrepreneurs. The study also identified seven Equity Innovation Leaders states: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, and Texas. Three standout states—Florida, Texas, and Georgia—are scoring high for entrepreneurship success equity and emerging as up-and-coming ecosystems.

The research suggests that areas with higher rates of underrepresented business success attract more venture capital to those underrepresented businesses. The complete findings from the Venture Equity Project can be found on the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center's website.

Il Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center ha pubblicato una nuova ricerca dal suo Venture Equity Project (VEP), sostenuto da JPMorganChase e Nasdaq. Lo studio si concentra sull'avanzamento dell'equità nell'imprenditorialità e mette in evidenza programmi di successo che catalizzano il finanziamento per imprenditori sottorappresentati. La ricerca ha valutato come ogni stato degli Stati Uniti influenzi le opportunità per i fondatori neri, ispanici e donne.

I risultati principali includono i 5 stati leader nell'avanzamento dell'equità per ciascun gruppo di imprenditori. Lo studio ha anche identificato sette stati Leader dell'Innovazione Equitaria: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Carolina del Nord e Texas. Tre stati da segnalare—Florida, Texas e Georgia—stanno ottenendo punteggi elevati per l'equità nel successo imprenditoriale e si stanno affermando come ecosistemi in crescita.

La ricerca suggerisce che le aree con tassi più elevati di successo di business sottorappresentati attraggono più capitale di rischio verso quelle imprese. I risultati completi del Venture Equity Project sono disponibili sul sito web del Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center.

El Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center ha publicado una nueva investigación de su Proyecto de Equidad de Riesgo (VEP), respaldado por JPMorganChase y Nasdaq. El estudio se centra en promover la equidad en el emprendimiento y resaltar programas exitosos que catalizan financiamiento para emprendedores subrepresentados. La investigación evaluó cómo cada estado de EE. UU. da forma a las oportunidades para fundadores negros, hispanos y mujeres.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen los 5 estados que promueven la equidad para cada grupo de emprendedores. El estudio también identificó siete estados Líderes en Innovación de Equidad: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Carolina del Norte y Texas. Tres estados destacados—Florida, Texas y Georgia—están obteniendo altas calificaciones por su éxito en equidad emprendedora y emergiendo como ecosistemas en crecimiento.

La investigación sugiere que las áreas con mayores tasas de éxito empresarial subrepresentado atraen más capital de riesgo hacia esos negocios. Los hallazgos completos del Proyecto de Equidad de Riesgo se pueden encontrar en el sitio web del Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center.

나스닥 기업가 센터는 JPMorganChase와 나스닥이 지원하는 벤처 에퀴티 프로젝트(VEP)의 새로운 연구 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 기업가정신에서의 형평성을 증진하고, 소외된 기업가들을 위한 자금을 촉진하는 성공적인 프로그램을 강조하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 연구는 각 미국 주가 흑인, 히스패닉 및 여성 창업자에 대한 기회를 어떻게 형성하는지를 평가했습니다.

주요 결과로는 각 기업가 그룹을 위한 형평성을 증진하는 5개 주가 포함됩니다. 이 연구는 또한 7개의 형평성 혁신 리더 주를 확인했습니다: 플로리다, 조지아, 일리노이, 메릴랜드, 미시간, 노스캐롤라이나, 텍사스. 세 개의 두드러진 주—플로리다, 텍사스, 조지아—는 기업가정신 성공 형평성에서 높은 점수를 받고 있으며 떠오르는 생태계로 자리 잡고 있습니다.

연구에 따르면, 소외된 비즈니스의 성공률이 높은 지역은 그러한 비즈니스에 더 많은 벤처 자본을 유치합니다. 벤처 에퀴티 프로젝트의 전체 결과는 나스닥 기업가 센터 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Le Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center a publié une nouvelle recherche de son Projet de Capital de Risque (VEP), soutenue par JPMorganChase et Nasdaq. L'étude se concentre sur l'avancement de l'équité dans l'entrepreneuriat et met en évidence des programmes réussis qui catalysent le financement pour les entrepreneurs sous-représentés. La recherche a évalué comment chaque État américain façonne les opportunités pour les fondateurs noirs, hispaniques et femmes.

Les principales conclusions incluent les 5 États qui avancent l'équité pour chaque groupe d'entrepreneurs. L'étude a également identifié sept États Leaders de l'Innovation Équitaire : Floride, Géorgie, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Caroline du Nord et Texas. Trois États notables—Floride, Texas et Géorgie—obtiennent de bons scores en matière d'équité dans le succès entrepreneurial et émergent en tant qu'écosystèmes prometteurs.

La recherche suggère que les zones avec des taux de succès plus élevés pour les entreprises sous-représentées attirent davantage de capital-risque vers ces entreprises. Les résultats complets du Projet de Capital de Risque sont disponibles sur le site web du Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center.

Das Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center hat neue Forschungsergebnisse aus seinem Venture Equity Project (VEP) veröffentlicht, das von JPMorganChase und Nasdaq unterstützt wird. Die Studie konzentriert sich darauf, die Chancengleichheit im Unternehmertum voranzutreiben und erfolgreiche Programme hervorzuheben, die die Finanzierung für unterrepräsentierte Unternehmer katalysieren. Die Forschung bewertete, wie jeder US-Bundesstaat die Chancen für schwarze, hispanische und weibliche Gründer beeinflusst.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse umfassen die fünf besten Bundesstaaten zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit für jede Gründergruppe. Die Studie identifizierte zudem sieben Führer der Innovationschancengleichheit: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina und Texas. Drei herausragende Bundesstaaten—Florida, Texas und Georgia—erzielen hohe Werte für Erfolgsgleichheit im Unternehmertum und entwickeln sich zu aufstrebenden Ökosystemen.

Die Forschung legt nahe, dass Gebiete mit höheren Erfolgsraten unterrepräsentierter Unternehmen mehr Risikokapital für diese Unternehmen anziehen. Die vollständigen Ergebnisse des Venture Equity Project sind auf der Website des Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center verfügbar.

  • Research identifies top states fostering inclusive entrepreneurship for Black, Hispanic, and Women founders
  • Seven states recognized as Equity Innovation Leaders for driving systemic change in inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Florida, Texas, and Georgia emerge as standout states for entrepreneurship success equity
  • None.

Supported by Nasdaq and JPMorganChase, new report highlights the top states fostering inclusive entrepreneurship

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The non-profit Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center today announced the release of new research from its multi-year Venture Equity Project (VEP), supported by JPMorganChase and Nasdaq. The research focuses on two key goals: advancing equity in entrepreneurship through data-driven models for ecosystem builders, policymakers, investors, and educators and spotlighting successful programs that catalyze funding for underrepresented entrepreneurs.

New Venture Equity Report highlights the top U.S. states fostering inclusive entrepreneurship

The latest findings from the VEP highlight the importance of geography as an ingredient in equity, evaluating how each U.S. state shapes opportunities for Black, Hispanic, and Women founders. Each of the three key research partners advanced the research in a critical way: Penn State University's Evidence-to-Impact Collaborative analyzed state-level legislative activity and discourse; Heartland Forward evaluated business ownership among Black, Hispanic, and Women entrepreneurs using U.S. Census data; and the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center provided qualitative insights from entrepreneurial models being implemented across the U.S. Together, these efforts provide a nuanced understanding of state-level impact on entrepreneurial equity.

Key findings include:

The Top 5 States Advancing Equity for Black Entrepreneurs:

  1. Oregon
  2. Georgia
  3. Arkansas
  4. Texas
  5. Maryland

The Top 5 States Advancing Equity for Hispanic Entrepreneurs:

  1. Florida
  2. Louisiana
  3. Hawaii
  4. South Carolina
  5. Kentucky

Top 5 States Advancing Equity for Female Entrepreneurs:

  1. Washington D.C. (D.C. was the top territory, as included by Census data)
  2. Colorado
  3. Hawaii
  4. Washington
  5. Oregon
  6. Wyoming

Equity Innovation Leaders

The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center identified seven states we call Equity Innovation Leaders, based on their commitment to driving systemic change and leading in building inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, and Texas.

Three standout states—Florida, Texas, and Georgia—are scoring high for entrepreneurship success equity and emerging as up-and-coming ecosystems for entrepreneurs overall. It may be the case that up-and-coming ecosystems are inherently more equitable than ecosystems established decades ago, and we intend to investigate this hypothesis in future research.

"No state in the U.S. has achieved true equity for entrepreneurs, but our latest research provides important location-based insights mapping how various regions are making strides towards entrepreneurial equity," said Nicola Corzine, CEO & Executive Director, Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center. "One thing is for certain: evidence is pointing to the fact that areas with higher rates of underrepresented business success attract more venture capital to those underrepresented businesses."

"Understanding the role place-based solutions play in fostering inclusive access to venture capital is critical to how JPMorganChase supports entrepreneurs as they start, grow and scale," said Shaolee Sen, Executive Director, Small Business Global Philanthropy, Corporate Responsibility, JPMorganChase. "We're proud to support the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center and the Venture Equity Project in advancing important research and policy recommendations on how states can foster greater equity in the venture ecosystem."

The complete findings from the Venture Equity Project can be found at

About Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center:

The Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center is a non-profit committed to growing access and resources for entrepreneurs. The Center meets the real time needs of entrepreneurs through educational programming and then shares its learnings with policy-leaders, capital allocators and academic institutions.

About Heartland Forward

Heartland Forward is a policy think-and-do tank dedicated to being a resource for states and local communities in the middle of the country. We do this by studying broad economic trends and building data-driven and community-tested partnerships, programs, and policies to address the needs of the heartland – all while helping to change the narrative about the middle of the country and kick-starting economic growth.

About Penn State University Evidence-to-Impact Collaboration

"The EIC is a research center and core resource for the science of scientific impact — aiming to improve the relevance, value and use of research evidence to increase societal well-being. The EIC leverages expertise in administrative data, program design and evaluation, and researcher-policymaker relationships to optimize public and private investments. The EIC is a unit of Penn State's Social Science Research Institute supported by the College of Health and Human Development and the Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at Penn State."

About JPMorganChase

JPMorganChase (NYSE: JPM) is a leading financial services firm based in the United States of America ("U.S."), with operations worldwide. JPMorganChase had $4.1 trillion in assets and $337 billion in stockholders' equity as of March 31, 2024. The Firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small businesses, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management. Under the J.P. Morgan and Chase brands, the Firm serves millions of customers in the U.S., and many of the world's most prominent corporate, institutional and government clients globally.

About Nasdaq

Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) is a global technology company serving corporate clients, investment managers, banks, brokers, and exchange operators as they navigate and interact with the global capital markets and the broader financial system. We aspire to deliver world-leading platforms that improve the liquidity, transparency, and integrity of the global economy. Our diverse offering of data, analytics, software, exchange capabilities, and client-centric services enables clients to optimize and execute their business vision with confidence. To learn more about the company, technology solutions and career opportunities, visit us on LinkedIn, on X @Nasdaq.

Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center

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What is the Venture Equity Project (VEP) supported by JPMorganChase (JPM)?

The Venture Equity Project (VEP) is a multi-year research initiative supported by JPMorganChase (JPM) and Nasdaq, focusing on advancing equity in entrepreneurship and highlighting successful programs that catalyze funding for underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Which states were identified as top for advancing equity for Black entrepreneurs by the JPMorganChase (JPM) supported research?

The top 5 states advancing equity for Black entrepreneurs, according to the research supported by JPMorganChase (JPM), are Oregon, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas, and Maryland.

What are the Equity Innovation Leaders identified in the JPMorganChase (JPM) backed study?

The study supported by JPMorganChase (JPM) identified seven Equity Innovation Leaders states: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, and Texas, based on their commitment to driving systemic change and building inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems.

How does the research supported by JPMorganChase (JPM) suggest venture capital is attracted to underrepresented businesses?

The research backed by JPMorganChase (JPM) suggests that areas with higher rates of underrepresented business success attract more venture capital to those underrepresented businesses.

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