noco-noco Inc. to Hold Extraordinary General Meeting On December 13, 2024
noco-noco Inc. announced an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) scheduled for December 13, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. in Singapore, with virtual attendance option. The meeting will address key resolutions including: the postponement of a previously approved 50:1 share consolidation to December 20, 2024, the delay of the second amended articles of association, and an increase in authorized share capital from US$50,000 to US$100,000 by creating 10 million new ordinary shares at $0.005 par value. Shareholders of record as of October 2, 2024, are eligible to vote through Vstock Transfer.
noco-noco Inc. ha annunciato un’assemblea generale straordinaria (EGM) prevista per il 13 dicembre 2024, alle 9:00 A.M. a Singapore, con opzione di partecipazione virtuale. L'incontro affronterà importanti risoluzioni tra cui: il rinvio di una precedente approvazione per un consolidamento azionario 50:1 al 20 dicembre 2024, il rinvio delle seconde modifiche allo statuto e un aumento del capitale sociale autorizzato da 50.000 USD a 100.000 USD mediante la creazione di 10 milioni di nuove azioni ordinarie con un valore nominale di 0,005 USD. I shareholder registrati entro il 2 ottobre 2024, sono idonei a votare tramite Vstock Transfer.
noco-noco Inc. anunció una junta general extraordinaria (EGM) programada para el 13 de diciembre de 2024, a las 9:00 A.M. en Singapur, con opción de asistencia virtual. La reunión abordará resoluciones clave incluyendo: el aplazamiento de una consolidación de acciones aprobada previamente de 50:1 para el 20 de diciembre de 2024, el retraso de los artículos de asociación enmendados por segunda vez, y un aumento del capital social autorizado de 50,000 USD a 100,000 USD mediante la creación de 10 millones de nuevas acciones ordinarias con un valor nominal de 0.005 USD. Los accionistas registrados a partir del 2 de octubre de 2024, son elegibles para votar a través de Vstock Transfer.
noco-noco Inc.는 2024년 12월 13일 오전 9시에 싱가포르에서 개최될 특별 총회(EGM)를 발표했으며, 가상 참석 옵션도 제공할 예정입니다. 이 회의에서는 다음과 같은 주요 안건을 다룰 것입니다: 이전에 승인된 50:1 주식 통합의 연기를 2024년 12월 20일로 연기하고, 두 번째 수정된 정관의 연기 및 5,000달러에서 10만 달러로의 승인된 자본금 증가를 위해 1,000만주 신주를 0.005달러의 액면가로 발행하는 것입니다. 2024년 10월 2일 기준의 주주는 Vstock Transfer를 통해 투표할 수 있습니다.
noco-noco Inc. a annoncé une assemblée générale extraordinaire (EGM) prévue pour le 13 décembre 2024 à 9h00 à Singapour, avec une option de participation virtuelle. La réunion abordera des résolutions clés, notamment : le report d'une consolidation d'actions de 50:1 précédemment approuvée au 20 décembre 2024, le retard des deuxièmes statuts amendés, et une augmentation du capital social autorisé de 50 000 USD à 100 000 USD par la création de 10 millions de nouvelles actions ordinaires avec une valeur nominale de 0,005 USD. Les actionnaires inscrits au 2 octobre 2024 sont éligibles pour voter via Vstock Transfer.
noco-noco Inc. hat eine außerordentliche Hauptversammlung (EGM) für den 13. Dezember 2024, um 9:00 Uhr in Singapur mit der Option zur virtuellen Teilnahme angekündigt. In der Sitzung werden wichtige Beschlüsse behandelt, darunter: die Verschiebung einer zuvor genehmigten 50:1-Aktienkonsolidierung auf den 20. Dezember 2024, die Verzögerung der zweiten geänderten Satzung und eine Erhöhung des genehmigten Aktienkapitals von 50.000 USD auf 100.000 USD durch die Schaffung von 10 Millionen neuen Stammaktien mit einem Nennwert von 0,005 USD. Aktionäre, die am 2. Oktober 2024 registriert sind, sind berechtigt, über Vstock Transfer abzustimmen.
- None.
- None.
Singapore, Oct. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- – noco-noco Inc. (“noco-noco” or the “Company”) today announced that it will hold an extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”) of the Company on December 13, 2024 at 9:00A.M. (Singapore time) at 3 Temasek Avenue, Centennial Tower, Level 18, Singapore 039190 and virtually at
Holders of record of ordinary shares of the Company on October 2, 2024 (New York time) (the “Record Date”) , or their proxy holders, are entitled to vote at the EGM or any adjournment or postponement thereof. Holders of the Company’s ordinary shares (“Ordinary Shares”) who wish to exercise their voting rights must act through the depositary of the Company’s Ordinary Shares program, Vstock Transfer.
The purpose of the EGM is for the Company's shareholders to consider and vote upon, and if thought fit, pass and approve the following resolutions:
(i) “RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution, that the postponement of the effective date of (i) the share consolidation of the Company’s authorised, issued and outstanding ordinary shares at a consolidation ratio of fifty-to-one (50:1) (the “Share Consolidation”) and (ii) the corresponding amendment of the authorised share capital of the Company to US
(ii) “RESOLVED, as a special resolution, that the postponement of the effective date of the second amended and restated memorandum and articles of association as adopted by special resolution passed on 7 October 2024 of the Company from the original date of 17 October 2024 to 20 December 2024 or a later date as determined by the board of directors, be and is hereby confirmed, ratified and approved.”
(iii) “RESOLVED, as an ordinary resolution, that the authorised share capital of the Company, immediately after the Share Consolidation, be increased from US
(iii) “RESOLVED, as a special resolution, that the revised form of second amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of the Company, a copy of which is attached to the accompany proxy statement, which reflects, among other things, the change in authorised share capital resulted from the Share Consolidation and the Increase in Authorised Share Capital, be approved and adopted in their entirety and in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing memorandum and articles of association of the Company with effect from 20 December 2024 or a later date as determined by the board of directors.”
These changes will not affect any rights of shareholders or the Company's operations and financial position.
The notice of the EGM and voting instruction card for Ordinary Shares holders are available on
- the Company’s Investor Relation’s website at on the Announcements and Events section;
- a written notice mailed to you; and
About noco-noco:
noco-noco Inc. (Nasdaq NCNC) is a technology solutions provider working to accelerate the global transformation to a decarbonized economy. Building its business on X-SEPA™ — the revolutionary battery separator technology developed in Japan and designed for long-lasting and high heat-resistant performance— noco-noco addresses the need for clean, affordable, and sustainable energy storage solutions.
Read more about noco-noco:
Safe Harbor Statement: This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements that are other than statements of historical facts. When noco-noco Inc. (the “Company”) uses words such as “may,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “estimate,” or similar expressions that do not relate solely to historical matters, it is making forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from the Company’s expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, the following: the Company’s goals and strategies; the Company’s future business development; product and service demand and acceptance; changes in technology; economic conditions; and the international markets the Company serves and assumptions underlying or related to any of the foregoing and other risks contained in reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For these reasons, among others, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements in this press release. Additional factors are discussed in the Company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available for review at The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date hereof.