Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Pledges $80,000 to American Red Cross for Hurricanes Milton and Helene Relief Efforts, Including a $50,000 Donation Match

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Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NYSE: NCLH) has pledged $80,000 to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene relief efforts. This includes a $30,000 donation for Hurricane Helene relief and a $50,000 donation match for Hurricane Milton relief. Both hurricanes caused significant damage in Florida and other Southern states, with Milton impacting major cities like Tampa, Fort Myers, and Orlando as a Category 3 storm.

NCLH's CEO, Harry Sommer, emphasized the company's commitment to helping communities in need, aligning with their 'Strengthening Our Communities' pillar of their Sail & Sustain program. The Red Cross has been important in supporting affected communities, providing shelters, food, and critical relief supplies. Anne McKeough, chief development officer at the American Red Cross, expressed gratitude for NCLH's support in helping families recover from these storms.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NYSE: NCLH) ha promesso 80.000 dollari alla Croce Rossa Americana per gli aiuti alle vittime degli uragani Milton e Helene. Questo include una donazione di 30.000 dollari per gli aiuti legati all'uragano Helene e un match di donazione di 50.000 dollari per gli aiuti dell'uragano Milton. Entrambi gli uragani hanno causato danni significativi in Florida e in altri stati meridionali, con Milton che ha colpito città importanti come Tampa, Fort Myers e Orlando, classificandosi come un uragano di Categoria 3.

Il CEO di NCLH, Harry Sommer, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda ad assistere le comunità bisognose, in linea con il loro pilastro 'Rafforzare le Nostre Comunità' del programma Sail & Sustain. La Croce Rossa ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale nel supportare le comunità colpite, fornendo rifugi, cibo e forniture di soccorso essenziali. Anne McKeough, direttrice dello sviluppo presso la Croce Rossa Americana, ha espresso gratitudine per il supporto di NCLH nell'aiutare le famiglie a riprendersi da queste tempeste.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NYSE: NCLH) ha prometido 80,000 dólares a la Cruz Roja Americana para los esfuerzos de ayuda por los huracanes Milton y Helene. Esto incluye una donación de 30,000 dólares para la ayuda relacionada con el huracán Helene y un emparejamiento de donación de 50,000 dólares para la ayuda del huracán Milton. Ambos huracanes causaron daños significativos en Florida y en otros estados del sur, con Milton impactando ciudades importantes como Tampa, Fort Myers y Orlando, como un huracán de Categoría 3.

El CEO de NCLH, Harry Sommer, enfatizó el compromiso de la compañía para ayudar a las comunidades necesitadas, alineándose con su pilar 'Fortaleciendo Nuestras Comunidades' del programa Sail & Sustain. La Cruz Roja ha sido importante en el apoyo a las comunidades afectadas, proporcionando refugios, comida y suministros de ayuda críticos. Anne McKeough, directora de desarrollo de la Cruz Roja Americana, expresó su gratitud por el apoyo de NCLH en ayudar a las familias a recuperarse de estas tormentas.

노르웨이지안 크루즈 라인 홀딩스(NYSE: NCLH)는 허리케인 밀턴과 헬렌을 위한 구호 활동에 80,000달러를 기부하겠다고 약속했습니다. 여기에는 허리케인 헬렌을 위한 30,000달러 기부와 허리케인 밀턴을 위한 50,000달러의 기부 매칭이 포함됩니다. 두 허리케인은 플로리다와 다른 남부 주에서 상당한 피해를 입혔으며, 밀턴은 카테고리 3 폭풍으로 탬파, 포트 마이어스, 올랜도와 같은 주요 도시에 영향을 미쳤습니다.

NCLH의 CEO인 해리 소머는 도움이 필요한 커뮤니티를 돕겠다는 회사의 의지를 강조하며, 이는 Sail & Sustain 프로그램의 '우리 커뮤니티 강화' 기둥과 일치합니다. 크로스 레드 크로스는 피해를 입은 커뮤니티를 지원하는 데 중요한 역할을 하여 대피소, 음식 및 필수 구호 물품을 제공하고 있습니다. 미국 적십자의 개발 책임자인 앤 맥기우는 NCLH가 이 폭풍에서 회복하도록 가족들을 돕는 지원에 감사의 뜻을 표했습니다.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NYSE: NCLH) a promis 80 000 dollars à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour les efforts de secours liés aux ouragans Milton et Helene. Cela comprend un don de 30 000 dollars pour l'aide à l'ouragan Helene et un don correspondant de 50 000 dollars pour l'aide à l'ouragan Milton. Les deux ouragans ont causé des dégâts importants en Floride et dans d'autres États du Sud, Milton affectant des villes majeures comme Tampa, Fort Myers et Orlando en tant qu'ouragan de catégorie 3.

Harry Sommer, PDG de NCLH, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à aider les communautés dans le besoin, en accord avec leur pilier 'Renforcer Nos Communautés' de leur programme Sail & Sustain. La Croix-Rouge a joué un rôle essentiel dans le soutien aux communautés touchées, en fournissant des abris, de la nourriture et des fournitures de secours essentielles. Anne McKeough, responsable du développement à la Croix-Rouge américaine, a exprimé sa gratitude pour le soutien de NCLH pour aider les familles à se remettre de ces tempêtes.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NYSE: NCLH) hat 80.000 Dollar an das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz für die Hilfsmaßnahmen nach den Hurrikanen Milton und Helene versprochen. Dies umfasst eine Spende von 30.000 Dollar für die Hilfe nach dem Hurrikan Helene sowie ein Spenden-Matching von 50.000 Dollar für die Hilfe nach dem Hurrikan Milton. Beide Hurrikane richteten erhebliche Schäden in Florida und anderen Südstaaten an, wobei Milton als Hurrikan der Kategorie 3 große Städte wie Tampa, Fort Myers und Orlando beeinflusste.

Der CEO von NCLH, Harry Sommer, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, bedürftige Gemeinschaften zu unterstützen, was mit ihrem Pfeiler 'Stärkung unserer Gemeinschaften' ihres Programms Sail & Sustain übereinstimmt. Das Rote Kreuz war wichtig für die Unterstützung der betroffenen Gemeinschaften, indem es Unterkünfte, Nahrungsmittel und wichtige Hilfsgüter bereitstellte. Anne McKeough, Chief Development Officer des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes, drückte ihre Dankbarkeit für die Unterstützung von NCLH aus, die Familien dabei hilft, sich von diesen Stürmen zu erholen.

  • NCLH demonstrates corporate social responsibility by pledging $80,000 for hurricane relief efforts
  • The company's actions align with its 'Strengthening Our Communities' initiative, potentially enhancing brand image
  • None.

MIAMI, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: NCLH) has announced a total contribution of $80,000 to the American Red Cross to help those in affected communities. In addition to the $30,000 it previously donated to the Red Cross to support Hurricane Helene relief efforts, it will match up to $50,000 more in public donations toward Hurricane Milton relief efforts. This contribution aims to provide immediate relief to the communities impacted by the storms.

Hurricane Milton made landfall as a Category 3 storm on Florida’s Gulf Coast, impacting major cities like Tampa, Fort Myers, and Orlando. Strong winds, heavy rains, and storm surges led to widespread flooding and power outages across Central Florida, with millions of residents affected. This followed Hurricane Helene’s destruction, which caused widespread devastation across the Florida’s Gulf Coast and several Southern states earlier this month.

“For decades, Florida has been home to NCLH, and we feel deeply connected to this community,” said Harry Sommer, president and CEO at Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings. “Seeing the devastation in our own backyard and neighboring states has been heartbreaking. ‘Strengthening Our Communities’ is a key pillar of our global Sail & Sustain program, and we are committed to helping those in need. Our donation to the American Red Cross is focused on providing direct relief, helping families rebuild their lives and regain a sense of stability and hope as they recover.”

The Red Cross, working with partners, has been crucial in supporting communities affected by Hurricanes Milton and Helene. For Helene, disaster workers set up shelters, distributed food, and provided critical relief supplies. In preparation for Milton, 83,000 people sought refuge in Red Cross shelters where they found a safe place to ride out the storm.

“With Hurricane Milton following closely in Hurricane Helene’s wake, the American Red Cross is on the ground helping families recover from these vicious storms,” said Anne McKeough, chief development officer at the American Red Cross. “We’re thankful to Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings for standing with us to provide help and hope as communities begin to navigate the long road to recovery.”

To join NCLH in supporting the Hurricane relief efforts by the Red Cross and donate towards the $50,000 match, please visit: American Red Cross.

About Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: NCLH) is a leading global cruise company that operates Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. With a combined fleet of 32 ships and approximately 66,500 berths, NCLH offers itineraries to approximately 700 destinations worldwide. NCLH expects to add 13 additional ships across its three brands through 2036, which will add approximately 41,000 berths to its fleet. To learn more, visit

Media Contact:

Sarah Inmon
(786) 812-3233


How much did Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NCLH) pledge for hurricane relief efforts?

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings (NCLH) pledged a total of $80,000 to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Milton and Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

What is the breakdown of NCLH's hurricane relief donation?

NCLH donated $30,000 for Hurricane Helene relief and is offering a $50,000 donation match for Hurricane Milton relief efforts.

Which areas were affected by Hurricane Milton according to the NCLH press release?

According to the press release, Hurricane Milton impacted major Florida cities including Tampa, Fort Myers, and Orlando, causing widespread flooding and power outages across Central Florida.

How can the public contribute to NCLH's hurricane relief efforts?

The public can contribute to NCLH's hurricane relief efforts by donating to the American Red Cross, with NCLH matching up to $50,000 in public donations for Hurricane Milton relief.

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