Voting Rights and Shares Capital of the Company

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Nanobiotix (NBTX), a company listed on Euronext Paris and Nasdaq, has released its monthly report on voting rights and share capital as of September 30, 2024. This disclosure is in compliance with French regulatory requirements. The company reported 47,426,851 shares outstanding, with 49,200,752 total theoretical voting rights and 49,178,634 total exercisable voting rights.

Nanobiotix, traded under the ticker NANO:FP on Bloomberg and NANO.PA on Reuters, is committed to regular updates on its capital structure. The company will publish new figures monthly if there are changes from previously disclosed information, adhering to transparency standards set by French financial authorities.

Nanobiotix (NBTX), un'azienda quotata su Euronext Paris e Nasdaq, ha rilasciato il suo rapporto mensile sui diritti di voto e sul capitale azionario al 30 settembre 2024. Questa divulgazione è conforme ai requisiti normativi francesi. L'azienda ha riportato 47.426.851 azioni in circolazione, con 49.200.752 diritti di voto teorici totali e 49.178.634 diritti di voto esercitabili totali.

Nanobiotix, scambiata con il ticker NANO:FP su Bloomberg e NANO.PA su Reuters, è impegnata a fornire aggiornamenti regolari sulla sua struttura di capitale. L'azienda pubblicherà nuovi dati mensilmente se ci sono variazioni rispetto alle informazioni precedentemente divulgate, rispettando gli standard di trasparenza stabiliti dalle autorità finanziarie francesi.

Nanobiotix (NBTX), una empresa que cotiza en Euronext París y Nasdaq, ha publicado su informe mensual sobre derechos de voto y capital social al 30 de septiembre de 2024. Esta divulgación cumple con los requisitos regulatorios franceses. La empresa reportó 47,426,851 acciones en circulación, con 49,200,752 derechos de voto teóricos totales y 49,178,634 derechos de voto ejercitables totales.

Nanobiotix, que se negocia bajo el ticker NANO:FP en Bloomberg y NANO.PA en Reuters, se compromete a realizar actualizaciones regulares sobre su estructura de capital. La empresa publicará nuevas cifras mensualmente si existe algún cambio respecto a la información revelada anteriormente, cumpliendo con los estándares de transparencia establecidos por las autoridades financieras francesas.

Nanobiotix (NBTX)는 파리 유로넥스트와 나스닥에 상장된 회사로 2024년 9월 30일 기준의 투표 권리 및 자본에 대한 월간 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 공개는 프랑스 규제 요구 사항을 준수하는 것입니다. 회사는 47,426,851주의 유통주식 수를 보고했습니다, 49,200,752개의 총 이론적 투표 권리49,178,634개의 총 행사 가능한 투표 권리를 포함합니다.

Nanobiotix는 Bloomberg에서 NANO:FP, Reuters에서 NANO.PA라는 티커로 거래되며, 자본 구조에 대한 정기적인 업데이트를 약속합니다. 회사는 이전에 공개된 정보에 변경 사항이 있는 경우 매달 새로운 수치를 발표하며, 프랑스 금융 당국이 정한 투명성 기준을 준수합니다.

Nanobiotix (NBTX), une société cotée sur Euronext Paris et Nasdaq, a publié son rapport mensuel sur les droits de vote et le capital social au 30 septembre 2024. Cette divulgation est conforme aux exigences réglementaires françaises. La société a déclaré 47 426 851 actions en circulation, avec 49 200 752 droits de vote théoriques totaux et 49 178 634 droits de vote exercables au total.

Nanobiotix, négocié sous le ticker NANO:FP sur Bloomberg et NANO.PA sur Reuters, s'engage à fournir des mises à jour régulières sur sa structure de capital. La société publiera de nouveaux chiffres mensuellement s'il y a des changements par rapport aux informations précédemment divulguées, respectant ainsi les normes de transparence établies par les autorités financières françaises.

Nanobiotix (NBTX), ein an Euronext Paris und Nasdaq notiertes Unternehmen, hat seinen monatlichen Bericht über Stimmrechte und das Eigenkapital zum 30. September 2024 veröffentlicht. Diese Offenlegung erfolgt gemäß den französischen regulatorischen Anforderungen. Das Unternehmen meldete 47.426.851 ausgegebene Aktien, mit 49.200.752 insgesamt theoretischen Stimmrechten und 49.178.634 insgesamt ausübbaren Stimmrechten.

Nanobiotix, das unter dem Ticker NANO:FP bei Bloomberg und NANO.PA bei Reuters gehandelt wird, verpflichtet sich zu regelmäßigen Updates seiner Kapitalstruktur. Das Unternehmen wird monatlich neue Zahlen veröffentlichen, wenn es Änderungen gegenüber vorherigen Informationen gibt, und zwar unter Einhaltung der von den französischen Finanzbehörden festgelegten Transparenzstandards.

  • None.
  • None.

In accordance with Articles L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and 223-16 of the General Regulation of the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

PARIS, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

Paris, France, October 11, 2024
Market: Euronext Paris / Nasdaq
Euronext Compartment: B
ISIN code: FR0011341205
Nasdaq: NBTX
Bloomberg: NANO:FP
Reuters: NANO.PA


Number of Shares Outstanding

Total number of voting rights
Total voting rights, theoretical1Total voting rights,
September 30, 202447,426,85149,200,75249,178,634

According to the article L.233-8 II of the French Commercial Code, Nanobiotix will make a new monthly publication of the total number of voting rights and shares comprising Nanobiotix’s capital if those figures differ from the information previously disclosed.


Nanobiotix is a late-stage clinical biotechnology company pioneering disruptive, physics-based therapeutic approaches to revolutionize treatment outcomes for millions of patients; supported by people committed to making a difference for humanity. The Company’s philosophy is rooted in the concept of pushing past the boundaries of what is known to expand possibilities for human life.

Incorporated in 2003, Nanobiotix is headquartered in Paris, France and is listed on Euronext Paris since 2012 and on the Nasdaq Global Select Market in New York City since December 2020. The Company has subsidiaries in Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States) amongst other locations.

Nanobiotix is the owner of more than 25 patent families associated with three (3) nanotechnology platforms with applications in 1) oncology; 2) bioavailability and biodistribution; and 3) disorders of the central nervous system.

For more information about Nanobiotix, visit us at or follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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1 The total number of theoretical (or “gross”) voting rights is used as the basis for calculating threshold crossings. In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulations, this number is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including those for which voting rights have been suspended.

2 The total number of exercisable at a shareholders’ meeting (or “net”) voting rights is calculated without taking into account shares for which voting rights have been suspended as shares held in treasury by the Company. It is released in order to ensure that the public is properly informed, in accordance with the AMF recommendation of July 17, 2007. 



What is Nanobiotix's (NBTX) total number of shares outstanding as of September 30, 2024?

As of September 30, 2024, Nanobiotix (NBTX) reported 47,426,851 shares outstanding.

How many theoretical voting rights does Nanobiotix (NBTX) have according to the September 30, 2024 report?

According to the September 30, 2024 report, Nanobiotix (NBTX) has 49,200,752 total theoretical voting rights.

What is the number of exercisable voting rights for Nanobiotix (NBTX) as of September 30, 2024?

As of September 30, 2024, Nanobiotix (NBTX) reported 49,178,634 total exercisable voting rights.

On which stock exchanges is Nanobiotix (NBTX) listed?

Nanobiotix (NBTX) is listed on Euronext Paris and Nasdaq.

Nanobiotix S.A. American Depositary Shares


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