North Bay Resources Announces Refinery Shipment of Gold Concentrate from Bishop Gold Mill, California

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North Bay Resources (OTC: NBRI) has completed a test shipment of 327 lbs of gold concentrate from its Bishop Gold Mill to Just Refiners in Reno, NV. The concentrate, grading 14.2 ounces per ton, was produced from processing ore from the Fran Gold Property in February.

Recent ore processing runs yielded 2.44 troy ounces of contained gold from approximately 10 tons of ore, achieving a recovered gold grade of 0.24 ounces per ton. Current recovery rates are estimated at 50% overall, with gravity recovery reaching 70%. The mill has shown significant optimization progress:

  • Centrifuge grade improved from 0.5 to 19 ounces per ton
  • Double pass centrifuge grade achieved 45 ounces per ton
  • Shaker table recovery increased from 0.2 to 5.2 ounces per ton

The Fran Gold Property spans 34,360 acres and is located 20 miles from Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Mine. The property features a gold deposit extending 3,700 feet in length, up to 120 feet in width, and over 700 feet in depth, containing parallel gold veins grading up to 2.6 troy ounces per ton.

North Bay Resources (OTC: NBRI) ha completato una spedizione di prova di 327 libbre di concentrato d'oro dal suo impianto di lavorazione di Bishop a Just Refiners a Reno, NV. Il concentrato, con una gradazione di 14,2 once per tonnellata, è stato prodotto dal trattamento del minerale della Fran Gold Property a febbraio.

Le recenti lavorazioni del minerale hanno prodotto 2,44 once troy di oro contenuto da circa 10 tonnellate di minerale, raggiungendo un grado di recupero dell'oro di 0,24 once per tonnellata. I tassi di recupero attuali sono stimati al 50% complessivo, con il recupero gravitazionale che raggiunge il 70%. L'impianto ha mostrato progressi significativi nell'ottimizzazione:

  • Il grado della centrifuga è migliorato da 0,5 a 19 once per tonnellata
  • Il grado della centrifuga a doppio passaggio ha raggiunto 45 once per tonnellata
  • Il recupero del tavolo vibrante è aumentato da 0,2 a 5,2 once per tonnellata

La Fran Gold Property si estende su 34.360 acri ed è situata a 20 miglia dalla miniera Mt. Milligan di Centerra Gold. La proprietà presenta un deposito d'oro che si estende per 3.700 piedi di lunghezza, fino a 120 piedi di larghezza e oltre 700 piedi di profondità, contenente vene d'oro parallele con un grado fino a 2,6 once troy per tonnellata.

North Bay Resources (OTC: NBRI) ha completado un envío de prueba de 327 libras de concentrado de oro desde su molino de oro en Bishop a Just Refiners en Reno, NV. El concentrado, con una graduación de 14.2 onzas por tonelada, se produjo a partir del procesamiento de mineral de la Fran Gold Property en febrero.

Las recientes corridas de procesamiento de mineral han producido 2.44 onzas troy de oro contenido de aproximadamente 10 toneladas de mineral, logrando un grado de oro recuperado de 0.24 onzas por tonelada. Las tasas de recuperación actuales se estiman en un 50% en general, con la recuperación gravitacional alcanzando el 70%. El molino ha mostrado un progreso significativo en la optimización:

  • El grado de la centrífuga mejoró de 0.5 a 19 onzas por tonelada
  • El grado de la centrífuga de doble paso alcanzó 45 onzas por tonelada
  • La recuperación de la mesa vibratoria aumentó de 0.2 a 5.2 onzas por tonelada

La Fran Gold Property abarca 34,360 acres y se encuentra a 20 millas de la mina Mt. Milligan de Centerra Gold. La propiedad presenta un depósito de oro que se extiende por 3,700 pies de longitud, hasta 120 pies de ancho y más de 700 pies de profundidad, conteniendo vetas de oro paralelas con una graduación de hasta 2.6 onzas troy por tonelada.

노스 베이 리소스(OTC: NBRI)는 비숍 골드 밀에서 네바다주 리노의 저스트 리파이너스까지 327파운드의 금 농축물 테스트 배송을 완료했습니다. 이 농축물은 톤당 14.2온스의 품질을 가지며, 2월에 프란 골드 재산의 광석을 처리하여 생산되었습니다.

최근의 광석 처리에서 약 10톤의 광석에서 2.44 트로이 온스의 금이 포함되어 회수율 0.24온스/톤을 달성했습니다. 현재 회수율은 전체적으로 50%로 추정되며, 중력 회수율은 70%에 달합니다. 이 밀은 최적화에서 상당한 진전을 보였습니다:

  • 원심분리기의 품질이 0.5에서 19온스로 개선되었습니다
  • 이중 통과 원심분리기의 품질이 45온스/톤에 도달했습니다
  • 진동 테이블 회수율이 0.2에서 5.2온스로 증가했습니다

프란 골드 재산은 34,360에이커에 걸쳐 있으며, 센테라 골드의 Mt. Milligan 광산에서 20마일 떨어져 있습니다. 이 재산은 길이 3,700피트, 너비 최대 120피트, 깊이 700피트 이상의 금 광맥을 포함하고 있으며, 톤당 최대 2.6 트로이 온스의 품질을 가진 평행 금맥이 포함되어 있습니다.

North Bay Resources (OTC: NBRI) a complété un envoi test de 327 livres de concentré d'or de son usine de Bishop à Just Refiners à Reno, NV. Le concentré, ayant une teneur de 14,2 onces par tonne, a été produit à partir du traitement du minerai de la Fran Gold Property en février.

Les récentes opérations de traitement du minerai ont donné 2,44 onces troy d'or contenu à partir d'environ 10 tonnes de minerai, atteignant un grade d'or récupéré de 0,24 once par tonne. Les taux de récupération actuels sont estimés à 50 % au total, avec une récupération par gravité atteignant 70 %. L'usine a montré des progrès significatifs en matière d'optimisation :

  • Le grade de la centrifugeuse est passé de 0,5 à 19 onces par tonne
  • Le grade de la centrifugeuse à double passage a atteint 45 onces par tonne
  • La récupération de la table vibrante a augmenté de 0,2 à 5,2 onces par tonne

La Fran Gold Property s'étend sur 34 360 acres et se trouve à 20 miles de la mine Mt. Milligan de Centerra Gold. La propriété présente un gisement d'or s'étendant sur 3 700 pieds de long, jusqu'à 120 pieds de large et plus de 700 pieds de profondeur, contenant des veines d'or parallèles avec une teneur allant jusqu'à 2,6 onces troy par tonne.

North Bay Resources (OTC: NBRI) hat einen Testversand von 327 Pfund Goldkonzentrat von seiner Bishop Gold Mill an Just Refiners in Reno, NV, abgeschlossen. Das Konzentrate hat einen Gehalt von 14,2 Unzen pro Tonne und wurde durch die Verarbeitung von Erz aus dem Fran Gold Property im Februar hergestellt.

Die aktuellen Erzverarbeitungsdurchläufe haben 2,44 Troy-Unzen Gold aus etwa 10 Tonnen Erz ergeben, was einen Goldgehalt von 0,24 Unzen pro Tonne erreicht. Die aktuellen Rückgewinnungsraten werden insgesamt auf 50% geschätzt, wobei die Schwerkraft-Rückgewinnung 70% erreicht. Die Mühle hat erhebliche Fortschritte bei der Optimierung gezeigt:

  • Der Grad der Zentrifuge verbesserte sich von 0,5 auf 19 Unzen pro Tonne
  • Der Grad der Doppelpasse-Zentrifuge erreichte 45 Unzen pro Tonne
  • Die Rückgewinnung des Schütteltisches stieg von 0,2 auf 5,2 Unzen pro Tonne

Die Fran Gold Property erstreckt sich über 34.360 Acres und liegt 20 Meilen von der Mt. Milligan Mine von Centerra Gold entfernt. Die Immobilie verfügt über ein Goldlager, das sich über 3.700 Fuß in der Länge, bis zu 120 Fuß in der Breite und über 700 Fuß in der Tiefe erstreckt, mit parallelen Goldadern, die bis zu 2,6 Troy-Unzen pro Tonne erreichen.

  • Successful test shipment of high-grade gold concentrate (14.2 oz/ton)
  • Significant mill optimization improvements achieved
  • Large property (34,360 acres) with established gold deposit
  • Expected reduction in shipping costs from April 2025
  • 5,000 tons of surface material available for processing
  • Current recovery rate only at 50% of total gold content
  • High shipping costs at $280 per ton
  • Flotation circuit still not fully operational
  • Variable head grade due to gold charging issues

BISHOP, Calif., March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- North Bay Resources, Inc. (the “Company” or “North Bay”) (OTC: NBRI) is pleased to announce a test shipment of 327 lbs. of gold concentrate grading 14.2 ounces per ton has been made from the Bishop Gold Mill to Just Refiners, Reno, NV. The shipment was the result of ongoing optimization of the Mill in February processing ore from its Fran Gold Property. Recent ore runs produced an estimated 2.44 troy ounces of contained gold from approximately 10 tons of ore. This reflects a recovered gold grade of 0.24 ounces per ton. An additional 0.1 ounce of contained gold in low-grade concentrate remained at the Mill. Recovery is currently estimated at approximately 50% overall or 70% of gravity recoverable gold. Metallurgical testing has shown gravity recovery of up to 67% may be achieved with an additional 30% recoverable by flotation. Head grade is estimated at 0.5 ounces per ton but varies considerably at the centrifuge due to gold charging of the ball mill and overflow container due to the inherent density of gold. The gravity circuit is now efficiently processing material and optimization of the jaw crusher, ball mill, centrifuge, and shaker table are now largely complete. The Company is now implementing the flotation circuit and increasing gravity circuit throughput.

The Company reports the following Mill optimization progress:

  • Centrifuge grade has been optimized from initial results of 0.5 ounce per ton to 19 ounces per ton, with a weighted average of 13 ounces per ton.
  • Double pass centrifuge grade of 45 ounces per ton has been achieved.
  • Optimization of gravity circuit has been successful with targeted results achieved in grind size and classification involving residence time in the ball mill, water flow, and residence time in the centrifuge. Final optimization of the gravity circuit is expected to increase overall recovery by up to 17%.
  • The flotation circuit is currently being brought on-line to target very fine gold (-200 mesh) and gold in quartz not otherwise recovered by centrifuge or scavenger recovery at the shaker table. Implementation of flotation is expected to increase overall recovery by up to 30%.
  • Scavenger recovery at the Diester Table was increased from initial grade of 0.2 ounce per ton to 5.2 ounces per ton, with a weighted average of 2 ounces per ton reflecting approximately 15% of current recovery. The shaker table concentrate is amenable to centrifuge concentration and has been upgraded by up to 10x utilizing secondary upgrading.

Composite shipment assays:

DESCRIPTIONAu oz / tonlbs.Au oz
Centrifuge #210.45560.29
Centrifuge #318.78340.32
Table #35.23870.23
Centrifuge #1 - 2x Upgrade45.67651.48
Table #1 w/Centrifuge Upgrade2.63850.11
Total 3272.44

Samples were assayed by fire assay at Just Refiners, Reno, Nevada, (Centrifuge #1 and Table #1) with additional assays completed at ALS Geochemistry Reno, Nevada, utilizing ALS Analytical Procedure Au-GRA22 (Centrifuge #2, Centrifuge #3, and Table #3).

Fran Gold Project

The Property is 34,360 acres and is located 20 miles from Centerra Gold’s 60,000 tonne per day Mt. Milligan Copper, Gold Mine (299Mt @ 0.22% Cu, .45 g/t Au). To date there has been in excess of 50,000 feet of diamond drilling in 104 holes at Fran, primarily at the Bullion Alley Zone. A gold deposit, 3700 feet in length, with width of up to 120 feet, and depth of over 700 feet has been delineated. The deposit contains 3 to 4 well defined parallel gold veins grading up to 2.6 troy ounces of gold per ton as well as wide sections of low and mid-grade gold in veins and disseminated in veinlets throughout the deposit. Surface trenching has identified a near surface sub-zone where the gold bearing veins swell and are accessible from surface. In addition, samples have assayed up to 1.68% copper and 5.1 troy ounces per ton silver. There is property wide potential for additional discoveries of gold and copper with numerous showings outside of the Bullion Alley Zone. Shipping costs are currently $280 per ton and are expected to significantly decrease starting in April, 2025 with the opening of a new railway siding approximately 30 miles from the mine and designed for loading of ore from nearby mines. Due to the low value of raw ore the Company does not foresee significant impact from tariffs. There is approximately 5,000 tons of surface material available for shipment.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of


Jared Lazerson

X: @NorthBayRes

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This news release may contain certain “Forward-Looking Statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws.


What are the current gold recovery rates at North Bay Resources' Bishop Gold Mill (NBRI)?

Current recovery rates are 50% overall, with gravity recovery at 70%. Testing shows potential for 67% gravity recovery plus 30% through flotation.

How much gold concentrate did NBRI ship to Just Refiners in March 2025?

NBRI shipped 327 lbs of gold concentrate grading 14.2 ounces per ton to Just Refiners in Reno, NV.

What are the dimensions of NBRI's Fran Gold Property deposit?

The deposit is 3,700 feet in length, up to 120 feet in width, and over 700 feet in depth, with gold veins grading up to 2.6 troy ounces per ton.

How much ore was processed in NBRI's recent production run at Bishop Gold Mill?

Recent runs processed approximately 10 tons of ore, yielding 2.44 troy ounces of contained gold at 0.24 ounces per ton.

What improvements has NBRI achieved in its mill optimization process?

Centrifuge grade improved from 0.5 to 19 oz/ton, achieved 45 oz/ton in double pass, and shaker table recovery increased from 0.2 to 5.2 oz/ton.
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