North Bay Resources Announces Federal (MSHA) Approval of Mt. Vernon Gold Mine Operational Plan and Commencement of Production, Sierra County, California
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTC: NBRI) has received MSHA approval to begin full-scale production at its Mt. Vernon Gold Mine in Sierra County, California. The company plans to extract 500 tons from a high-grade zone showing gold grades over 1 ounce and up to 5 ounces per ton. Recent assays confirm these high-grade gold values, along with silver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium content.
The Bishop Gold Mill is now operational, with processing of ore from the Fran Gold project expected to start soon. Metallurgical studies are underway for both the Fran Gold and Mt. Vernon projects. The company is also conducting gravity separation testing and considering additional equipment to improve efficiency and recovery.
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTC: NBRI) ha ricevuto l' per avviare la produzione su larga scala nella sua Miniera d'Oro Mt. Vernon nella Contea di Sierra, California. L'azienda prevede di estrarre 500 tonnellate da una zona ad alta qualità che mostra gradi d'oro superiori a 1 oncia e fino a 5 once per tonnellata. Gli ultimi campionamenti confermano questi alti valori aurei, insieme a contenuti di argento, platino, palladio e rodio.
Il Mulino d'Oro Bishop è ora operativo, con l'elaborazione del minerale proveniente dal progetto Fran Gold che dovrebbe iniziare presto. Sono in corso studi metallurgici sia per i progetti Fran Gold che Mt. Vernon. L'azienda sta anche conducendo test di separazione gravitazionale e sta considerando attrezzature aggiuntive per migliorare l'efficienza e il recupero.
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTC: NBRI) ha recibido la aprobación de MSHA para comenzar la producción a gran escala en su Minería de Oro Mt. Vernon en el Condado de Sierra, California. La compañía planea extraer 500 toneladas de una zona de alta ley que muestra grados de oro superiores a 1 onza y hasta 5 onzas por tonelada. Los análisis recientes confirman estos altos valores de oro, junto con contenido de plata, platino, paladio y rodio.
El Molino de Oro Bishop ya está operativo, y se espera que el procesamiento de mineral del proyecto Fran Gold comience pronto. Se están llevando a cabo estudios metalúrgicos tanto para los proyectos Fran Gold como Mt. Vernon. La empresa también está realizando pruebas de separación por gravedad y considerando equipo adicional para mejorar la eficiencia y la recuperación.
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTC: NBRI)는 캘리포니아 시에라 카운티에 위치한 Mt. Vernon 금 광산에서 전면적인 생산을 시작하기 위한 MSHA 승인을 받았습니다. 회사는 1온스 이상, 최대 5온스의 금 함량을 보이는 고급 지역에서 500톤을 추출할 계획입니다. 최근의 분석 결과는 이러한 고급 금 값을 확인하며, 은, 백금, 팔라듐 및 로듐의 함량도 포함되어 있습니다.
Bishop 금 밀은 현재 가동 중이며, Fran Gold 프로젝트에서 나오는 광석의 가공이 곧 시작될 것으로 예상됩니다. 메탈루르기 연구는 Fran Gold와 Mt. Vernon 프로젝트 모두에서 진행되고 있습니다. 회사는 중력 분리 테스트를 수행하고 효율성과 회수를 개선하기 위해 추가 장비를 고려하고 있습니다.
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTC: NBRI) a reçu l' pour commencer la production à grande échelle dans sa Mine d'Or Mt. Vernon dans le comté de Sierra, Californie. La société prévoit d'extraire 500 tonnes d'une zone à haute teneur présentant des teneurs en or de plus de 1 once et allant jusqu'à 5 onces par tonne. Les analyses récentes confirment ces valeurs élevées en or, ainsi que des contenus en argent, platine, palladium et rhodium.
Le Moulin d'Or Bishop est maintenant opérationnel, le traitement du minerai du projet Fran Gold devant commencer bientôt. Des études métallurgiques sont en cours pour les projets Fran Gold et Mt. Vernon. L'entreprise effectue également des tests de séparation par gravité et envisage un équipement supplémentaire pour améliorer l'efficacité et le taux de récupération.
North Bay Resources Inc. (OTC: NBRI) hat die MSHA-Genehmigung erhalten, um die Großproduktion in seiner Mt. Vernon Goldmine im Sierra County, Kalifornien, zu beginnen. Das Unternehmen plant, 500 Tonnen aus einem hochgradigen Bereich mit Goldgehalten von über 1 Unze bis zu 5 Unzen pro Tonne zu fördern. Neueste Analysen bestätigen diese hohen Goldwerte sowie den Gehalt an Silber, Platino, Palladium und Rhodium.
Die Bishop Gold Mill ist jetzt betriebsbereit, und die Verarbeitung von Erz aus dem Fran Gold-Projekt wird voraussichtlich bald beginnen. Metallurgische Studien sind sowohl für die Fran Gold- als auch die Mt. Vernon-Projekte im Gange. Das Unternehmen führt auch Tests zur Schwerkrafttrennung durch und erwägt zusätzliche Ausrüstung, um die Effizienz und den Gewinn zu verbessern.
- MSHA approval received for full-scale production at Mt. Vernon Gold Mine
- High-grade gold zone identified with grades over 1 oz/ton and up to 5 oz/ton
- Bishop Gold Mill now operational and ready to process ore
- Metallurgical studies and gravity separation testing in progress to optimize recovery
- None.
BISHOP, Calif., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- North Bay Resources Inc. (the “Company” or “North Bay”) (OTC: NBRI) is pleased to announce the United States Department of Labor, Mining Safety and Health Administration (“MSHA”) for the Western District has issued all necessary approvals for the commencement of full-scale production at the Company’s Mt. Vernon Gold Mine located in Sierra County, California. The Company has received specific notices as follows:
- The application for Alternative Mine Rescue Capability for small and remote mines dated 10/11/2024 has been reviewed for compliance with the provisions of CFR 49.3 is approved;
- The Ventilation Plan dated 10/11/2024 has been received and reviewed for compliance with 30 CFR §57.8520---Ventilation Plan: no deficiencies noted;
- The Escape and Evacuation Plan for the Mt. Vernon Mine, Mine I.D. # 04-04088 dated 10/11/2024 as required by 30 CFR §57.11053 has been reviewed and is approved.
The first phase of mining will be to blast, load, sort and ship 500 tons from the heart of the deposit. This zone has shown consistent gold grades over 1 ounce and up to 5 ounces per ton gold. An updated mine plan has been completed by Respec (Mining Engineers) targeting the highest grade zone (see Diagram 1).
Diagram 1. – Updated Mine Plan for Extraction of 500 tons.
The updated mine plan utilized previous geological mapping and 3D modelling of the known high-grade channel and recent (see Press Release dated October 4, 2024) as well as previous assays (see Press Release dated July 17, 2024) as follows:
Mt. Vernon Assays - October 2024
Sample I.D. | Location | Gold | Silver | Platinum | Palladium | Rhodium |
oz/ton | oz/ton | oz/ton | oz/ton | oz/ton | ||
2021263288 | Right Cross Cut L | 3.29 | 0.37 | 1.23 | 0.02 | N.D. |
2021263224 | Right Cross Cut R | 3.39 | 0.36 | 0.91 | 0.47 | 0.16 |
2021263294 | 3+90-4+00 L | 1.17 | 0.32 | 0.66 | 0.02 | N.D. |
2021263225 | 4+30-4+40 L | 1.63 | 0.38 | 1.29 | 0.32 | 0.33 |
2021263223 | 4+40-4+50 L | 4.92 | 0.39 | 1.15 | 0.02 | N.D. |
2021263226 | 4+50-4+60 L | 5.02 | 0.48 | 1.49 | 0.25 | 0.45 |
2021263222 | 4+70-4+80 L | 4.01 | 0.48 | 1.44 | 0.14 | N.D. |
2021263227 | 3+90-4+00 R | 2.17 | 0.67 | 1.34 | 0.16 | N.D. |
2021263221 | 4+10-4+20 R | 3.71 | 0.31 | 1.03 | 0.16 | 0.21 |
2021263220 | 4+20-4+30 R | 3.00 | 0.67 | 1.28 | 0.42 | 0.26 |
2021263291 | 4+40-4+50 R | 1.28 | 0.33 | 1.15 | 0.32 | N.D. |
2021263289 | 5+10-5+20 R | 0.69 | 0.70 | 1.30 | 0.45 | 0.29 |
Mt. Vernon Assays – October 2023
Sample ID | Location | Gold |
oz/ton | ||
MV23-8 | 3+90-4+00 L | 2.11 |
MV23-7 | 4+00-4+10 L | 2.02 |
MV23-6 | 4+10-4+20 L | 1.35 |
MV23-25 | 4+20-4+30 L | 2.10 |
MV23-18 | 4+30-4+40 L | 3.22 |
MV23-12 | 4+40-4+50 L | 4.80 |
MV23-14 | 4+50-4+60 L | 2.48 |
MV23-23 | 4+60-4+70 L | 1.82 |
MV23-13 | 4+70-4+80 L | 2.83 |
MV23-26 | 4+80-4+90 L | 1.52 |
MV23-2 | 4+90-5+00 L | 2.57 |
MV23-24 | 5+00-5+10 L | 1.06 |
MV23-9 | 5+10-5+20 L | 0.67 |
MV23-3 | 5+20-5+30 L | 0.94 |
MV23-29 | 5+30-5+40 L | 0.93 |
MV23-17 | 3+90-4+00 R | 2.01 |
MV23-10 | 4+10-4+20R | 2.4 |
MV23-19 | 4+20-4+30 R | 2.21 |
MV23-28 | 4+30-4+40 R | 1.32 |
MV23-16 | 4+40-4+50 R | 1.58 |
MV23-21 | 4+50-4+60 R | 1.27 |
MV23-20 | 4+60-4+70 R | 1.85 |
MV23-11 | 4+70-4+80 R | 0.74 |
MV23-27 | 4+80-4+90 R | 1.19 |
MV23-1 | 4+90-5+00 R | 0.85 |
MV23-4 | 5+00-5+10 R | 1.70 |
MV23-15 | 5+10-5+20 R | 1.21 |
MV23-5 | 5+20-5+30 R | 0.40 |
MV23-22 | 5+30-5+40 R | 0.38 |
Mt. Vernon Gold Mine
The Mt. Vernon Gold Mine is a largely undeveloped deposit. Sampling, by qualified mining engineers, have assayed greater than 1 ounce per ton, and up to 5 ounces per ton, continuously reported over 200 feet. The modern access tunnel runs across the known 200-foot-wide gold bearing zone and perpendicular to the channel itself. The channel is up to 500 feet wide and extends over 2000 feet in length throughout the property. The channel varies in thickness from 4 feet to up to 20 feet. Typically, the lower 4 feet contains the higher gold grades. The channel is the same channel previously mined at the contiguous Ruby Mine which is known to be the richest mine in North America. Mt. Vernon is a permitted underground mine with modern portal, tunnel, ventilation. power, and equipment. The ore body is estimated at 954,000 tons based on the known channel (B. Hanford, 2023).
Bishop Gold Mill
The gravity circuit at the Company’s Bishop Gold Mill is now operational and the processing of gold bearing ore from the Company’s Fran Gold project is expected to commence this week. Woods Process Services personnel will be on site Tuesday, October 22 to complete final electrical inspection prior to processing of gold bearing ore having already completed mechanical inspection. Operational components include jaw crusher (see Press Release dated October 1, 2024), conveyor (installation of a new conveyor was completed last week), vertical bucket conveyor (for movement of ore to the ball mill feed silo), ball mill, raker/classifier, and gravity table. The raker/classifier separates larger material and nuggets, which are passed to the gravity table, from the finer material which reports to the flotation circuit. Improvements and replacements, by the industrial plumber, at the water tower, of certain sections of piping, and various valves this past week has been successful. Proper volume and flow of water is now occurring to the gravity table, flotation cells, and throughout the plant to the tailings pond.
Previously announced metallurgy studies of ore, from the Company’s Fran Gold project, to determine final froth flotation and reagent requirements for the extraction of gold, are proceeding at Woods Process Services’ Metallurgy Laboratory. Upon completion of the formulation, extraction by flotation at the Bishop Gold Mill will commence. Kappes, Cassiday & Associates has commenced metallurgical studies on ore from the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine for the purpose of detailed ore characterization, report to tailings and to better understand this unique high-grade ore in anticipation of production. Enviro-tech Analytical Labs has commenced gravity separation testing on composite samples from previously assayed material from Mt. Vernon (see Press Release dated October 4, 2024). The purpose of this work is to set a baseline percentage and concentration ratio for recovery of gold, platinum, and silver by gravity separation at the Bishop Gold Mill. The gravity separated concentrate produced at the Bishop Mill will be used to produce dore bars and platinum buttons utilizing the on-site furnace. The furnace is fully operational. Based on prior work, gravity recovery of gold and platinum from Mt. Vernon is expected to be high and the use of the flotation circuit may not be immediately necessary.
NewFields, as lead environmental engineers, have filed a revised and updated closure cost analysis (2024 dollars) and tailings pond liner inspection report with regulators. A determination will be made by regulators as to whether to increase the closure bond. The Company currently has a closure bond in place of
On behalf of the Board of Directors of
Jared Lazerson
X: @NorthBayRes
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This news release may contain certain “Forward-Looking Statements” within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

What approvals did North Bay Resources (NBRI) receive for the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine?
What is the gold grade reported for the Mt. Vernon Gold Mine (NBRI)?
When is North Bay Resources (NBRI) expected to start processing ore at the Bishop Gold Mill?