Time For Trump to "Mine, Baby, Mine" to Counter China, Russia
NioCorp Developments (NASDAQ:NB) CEO Mark A. Smith published an op-ed on Fox News urging President-Elect Trump to initiate a new era of U.S. critical minerals development, dubbed 'Mine, Baby, Mine.' The initiative aims to reduce U.S. dependence on BRICS nations for military-essential minerals.
The op-ed highlights China's recent addition of 28 U.S. defense industry companies to its export control list, potentially affecting critical materials supply. Smith warns that restrictions on critical minerals exports could impact military capabilities, including F-35 operations and smart bomb functionality.
Smith proposed several initiatives including: providing low-interest loans to permitted mines, expanding Department of Defense funding authority, accelerating EXIM Bank financing for domestic projects, streamlining federal permitting processes, and setting reasonable litigation timelines to reduce the current 29-year average timeline for mine development in the U.S.
NioCorp Developments (NASDAQ:NB) CEO Mark A. Smith ha pubblicato un articolo di opinione su Fox News esortando il Presidente Eletto Trump a dare inizio a una nuova era di sviluppo dei minerali critici negli Stati Uniti, soprannominata 'Mine, Baby, Mine.' L'iniziativa mira a ridurre la dipendenza degli Stati Uniti dalle nazioni BRICS per minerali essenziali per la difesa militare.
L'articolo sottolinea l'aggiunta recente da parte della Cina di 28 aziende dell'industria della difesa statunitense alla sua lista di controllo delle esportazioni, il che potrebbe influenzare la fornitura di materiali critici. Smith avverte che le restrizioni sulle esportazioni di minerali critici potrebbero avere un impatto sulle capacità militari, comprese le operazioni F-35 e la funzionalità delle bombe intelligenti.
Smith ha proposto diverse iniziative tra cui: fornire prestiti a basso interesse per le miniere autorizzate, ampliare l'autorità di finanziamento del Dipartimento della Difesa, accelerare il finanziamento della EXIM Bank per progetti domestici, semplificare i processi di autorizzazione federale e stabilire tempistiche ragionevoli per le controversie per ridurre l'attuale tempo medio di 29 anni per lo sviluppo delle miniere negli Stati Uniti.
NioCorp Developments (NASDAQ:NB) el CEO Mark A. Smith publicó un artículo de opinión en Fox News instando al presidente electo Trump a iniciar una nueva era de desarrollo de minerales críticos en EE. UU., denominada 'Mine, Baby, Mine.' La iniciativa tiene como objetivo reducir la dependencia de EE. UU. de las naciones BRICS para minerales esenciales para la defensa militar.
El artículo destaca la reciente inclusión por parte de China de 28 empresas de la industria de defensa de EE. UU. en su lista de control de exportaciones, lo que podría afectar el suministro de materiales críticos. Smith advierte que las restricciones a las exportaciones de minerales críticos podrían impactar las capacidades militares, incluyendo las operaciones del F-35 y la funcionalidad de las bombas inteligentes.
Smith propuso varias iniciativas, incluyendo: proporcionar préstamos a bajo interés a las minas autorizadas, expandir la autoridad de financiamiento del Departamento de Defensa, acelerar la financiación del Banco EXIM para proyectos internos, agilizar los procesos de permisos federales, y establecer plazos razonables para litigios para reducir el actual promedio de 29 años para el desarrollo de minas en EE. UU.
NioCorp Developments (NASDAQ:NB)의 CEO Mark A. Smith는 Fox News에 기고 글을 발표하며 대통령 당선자 트럼프에게 미국의 핵심 광물 개발의 새로운 시대인 'Mine, Baby, Mine.'을 시작할 것을 촉구했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 미군 필수 광물에 대한 BRICS 국가에 대한 의존도를 줄이는 것을 목표로 합니다.
기고문은 최근 중국이 28개의 미국 방산 기업을 수출 통제 목록에 추가한 사실을 강조하며, 이는 핵심 자재 공급에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. Smith는 핵심 광물 수출에 대한 제한이 군사 능력, 특히 F-35 운영 및 스마트 폭탄 기능에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 경고합니다.
Smith는 몇 가지 이니셔티브를 제안했으며, 여기에는: 허가된 광산에 대한 저금리 대출 제공, 국방부의 자금 조달 권한 확대, 국내 프로젝트를 위한 EXIM 은행 자금 조달 가속화, 연방 허가 프로세스 간소화, 현재 미국의 광산 개발 평균인 29년을 줄이기 위한 합리적인 소송 기간 설정이 포함됩니다.
NioCorp Developments (NASDAQ:NB) le PDG Mark A. Smith a publié un article d'opinion sur Fox News exhortant le président élu Trump à initier une nouvelle ère de développement des minéraux critiques aux États-Unis, intitulée 'Mine, Baby, Mine.' L'initiative vise à réduire la dépendance des États-Unis vis-à-vis des pays BRICS pour les minéraux essentiels à la défense militaire.
L'article met en avant l'ajout récent par la Chine de 28 entreprises de l'industrie de la défense américaine sur sa liste de contrôle des exportations, ce qui pourrait affecter l'approvisionnement en matériaux critiques. Smith avertit que les restrictions sur les exportations de minéraux critiques pourraient avoir un impact sur les capacités militaires, y compris les opérations du F-35 et la fonctionnalité des bombes intelligentes.
Smith a proposé plusieurs initiatives, notamment : fournir des prêts à faible intérêt aux mines autorisées, élargir l'autorité de financement du Département de la Défense, accélérer le financement de la Banque EXIM pour les projets nationaux, simplifier les processus d'autorisation fédérale et établir des délais de litige raisonnables pour réduire le délai moyen actuel de 29 ans pour le développement des mines aux États-Unis.
NioCorp Developments (NASDAQ:NB) CEO Mark A. Smith veröffentlichte einen Kommentar bei Fox News, in dem er den gewählten Präsidenten Trump aufforderte, eine neue Ära der Entwicklung kritischer Mineralien in den USA einzuleiten, die 'Mine, Baby, Mine.' genannt wird. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Abhängigkeit der USA von BRICS-Staaten bezüglich militärisch essenzieller Mineralien zu verringern.
Der Kommentar hebt Chinas jüngste Hinzufügung von 28 US-Verteidigungsunternehmen zu seiner Exportkontrollliste hervor, was möglicherweise die Versorgung mit kritischen Materialien beeinflusst. Smith warnt, dass Einschränkungen bei den Exporten kritischer Mineralien die militärischen Fähigkeiten, einschließlich der Operationen des F-35 und der Funktionalität von intelligenten Bomben, beeinträchtigen könnten.
Smith schlug mehrere Initiativen vor, darunter: die Bereitstellung von zinsgünstigen Darlehen für genehmigte Minen, die Ausweitung der Finanzierungsbefugnis des Verteidigungsministeriums, die Beschleunigung der EXIM Bank-Finanzierung für inländische Projekte, die Vereinfachung der federalen Genehmigungsprozesse und die Festlegung angemessener Rechtsstreitfristen, um die derzeitige durchschnittliche Entwicklungszeit von 29 Jahren für Minen in den USA zu verkürzen.
- Company CEO gains national media exposure through Fox News op-ed
- Potential for increased government support and funding for critical minerals projects
- Strategic positioning of NioCorp's Elk Creek Project as a domestic source of critical minerals
- Current 29-year average timeline for mine development in U.S. affects project execution
- Dependence on potential policy changes and government initiatives for business growth
This opinion piece, while politically charged, carries minimal direct financial implications for NioCorp (NASDAQ:NB). The CEO's advocacy for domestic critical minerals development, while aligned with the company's interests, lacks concrete policy commitments or immediate business impact. The market capitalization of
The proposed initiatives, including low-interest loans and expanded DoD funding authority, are speculative and dependent on future political outcomes. While the Elk Creek Project's focus on niobium, scandium, titanium and rare earths positions it well within the critical minerals narrative, the article doesn't provide material updates on project development, financing, or operational milestones.
From an investment perspective, the key risk factors remain unchanged: the lengthy permitting process (cited as 29 years average), significant capital requirements and project execution challenges. The EXIM Bank financing mention is noteworthy but lacks specific commitments.
The article highlights growing geopolitical tensions around critical minerals but presents no immediate policy changes. China's addition of 28 U.S. defense companies to its export control list is significant, but the impact on NioCorp's business prospects remains indirect. The BRICS currency de-dollarization efforts and potential trade restrictions create a supportive narrative for domestic critical minerals development, but translation into actionable policy requires substantial legislative and executive action.
The proposed policy initiatives face significant implementation hurdles, including Congressional approval, environmental opposition and bureaucratic inertia. While the strategic importance of critical minerals is clear, the path from political rhetoric to operational reality is complex and time-consuming.
Fox News Publishes Opinion-Editorial by NioCorp's Mark Smith Pointing to the Mineral Threat
Posed by the BRICS Nations Over the U.S. Military
CENTENNIAL, CO / ACCESSWIRE / January 15, 2025 / FoxNews.com today published an opinion-editorial by NioCorp Developments CEO and Executive Chairman Mark A. Smith urging President-Elect Donald J. Trump to launch a new era of U.S. critical minerals development, which he called "Mine, Baby, Mine," to reduce the dangerous leverage that Russia, China, and other nations have over the U.S. because of America's dependence on those nations for the minerals needed by the Pentagon.
The op-ed can be seen here: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/mine-baby-mine-us-needs-dig-deep-help-military
BRICS is a coalition of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and several other nations that have announced their intent to replace the U.S. dollar as the primary global currency. In December 2024, President-elect Trump responded by threatening to levy large tariffs on these nations if they seek to displace the dollar (https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113573130299319701)
Mr. Smith argues that the best way to counter the BRICS threat is to reduce America's mineral dependence on those nations by producing more of its own critical minerals. NioCorp Developments Ltd. ("NioCorp" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:NB) is currently advancing the Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project in Nebraska, which is expected to produce the critical minerals niobium, scandium, titanium, and magnetic rare earths.
Mr. Smith reports that on New Year's Day, China added 28 U.S. defense industry companies to its export control list, which restricts the export to these companies of "dual use" materials that have both commercial and defense uses. "If the Chinese Communist Party uses this to justify banning the export of components that contain critical materials such as rare earth permanent magnets - which I believe they will do - then the long-feared critical minerals war has begun."
"Make no mistake," Mr. Smith warned, "restrictions on critical minerals exports to the U.S. will likely grow. At some point, such bans - especially if extended to the magnetic rare earth elements, as I believe are now inevitable - mean that newly built F-35s can't fly, smart bombs turn dumb, advanced submarines can't be built, and soldiers lose future supplies of night-vision goggles."
In 2023, Smith predicted that China would eventually move to restrict rare earth exports to the U.S. (https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/china-shut-down-military-minute-fix-looming-rare-earths-supply-crisis)
"But the BRICS nations may have made a serious miscalculation: they underestimate America's ability to unleash a new era of ‘Mine, Baby, Mine' under Trump," Mr. Smith wrote. "Domestic critical minerals mining in the U.S. - including in much-talked-about jurisdictions such as Greenland - is key to removing the dangerous leverage that BRICS nations hold over our economic and national security."
Mr. Smith proposed that the Trump Administration undertake several initiatives designed to increase U.S. production of critical minerals, including the following:
Provide low-interest loans to new mines that have already obtained all necessary federal, state, and local permits and which have earned strong buy-in from local communities.
Focus on polymetallic mines that can produce multiple critical minerals from a single orebody and can also expand production by recycling post-consumer waste streams, such as rare earth permanent magnets.
Expand the authority of the U.S. Department of Defense, through its Office of Strategic Capital and Title III programs, to become a major funding source for new mines. Also, enable the National Defense Stockpile to build a much larger store of a defense-critical minerals and to enter into forward purchase agreements with U.S. mines not yet in production.
Encourage the U.S. Export-Import Bank (EXIM) to accelerate debt financing of domestic critical minerals projects. To its credit, EXIM has already launched a first-in-its-history effort to finance domestic U.S. projects. What's more, EXIM's loan revenue has historically covered its operating costs and allowed it to generate net government revenues. Few government agencies deliver such value.
Waive NEPA reviews for defense critical minerals projects that are not otherwise subject to NEPA but for the receipt of federal funding.
Legislate reasonable limits on litigation timelines. It now takes an average of 29 years to get a mine online in the U.S. Only Zambia is worse.
Streamline federal permitting processes. The first Trump Administration made excellent progress on this, but much of that was reversed by follow-on executive orders. Permitting reform via changes to U.S. statutes is a must.
For more information on NioCorp and the Elk Creek Project, please go here: https://www.niocorp.com
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Jim Sims, Corporate Communications Officer, NioCorp Developments Ltd., (720) 334-7066, jim.sims@niocorp.com
NioCorp is developing a critical minerals project in Southeast Nebraska that will produce niobium, scandium, and titanium. The Company also is evaluating the potential to produce several rare earths from the Project. Niobium is used to produce specialty alloys as well as High Strength, Low Alloy ("HSLA") steel, which is a lighter, stronger steel used in automotive, structural, and pipeline applications. Scandium is a specialty metal that can be combined with Aluminum to make alloys with increased strength and improved corrosion resistance. Scandium is also a critical component of advanced solid oxide fuel cells. Titanium is used in various lightweight alloys and is a key component of pigments used in paper, paint and plastics and is also used for aerospace applications, armor, and medical implants. Magnetic rare earths, such as neodymium, praseodymium, terbium, and dysprosium are critical to the making of Neodymium-Iron-Boron ("NdFeB") magnets, which are used across a wide variety of defense and civilian applications.
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, statements regarding NioCorp's expectation of producing niobium, scandium, and titanium, and the potential of producing rare earths, at the Elk Creek Project; and NioCorp's ability to secure sufficient project financing to complete construction of the Elk Creek Project and move it to commercial production. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as "plan," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "outlook," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "continue," "could," "may," "might," "possible," "potential," "predict," "should," "would" and other similar words and expressions, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking.
The forward-looking statements are based on the current expectations of the management of NioCorp and are inherently subject to uncertainties and changes in circumstances and their potential effects and speak only as of the date of such statement. There can be no assurance that future developments will be those that have been anticipated. Forward-looking statements reflect material expectations and assumptions, including, without limitation, expectations and assumptions relating to: NioCorp's ability to receive sufficient project financing for the construction of the Elk Creek Project on acceptable terms or at all; our ability to service our existing debt and meet the payment obligations thereunder; the future price of metals; the stability of the financial and capital markets; and current estimates and assumptions regarding the business combination with GX Acquisition Corp. II (the "Business Combination") and the standby equity purchase agreement (the "Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement" and, together with the Business Combination, the "Transactions") with YA II PN, Ltd., an investment fund managed by Yorkville Advisors Global, LP, and their benefits. Such expectations and assumptions are inherently subject to uncertainties and contingencies regarding future events and, as such, are subject to change. Forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties or other factors that may cause actual results or performance to be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those discussed and identified in public filings made by NioCorp with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and with the applicable Canadian securities regulatory authorities and the following: NioCorp's ability to use the net proceeds of the Private Placement in a manner that will increase the value of shareholders' investment; NioCorp's ability to operate as a going concern; NioCorp's requirement of significant additional capital; NioCorp's ability to receive sufficient project financing for the construction of the Elk Creek Project on acceptable terms or at all; NioCorp's ability to receive a final commitment of financing from the Export-Import Bank of the United States on an acceptable timeline, on acceptable terms, or at all; NioCorp's ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Transactions, including NioCorp's ability to access the full amount of the expected net proceeds under the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement; NioCorp's ability to continue to meet the listing standards of Nasdaq; risks relating to NioCorp's common shares, including price volatility, lack of dividend payments and dilution or the perception of the likelihood of any of the foregoing; the extent to which NioCorp's level of indebtedness and/or the terms contained in agreements governing NioCorp's indebtedness or the Yorkville Equity Facility Financing Agreement may impair NioCorp's ability to obtain additional financing; covenants contained in agreements with NioCorp's secured creditors that may affect its assets; NioCorp's limited operating history; NioCorp's history of losses; the material weaknesses in NioCorp's internal control over financial reporting, NioCorp's efforts to remediate such material weaknesses and the timing of remediation; the possibility that NioCorp may qualify as a passive foreign investment company under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); the potential that the Transactions could result in NioCorp becoming subject to materially adverse U.S. federal income tax consequences as a result of the application of Section 7874 and related sections of the Code; cost increases for NioCorp's exploration and, if warranted, development projects; a disruption in, or failure of, NioCorp's information technology systems, including those related to cybersecurity; equipment and supply shortages; variations in the market demand for, and prices of, niobium, scandium, titanium and rare earth products; current and future offtake agreements, joint ventures, and partnerships; NioCorp's ability to attract qualified management; estimates of mineral resources and reserves; mineral exploration and production activities; feasibility study results; the results of metallurgical testing; the results of technological research; changes in demand for and price of commodities (such as fuel and electricity) and currencies; competition in the mining industry; changes or disruptions in the securities markets; legislative, political or economic developments, including changes in federal and/or state laws that may significantly affect the mining industry; the impacts of climate change, as well as actions taken or required by governments related to strengthening resilience in the face of potential impacts from climate change; the need to obtain permits and comply with laws and regulations and other regulatory requirements; the timing and reliability of sampling and assay data; the possibility that actual results of work may differ from projections/expectations or may not realize the perceived potential of NioCorp's projects; risks of accidents, equipment breakdowns, and labor disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in development programs; operating or technical difficulties in connection with exploration, mining, or development activities; management of the water balance at the Elk Creek Project site; land reclamation requirements related to the Elk Creek Project; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities of grades of reserves and resources; claims on the title to NioCorp's properties; potential future litigation; and NioCorp's lack of insurance covering all of NioCorp's operations.
Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should any of the assumptions made by the management of NioCorp prove incorrect, actual results may vary in material respects from those projected in these forward-looking statements.
All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements concerning the matters addressed herein and attributable to NioCorp or any person acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained or referred to herein. Except to the extent required by applicable law or regulation, NioCorp undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
SOURCE: NioCorp Developments Ltd.
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