Nautilus Biotechnology Co-founder and Chief Scientist Parag Mallick, Ph.D., Honored with the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research’s Distinguished Investigator Award
Nautilus Biotechnology (NASDAQ: NAUT) announced that its co-founder and Chief Scientist, Parag Mallick, Ph.D., has been awarded the 2024 Distinguished Investigator Award by the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research. The award recognizes Dr. Mallick's significant contributions to imaging research, including his leadership, high-impact publications, and ongoing research and development work. Dr. Mallick will be inducted into the Academy's Council of Distinguished Investigators during the Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in December 2024.
Nautilus Biotechnology (NASDAQ: NAUT) ha annunciato che il suo co-fondatore e Chief Scientist, Parag Mallick, Ph.D., è stato premiato con il 2024 Distinguished Investigator Award dall'Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research. Questo riconoscimento onora i significativi contributi del Dott. Mallick alla ricerca in imaging, compresi la sua leadership, pubblicazioni ad alto impatto e il lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo in corso. Il Dott. Mallick sarà insignito nell'Consiglio degli Investigatori Distinti dell'Accademia durante l'Assemblea Annuale della Radiological Society of North America a dicembre 2024.
Nautilus Biotechnology (NASDAQ: NAUT) anunció que su cofundador y Científico Principal, Parag Mallick, Ph.D., ha sido galardonado con el 2024 Distinguished Investigator Award por la Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research. Este premio reconoce las contribuciones significativas del Dr. Mallick a la investigación en imagen, incluyendo su liderazgo, publicaciones de alto impacto y su trabajo continuo en investigación y desarrollo. El Dr. Mallick será incluido en el Consejo de Investigadores Distinguidos de la Academia durante la Reunión Anual de la Radiological Society of North America en diciembre de 2024.
나우틸러스 생명공학 (NASDAQ: NAUT)은 공동 창립자이자 최고 과학자인 파락 말릭 박사가 방사선학 및 생물 의학 이미징 연구 아카데미로부터 2024년 저명한 연구자상을 수상했다고 발표했습니다. 이 상은 말릭 박사의 이미징 연구에 대한 중요한 기여를 인정하며, 그의 리더십, 고impact 발표 및 진행 중인 연구 개발 작업을 포함합니다. 말릭 박사는 2024년 12월 북미 방사선 학회의 연례 회의에서 아카데미의 저명한 연구자 위원회에 선출될 예정입니다.
Nautilus Biotechnology (NASDAQ: NAUT) a annoncé que son cofondateur et Chef Scientifique, Parag Mallick, Ph.D., a reçu le Prix du Chercheur Distingué 2024 de l'Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research. Ce prix reconnaît les contributions significatives du Dr. Mallick à la recherche en imagerie, y compris son leadership, ses publications à fort impact et son travail continu en recherche et développement. Le Dr. Mallick sera intronisé au Conseil des Chercheurs Distingués de l'Académie lors de l'Assemblée Annuelle de la Radiological Society of North America en décembre 2024.
Nautilus Biotechnology (NASDAQ: NAUT) gab bekannt, dass ihr Mitbegründer und Chefwissenschaftler, Parag Mallick, Ph.D., mit dem 2024 Distinguished Investigator Award der Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research ausgezeichnet wurde. Der Preis würdigt Dr. Mallicks bedeutende Beiträge zur Bildgebungsforschung, einschließlich seiner Führung, hochwirksamen Publikationen und laufenden Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten. Dr. Mallick wird während der Jahrestagung der Radiological Society of North America im Dezember 2024 in den Rat der angesehenen Forscher der Akademie aufgenommen.
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Dr. Mallick to be inducted into the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research’s esteemed Council of Distinguished Investigators for his outstanding contributions to medical imaging
SEATTLE, Oct. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc. (NASDAQ: NAUT; or “Nautilus”), a company pioneering a single-molecule protein analysis platform for quantifying the proteome, today announced Nautilus co-founder and Chief Scientist Parag Mallick, Ph.D., was bestowed the 2024 Distinguished Investigator (DI) Award by the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research (the Academy).
The Award recognizes Dr. Mallick’s notable achievements in the field of imaging research, including his decades-long leadership, high-impact publications, and ongoing research and development contributions.
“Innovation in imaging science is essential for advancing biomedicine,” said Dr. Mallick. “I am truly honored to receive this prestigious award from the Academy and join its Council of Distinguished Investigators. This honor is a testament to the advances my lab members, partners, and colleagues have helped make possible.”
“Parag continues to prove his unwavering commitment to scientific excellence and the improvement of human health,” said Sujal Patel, Chief Executive Officer of Nautilus. “His accomplishments over the course of his career are many, with each bringing our entire industry a step closer to unlocking critical biological insights.”
Dr. Mallick will be inducted into the Academy’s Council of Distinguished Investigators during the Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) taking place December 1-5, 2024 in Chicago, Illinois.
About Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc.
With its corporate headquarters in Seattle and its research and development headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area, Nautilus is a development stage life sciences company creating a platform technology for quantifying and unlocking the complexity of the proteome. Nautilus’ mission is to transform the field of proteomics by democratizing access to the proteome and enabling fundamental advancements across human health and medicine. To learn more about Nautilus, visit
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