NevGold Discovers Significant Gold-Antimony Results: 1.20 G/T Au And 0.64% Antimony (Sb) Over 54.9 Meters, Including 2.12 G/T Au And +1% Antimony (Sb) Over 12.2 Meters at the Limousine Butte Gold-Antimony Project in Nevada

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NevGold Corp (OTCQX:NAUFF) has discovered significant historical gold-antimony drill results at its Limousine Butte Project in Nevada. Key findings include high-grade intersections from Newmont's historical drilling:

- LIM-40: 4.07 g/t AuEq over 54.9m (1.20 g/t Au and 0.64% Sb)
- LIM-45: 3.02 g/t AuEq over 36.6m (1.23 g/t Au and 0.40% Sb)
- LIM-48: 2.61 g/t AuEq over 61.0m (0.77 g/t Au and 0.41% Sb)

The project features historical small-scale antimony mining sites and demonstrates extensive gold-antimony mineralization across multiple zones. The project is fully permitted for drilling under the November 2024 Plan of Operations. Antimony, designated as a critical mineral by the US Department of Defense, currently has no domestic mining supply, with 90% of global production controlled by China, Russia, and Tajikistan.

NevGold Corp (OTCQX:NAUFF) ha scoperto risultati storici significativi di perforazione di oro-antimonio nel suo progetto Limousine Butte in Nevada. Le scoperte chiave includono intersezioni ad alta legge dai prelievi storici di Newmont:

- LIM-40: 4.07 g/t AuEq su 54.9m (1.20 g/t Au e 0.64% Sb)
- LIM-45: 3.02 g/t AuEq su 36.6m (1.23 g/t Au e 0.40% Sb)
- LIM-48: 2.61 g/t AuEq su 61.0m (0.77 g/t Au e 0.41% Sb)

Il progetto presenta siti storici di estrazione di antimonio su piccola scala e dimostra una vasta mineralizzazione di oro-antimonio in diverse zone. Il progetto è completamente autorizzato per le perforazioni secondo il Piano Operativo di novembre 2024. L'antimonio, designato come minerale critico dal Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti, attualmente non ha forniture minerarie domestiche, con il 90% della produzione globale controllata da Cina, Russia e Tagikistan.

NevGold Corp (OTCQX:NAUFF) ha descubierto resultados históricos significativos de perforación de oro-antimonio en su Proyecto Limousine Butte en Nevada. Los hallazgos clave incluyen intersecciones de alta ley de la perforación histórica de Newmont:

- LIM-40: 4.07 g/t AuEq sobre 54.9m (1.20 g/t Au y 0.64% Sb)
- LIM-45: 3.02 g/t AuEq sobre 36.6m (1.23 g/t Au y 0.40% Sb)
- LIM-48: 2.61 g/t AuEq sobre 61.0m (0.77 g/t Au y 0.41% Sb)

El proyecto cuenta con sitios históricos de minería de antimonio a pequeña escala y demuestra una extensa mineralización de oro-antimonio en múltiples zonas. El proyecto está completamente autorizado para perforaciones bajo el Plan de Operaciones de noviembre de 2024. El antimonio, designado como mineral crítico por el Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU., actualmente no tiene suministro minero doméstico, con el 90% de la producción global controlada por China, Rusia y Tayikistán.

NevGold Corp (OTCQX:NAUFF)는 네바다의 리무진 부트 프로젝트에서 중요한 역사적 금-안티몬 시추 결과를 발견했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 뉴몬트의 역사적 시추에서 얻은 고품질 교차점입니다:

- LIM-40: 54.9m에서 4.07 g/t AuEq (1.20 g/t Au 및 0.64% Sb)
- LIM-45: 36.6m에서 3.02 g/t AuEq (1.23 g/t Au 및 0.40% Sb)
- LIM-48: 61.0m에서 2.61 g/t AuEq (0.77 g/t Au 및 0.41% Sb)

이 프로젝트는 역사적인 소규모 안티몬 광산 사이트를 특징으로 하며 여러 구역에 걸쳐 광범위한 금-안티몬 광물화를 보여줍니다. 이 프로젝트는 2024년 11월 운영 계획에 따라 시추를 위해 완전히 허가되었습니다. 안티몬은 미국 국방부에 의해 중요한 광물로 지정되었으며, 현재 국내 광산 공급이 없고 전 세계 생산의 90%가 중국, 러시아 및 타지키스탄에 의해 통제되고 있습니다.

NevGold Corp (OTCQX:NAUFF) a découvert des résultats historiques significatifs de forage en or-antimoine dans son projet Limousine Butte au Nevada. Les principales découvertes incluent des intersections de haute teneur provenant des forages historiques de Newmont :

- LIM-40 : 4,07 g/t AuEq sur 54,9 m (1,20 g/t Au et 0,64 % Sb)
- LIM-45 : 3,02 g/t AuEq sur 36,6 m (1,23 g/t Au et 0,40 % Sb)
- LIM-48 : 2,61 g/t AuEq sur 61,0 m (0,77 g/t Au et 0,41 % Sb)

Le projet présente des sites historiques de mines d'antimoine à petite échelle et démontre une minéralisation extensive en or-antimoine à travers plusieurs zones. Le projet est entièrement autorisé pour le forage dans le cadre du Plan d'Opérations de novembre 2024. L'antimoine, désigné comme minéral critique par le Département de la Défense des États-Unis, n'a actuellement aucun approvisionnement minier domestique, 90 % de la production mondiale étant contrôlée par la Chine, la Russie et le Tadjikistan.

NevGold Corp (OTCQX:NAUFF) hat bedeutende historische Bohrergebnisse zu Gold-Antimon in seinem Limousine Butte Projekt in Nevada entdeckt. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören hochgradige Schnittpunkte aus den historischen Bohrungen von Newmont:

- LIM-40: 4.07 g/t AuEq über 54.9m (1.20 g/t Au und 0.64% Sb)
- LIM-45: 3.02 g/t AuEq über 36.6m (1.23 g/t Au und 0.40% Sb)
- LIM-48: 2.61 g/t AuEq über 61.0m (0.77 g/t Au und 0.41% Sb)

Das Projekt umfasst historische Kleinbergwerke für Antimon und zeigt eine umfangreiche Gold-Antimon-Mineralisierung in mehreren Zonen. Das Projekt ist vollständig genehmigt für Bohrungen gemäß dem Betriebsplan von November 2024. Antimon, das vom US-Verteidigungsministerium als kritisches Mineral eingestuft wird, hat derzeit keine heimische Bergbauversorgung, wobei 90% der globalen Produktion von China, Russland und Tadschikistan kontrolliert wird.

  • Discovery of significant gold-antimony mineralization in historical drilling
  • Project is fully permitted and drill-ready
  • Multiple high-grade gold-antimony intersections from historical drilling
  • Strategic antimony asset with no current US domestic production
  • Historical drilling had antimony detection capability (1% upper limit)
  • Large portions of historical database not analyzed for antimony
  • Future drilling program subject to evaluation results

Vancouver, British Columbia, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NevGold Corp. (“NevGold” or the “Company”) (TSXV:NAU) (OTCQX:NAUFF) (Frankfurt:5E50) is pleased to announce that it has discovered significant gold-antimony (“Antimony”, “Sb”) historical drill results at its Limousine Butte Project (the “Project”, “Limo Butte”) in Nevada. Leveraging a robust historical geological database, the Company continues to unlock the substantial gold-antimony potential of the Project, highlighting its promising prospects for further exploration and development in one of the world’s prolific mining jurisdictions.

Key Highlights

  • Positive, near-surface, gold-antimony historical drillholes completed by Newmont Corporation (“Newmont”, NYSE:NEM) include:

LIM-40: 4.07 g/t AuEq* over 54.9 meters (1.20 g/t Au and 0.64% Sb), including 6.60 g/t AuEq* over 12.2 meters (2.12 g/t Au and +1% Sb)

LIM-45: 3.02 g/t AuEq* over 36.6 meters (1.23 g/t Au and 0.40% Sb), including 4.83 g/t AuEq* over 12.2 meters (0.35 g/t Au and +1% Sb)

LIM-48: 2.61 g/t AuEq* over 61.0 meters (0.77 g/t Au and 0.41% Sb), including 3.82 g/t AuEq* over 24.4 meters (0.37 g/t Au and 0.77% Sb)

*Gold equivalents (“AuEq”) are based on assumed metals prices of US$2,000/oz of gold and US$35,000 per tonne of antimony (~30% discount to current spot prices), and assumed metals recoveries of 85% for gold and 70% for antimony.

  • Significant antimony (Sb) upside: historical drilling had an upper detection limit of 1% Sb but many drill intervals exceeded the limit
  • Historical small-scale antimony mining at the Nevada Antimony Mine and Lage Antimony Prospect has been identified at Limo Butte (see Limousine Butte Geology & Antimony Potential Section below)
  • Extensive gold-antimony mineralization: multiple zones, including Resurrection Ridge and Cadillac Valley, demonstrate significant potential across a large, open mineralized footprint

All areas at the Project with gold-antimony potential are permitted and ready to drill under the Limo Butte Plan of Operations (“PoO”) approved in November-2024 (see NevGold News Release from November 27, 2024)

  • Antimony (Sb) is identified as an important “Critical Mineral” in the United States essential for national security, clean energy, and technology applications, yet no domestically mined supply currently exists
  • NevGold will continue re-evaluating historical drilling from the Project, focusing on both oxide gold and antimony; there is only a small amount of historical drilling analyzed for antimony, and large portions of the existing database were not analyzed for antimony creating a significant opportunity to re-assay historical drilling
  • More results will be released shortly from the Limo Butte Gold-Antimony Project

Limo Butte Planned 2025 Activities / Status Update

NevGold will continue its active exploration program at Limo Butte including:

  • Evaluate the historical geological database with specific focus on gold and antimony (in progress);
  • Re-analyze historical drilling with focus on gold and antimony (in progress);
  • Drill test gold-antimony targets (subject to the results of the evaluation).

Figure 1 – Limousine Butte Gold-Antimony Project with selected gold-antimony historical drillholes. 

To view image please click here

 Figure 2 – Limousine Butte Gold-Antimony Project cross-section with selected gold-antimony historical drillholes. Thin colored discs show Antimony (Sb ppm) in drilling, and wide colored discs show Gold (Au ppm) in drilling.

To view image please click here

NevGold CEO, Brandon Bonifacio, comments: The discovery of significant gold-antimony drill results in historical drillholes is an important, emerging development at our Limo Butte oxide gold-antimony project. Limo Butte exhibits significant gold potential, and we have now uncovered an important additional value layer at the Project with the antimony. The higher grade oxide gold targets at Resurrection Ridge and Cadillac Valley coincide with the best antimony results, creating a compelling dual-commodity opportunity. We are well-positioned with a robust historical database containing unreleased gold-antimony results, significant potential to re-analyze historical drilling not previously tested for gold and antimony, and the Project is fully permitted and drill-ready for future exploration and drilling programs. The timing and market conditions are opportune to re-awaken the gold-antimony potential at Limo Butte.”

Historical Drill Results

Hole ID Length, m* g/t Au % Sb g/t AuEq** From, m To, m
LIM-40 54.9 1.20 0.64% 4.07 18.3 73.2
including 12.2 2.12 +1%*** 6.60 48.8 61.0
LIM-45 36.6 1.23 0.40% 3.02 24.4 61.0
including 12.2 0.35 +1%*** 4.83 36.6 48.8
LIM-48 61.0 0.77 0.41% 2.61 24.4 85.4
including 24.4 0.37 0.77% 3.82 48.8 73.2

*Downhole thickness reported; true width varies depending on drill hole dip and is approximately 70 to 90% of downhole thickness.
**The gold equivalents (“AuEq”) are based on assumed metals prices of US$2,000/oz of gold and US$35,000 per tonne of antimony (~30% discount to current spot prices), and assumed metals recoveries of 85% for gold and 70% for antimony.
*** Historical drilling had an upper detection limit of 1% Sb but many drill intervals exceeded the limit.

Limo Butte Geology & Antimony Potential

A review of historical geochemical and drilling data at the Limousine Butte Project has identified multiple areas with strong gold-antimony potential. These zones correlate closely with outcrops of the Devonian Pilot Shale, the primary host rock for Carlin-type gold mineralization in the area. High-grade gold at Limousine Butte is typically associated with silicification and the formation of jasperoid breccias within the Pilot Shale, alteration features also observed in the high-grade antimony results.

Through the data review, the Company uncovered reports detailing two small-scale mining operations at the Nevada Antimony Mine and Lage Antimony Prospect within the Limo Butte Project boundary (see Figure 3 and Figure 4 below). The Nevada Antimony Mine featured two prospect pits that extracted stibnite from a hydrothermal breccia. The Lage Antimony Prospect reported historical unverified sampling results with up to 14.46% Antimony (Sb) with additional prospect pits extracting antimony. The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (“NBMG”) had historical reports on both of these which can be found here: Nevada Antimony Mine Report Lage Antimony Prospect Report

Figure 3 – Limousine Butte Project with collar locations of selected drill results. To view image please click here

 Figure 4 – Historical documentation from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (“NBMG”) archives on the “Nevada Antimony Mine” located within the Limo Butte Project boundary. To view Nevada Antimony Mine Report

To view image please click here

NevGold VP Exploration, Greg French, comments: “After further review of the historical data at Limo Butte, we continue to be encouraged by the footprint and gold-antimony grade in historical drilling completed at the Project. Only a portion of the historical drilling was assayed for antimony, and the results that we have identified are positive for both gold and antimony. It is also promising to see the correlation between the gold and antimony grade at the Project. To get a better picture of the antimony levels we will be reviewing a program of re-assaying some of the historical core and Reverse Circulation (RC) holes. We will continue to focus our future exploration to understand the controls and determine the extent of the antimony mineralization.”

Drillhole Orientation Details

Hole ID Target Zone Easting Northing Elevation (m) Length (m) Azimuth Dip
LIM-40 Resurrection Ridge 667018 4417409 2124 289.6 0 -90
LIM-45 Resurrection Ridge 666929 4417389 2103 179.8 0 -90
LIM-48 Resurrection Ridge 666927 4417374 2105 286.5 0 -90

Figure 5 – Limousine Butte Land Holdings and District Exploration Activity To view image please click here

Importance of Antimony

Antimony is considered a “Critical Mineral” by the United States based on the U.S. Geological Survey’s 2022 list (U.S.G.S. (2022)). “Critical Minerals” are metals and non-metals essential to the economy and national security. Antimony is utilized in all manners of military applications, including the manufacturing of armor piercing bullets, night vision goggles, infrared sensors, precision optics, laser sighting, explosive formulations, hardened lead for bullets and shrapnel, ammunition primers, tracer ammunition, nuclear weapons and production, tritium production, flares, military clothing, and communication equipment. Other uses include technology (semi-conductors, circuit boards, electric switches, fluorescent lighting, high quality clear glass and lithium-ion batteries) and clean-energy storage.

Globally, approximately 90% of the world’s current antimony supply is produced by China, Russia, and Tajikistan. Beginning on September 15, 2024, China, which is responsible for nearly half of all global mined antimony output and dominates global refinement and processing, announced that it will restrict antimony exports. In December-2024, China explicitly restricted antimony exports to the United States citing its dual military and civilian uses, which further exacerbated global supply chain concerns. (Lv, A. and Munroe, T. (2024)) The U.S. Department of Defense (“DOD”) has designated antimony as a “Critical Mineral” due to its importance in national security, and governments are now prioritizing domestic production to mitigate supply chain disruptions. Projects exploring antimony sources in North America play a key role in addressing these challenges.

Perpetua Resources Corp. (“Perpetua”, NASDAQ:PPTA, TSX:PPTA) has the most advanced domestic gold-antimony project in the United States. Perpetua’s project, known as Stibnite, is located in Idaho approximately 130 km northeast of NevGold’s Nutmeg Mountain and Zeus projects. Positive advancements at Stibnite including the technical development and permitting has led to US$75 million in Department of Defense (“DOD”) awards, and over $1.8 billion in indicative financing from the Export Import Bank of the United States (“US EXIM”) (see Perpetua Resources News Release from April 8, 2024) (Perpetua Resources. (2025))



Brandon Bonifacio, President & CEO

For further information, please contact Brandon Bonifacio at, call 604-337-4997, or visit our website at

Historical Data Validation

The Company’s Qualified Person (“QP”), Greg French, Vice President, Exploration has completed a review of the Newmont historical data in this press release. The 30g gold fire assay and multi-elemental analysis ICP-OES method MS-41 was completed by ISO 17025 certified ALS Chemex, Reno Nevada. The historic data collection chain of custody procedures and analytical results by previous operators appear adequate and were completed to industry standard practices.

Technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Greg French, CPG, the Company’s Vice President, Exploration, who is NevGold’s Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 and responsible for technical matters of this release.

About the Company

NevGold is an exploration and development company targeting large-scale mineral systems in the proven districts of Nevada and Idaho. NevGold owns a 100% interest in the Limousine Butte and Cedar Wash gold projects in Nevada, and the Nutmeg Mountain gold project and Zeus copper project in Idaho.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the Company’s current expectations and estimates. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as “plan”, “expect”, “project”, “intend”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “estimate”, “suggest”, “indicate” and other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions “may” or “will” occur. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the proposed work programs at Limousine Butte, and the exploration potential at Limousine Butte. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to, general economic, market and business conditions, and the ability to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals. There is some risk that the forward-looking statements will not prove to be accurate, that the management’s assumptions may not be correct or that actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be put on such statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.


Blackmon, D. (2021) Antimony: The Most Important Mineral You Never Heard Of. Article Prepared by Forbes.
Kurtenbach, E. (2024) China Bans Exports to US of Gallium, Germanium, Antimony in response to Chip Sanctions. Article Prepared by AP News.
Lv, A. and Munroe, T. (2024) China Bans Export of Critical Minerals to US as Trade Tensions EscalateArticle Prepared by Reuters.
Lv, A. and Jackson, L. (2025) China’s Curbs on Exports of Strategic Minerals. Article Prepared by Reuters.
Perpetua Resources. (2025) Antimony SummaryArticles and Videos Prepared by Perpetua Resources.
Sangine, E. (2022) U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January 2023. Antimony Summary Report prepared by U.S.G.S
U.S.G.S. (2022) U.S. Geological Survey Releases 2022 List of Critical MineralsReported Prepared by U.S.G.S



What are the key gold-antimony drill results discovered by NevGold (NAUFF) at Limousine Butte?

The best result was from hole LIM-40 with 4.07 g/t AuEq over 54.9m (1.20 g/t Au and 0.64% Sb), including 6.60 g/t AuEq over 12.2m (2.12 g/t Au and +1% Sb).

Why is the antimony discovery at NevGold's (NAUFF) Limousine Butte project significant?

Antimony is a US critical mineral with no domestic supply, and 90% of global production is controlled by China, Russia, and Tajikistan. The discovery represents a potential domestic source.

What are NevGold's (NAUFF) planned activities for Limousine Butte in 2025?

NevGold plans to evaluate historical geological database, re-analyze historical drilling for gold and antimony, and conduct drill testing of gold-antimony targets.

What historical antimony mining operations existed at NevGold's (NAUFF) Limousine Butte project?

The project contained two small-scale operations: the Nevada Antimony Mine with stibnite extraction from hydrothermal breccia, and the Lage Antimony Prospect with historical samples up to 14.46% Antimony.

Nevgold Corp


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