NCR Atleos Launches New LibertyX Bitcoin to Cash Feature Bridging the Digital to Physical Across the United States

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NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) has launched a new LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature, allowing enrolled LibertyX customers to sell bitcoin and pick up cash at ATMs across the United States. This feature utilizes Atleos' ReadyCode API suite, a one-time use code system supporting various cash in and out solutions.

The service will be available at thousands of merchant locations, with a transaction point within five miles of over 75% of Americans once fully rolled out. Initially, it will be accessible in more than 30 states. Users can stage transactions through the LibertyX mobile app and fulfill them at participating Atleos ATMs that are ReadyCode enabled.

This initiative aims to bridge digital solutions with physical infrastructure, enhancing LibertyX's value proposition, increasing foot traffic for participating merchants, and improving ATM productivity.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) ha lanciato una nuova funzionalità di prelievo in contante Bitcoin tramite LibertyX, che consente ai clienti registrati di LibertyX di vendere bitcoin e ritirare contante presso gli sportelli automatici in tutto il territorio degli Stati Uniti. Questa funzionalità utilizza la suite API ReadyCode di Atleos, un sistema di codici utilizzabili una sola volta che supporta diverse soluzioni di deposito e prelievo di denaro.

Il servizio sarà disponibile in migliaia di negozi, con un punto di transazione entro cinque miglia per oltre il 75% degli americani una volta completamente operativo. Inizialmente, sarà accessibile in più di 30 stati. Gli utenti possono pianificare le transazioni tramite l'app mobile LibertyX e completarle presso gli sportelli automatici Atleos partecipanti abilitati a ReadyCode.

Questa iniziativa mira a collegare soluzioni digitali con l'infrastruttura fisica, migliorando la proposta di valore di LibertyX, aumentando il traffico nei negozi partecipanti e migliorando la produttività degli sportelli automatici.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) ha lanzado una nueva función de retiro de efectivo de Bitcoin a través de LibertyX, que permite a los clientes registrados de LibertyX vender bitcoin y retirar efectivo en cajeros automáticos en todo Estados Unidos. Esta función utiliza la suite API ReadyCode de Atleos, un sistema de códigos de un solo uso que soporta diversas soluciones de entrada y salida de efectivo.

El servicio estará disponible en miles de ubicaciones comerciales, con un punto de transacción a menos de cinco millas del 75% de los estadounidenses una vez que esté completamente implementado. Inicialmente, será accesible en más de 30 estados. Los usuarios pueden programar transacciones a través de la aplicación móvil LibertyX y completarlas en los cajeros automáticos Atleos participantes habilitados para ReadyCode.

Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo conectar soluciones digitales con infraestructura física, mejorando la propuesta de valor de LibertyX, aumentando el tráfico peatonal para los comerciantes participantes y mejorando la productividad de los cajeros automáticos.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL)는 등록된 LibertyX 고객이 비트코인을 판매하고 미국 전역의 ATM에서 현금을 인출할 수 있는 새로운 LibertyX 비트코인 현금 인출 기능을 출시했습니다. 이 기능은 다양한 현금 입출금 솔루션을 지원하는 일회용 코드 시스템인 Atleos의 ReadyCode API 스위트를 활용합니다.

서비스는 수천 개의 상점에서 제공되며, 완전히 설치되면 미국인 75% 이상이 5마일 이내에 거래 지점을 갖게 됩니다. 처음에는 30개 이상의 주에서 이용이 가능할 것입니다. 사용자는 LibertyX 모바일 앱을 통해 거래를 계획하고 ReadyCode 기능이 활성화된 참여 Atleos ATM에서 이를 완료할 수 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 디지털 솔루션과 물리적 인프라를 연결하는 것을 목표로 하여 LibertyX의 가치 제안을 향상시키고, 참여 상점의 유동 인구를 증가시키며, ATM의 생산성을 개선합니다.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) a lancé une nouvelle fonction de retrait de Bitcoin via LibertyX, permettant aux clients inscrits de LibertyX de vendre des bitcoins et de retirer de l'argent aux distributeurs automatiques à travers les États-Unis. Cette fonctionnalité utilise la suite API ReadyCode d'Atleos, un système de code à usage unique soutenant diverses solutions d'encaissement et de retrait.

Le service sera disponible dans des milliers de points de vente, avec un point de transaction à moins de cinq miles pour plus de 75 % des Américains une fois entièrement déployé. Au départ, il sera accessible dans plus de 30 États. Les utilisateurs peuvent planifier des transactions via l'application mobile LibertyX et les exécuter dans les distributeurs automatiques Atleos participants activés avec ReadyCode.

Cette initiative vise à relier des solutions numériques à une infrastructure physique, renforçant la proposition de valeur de LibertyX, augmentant le trafic piéton pour les commerçants participants et améliorant la productivité des distributeurs automatiques.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) hat eine neue LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout-Funktion gestartet, die registrierten LibertyX-Kunden ermöglicht, Bitcoin zu verkaufen und Bargeld an Geldautomaten in den Vereinigten Staaten abzuheben. Diese Funktion nutzt die ReadyCode-API-Suite von Atleos, ein Einmalcode-System, das verschiedene Einzahlungs- und Abhebungslösungen unterstützt.

Der Service wird an Tausenden von Handelsstandorten verfügbar sein, mit einem Transaktionspunkt innerhalb von fünf Meilen von über 75% der Amerikaner, sobald er vollständig eingeführt ist. Anfänglich wird er in mehr als 30 Bundesstaaten erreichbar sein. Benutzer können Transaktionen über die LibertyX-Mobile-App planen und diese an den teilnehmenden Geldautomaten von Atleos, die ReadyCode-fähig sind, ausführen.

Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, digitale Lösungen mit physischer Infrastruktur zu verbinden, den Wert von LibertyX zu steigern, den Kundenverkehr für teilnehmende Händler zu erhöhen und die Produktivität der Geldautomaten zu verbessern.

  • Launch of LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature, potentially increasing revenue from ATM transactions
  • Widespread accessibility with transaction points within 5 miles of over 75% of Americans
  • Potential increase in foot traffic for participating merchants
  • Enhanced value proposition for LibertyX users, possibly leading to user growth
  • Improved ATM productivity through additional transaction types
  • Initial rollout to 30+ states, not full nationwide coverage
  • Success depends on user adoption and merchant participation

The launch of LibertyX's Bitcoin Cashout feature by NCR Atleos is a significant development in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. This move bridges the gap between digital and physical currencies, potentially accelerating bitcoin adoption. The feature's wide accessibility, with ATMs within 5 miles of 75% of Americans, could dramatically increase liquidity in the crypto market.

From an investor's perspective, this could positively impact Atleos (NYSE: NATL) in several ways:

  • Increased ATM usage and transaction fees
  • Enhanced attractiveness of Atleos' ATM network to merchants
  • Potential for capturing a larger share of the growing cryptocurrency market

However, regulatory scrutiny and potential volatility in the crypto market remain risks to consider. Overall, this move positions Atleos at the forefront of fintech innovation, potentially driving long-term growth.

The LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature addresses a important pain point in cryptocurrency adoption: the ease of converting digital assets to physical cash. This could significantly impact user behavior and market dynamics:

  • Increased liquidity might reduce bitcoin's volatility
  • Easier cash access could attract more casual users to cryptocurrency
  • Brick-and-mortar businesses may see increased foot traffic

The convenience factor, with ATMs accessible to 75% of Americans within 5 miles, is a game-changer. This widespread availability could accelerate mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies, potentially leading to a shift in how people perceive and use digital assets in their daily lives. For Atleos, this positions them as a key player in the evolving financial landscape, bridging traditional and digital finance.

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NCR Atleos Corporation (NYSE: NATL) (“Atleos”) today announced the launch of a new LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature whereby enrolled LibertyX customers can sell bitcoin, picking up their cash conveniently at ATMs across the United States at thousands of leading merchant locations with a transaction point within five miles of more than three in four Americans once rolled out across all participating ATMs.

This feature is made possible through the Atleos ReadyCode API suite. ReadyCode is a one-time use code system developed by Atleos that supports a range of cash in and out solutions as an embedded finance tool for program managers, financial institutions, and merchants to complete everyday transactions without the use of cards and traditional networks.

ReadyCode connected ATMs will offer the ability for enrolled LibertyX customers to seamlessly receive their cash at locations and communities of their choosing following the sale of bitcoin across more than 30 states to start. Enrolled LibertyX mobile app users stage a transaction using the locator within the app, similar to a pre-staged purchase experience, and fulfill the transaction at an Atleos ATM that participates in LibertyX and is ReadyCode enabled.

"Atleos has focused on supporting consumers, issuers, and merchants with solutions that bridge digital solutions and services with physical infrastructure,” said Stuart Mackinnon, COO of Atleos. “Adding an offramp for LibertyX users to convert digital assets to physical cash enhances the value proposition of LibertyX, grows foot traffic at participating merchants, and increases the productivity of our ATMs.”

“One of the remaining barriers to greater bitcoin adoption by consumers has been the ability to move easily and effortlessly from bitcoin to cash without waiting days for transfers facilitated by ACH or dealing with the complexity of wire transfers,” said LibertyX General Manager, Chris Yim. “With LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout, LibertyX app users can pre-stage digital to physical transactions from the convenience and privacy of their phone and pick up their funds on their schedule in locations that work for them.”

About Atleos

Atleos (NYSE: NATL) is a leader in expanding self-service financial access, with industry-leading ATM expertise and experience, unrivalled operational scale including the largest independently-owned ATM network, always-on global services and constant innovation. Atleos improves operational efficiency for financial institutions, drives footfall for retailers and enables digital-first financial self-service experiences for consumers. Atleos is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with approximately 20,000 employees globally.

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Scott Sykes

NCR Atleos

Source: NCR Atleos Corporation


What is the new feature launched by NCR Atleos (NATL) for LibertyX users?

NCR Atleos (NATL) has launched a new LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature that allows enrolled LibertyX customers to sell bitcoin and pick up cash at ATMs across the United States.

How does the LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature work?

Enrolled LibertyX mobile app users can stage a transaction using the app's locator, similar to a pre-staged purchase experience, and then fulfill the transaction at a participating Atleos ATM that is ReadyCode enabled.

What is the coverage of the LibertyX Bitcoin Cashout feature in the United States?

The feature will be available at thousands of merchant locations, with a transaction point within five miles of over 75% of Americans once fully rolled out. Initially, it will be accessible in more than 30 states.

What technology does NCR Atleos (NATL) use to enable the Bitcoin Cashout feature?

The feature is powered by Atleos' ReadyCode API suite, which is a one-time use code system developed by Atleos to support various cash in and out solutions without the use of cards and traditional networks.

NCR Atleos Corporation


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