Bank of Hawaiʻi Expands NCR Atleos Partnership to Strengthen Self-Service Banking

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NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) has expanded its partnership with Bank of Hawaiʻi, which has selected Atleos' ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) solution to transform its self-service banking channel. This decision aims to update an aging fleet and expand access to self-service banking more cost-efficiently. The ATMaaS implementation will allow Atleos to manage the bank's fleet's hardware, software, security, installation, maintenance, and cash management.

Taryn Salmon, vice chair and chief information and operations officer at Bank of Hawaiʻi, emphasized their commitment to providing exceptional service and accessible self-service options. Ron Furnier, vice president of sales for Atleos, highlighted that this partnership will support the bank in meeting changing customer expectations while optimizing physical touchpoints.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) ha ampliato la sua partnership con Bank of Hawaiʻi, che ha scelto la soluzione di ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) di Atleos per trasformare il suo canale di banking self-service. Questa decisione mira a aggiornare una flotta obsoleta e ampliare l'accesso al banking self-service in modo più efficiente dal punto di vista dei costi. L'implementazione di ATMaaS consentirà ad Atleos di gestire l'hardware, il software, la sicurezza, l'installazione, la manutenzione e la gestione del denaro della flotta della banca.

Taryn Salmon, vicepresidente e direttore delle informazioni e delle operazioni di Bank of Hawaiʻi, ha sottolineato il loro impegno a fornire un servizio eccezionale e opzioni di self-service accessibili. Ron Furnier, vicepresidente delle vendite di Atleos, ha evidenziato che questa partnership sosterrà la banca nel rispondere alle mutevoli aspettative dei clienti mentre ottimizza i punti di contatto fisici.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) ha ampliado su asociación con Bank of Hawaiʻi, que ha elegido la solución de ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) de Atleos para transformar su canal de banca de autoservicio. Esta decisión tiene como objetivo actualizar una flota envejecida y expandir el acceso a la banca de autoservicio de manera más rentable. La implementación de ATMaaS permitirá a Atleos gestionar el hardware, software, seguridad, instalación, mantenimiento y manejo de efectivo de la flota del banco.

Taryn Salmon, vicepresidenta y directora de información y operaciones de Bank of Hawaiʻi, enfatizó su compromiso de brindar un servicio excepcional y opciones de autoservicio accesibles. Ron Furnier, vicepresidente de ventas de Atleos, destacó que esta asociación apoyará al banco en cumplir con las cambiantes expectativas de los clientes mientras optimiza los puntos de contacto físicos.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL)는 하와이 은행과의 파트너십을 확대했습니다. 하와이 은행은 자사 ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) 솔루션을 선택하여 셀프 서비스 뱅킹 채널을 혁신하기로 결정했습니다. 이 결정의 목적은 노후화된 기기를 업데이트하고 자기 서비스 뱅킹의 접근성을 더 효율적으로 확대하는 것입니다. ATMaaS의 시행을 통해 Atleos는 은행 기기의 하드웨어, 소프트웨어, 보안, 설치, 유지 관리 및 현금 관리를 관리할 수 있게 됩니다.

하와이 은행의 부회장 겸 정보 및 운영 책임자인 Taryn Salmon은 우수한 서비스와 접근 가능한 셀프 서비스 옵션을 제공하기 위한 그들의 헌신을 강조했습니다. Atleos의 판매 부사장인 Ron Furnier는 이번 파트너십이 은행이 변화하는 고객 기대를 충족하고 물리적 접점 최적화를 지원할 것이라고 강조했습니다.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) a élargi son partenariat avec la Banque d'Hawaï, qui a sélectionné la solution ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) d'Atleos pour transformer son canal de banque en libre-service. Cette décision vise à mettre à jour une flotte vieillissante et à étendre l'accès à la banque en libre-service de manière plus rentable. La mise en œuvre de l'ATMaaS permettra à Atleos de gérer le matériel, le logiciel, la sécurité, l'installation, l'entretien et la gestion des liquidités de la flotte de la banque.

Taryn Salmon, vice-présidente et responsable des informations et des opérations de la Banque d'Hawaï, a souligné leur engagement à fournir un service exceptionnel et des options de libre-service accessibles. Ron Furnier, vice-président des ventes d'Atleos, a souligné que ce partenariat aidera la banque à répondre aux attentes changeantes des clients tout en optimisant les points de contact physiques.

NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) hat seine Partnerschaft erweitert mit der Bank of Hawaiʻi, die sich für die ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) Lösung von Atleos entschieden hat, um ihren Selbstbedienungsbankkanal zu transformieren. Diese Entscheidung zielt darauf ab, eine veraltete Flotte zu modernisieren und den Zugang zu Selbstbedienungsbanking kosteneffizienter zu erweitern. Die Implementierung von ATMaaS ermöglicht es Atleos, die Hardware, Software, Sicherheit, Installation, Wartung und das Bargeldmanagement der Flotte der Bank zu verwalten.

Taryn Salmon, Vice Chair und Chief Information and Operations Officer der Bank of Hawaiʻi, betonte ihr Engagement, außergewöhnlichen Service und zugängliche Selbstbedienungsoptionen anzubieten. Ron Furnier, Vice President of Sales bei Atleos, hob hervor, dass diese Partnerschaft der Bank helfen wird, den sich ändernden Kundenanforderungen gerecht zu werden und gleichzeitig physische Kontaktpunkte zu optimieren.

  • Expansion of longstanding partnership with Bank of Hawaiʻi
  • Selection of Atleos' ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) solution by Bank of Hawaiʻi
  • Potential for increased efficiency and cost predictability for Bank of Hawaiʻi
  • None.


Bank of Hawaiʻi's expansion of its partnership with NCR Atleos for ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) is a strategic move to modernize its self-service banking infrastructure. This decision aligns with the industry trend of banks outsourcing non-core operations to specialized providers, allowing them to focus on core banking services while improving operational efficiency.

The ATMaaS model offers several benefits:

  • Cost Efficiency: It provides a more predictable cost structure, potentially reducing capital expenditures on ATM hardware and maintenance.
  • Technological Agility: Atleos will manage hardware, software and security updates, ensuring the bank stays current with the latest banking technologies.
  • Operational Streamlining: Outsourcing ATM management frees up internal resources, allowing the bank to focus on customer-centric initiatives.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Modernized ATMs can offer a wider range of services, improving accessibility and convenience for customers.

For NCR Atleos (NATL), this expanded partnership represents a vote of confidence in their services and could lead to increased recurring revenue streams. It also strengthens their position in the financial technology sector, particularly in the ATM management space.

The expansion of Bank of Hawaiʻi's partnership with NCR Atleos reflects a broader trend in the banking industry towards digital transformation and operational optimization. This move is particularly significant given the unique geographical challenges of serving customers across the Hawaiian islands.

Key implications include:

  • Market Positioning: By upgrading its ATM fleet, Bank of Hawaiʻi is likely to enhance its competitive position, especially against larger mainland banks operating in the region.
  • Customer Retention: Improved self-service options can lead to higher customer satisfaction and retention rates, important in a competitive banking landscape.
  • Financial Inclusion: Expanding and modernizing ATM services can play a vital role in serving underbanked communities, particularly in remote island locations.
  • Long-term Strategy: This 50-year relationship extension signals a long-term commitment to self-service banking, suggesting that ATMs remain a critical channel despite the rise of digital banking.

For investors in NATL, this deal underscores the company's ability to secure and expand long-term partnerships with established financial institutions, which could translate to stable, recurring revenue streams and potential growth opportunities in similar markets.

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NCR Atleos Corporation (NYSE: NATL) (“Atleos”), a leader in expanding self-service financial access for financial institutions, retailers and consumers, today announced that it has expanded its longstanding relationship with Bank of Hawaiʻi. The bank has selected Atleos’ ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) solution to transform the self-service banking channel.

Bank of Hawaiʻi was looking to update an aging fleet and expand access to self-service banking for customers in a more cost-efficient way, ultimately deciding to deepen its partnership with Atleos to accomplish these goals. Implementing ATMaaS will allow the bank to rely on the experts at Atleos to manage the hardware, software, security, installation, maintenance and cash management of its fleet.

“At Bank of Hawaiʻi, we remain committed to providing exceptional service to our customers and communities. In today’s landscape, that also means providing simple, widely accessible self-service options so customers can bank whenever and however they choose,” said Taryn Salmon, vice chair and chief information and operations officer at the bank. “Expanding our nearly 50-year relationship with Atleos will allow us to create new efficiencies, benefit from a more predictable cost structure and most importantly, facilitate easy access to financial services for our customers.”

“Bank of Hawaiʻi is known for providing innovate technology and services to its community, and we are proud to support the modernization of their self-service banking channel,” explained Ron Furnier, vice president of sales, for Atleos. “By leveraging our sophisticated ATMaaS solution, the bank will be well positioned to meet changing customer expectations and needs while optimizing their physical touchpoints.”

About Atleos

Atleos (NYSE: NATL) is a leader in expanding self-service financial access, with industry-leading ATM expertise and experience, unrivalled operational scale including the largest independently-owned ATM network, always-on global services and constant innovation. Atleos improves operational efficiency for financial institutions, drives footfall for retailers and enables digital-first financial self-service experiences for consumers. Atleos is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with approximately 20,000 employees globally.

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Scott Sykes

NCR Atleos

Source: NCR Atleos Corporation


What new service has Bank of Hawaiʻi selected from NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL)?

Bank of Hawaiʻi has selected NCR Atleos' ATM as a Service (ATMaaS) solution to transform its self-service banking channel.

How will the ATMaaS solution benefit Bank of Hawaiʻi?

The ATMaaS solution will allow Bank of Hawaiʻi to update its aging fleet, expand access to self-service banking more cost-efficiently, and rely on Atleos to manage the hardware, software, security, installation, maintenance, and cash management of its fleet.

What is the duration of the partnership between NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) and Bank of Hawaiʻi?

The partnership between NCR Atleos and Bank of Hawaiʻi has been ongoing for nearly 50 years.

Who are the key executives mentioned in the NCR Atleos (NYSE: NATL) and Bank of Hawaiʻi partnership announcement?

Taryn Salmon, vice chair and chief information and operations officer at Bank of Hawaiʻi, and Ron Furnier, vice president of sales for Atleos, are the key executives mentioned in the announcement.

NCR Atleos Corporation


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