Okami Medical Announces Closing Of $32.5M Financing

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Okami Medical has successfully closed a $32.5M financing round led by new investor Vensana Capital and supported by existing investors. The funds will be used to accelerate the development and commercialization of Okami's innovative catheter-based technologies for peripheral vascular occlusion. The company has already developed two key products: the LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System and the SENDERO® Microcatheter.

The LOBO system is designed as a single-device solution for occluding a wide range of peripheral arterial targets, while the SENDERO Microcatheter is optimized for smooth delivery of interventional devices through tortuous peripheral vessels. Both products aim to address shortcomings in traditional vascular occlusion methods, offering more efficient and effective treatment options for various vascular conditions.

Okami Medical ha chiuso con successo un finanziamento di $32,5 milioni, guidato dal nuovo investitore Vensana Capital e supportato dagli investitori esistenti. I fondi saranno utilizzati per accelerare lo sviluppo e la commercializzazione delle innovative tecnologie basate su cateteri di Okami per l'occlusione vascolare periferica. L'azienda ha già sviluppato due prodotti chiave: il LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System e il SENDERO® Microcatheter.

Il sistema LOBO è progettato come una soluzione a dispositivo singolo per occludere una vasta gamma di obiettivi arteriosi periferici, mentre il microcatetere SENDERO è ottimizzato per una consegna fluida di dispositivi interventistici attraverso vasi periferici tortuosi. Entrambi i prodotti mirano a risolvere le carenze dei metodi tradizionali di occlusione vascolare, offrendo opzioni di trattamento più efficienti ed efficaci per diverse condizioni vascolari.

Okami Medical ha cerrado con éxito una ronda de $32.5 millones en financiamiento liderada por el nuevo inversor Vensana Capital y apoyada por los inversores existentes. Los fondos se utilizarán para acelerar el desarrollo y la comercialización de las innovadoras tecnologías basadas en catéteres de Okami para la oclusión vascular periférica. La empresa ya ha desarrollado dos productos clave: el Sistema de Oclusión Vascular LOBO® y el Microcatéter SENDERO®.

El sistema LOBO está diseñado como una solución de dispositivo único para ocluir una amplia gama de objetivos arteriales periféricos, mientras que el microcatéter SENDERO está optimizado para una entrega fluida de dispositivos de intervención a través de vasos periféricos tortuosos. Ambos productos buscan abordar las deficiencias de los métodos tradicionales de oclusión vascular, ofreciendo opciones de tratamiento más eficientes y efectivas para varias condiciones vasculares.

오카미 메디컬은 새로운 투자자인 벤사나 캐피털이 주도하고 기존 투자자들이 지원한 3250만 달러 규모의 자금 조달 라운드를 성공적으로 마쳤습니다. 이 자금은 오카미의 혁신적인 카테터 기반 기술의 개발과 상용화를 가속화하는 데 사용될 것입니다. 회사는 이미 두 가지 주요 제품을 개발했습니다: LOBO® 혈관 폐쇄 시스템SENDERO® 마이크로 카테터입니다.

LOBO 시스템은 광범위한 말초 동맥 목표를 폐쇄하기 위한 단일 장치 솔루션으로 설계되었으며, SENDERO 마이크로 카테터는 구불구불한 말초 혈관을 통해 중재 장치를 부드럽게 전달할 수 있도록 최적화되었습니다. 두 제품 모두 전통적인 혈관 폐쇄 방법의 단점을 해결하고 다양한 혈관 질환에 대해 더 효율적이고 효과적인 치료 옵션을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Okami Medical a réussi à clôturer un tour de financement de 32,5 millions de dollars, dirigé par le nouvel investisseur Vensana Capital et soutenu par des investisseurs existants. Les fonds seront utilisés pour accélérer le développement et la commercialisation des technologies innovantes basées sur des cathéters d'Okami pour l'occlusion vasculaire périphérique. L'entreprise a déjà développé deux produits clés : le Système d'Occlusion Vasculaire LOBO® et le Microcathéter SENDERO®.

Le système LOBO est conçu comme une solution à dispositif unique pour occlure une large gamme de cibles artérielles périphériques, tandis que le microcathéter SENDERO est optimisé pour une livraison fluide des dispositifs interventionnels à travers des vaisseaux périphériques tortueux. Les deux produits visent à pallier les lacunes des méthodes traditionnelles d'occlusion vasculaire, offrant des options de traitement plus efficaces et efficaces pour diverses conditions vasculaires.

Okami Medical hat erfolgreich eine Finanzierungsrunde in Höhe von 32,5 Millionen Dollar abgeschlossen, die von dem neuen Investor Vensana Capital geleitet und von bestehenden Investoren unterstützt wurde. Die Mittel werden verwendet, um die Entwicklung und Kommerzialisierung der innovativen katheterbasierten Technologien von Okami zur peripheren Vaskulärokklusion zu beschleunigen. Das Unternehmen hat bereits zwei wichtige Produkte entwickelt: das LOBO® Vaskuläroklusionssystem und den SENDERO® Mikrokatheter.

Das LOBO-System ist als Lösung mit einem einzigen Gerät konzipiert, um eine Vielzahl von peripheren arteriellen Zielen zu okkludieren, während der SENDERO-Mikrokatheter für die sanfte Lieferung von interventionellen Geräten durch gewundene periphere Gefäße optimiert ist. Beide Produkte zielen darauf ab, die Mängel traditioneller Methoden der Vaskulärokklusion zu beheben und bieten effizientere und effektivere Behandlungsoptionen für verschiedene vaskuläre Erkrankungen.

  • Secured $32.5M in financing to accelerate product development and commercialization
  • Developed innovative LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System for efficient peripheral arterial occlusion
  • Created SENDERO® Microcatheter, which is FDA 510(k) cleared for optimal device delivery
  • Backed by experienced investors and industry veterans
  • Addressing shortcomings in traditional vascular occlusion methods
  • None.


This $32.5 million financing for Okami Medical is a significant development in the peripheral vascular occlusion space. The LOBO Vascular Occlusion System and SENDERO Microcatheter represent innovative approaches to addressing limitations of current technologies.

Key points:

  • LOBO system covers vessel ranges from 1.5mm to 9.0mm with just four sizes, potentially simplifying inventory management and procedure planning.
  • Proprietary HDBRAID technology creates a highly occlusive structure, which could lead to faster and more efficient vessel closure.
  • SENDERO Microcatheter's design features (hydrophilic coating, stainless steel braid, radiopaque marker) suggest improved deliverability and precision.

The backing from experienced investors and industry veterans adds credibility to Okami's potential. However, market adoption and clinical performance data will be important for long-term success in this competitive field.

This financing round is a positive indicator for Okami Medical's growth potential. Key financial implications include:

  • The $32.5 million infusion provides significant runway for product development and commercialization efforts.
  • Involvement of Vensana Capital as a new lead investor suggests strong confidence in Okami's technology and market potential.
  • Participation of existing investors, including board members, indicates ongoing support and belief in the company's direction.

While not directly impacting Inari Medical (NARI), this development could have indirect effects:

  • Potential competition in the peripheral vascular space, where Inari has a strong presence.
  • Possible future M&A opportunity for Inari, given the shared founding team background.

Investors should monitor Okami's progress and any impact on Inari's market position or growth strategies in the peripheral vascular segment.

ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Okami Medical today announced the closing of a $32.5M financing led by new investor Vensana Capital and joined by existing investors including U.S. Venture Partners, members of Okami's board of directors, and other medical device industry veterans. Okami was launched by medical device incubator Inceptus Medical, whose principals previously founded other category-defining vascular companies including Inari Medical, Sequent Medical, and MicroVention.

The financing provides Okami with capital to accelerate development and commercialization of its innovative catheter-based technologies for peripheral vascular occlusion. To-date, Okami has developed the LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System and the SENDERO® Microcatheter. The LOBO Vascular Occlusion System is uniquely designed to provide interventional physicians with a single-device, one-and-done solution for the occlusion of a wide range of peripheral arterial targets without the need for multiple embolic devices. The SENDERO Microcatheter is designed for smooth delivery of interventional devices, while providing optimal trackability through tortuous peripheral vessels.

"We are honored to have the support of Vensana and our existing investors to advance these important technologies and deliver them to patients," said Rhonda Robb, President and CEO of Okami. "We are also grateful for the support and contributions of our employees and physician partners as we work tirelessly to build the market leader in vascular occlusion."

"LOBO and SENDERO address many of the shortcomings of traditional coils and vascular plugs. Designed for predictable, rapid, and durable occlusion, the platform represents a meaningful step forward in the treatment of vascular disease," commented Mike Kramer and Kirk Nielsen of Vensana Capital.   "We are excited to work alongside the Okami team to bring these and other important technologies to patients and to partner with longtime colleagues and co-investors to build another market-leading vascular company."

The LOBO (LOw-profile Braided Occluder) system enables treatment of vessel ranges from 1.5mm to 9.0mm with just four sizes and combines a patented design with proprietary HDBRAID® technology to create a highly occlusive pore structure that substantially reduces blood flow and accelerates vessel closure. The advanced technology platform enables the fast and efficient closure of blood vessels throughout the body for the successful treatment of a diverse set of conditions.

The SENDERO Microcatheter is 510(k) cleared by the U.S. FDA and is purpose-built and optimized for the delivery of LOBO-3 and LOBO-5. Its design incorporates a hydrophilic coating, stainless steel braid, and radiopaque marker band to optimize trackability and enable precise placement of interventional devices, while a lubricious PTFE inner liner allows for low-friction delivery of interventional devices.

About Okami Medical
Okami Medical, Inc. is a privately held medical device company with a mission to address the evolving needs of patients and physicians through the development of innovative, versatile, and intuitive devices for the occlusion of peripheral vessels. The company was created in 2017 by Inceptus Medical, a medical device incubator. The Inceptus team has a track record of creating innovative and successful companies including Inari Medical (NASDAQ: NARI), Sequent Medical (acquired by Terumo in 2016) and MicroVention (acquired by Terumo in 2006). Okami is backed by members of the board of directors, Vensana Capital, U.S. Venture Partners (USVP), and medical device industry veterans. For more information, please visit

About Vensana Capital
Vensana Capital is a venture capital and growth equity investment firm dedicated to partnering with entrepreneurs who seek to transform healthcare with breakthrough innovations in medical technology. Launched in 2019, Vensana manages $550M in capital and is actively investing in development and commercial stage companies across the medtech sector, including medical devices, diagnostics and data science, digital health, life science tools, and tech-enabled services. Vensana's investment team has a history of successfully partnering with management teams behind industry-leading companies including Artelon, Cameron Health, CardiAQ, Cartiva, CV Ingenuity, Epix Therapeutics, Inari Medical, Intact Vascular, Lutonix, Neuwave Medical, Personal Genome Diagnostics, Relievant Medsystems, Sequent Medical, Topera, Ulthera, Veran Medical Technologies, Vertiflex, and Vesper Medical.

About U.S. Venture Partners
U.S. Venture Partners (USVP) is a leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm, partnering with entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into world-changing companies. USVP has invested in over 500 companies spanning four decades, including: Box, Cato Networks, Edgewise, Epsagon, Happy Returns, HotelTonight, Human Interest, Imperva, Inari Medical, Inspire Medical Systems, Intersect ENT, Kenna, Medigate, MeetMe, Omada Health, Pluto TV, Primary, Smartling, Supplyframe, Standard Bariatrics, ThreatMetrix, Trunk Club, Trusteer and Yammer. USVP focuses on early-stage start-ups that transform cybersecurity, enterprise software, consumer and healthcare. The USVP team consists of former entrepreneurs, technologists, corporate executives, and financial professionals who assist with strategy, scaling, team building, product development, and business development. USVP is based in Menlo Park, California.

Okami Medical, Inc.

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What is the purpose of Okami Medical's recent $32.5M financing round?

The $32.5M financing round will be used to accelerate the development and commercialization of Okami Medical's innovative catheter-based technologies for peripheral vascular occlusion.

Who led Okami Medical's recent financing round?

The financing round was led by new investor Vensana Capital and joined by existing investors including U.S. Venture Partners, members of Okami's board of directors, and other medical device industry veterans.

What are the main products developed by Okami Medical?

Okami Medical has developed two main products: the LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System and the SENDERO® Microcatheter.

What is the LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System designed for?

The LOBO® Vascular Occlusion System is designed to provide interventional physicians with a single-device solution for occluding a wide range of peripheral arterial targets without the need for multiple embolic devices.

Inari Medical, Inc.


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