STOCK TITAN Closes $20 Million Sale of Non-strategic Business Unit and Announces Additional Strategic Actions to Enhance Operations, Strengthen Cash Position and Drive Long-Term Shareholder Value

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AI, Inc. (NYSE American: MYND) has announced strategic actions to enhance operations and drive long-term shareholder value. These include:

  • The sale of its 85% ownership in a Singapore-based early childcare learning business for $20 million in cash
  • Redeployment of capital to enhance business development and future technology innovation
  • Optimization of operational structure to generate anticipated cost savings exceeding $20 million annually

CEO Vin Riera stated that these actions will strengthen sales efforts and position the company for future investment in product offerings. CFO Arthur Giterman added that the sale and cost optimization measures will provide additional liquidity and balance sheet strength, enabling Mynd to focus on maintaining market leadership in the Interactive Flat Panel Display segment and delivering solutions for education, business, and public sectors., Inc. (NYSE American: MYND) ha annunciato azioni strategiche per migliorare le operazioni e garantire un valore a lungo termine per gli azionisti. Queste includono:

  • La vendita della sua partecipazione dell'85% in un'attività di apprendimento per bambini con sede a Singapore per 20 milioni di dollari in contante
  • Il reinvestimento di capitali per migliorare lo sviluppo aziendale e l'innovazione tecnologica futura
  • Ottimizzazione della struttura operativa per generare i risparmi sui costi previsti superiori a 20 milioni di dollari all'anno

Il CEO Vin Riera ha dichiarato che queste azioni rafforzeranno gli sforzi di vendita e posizioneranno l'azienda per futuri investimenti nell'offerta di prodotti. Il CFO Arthur Giterman ha aggiunto che la vendita e le misure di ottimizzazione dei costi forniranno liquidità aggiuntiva e solidità patrimoniale, consentendo a Mynd di concentrarsi sul mantenimento della leadership di mercato nel segmento dei Display a Pannello Piatto Interattivo e di fornire soluzioni per i settori educativo, commerciale e pubblico., Inc. (NYSE American: MYND) ha anunciado acciones estratégicas para mejorar las operaciones y aumentar el valor a largo plazo para los accionistas. Estas incluyen:

  • La venta de su participación del 85% en un negocio de educación infantil con sede en Singapur por 20 millones de dólares en efectivo
  • Reinvertir capital para mejorar el desarrollo empresarial y la innovación tecnológica futura
  • Optimización de la estructura operativa para generar ahorros de costos anticipados que superen los 20 millones de dólares anuales

El CEO Vin Riera afirmó que estas acciones fortalecerán los esfuerzos de ventas y posicionarán a la empresa para futuras inversiones en la oferta de productos. El CFO Arthur Giterman añadió que la venta y las medidas de optimización de costos proporcionarán liquidez adicional y fortaleza en el balance, permitiendo a Mynd centrarse en mantener el liderazgo en el mercado del segmento de Pantallas Planas Interactivas y ofrecer soluciones para la educación, los negocios y el sector público., Inc. (NYSE American: MYND)는 운영을 개선하고 장기적인 주주 가치를 증대시키기 위한 전략적 조치를 발표했습니다. 여기에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 싱가포르에 본사를 둔 아동 교육 사업에서 85%의 지분을 2천만 달러 현금에 매각
  • 비즈니스 개발 및 미래 기술 혁신을 향상시키기 위한 자본 재배치
  • 예상되는 연간 2천만 달러 이상의 비용 절감 효과를 위해 운영 구조 최적화

CEO Vin Riera는 이러한 조치가 판매 노력을 강화하고 회사가 제품 제공에 대한 미래 투자를 위한 위치를 차지할 것이라고 말했습니다. CFO Arthur Giterman은 판매와 비용 최적화 조치가 추가 유동성과 재무 건전성을 제공하여 Mynd가 대화면 디스플레이 부문에서 시장 리더십을 유지하고 교육, 비즈니스 및 공공 부문에 솔루션을 제공하는 데 집중할 수 있도록 할 것이라고 덧붙였습니다., Inc. (NYSE American: MYND) a annoncé des actions stratégiques pour améliorer ses opérations et promouvoir la valeur à long terme pour les actionnaires. Cela inclut :

  • La vente de sa participation de 85% dans une entreprise de garde d'enfants basée à Singapour pour 20 millions de dollars en espèces
  • Le redéploiement de capital pour améliorer le développement commercial et l'innovation technologique future
  • Optimisation de la structure opérationnelle afin de générer des économies de coûts anticipées supérieures à 20 millions de dollars par an

Le PDG Vin Riera a déclaré que ces actions renforceront les efforts de vente et positionneront l'entreprise pour de futurs investissements dans l'offre de produits. Le directeur financier Arthur Giterman a ajouté que la vente et les mesures d'optimisation des coûts fourniront une liquidité supplémentaire et une solidité bilancielle, permettant à Mynd de se concentrer sur le maintien de sa position de leader sur le marché des écrans plats interactifs et sur la fourniture de solutions pour les secteurs de l'éducation, des affaires et public., Inc. (NYSE American: MYND) hat strategische Maßnahmen angekündigt, um die Abläufe zu verbessern und den langfristigen Aktionärswert zu steigern. Dazu gehören:

  • Der Verkauf seiner 85%igen Beteiligung an einem in Singapur ansässigen Unternehmen für frühkindliche Bildung für 20 Millionen Dollar in bar
  • Reinvestition von Kapital zur Förderung der Geschäftsentwicklung und zukünftiger technologischer Innovationen
  • Optimierung der Betriebsstruktur zur Erzielung der erwarteten jährlichen Kosteneinsparungen von über 20 Millionen Dollar

CEO Vin Riera erklärte, dass diese Maßnahmen die Verkaufsanstrengungen stärken und das Unternehmen für zukünftige Investitionen in das Produktangebot positionieren werden. CFO Arthur Giterman fügte hinzu, dass der Verkauf und die Maßnahmen zur Kostenoptimierung zusätzliche Liquidität und Bilanzstärke schaffen werden, sodass Mynd sich darauf konzentrieren kann, die Marktführerschaft im Bereich Interaktive Flachbildschirme zu behaupten und Lösungen für Bildungs-, Geschäfts- und öffentliche Sektor zu liefern.

  • Sale of non-strategic business unit for $20 million in cash
  • Anticipated cost savings of over $20 million annually through operational optimization
  • Redeployment of capital to enhance business development and technology innovation
  • Focus on strengthening market leadership in Interactive Flat Panel Display segment
  • Reduction in head count as part of cost optimization actions


The sale of Mynd's non-strategic business unit for $20 million in cash is a significant move that strengthens the company's financial position. This divestiture, coupled with cost optimization efforts, is expected to generate annual savings exceeding $20 million. These actions demonstrate a clear focus on improving profitability and operational efficiency.

The redeployment of capital towards core markets and technology innovation signals a strategic shift that could potentially drive future revenue growth. However, investors should closely monitor the execution of this strategy, as the success of these initiatives will be important for long-term value creation.

The optimization of the operational structure, including headcount reduction, may lead to short-term restructuring costs but should improve the company's cost structure in the long run. This could potentially lead to improved margins and better positioning in the competitive Interactive Flat Panel Display market.

Overall, these strategic actions appear to be positive steps towards enhancing Mynd's financial health and market position, but their ultimate impact will depend on successful implementation and market reception.

Mynd's strategic realignment focuses on its core competencies in the Interactive Flat Panel Display segment, which is a growing market in education, business and public sectors. By divesting the early childcare learning business, the company is streamlining its operations and concentrating resources on areas with potentially higher growth and profitability.

The $20 million cash infusion from the sale provides immediate liquidity, which is important for funding R&D and sales initiatives in the company's primary markets. This could help Mynd maintain or even enhance its market leadership position in a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

The emphasis on both hardware and software solutions indicates a strategic move towards offering more comprehensive and integrated products. This approach could lead to higher customer retention and potentially increased revenue per customer, assuming the company can execute effectively on product development and marketing.

Investors should watch for upcoming product announcements and sales performance indicators to gauge the success of this strategic pivot. The company's ability to innovate and capture market share in its core segments will be critical for future growth and valuation.

SEATTLE, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --, Inc. ("Mynd" or the "Company") (NYSE American: MYND) today announced a series of strategic actions designed to enhance the Company's operations and drive long-term shareholder value, including the following:

  • The sale, on October 2, 2024, of the Company's entire 85% ownership interest in its Singapore-based early childcare learning business for a total consideration of $20 million in cash.
  • The redeployment of capital to enhance business development and future technology innovation to increase sales within its core markets.
  • The optimization of our operational structure to enhance efficiency and generate anticipated cost savings in excess of $20 million annually.

"We are pleased to embark on the next phase of Mynd's evolution by redeploying capital to strengthen our sales efforts and position the Company for future investment in our product offerings, which we believe will enable us to achieve our long-term strategic vision and increase shareholder value," stated Vin Riera, Mynd's Chief Executive Officer. "We expect that additional actions we are taking to optimize our operations will help us improve profitability as we manage growth and corporate transformation."

Arthur Giterman, Mynd's Chief Financial Officer commented, "We believe that the sale of our non-strategic early childhood development business in conjunction with various cost optimization actions, including a reduction in head count, programmatic spend, and the utilization of certain service providers, will provide Mynd with additional liquidity and balance sheet strength, enabling us to focus our efforts on maintaining our market leadership in the Interactive Flat Panel Display segment and delivering both hardware and software solutions for the education, business, and public sectors."

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements," within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements reflect Mynd's current expectations and projections about future events at the time, and thus involve uncertainty and risk. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "will," "could," "would," "should," "may," "plan," "estimate," "intend," "predict," "potential," "continue," "optimistic," and the negatives of these words and other similar expressions generally identify forward looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those described under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Mynd's Annual Report on Form 20-F, filed with the SEC on March 27, 2024, as such factors may be updated from time to time in Mynd's periodic filings with the SEC, which are accessible on the SEC's website at Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. These factors should not be construed as exhaustive and should be read in conjunction with the other cautionary statements that are included in this release and in Mynd's filings with the SEC. While forward-looking statements reflect Mynd's good faith beliefs, they are not guarantees of future performance. Mynd disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect changes in underlying assumptions or factors, new information, data or methods, future events or other changes after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law.

About, Inc.

Seattle-based Mynd is a global leader in interactive technology offering best-in-class hardware and software solutions that help organizations create and deliver dynamic content; simplify and streamline teaching, learning, and communication; and facilitate real-time collaboration. Our award-winning interactive displays and software can be found in more than 1 million learning and training spaces across 126 countries. Our global distribution network of more than 4,000 reseller partners and our dedicated sales and support teams around the world enable us to deliver the highest level of service to our customers.

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What strategic actions did (MYND) announce on October 8, 2024? announced the sale of its 85% ownership in a Singapore-based early childcare learning business for $20 million, redeployment of capital for business development and technology innovation, and operational optimization to generate cost savings exceeding $20 million annually.

How much did (MYND) sell its early childcare learning business for? sold its 85% ownership in the Singapore-based early childcare learning business for $20 million in cash on October 2, 2024.

What are the expected annual cost savings for (MYND) from its operational optimization? anticipates cost savings in excess of $20 million annually from its operational optimization efforts.

What market segment is (MYND) focusing on maintaining leadership in? is focusing on maintaining its market leadership in the Interactive Flat Panel Display segment., Inc. American Depositary Shares, each representing ten (10)


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