Myriad Genetics Unveils Groundbreaking Eight Weeks’ Gestation NIPT Study Results at Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Conference
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) announced groundbreaking research results for its Prequel® Prenatal Screen with AMPLIFY™ technology, which enables reliable prenatal cell-free DNA screening as early as eight weeks' gestation, compared to the typical 9-10 weeks. The study, awarded SMFM's 'Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics,' demonstrated that Prequel with AMPLIFY achieved an average fetal fraction of 12.5% with a no-call rate below 0.5% between 8-10 weeks of gestation.
This advancement allows earlier risk assessment of chromosomal disorders, enabling patients to pursue diagnostic testing like chorionic villus sampling at 10 weeks instead of waiting for amniocentesis at 15 weeks. The findings will be presented at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Conference by Dr. Lorraine Dugoff from the University of Pennsylvania.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) ha annunciato risultati di ricerca rivoluzionari per il suo Prequel® Prenatal Screen con tecnologia AMPLIFY™, che consente uno screening prenatale affidabile del DNA libero da cellule già a otto settimane di gestazione, rispetto alle normali 9-10 settimane. Lo studio, premiato con il 'Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics' dalla SMFM, ha dimostrato che il Prequel con AMPLIFY ha raggiunto una frazione fetale media del 12.5% con un tasso di non chiamata inferiore a 0.5% tra le 8 e le 10 settimane di gestazione.
Questo progresso consente una valutazione anticipata del rischio di disturbi cromosomici, permettendo ai pazienti di intraprendere test diagnostici come il prelievo dei villi coriali a 10 settimane invece di dover attendere l'amniocentesi a 15 settimane. I risultati saranno presentati alla Conferenza della Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine dal Dr. Lorraine Dugoff dell'Università della Pennsylvania.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) anunció resultados de investigación innovadores para su Prequel® Prenatal Screen con tecnología AMPLIFY™, que permite un análisis de ADN libre de células prenatal confiable tan temprano como a ocho semanas de gestación, en comparación con las típicas 9-10 semanas. El estudio, galardonado con el 'Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics' por la SMFM, demostró que el Prequel con AMPLIFY logró una fracción fetal promedio del 12.5% con una tasa de no llamada por debajo del 0.5% entre las 8 y 10 semanas de gestación.
Este avance permite una evaluación de riesgo más temprana de trastornos cromosómicos, lo que permite a los pacientes realizar pruebas diagnósticas como la muestra de vellosidades coriónicas a las 10 semanas en lugar de esperar la amniocentesis a las 15 semanas. Los hallazgos se presentarán en la Conferencia de la Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine por la Dra. Lorraine Dugoff de la Universidad de Pennsylvania.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN)는 AMPLIFY™ 기술을 이용한 Prequel® Prenatal Screen의 혁신적인 연구 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 기술은 임신 8주부터 신뢰할 수 있는 태아 세포 자유 DNA 검사를 가능하게 하며, 일반적인 임신 9-10 주와 비교됩니다. 이 연구는 SMFM의 'Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics'를 수상했으며, AMPLIFY가 적용된 Prequel이 8-10주 사이 평균 태아 비율 12.5%를 달성하고 0.5% 미만의 호출 없음 비율을 기록했다는 것을 보여줍니다.
이러한 발전은 임신 초기 단계에서 염색체 이상에 대한 위험 평가를 가능하게 하여, 환자가 15주까지 기다리지 않고 10주에 융모막 검사와 같은 진단 검사를 받을 수 있도록 합니다. 이 결과는 펜실베이니아 대학교의 Lorraine Dugoff 박사에 의해 Maternal-Fetal Medicine Society 회의에서 발표될 예정입니다.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) a annoncé des résultats de recherche révolutionnaires pour son Prequel® Prenatal Screen avec la technologie AMPLIFY™, qui permet un dépistage prénatal fiable de l'ADN libre de cellules dès huit semaines de grossesse, par rapport aux 9-10 semaines habituelles. L'étude, qui a reçu le 'Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics' de la SMFM, a démontré que le Prequel avec AMPLIFY a atteint une fraction fœtale moyenne de 12.5% avec un taux de non-appel inférieur à 0.5% entre 8 et 10 semaines de grossesse.
Cette avancée permet une évaluation anticipée du risque de troubles chromosomiques, permettant aux patients de poursuivre des tests diagnostiques comme le prélèvement de villosités choriales à 10 semaines au lieu d'attendre l'amniocentèse à 15 semaines. Les résultats seront présentés lors de la conférence de la Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine par le Dr Lorraine Dugoff de l'Université de Pennsylvanie.
Myriad Genetics (NASDAQ: MYGN) hat bahnbrechende Forschungsergebnisse für seinen Prequel® Prenatal Screen mit AMPLIFY™-Technologie bekannt gegeben, die eine zuverlässige pränatale, zellfreie DNA-Analyse bereits ab acht Wochen Schwangerschaft ermöglicht, im Vergleich zu den typischen 9-10 Wochen. Die Studie, die mit dem 'Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics' der SMFM ausgezeichnet wurde, hat gezeigt, dass Prequel mit AMPLIFY einen durchschnittlichen fetalen Anteil von 12.5% und eine No-Call-Rate von unter 0.5% zwischen 8 und 10 Wochen Schwangerschaft erreichte.
Dieser Fortschritt ermöglicht eine frühere Risikobewertung für chromosomale Störungen, sodass Patienten diagnostische Tests wie die Chorionzottenbiopsie bereits in der 10. Woche durchführen und nicht bis zur Amniozentese in der 15. Woche warten müssen. Die Ergebnisse werden von Dr. Lorraine Dugoff von der Universität von Pennsylvania auf der Konferenz der Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine präsentiert.
- Achieved breakthrough in early prenatal screening, enabling testing 1-2 weeks earlier than current standard
- Demonstrated excellent performance metrics with 12.5% fetal fraction and less than 0.5% no-call rate
- Received prestigious SMFM award for research excellence
- Technology enables earlier diagnostic testing options (10 weeks vs 15 weeks)
- None.
This breakthrough in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) represents a significant competitive advantage for Myriad Genetics in the $5.5 billion global NIPT market. The ability to conduct reliable testing at 8 weeks gestation with Prequel creates several strategic advantages:
- Earlier testing window provides a important 1-2 week advantage over competitors, potentially capturing market share from traditional players like Natera and Illumina
- The exceptionally low no-call rate of less than 0.5% significantly reduces the need for repeat testing, improving laboratory efficiency and patient satisfaction
- Earlier results enable chorionic villus sampling at 10 weeks versus 15 weeks for amniocentesis, representing a paradigm shift in prenatal care pathways
The AMPLIFY technology's ability to increase fetal fraction addresses a critical limitation in early gestation testing, potentially expanding the addressable market to include more first-trimester screenings. This could drive increased test volumes and revenue growth, particularly as early pregnancy screening becomes more standardized in prenatal care protocols. The prestigious Dru Carlson Memorial Award validates the scientific merit of this advancement, likely accelerating clinical adoption and insurance coverage decisions.
Opening plenary session features latest fetal fraction amplification research
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 29, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN), a leader in genetic testing and precision medicine, today announced it will unveil groundbreaking research at the annual Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Conference (SMFM). The company’s “Fetal fraction amplification enables accurate prenatal cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening at eight weeks gestation” study was awarded SMFM’s “Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics.”
The study found that Prequel® Prenatal Screen with AMPLIFY™ technology enables reliable results as early as eight-weeks’ gestation. Typically, prenatal cell-free DNA (pcfDNA) screening is offered beginning at nine to 10 weeks’ gestation. At earlier gestational ages, the proportion of placental cfDNA, referred to as the fetal fraction (FF), is often too low to allow for confident analysis. Prequel with AMPLIFY can overcome this limitation by increasing the FF. This study found that by using Prequel with AMPLIFY, the average FF was
“Being able to assess the risks for chromosomal disorders at eight weeks of pregnancy is a significant step forward in prenatal genetic screening,” said Dale Muzzey, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Myriad Genetics. “We are improving the timeline for patients to understand their risk assessment of chromosomal abnormalities, allowing pregnant patients to pursue earlier diagnostic testing, such as chorionic villus sampling at 10 weeks’ gestation, when recommended by their clinicians, instead of the typical 15 weeks for amniocentesis. Earlier, reliable results empower clinicians and their patients to make the most informed, timely decisions for their care.”
The data will be shared during an opening oral plenary session at 8:30 a.m. (MT) on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025, in the Aurora Ballroom, Lobby Level. Lorraine Dugoff, MD, Professor, Chief of Reproductive Genetics, University of Pennsylvania, will present the study results.
About the Study
The objective of this multi-site study was to determine how early in gestation the Prequel with AMPLIFY test can deliver high-quality results. The enrolled subjects provided two samples for analysis: the first between six to nine weeks’ gestation and the second at ≥10 weeks’ gestation, where Prequel was already validated. Clinical results and FF levels were compared between each patient’s two samples, revealing that Prequel with AMPLIFY at eight weeks gestation has sufficiently high FF levels to return reliable results consistent with typical cfDNA screening at 10 weeks or later.
Additional Myriad Presentations as SMFM
Detecting maternal mosaicism in fetal sex chromosome aneuploidy screening
Poster session 1001
Date/Location: Friday, Jan. 31, 2025, 4:00 pm (MT)
Presenter: Dale Muzzey, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Myriad Genetics
Summary: Sex chromosome anomalies (SCA) are a common class of fetal aneuploidy, but cfDNA screening assays typically have relatively low positive predictive value (PPV) for SCA calls. False positives are caused by factors including statistical error, confined placental mosaicism, and maternal mosaicism. To compare the impact of these factors and improve SCA screening PPV, Myriad Genetics developed a new “depth trajectory” method within its upcoming FirstGene™ product that identifies mosaic maternal aneuploidy by analyzing covariation in read depth and DNA fragment size.
About Prequel Prenatal Screen
Myriad’s Prequel® Prenatal Screen with AMPLIFY™ technology is the first and only prenatal cfDNA screen available at eight-weeks' gestational age. AMPLIFY technology has been shown to increase fetal fraction 2.3-fold on average, allowing the test to provide pregnant patients with genetic insights into fetal development and the health of the pregnancy as early as eight weeks’ gestation. Prequel with AMPLIFY can assess if a pregnancy is at an increased risk for several chromosomal conditions like Down, Edwards, or Patau syndrome, sex chromosome abnormalities, expanded aneuploidies, and select microdeletions, including 22q11.2.
About Myriad Genetics
Myriad Genetics is a leading genetic testing and precision medicine company dedicated to advancing health and well-being for all. Myriad Genetics develops and offers genetic tests that help assess the risk of developing disease or disease progression and guide treatment decisions across medical specialties where genetic insights can significantly improve patient care and lower healthcare costs. For more information, visit
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including the company’s belief that being able to assess the risks for chromosomal disorders at eight weeks of pregnancy is a significant step forward in prenatal genetic screening, through its Prequel with AMPLIFY test, the company is improving the timeline for patients to understand their risk assessment of chromosomal abnormalities, allowing pregnant patients to pursue earlier diagnostic testing, such as chorionic villus sampling at 10 weeks’ gestion, when recommended by their clinicians, instead of the typical 15 weeks for amniocentesis, and how earlier, reliable results empower clinicians and their patients to make the most informed, timely decisions for their care. These “forward-looking statements” are management’s expectations of future events as of the date hereof and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, conditions, and events to differ materially and adversely from those anticipated. Such factors include those risks described in the company’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 28, 2024, as well as any updates to those risk factors filed from time to time in the company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q or Current Reports on Form 8-K. Myriad is not under any obligation, and it expressly disclaims any obligation, to update or alter any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as required by law.
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