MaxLinear Wins Cisco 2024 Emerging Supplier of the Year Award

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MaxLinear (NASDAQ: MXL) has been awarded Cisco's 2024 Emerging Supplier of the Year at Cisco's annual Supplier Appreciation Event (SAE). This prestigious recognition honors MaxLinear for its partnership with Cisco in developing and implementing capabilities that contribute to Cisco's success and create customer value.

The award was presented at a live event attended by hundreds of executives representing Cisco's diverse supplier base. Marco De Martin, SVP of Global Supplier Management at Cisco, emphasized the important role of suppliers and partners in providing innovative technology for Cisco's customers, particularly in the era of AI, modern infrastructure, and cybersecurity.

This marks the 33rd consecutive year of Cisco's SAE, which serves as a platform to recognize exceptional performance among supply chain partners and share Cisco's strategic priorities with its global network of suppliers.

MaxLinear (NASDAQ: MXL) è stata premiata come Fornitore Emergente dell'Anno 2024 da Cisco durante l'annuale Evento di Apprezzamento dei Fornitori (SAE) di Cisco. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento celebra la partnership di MaxLinear con Cisco nello sviluppo e nell'implementazione di capacità che contribuiscono al successo di Cisco e creano valore per i clienti.

Il premio è stato conferito durante un evento dal vivo a cui hanno partecipato centinaia di dirigenti rappresentanti della diversificata base fornitori di Cisco. Marco De Martin, SVP di Gestione Globale dei Fornitori presso Cisco, ha sottolineato l'importante ruolo che i fornitori e i partner svolgono nel fornire tecnologia innovativa per i clienti di Cisco, in particolare nell'era dell'IA, delle infrastrutture moderne e della cybersicurezza.

Questo segna il 33° anno consecutivo del SAE di Cisco, che serve come piattaforma per riconoscere le prestazioni eccezionali tra i partner della catena di approvvigionamento e condividere le priorità strategiche di Cisco con la sua rete globale di fornitori.

MaxLinear (NASDAQ: MXL) ha sido premiada como Proveedor Emergente del Año 2024 por Cisco durante el evento anual de Agradecimiento a Proveedores (SAE) de Cisco. Este prestigioso reconocimiento honra a MaxLinear por su colaboración con Cisco en el desarrollo e implementación de capacidades que contribuyen al éxito de Cisco y crean valor para los clientes.

El premio fue presentado en un evento en vivo al que asistieron cientos de ejecutivos que representan la diversa base de proveedores de Cisco. Marco De Martin, SVP de Gestión Global de Proveedores en Cisco, destacó el importante papel de los proveedores y socios en el suministro de tecnología innovadora para los clientes de Cisco, especialmente en la era de la IA, las infraestructuras modernas y la ciberseguridad.

Esto marca el 33er año consecutivo del SAE de Cisco, que sirve como plataforma para reconocer el rendimiento excepcional entre los socios de la cadena de suministro y compartir las prioridades estratégicas de Cisco con su red global de proveedores.

맥스리니어 (NASDAQ: MXL)가 시스코의 연례 공급업체 감사 이벤트(SAE)에서 2024년 신흥 공급업체 상을 수상했습니다. 이 권위 있는 상은 시스코의 성공에 기여하고 고객 가치를 창출하는 역량 개발 및 구현에서의 맥스리니어와 시스코의 파트너십을 기립니다.

이 상은 시스코의 다양한 공급업체를 대표하는 수백 명의 경영진이 참석한 현장 이벤트에서 수여되었습니다. 시스코의 글로벌 공급업체 관리 SVP인 마르코 드 마르틴은 특히 AI 시대, 현대 인프라 및 사이버 보안 측면에서 고객에게 혁신적인 기술을 제공하는 데 있어 공급업체와 파트너의 중요한 역할을 강조했습니다.

이번은 시스코의 SAE가 33년 연속으로 진행된 것으로, 공급망 파트너 간의 뛰어난 성과를 인정하고 시스코의 전략적 우선사항을 글로벌 공급업체 네트워크와 공유하는 플랫폼 역할을 합니다.

MaxLinear (NASDAQ: MXL) a été honoré du titre de Fournisseur Émergent de l'Année 2024 par Cisco lors de l'événement annuel d'Appréciation des Fournisseurs (SAE) de Cisco. Cette prestigieuse reconnaissance célèbre le partenariat de MaxLinear avec Cisco dans le développement et la mise en œuvre de capacités qui contribuent au succès de Cisco et créent de la valeur pour les clients.

Le prix a été remis lors d'un événement en direct auquel ont assisté des centaines de dirigeants représentant la base de fournisseurs diversifiée de Cisco. Marco De Martin, SVP de la Gestion Globale des Fournisseurs chez Cisco, a souligné le rôle important des fournisseurs et des partenaires dans la fourniture de technologies innovantes pour les clients de Cisco, en particulier à l'ère de l'IA, de l'infrastructure moderne et de la cybersécurité.

Ceci marque la 33ème année consécutive du SAE de Cisco, qui sert de plateforme pour reconnaître les performances exceptionnelles parmi les partenaires de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et partager les priorités stratégiques de Cisco avec son réseau mondial de fournisseurs.

MaxLinear (NASDAQ: MXL) wurde beim jährlichen Supplier Appreciation Event (SAE) von Cisco mit dem 2024 Emerging Supplier of the Year ausgezeichnet. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung würdigt MaxLinear für die Zusammenarbeit mit Cisco bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Fähigkeiten, die zum Erfolg von Cisco beitragen und Kundenwert schaffen.

Der Preis wurde bei einer Live-Veranstaltung verliehen, an der Hunderte von Führungskräften aus der vielfältigen Lieferantenbasis von Cisco teilnahmen. Marco De Martin, SVP für Global Supplier Management bei Cisco, betonte die wichtige Rolle der Lieferanten und Partner bei der Bereitstellung innovativer Technologien für die Kunden von Cisco, insbesondere im Zeitalter der KI, moderner Infrastruktur und Cybersicherheit.

Dies ist das 33. aufeinanderfolgende Jahr des SAE von Cisco, das als Plattform dient, um außergewöhnliche Leistungen unter Lieferkettenpartnern zu würdigen und die strategischen Prioritäten von Cisco mit seinem globalen Netzwerk von Lieferanten zu teilen.

  • None.
  • None.

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today MaxLinear, Inc. (NASDAQ: MXL), a leading provider of radio frequency (RF), analog, digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits, announced it has received Cisco’s 2024 Emerging Supplier of the Year award. Cisco presented this esteemed honor at its annual Supplier Appreciation Event (SAE) to a live audience of several hundred executives representing its diverse component suppliers and partners in manufacturing, logistics, services, and repair operations.

MaxLinear accepts Emerging Supplier of the Year Award at Cisco Supplier Appreciation Event (Photo: Business Wire)

MaxLinear accepts Emerging Supplier of the Year Award at Cisco Supplier Appreciation Event (Photo: Business Wire)

The recognition honors MaxLinear, Inc. for partnering with Cisco to invest, develop, implement and introduce capabilities that directly contribute to Cisco’s success and create customer value.

“Cisco connects and protects its customers in the era of AI by building modern and resilient infrastructure, providing cybersecurity solutions that protect against the threats of today and tomorrow, and helping them harness the power of AI and data,” said Marco De Martin, SVP of Global Supplier Management at Cisco. “Cisco suppliers and partners are crucial in providing the innovative technology that our customers rely on.”

At SAE, Cisco honored the achievements and contributions of its supply chain partners, recognizing those that performed exceptionally well in FY24. This event marked the 33rd consecutive year of such celebrations and served as a platform to share Cisco’s strategic priorities with its trusted global network of suppliers.

Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries.

About MaxLinear, Inc.

MaxLinear, Inc. (Nasdaq: MXL) is a leading provider of radio frequency (RF), analog, digital, and mixed-signal integrated circuits for access and connectivity, wired and wireless infrastructure, and industrial and multimarket applications. MaxLinear is headquartered in Carlsbad, California. For more information, please visit

MaxLinear, the MaxLinear logo, any other MaxLinear trademarks are all property of MaxLinear, Inc. or one of MaxLinear's subsidiaries in the U.S.A. and other countries. All rights reserved.

All third-party marks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders/owners.

MaxLinear, Inc. Press Contact:

Debbie Brandenburg

Sr. Marketing Communications Manager

Tel: +1 669.265.6083

Cisco Contacts:

Lisa Chisholm (

& Jordan Jones (

Supply Chain Communications

Source: MaxLinear, Inc.


What award did MaxLinear (MXL) receive from Cisco in 2024?

MaxLinear (MXL) received Cisco's 2024 Emerging Supplier of the Year award at Cisco's annual Supplier Appreciation Event.

Why was MaxLinear (MXL) chosen for Cisco's 2024 Emerging Supplier award?

MaxLinear (MXL) was chosen for partnering with Cisco to invest, develop, implement, and introduce capabilities that directly contribute to Cisco's success and create customer value.

Where and when was Cisco's 2024 Supplier Appreciation Event held?

The exact date and location were not specified in the press release, but it was a live event attended by several hundred executives representing Cisco's suppliers and partners.

How long has Cisco been holding its Supplier Appreciation Event?

The 2024 event marked the 33rd consecutive year of Cisco's Supplier Appreciation Event celebrations.

What does MaxLinear (MXL) specialize in as a company?

MaxLinear (MXL) is a leading provider of radio frequency (RF), analog, digital, and mixed-signal integrated circuits.

MaxLinear, Inc.


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