MaxLinear to Showcase Panther III at Future of Memory and Storage 2024 Trade Show

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MaxLinear (Nasdaq: MXL) will showcase its Panther III storage acceleration solution at the Future of Memory and Storage 2024 trade show. Panther III offers significant advantages over software-only solutions, including:

- Up to 40x more throughput
- Up to 190x better latency
- Up to 1000x less CPU utilization
- 12:1 data reduction ratio

These improvements lead to substantial cost savings in flash drives and CPU cores. Panther III consolidates compression, deduplication, encryption, data protection, and real-time validation in a single hardware-based solution, addressing the growing demands of data center administrators and dataset owners in the rapidly expanding cloud storage market.

MaxLinear (Nasdaq: MXL) presenterà la sua soluzione di accelerazione per lo stoccaggio Panther III alla fiera Future of Memory and Storage 2024. Panther III offre vantaggi significativi rispetto alle soluzioni solo software, tra cui:

- Fino a 40 volte più throughput
- Fino a 190 volte una latenza migliore
- Fino a 1000 volte meno utilizzo della CPU
- Rapporto di riduzione dei dati 12:1

Questi miglioramenti portano a sostanziali risparmi sui costi per le unità flash e i core CPU. Panther III consolida compressione, deduplicazione, crittografia, protezione dei dati e convalida in tempo reale in un'unica soluzione hardware, rispondendo alle crescenti richieste degli amministratori di centro dati e dei proprietari di set di dati nel mercato in rapida espansione dello stoccaggio cloud.

MaxLinear (Nasdaq: MXL) exhibirá su solución de aceleración de almacenamiento Panther III en la feria Future of Memory and Storage 2024. Panther III ofrece ventajas significativas sobre las soluciones solo de software, incluyendo:

- Hasta 40 veces más rendimiento
- Hasta 190 veces mejor latencia
- Hasta 1000 veces menos utilización de CPU
- Relación de reducción de datos 12:1

Estas mejoras conducen a ahorros sustanciales en costos para unidades flash y núcleos de CPU. Panther III consolida compresión, deduplicación, cifrado, protección de datos y validación en tiempo real en una única solución basada en hardware, abordando las crecientes demandas de los administradores de centros de datos y propietarios de conjuntos de datos en el rápidamente expandiéndose mercado de almacenamiento en la nube.

MaxLinear (Nasdaq: MXL)는 Future of Memory and Storage 2024 무역 박람회에서 Panther III 저장 가속 솔루션을 선보일 예정입니다. Panther III는 소프트웨어 전용 솔루션에 비해 상당한 이점을 제공하며, 그 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 최대 40배의 처리량
- 최대 190배 더 좋은 지연 시간
- 최대 1000배 낮은 CPU 사용량
- 12:1 데이터 축소 비율

이러한 향상은 플래시 드라이브 및 CPU 코어 비용에서 상당한 절감 효과를 가져옵니다. Panther III는 압축, 중복 제거, 암호화, 데이터 보호 및 실시간 검증을 단일 하드웨어 기반 솔루션으로 통합하여 데이터 센터 관리자가 증가하는 요구 사항을 충족하고 있으며, 급속히 확장되는 클라우드 저장소 시장에 대응합니다.

MaxLinear (Nasdaq: MXL) présentera sa solution d'accélération de stockage Panther III lors de la foire Future of Memory and Storage 2024. Panther III offre des avantages significatifs par rapport aux solutions uniquement basées sur le logiciel, notamment :

- Jusqu'à 40 fois plus de débit
- Jusqu'à 190 fois meilleure latence
- Jusqu'à 1000 fois moins d'utilisation du CPU
- Taux de réduction des données de 12:1

Ces améliorations entraînent des économies considérables de coûts pour les disques flash et les cœurs de CPU. Panther III regroupe compression, dé-duplication, cryptage, protection des données et validation en temps réel dans une seule solution matérielle, répondant aux demandes croissantes des administrateurs de centres de données et des propriétaires de ensembles de données sur le marché en pleine expansion du stockage dans le cloud.

MaxLinear (Nasdaq: MXL) wird seine Speicherbeschleunigungslösung Panther III auf der Messe Future of Memory and Storage 2024 präsentieren. Panther III bietet erhebliche Vorteile gegenüber rein softwarebasierten Lösungen, darunter:

- Bis zu 40-mal höhere Durchsatzrate
- Bis zu 190-mal besserer Latenz
- Bis zu 1000-mal geringerer CPU-Nutzungsgrad
- 12:1 Datenreduzierungsverhältnis

Diese Verbesserungen führen zu erheblichen Kosteneinsparungen bei Flash-Laufwerken und CPU-Kernen. Panther III bündelt Kompression, Deduplizierung, Verschlüsselung, Datensicherheit und Echtzeitvalidierung in einer einzigen hardwarebasierten Lösung und erfüllt die wachsenden Anforderungen von Rechenzentrumsadministratoren und Datensatzbesitzern auf dem schnell wachsenden Markt für Cloud-Speicher.

  • Panther III achieves up to 40x more throughput, 190x better latency, and 1000x less CPU utilization than software-only solutions
  • 12:1 data reduction ratio significantly increases effective storage capacity
  • Reduces the number of CPU cores needed for storage operations, potentially saving thousands of dollars
  • Addresses the growing demands of the cloud storage market, projected to reach $665 billion by 2032
  • None.
  • Comprehensive storage accelerator provides 12x lower flash drive cost, faster read/write speeds, and increase in effective storage.

CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MaxLinear, Inc. (Nasdaq: MXL), a leading provider of data storage acceleration solutions for enterprise and data center applications, today announced it will demonstrate the advanced compression, encryption, and security performance of its storage acceleration solution, Panther III, at the Future of Memory and Storage (FMS) 2024 trade show from August 6-8, 2024. The demos will show that Panther III can achieve up to 40 times more throughput, up to 190 times better latency, and up to 1000 times less CPU utilization than a software-only solution, leading to significant cost savings in terms of flash drives and needed CPU cores.

MaxLinear to Showcase Panther III at Future of Memory and Storage 2024 Trade Show (Photo: Business Wire)

MaxLinear to Showcase Panther III at Future of Memory and Storage 2024 Trade Show (Photo: Business Wire)

MaxLinear’s Panther III creates a bold new product category for maximizing the performance of data storage systems - a comprehensive, all-in-one “storage accelerator.” Unlike encryption and/or compression solutions, MaxLinear’s Panther III consolidates a comprehensive suite of storage acceleration functions, including compression, deduplication, encryption, data protection, and real-time validation, in a single hardware-based solution. Panther III is engineered to offload and expedite specific data processing tasks, thus providing a significant performance boost, storage cost savings, and energy savings compared to traditional software-only, FPGA, and other competitive solutions.

“Panther III meets the needs of both data center administrators, who are desperate for power efficiency and cost-saving storage solutions with the rise of AI, and also dataset owners – who want to store and access their data quickly, securely, and accurately,” said Vikas Choudhary, Vice President of Ethernet & Storage Accelerators at MaxLinear. “Panther III represents a significant advancement in data storage systems technology, offering an unmatched solution for how the world of data management and storage is rapidly evolving.”

The data storage market is showing enormous growth, driven largely by the rise of AI. According to a report published in 2024 by Fortune Business Insights, the global cloud storage market size was valued at $108.69 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow to $665 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 22.4% during the forecast period. This growth is driving an adjacent surge in power usage. A report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) found that the 460 terawatt-hours (TWh) consumed by data centers in 2022 represented 2% of all global electricity usage. Much of that was driven by computing and cooling functions within data centers. Further, the Uptime Institute predicts AI will account for 10% of the data center industry's global power use by 2025.

Panther III Lowers Total Cost of Ownership of Data Storage Systems

MaxLinear's Panther III introduces a paradigm shift in cost efficiency in two ways: Reducing the number of CPU cores needed for common storage operation like encryption and compression; and, through a 12:1 data reduction ratio, reducing the cost per GB of flash drives needed for storage.

Software-only solutions for data compression and encryption, while flexible, come with significant hidden costs, primarily due to their reliance on CPU cores. In scenarios where high data throughput is required, the number of CPU cores needed can be staggering. For instance, achieving a data throughput rate of 200Gbps using traditional software based Deflate compression and SHA256 hash requires approximately 3,100 CPU cores. Given that the cost of a CPU core is estimated at $50, the total cost for the CPU cores alone would amount to $157,000. Panther III achieves the same 200Gbps data throughput rate using just three CPU cores.

With regards to flash drives, Panther III provides significant cost savings. With a 1U AFA storage server equipped with eight 1TB NVMe drives, each drive costs approximately $240. This setup provides a raw storage capacity of 8TB. However, when factoring in typical storage overheads and the lack of compression, the effective capacity remains limited. In this scenario, the system storage cost is 25 cents per GB, which can quickly escalate as data storage needs grow. With a 12:1 data reduction ratio, Panther III significantly increases the effective storage capacity of NVMe drives. In the example of an 8-drive 1U AFA storage server, Panther III transforms the effective capacity from 8TB to a remarkable 96TB. This dramatic enhancement means that organizations can store substantially more data on fewer drives, leading to significant cost savings.

About MaxLinear’s Demos at FMS 2024

MaxLinear will showcase demonstrations of the Panther III storage accelerator. The first will highlight the power of offloading with a single Panther III card delivering 200G throughput, showcasing increased memory bandwidth and enhanced power savings. Attendees will witness how Panther III’s hardware acceleration outperforms traditional software solutions, efficiently handling intensive workloads with superior performance and reduced energy consumption.

The second demonstration will display the seamless scalability of Panther III with multiple cards working in unison within a single server. This demo will emphasize the scalability and performance benefits that data center customers can achieve, showing firsthand how Panther III maintains high performance, ultra-low latency and efficiency as it scales with minimal power usage.

Join MaxLinear at Booth 515 at the FMS: Future of Memory and Storage 2024 trade show to explore the latest innovations in storage acceleration technology and discover how Panther III can elevate your data center performance to new heights.

About MaxLinear, Inc.

MaxLinear, Inc. (Nasdaq: MXL) is a leading provider of radio frequency (RF), analog, digital, and mixed-signal integrated circuits for access and connectivity, wired and wireless infrastructure, and industrial and multimarket applications. MaxLinear is headquartered in Carlsbad, California. For more information, please visit

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Cautionary Note About Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements include, among others, statements concerning or implying future financial performance, anticipated product performance and functionality of our products or products incorporating our products, and industry trends and growth opportunities affecting MaxLinear, in particular statements relating to MaxLinear’s Panther III storage acceleration solution, including but not limited to, with respect to anticipated growth in AI, power usage and the data storage market and the functionality, performance and the benefits of use of the Panther III storage acceleration solution. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from any future results expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. We cannot predict whether or to what extent these new and existing products will affect our future revenues or financial performance. Forward-looking statements are based on management’s current, preliminary expectations and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may contain words such as “will be,” “will,” “expected,” “anticipate,” “continue,” or similar expressions and include the assumptions that underlie such statements. The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements: risks relating to the development, testing, and commercial introduction of new products and product functionalities; risks relating to our terminated merger with Silicon Motion and related arbitration and class action complaint and the risks related to potential payment of damages; the effect of intense and increasing competition; impacts of global economic conditions; the cyclical nature of the semiconductor industry; a significant variance in our operating results and impact on volatility in our stock price, and our ability to sustain our current level of revenue, which has declined, and/or manage future growth effectively, and the impact of excess inventory in the channel on our customers’ expected demand for certain of our products; the geopolitical and economic tensions among the countries in which we conduct business; increased tariffs, export controls or imposition of other trade barriers; our ability to obtain or retain government authorization to export certain of our products or technology; risks related to the loss of, or a significant reduction in orders from major customers; costs of legal proceedings or potential violations of regulations; information technology failures; a decrease in the average selling prices of our products; failure to penetrate new applications and markets; development delays and consolidation trends in our industry; inability to make substantial research and development investments; delays or expenses caused by undetected defects or bugs in our products; substantial quarterly and annual fluctuations in our revenue and operating results; failure to timely develop and introduce new or enhanced products; order and shipment uncertainties; failure to accurately predict our future revenue and appropriately budget expenses; lengthy and expensive customer qualification processes; customer product plan cancellations; failure to maintain compliance with government regulations; failure to attract and retain qualified personnel; any adverse impact of rising interest rates on us, our customers, and our distributors and related demand; risks related to compliance with privacy, data protection and cybersecurity laws and regulations; risks related to conforming our products to industry standards; risks related to business acquisitions and investments; claims of intellectual property infringement; our ability to protect our intellectual property; risks related to security vulnerabilities of our products; use of open source software in our products; and failure to manage our relationships with, or negative impacts from, third parties. In addition to these risks and uncertainties, investors should review the risks and uncertainties contained in MaxLinear’s filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, including risks and uncertainties arising from other factors affecting the business, operating results, and financial condition of MaxLinear, including those set forth in MaxLinear’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and Current Reports on Form 8-K, as applicable. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. MaxLinear is providing this information as of the date of this release and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Market Information

This press release contains statistical data, estimates and forecasts that are based on independent industry publications or other publicly available information. This information involves many assumptions and limitations, and you are cautioned not to give undue weight to such information. We have not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the industry publications and other publicly available information. Accordingly, we make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of that information nor do we undertake to update such information after the date of this press release.

MaxLinear, Inc. Press Contact:

Matthew Lea

Head of Public Relations

Tel: +1 760.415.2529

Source: MaxLinear, Inc.


What is MaxLinear's Panther III and what does it do?

Panther III is MaxLinear's comprehensive storage accelerator that consolidates compression, deduplication, encryption, data protection, and real-time validation in a single hardware-based solution. It significantly improves storage performance and reduces costs compared to software-only solutions.

How does Panther III compare to software-only storage solutions?

Panther III achieves up to 40 times more throughput, up to 190 times better latency, and up to 1000 times less CPU utilization compared to software-only solutions. This leads to significant cost savings in flash drives and CPU cores.

What is the data reduction ratio of MaxLinear's Panther III?

Panther III offers a 12:1 data reduction ratio, which significantly increases the effective storage capacity of NVMe drives. This allows organizations to store substantially more data on fewer drives, leading to significant cost savings.

When and where will MaxLinear (MXL) showcase Panther III?

MaxLinear will demonstrate Panther III at the Future of Memory and Storage (FMS) 2024 trade show from August 6-8, 2024.

MaxLinear, Inc.


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