Mundoro Announces Phase I Drill Results from Dos Cabezas Project, Arizona

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Mundoro Capital Inc. announces positive Phase I drill results from the Dos Cabezas Project in Arizona. The drilling at the Dos Cabezas Project confirmed mineralization in two target areas, supporting the potential for a porphyry-style system. The project is located in a prospective area surrounded by known porphyry districts. The exploration program identified three target areas with potential porphyry copper systems and two undercover target areas. The drilling results showed significant mineralization, indicating the need for further exploration. Mundoro is in discussions with external parties to potentially option the project.
Mundoro Capital Inc. annuncia risultati positivi della Fase I delle perforazioni nel Progetto Dos Cabezas in Arizona. Le trivellazioni nel Progetto Dos Cabezas hanno confermato la mineralizzazione in due aree target, supportando il potenziale per un sistema di tipo porfirico. Il progetto si trova in una zona promettente circondata da noti distretti porfirici. Il programma di esplorazione ha identificato tre aree target con potenziali sistemi di rame porfirico e due aree target sotto copertura. I risultati delle trivellazioni hanno mostrato una mineralizzazione significativa, indicando la necessità di ulteriori esplorazioni. Mundoro è in trattative con parti esterne per valutare la possibilità di opzionare il progetto.
Mundoro Capital Inc. anuncia resultados positivos de la Fase I de perforación del Proyecto Dos Cabezas en Arizona. La perforación en el Proyecto Dos Cabezas confirmó la mineralización en dos áreas objetivo, respaldando el potencial de un sistema de tipo pórfido. El proyecto está ubicado en una zona prospectiva rodeada de conocidos distritos pórfidos. El programa de exploración identificó tres áreas objetivo con sistemas potenciales de cobre pórfido y dos áreas objetivo bajo cobertura. Los resultados de la perforación mostraron una mineralización significativa, señalando la necesidad de más exploración. Mundoro está en conversaciones con partes externas para potencialmente dar en opción el proyecto.
문도로 캐피탈 인크는 애리조나의 도스 카베사스 프로젝트에서 1단계 시추 결과가 긍정적임을 발표했다. 도스 카베사스 프로젝트에서의 시추는 두 개의 목표 지역에서 광물화를 확인하여, 포르피리 형태의 시스템 잠재력을 뒷받침한다. 이 프로젝트는 알려진 포르피리 광구에 둘러싸인 유망한 지역에 위치해 있다. 탐사 프로그램은 포르피리 구리 시스템이 잠재적인 세 개의 목표 지역과 두 개의 덮개가 있는 목표 지역을 식별했다. 시추 결과는 상당한 광물화를 보여주어 추가 탐사의 필요성을 나타냈다. 문도로는 프로젝트를 옵션으로 제공할 수 있도록 외부 당사자들과 논의 중이다.
Mundoro Capital Inc. annonce des résultats positifs de la phase I de forage du projet Dos Cabezas en Arizona. Le forage au projet Dos Cabezas a confirmé la minéralisation dans deux zones cibles, soutenant le potentiel d'un système de type porphyrique. Le projet est situé dans une zone prospective entourée de districts porphyriques connus. Le programme d'exploration a identifié trois zones cibles avec des systèmes potentiels de cuivre porphyrique et deux zones cibles sous couverture. Les résultats de forage ont montré une minéralisation significative, indiquant le besoin d'explorations supplémentaires. Mundoro est en discussion avec des parties externes pour potentiellement optionner le projet.
Mundoro Capital Inc. verkündet positive Ergebnisse der Phase-I-Bohrungen des Dos Cabezas Projekts in Arizona. Die Bohrungen im Dos Cabezas Projekt bestätigten Mineralisierung in zwei Zielgebieten und unterstützen das Potenzial für ein porphyrisches System. Das Projekt befindet sich in einem aussichtsreichen Gebiet, das von bekannten Porphyr-Distrikten umgeben ist. Das Explorationsprogramm identifizierte drei Zielgebiete mit potenziellen porphyrischen Kupfersystemen und zwei verdeckte Zielgebiete. Die Bohrergebnisse zeigten eine bedeutende Mineralisierung und deuten auf die Notwendigkeit weiterer Erkundungen hin. Mundoro führt Gespräche mit externen Parteien, um möglicherweise das Projekt zu optionieren.
  • Positive: Confirmation of mineralization in two target areas, supporting potential for a porphyry-style system.
  • Positive: Identification of three target areas with potential porphyry copper systems.
  • Positive: Significant mineralization encountered in the drilling program.
  • Positive: Location of the project in a prospective area surrounded by known porphyry districts.
  • Positive: Progress in discussions with external parties for potential project optioning.
  • None.

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 18, 2024) - Mundoro Capital Inc. (TSXV: MUN) (OTCQB: MUNMF) ( ("Mundoro" or the "Company") is pleased to announce results from the inaugural drilling at the Dos Cabezas Project ("Project"), in Cochise County, Arizona. As of April 12, 2024, Mundoro holds 100% of the Project.

Teo Dechev, CEO and President commented "Mundoro is pleased with the initial drilling results from the Dos Cabezas Project. The first phase of drilling tested four target areas, with scout drill holes in each target. In two of the target areas: Mineral Park and Mescal Canyon, these holes aimed to investigate the presence of a porphyry system, suggested by surface geochemistry, alteration, and veining. Both holes confirmed mineralization, supporting the potential for a porphyry-style system and indicating the need for further drilling. Mundoro is progressing in discussions with external parties to potentially option the Project."

Project Location

The Dos Cabezas Project is located in SE Arizona, approximately 150 km east of the city of Tucson, within the prospective Laramide magmatic arc portion of the Southwestern USA cordilleran porphyry belt. The Dos Cabezas Project is surrounded by known porphyry districts, including Safford and Morenci to the north, and Tyrone to the east.

Dos Cabezas Drill Program Overview

Exploration to date has identified three target areas with outcropping alteration and mineralisation potentially associated with Laramide age porphyry copper systems: Mescal Canyon, Mineral Park, and Casey Copper Canyon targets. An additional two undercover target areas were identified: Northwest Pediments target and SouthEast Pediments target, along the apparent WNW trend of the Apache Pass Fault Zone which was interpreted to extend below the shallow pediments (Figure 1).

In the fourth quarter of 2023, two drill holes were successfully completed at the project (Figure 2). The first hole, targeting the Mineral Park area, reached a depth of 598 meters and encountered Cu-Au-Mo mineralization. The second hole, in the Mescal Canyon area, reached a depth of 743.7 meters and intercepted multiple zones of anomalous Cu-Mo-Ag mineralization and logged alteration and veining.

At Casey Copper Canyon, the company has a permitted drill location to test the potential for skarn-style mineralization, as well as deeper porphyry copper mineralization.

The two drill holes designed to explore beneath the pediment cover were completed in Q2-2023, each extending 400 meters for a combined depth of 801.7 meters. Both holes intersected volcanic units located under the pediment cover, without reaching the basement unit. Magnetic susceptibility measurements and inversion modeling suggest that these volcanic units could be responsible for the observed magnetic anomalies, however further evaluation of the geophysics in this area is required.

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Figure 1: Location map of the target areas in the Dos Cabezas drill program

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Figure 2: Plan map of the Mescal Canyon and Mineral Park drill holes and trace with surface geology.

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Geology and Mineralization

Mineral Park Target

The Mineral Park drill hole, reaching a depth of 600 meters, was designed to evaluate skarns previously mined at Mineral Park. This exploration was guided by magnetic anomalies identified through drone-based surveying and inversion modeling techniques. The deeper exploration target associated with a magnetic low was linked to exposed veining and alteration mapped within the Mineral Park Monzonite, situated to the west in an erosional window.

The upper 450 meters of the borehole intersected andesite volcanic rocks that were veined and altered with sericite, chlorite, and epidote, exhibiting localized zones of more intense alteration and mineralization (Figure 3). Below 450-meters depth, the drill core revealed more felsic lithologies, including rhyolite and granite, with the presence of granitic breccias containing magnetite-pyrite infill accompanied by increased Cu-Mo-Au values towards the base of the hole (Figure 2). The final 76.7 meters, starting from 521.5 meters downhole, yielded assay results averaging 665.1 ppm Cu, 26 ppm Mo, 0.92 g/t Ag, and increasing Au values. The entire drilled length of 598.2 meters displayed anomalous zones in Cu-Mo-Ag, accompanied by pathfinder geochemistry of Bi-Te-W-Sn-Zn, characteristic of the upper levels of a porphyry system.

Due to technical challenges and timing constraints, the drilling was terminated at 598.2 meters, with the final 1.8-meter sample returning 0.4% Cu, 0.14 g/t Au, 93 ppm Mo, and 2.2 g/t Ag. This deeper mineralized zone warrants further investigation through a steeper drilling angle from a permitted location east of the current hole, as geological and geochemical indicators suggest the potential for a distinct mineral center separate from the Mescal Canyon target.

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Figure 3: Schematic section for the Mineral Park drillhole showing downhole copper assay histogram.

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Table 1: Selected intervals from the drilling program completed at Dos Cabezas at Mescal Canyon (DC_003) and Mineral Park (DC_004) with intervals in meters and weighted averages reported..

Hole IDFrom


Mescal Canyon Target

At Mescal Canyon, mapping and sampling in the area outlined a zone of pyritic veining with sericitic halos and sericitic fractures consistent with the upper and distal portions of a porphyry system. One drill hole was designed to test the magnetic anomaly directly below the alteration and geochemistry mapped on the surface. The magnetic highs in the inversion model are associated with outcropping volcanics and skarns; with the magnetic low associated with the argillic alteration seen in the Silver Camp Monzodiorite.

The entire hole was hosted in the Monzodiorite with stockwork veining and sericite-pyrite alteration all the way downhole; and narrow higher-grade zones associated with skarn style alteration near the top of the hole (Figure 4). Elevated Copper Zones of >0.1% include 92.5m at 0.11% Cu from 230m and 101m at 0.1% Cu from 502.5m (Weighted averages). Highest zone of Mo mineralisation was 83.7m at 57.1ppm Mo from 335.1m with these zones typically associated with an increase in vein density and alteration intensity.

The upper zone of skarn style mineralisation seen in outcrops and from historical mining close to the collar from 4.9m with massive magnetite assayed 14.6m at 64.7g/t Ag. 0.5g/t Au, 0.15% Cu (Weighted averages) with elevated Bi-Sn-W-Pb. The entire hole showed anomalous Ag-Cu with 738.8m assaying 3g/t Ag and 0.058% Cu with higher grade zones of Cu-Ag-Mo and elevated zones of pathfinder mineralisation.

Strong pathfinder geochemistry downhole also suggests that we are on the edge and/or upper level of a porphyry copper system with additional drilling required to test the extents and core of the system.

The drilling operation achieved a final depth of 743.7 meters, falling short of the targeted 900 meters. The cessation of drilling activities was initially due to the holiday season, followed by an inability to resume operations due to the termination of the Vale earn-in agreement.

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Figure 4: Schematic section for the Mescal Canyon drillhole showing downhole copper assays histogram.

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Sampling, Analysis and Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC)

Drill core was transported from the drill platform to the logging facility where it was logged, photographed, processed and split by diamond saw prior to being sampled. Samples were taken approximately every 3 meters or at lithologic or mineral breaks then bagged, and blanks, duplicates and certified reference materials inserted at intervals of 1 QAQC sample every 10 samples. Groups of samples were placed in collection bags, sealed with numbered tags in order to maintain a chain-of-custody, and transported from the logging facility to the ALS preparatory laboratory in Tucson, Arizona.

Sample preparation was carried out at ALS, Tucson. Analytical work for this drill program was carried out by ALS Reno for Au and Vancouver, Canada for multi-element geochemistry. Samples were prepared for analysis according to ALS method PREP 31, individual samples were crushed to 70% less than 2mm, rotary split off 1kg, pulverize split to better than 85% passing 75 microns is applied.

Gold in samples were analyzed using ALS method Au AA24 where 50g split is analyzed with fire assay by Pb collection and AAS finish. Multi-element geochemical analysis (48 elements) was performed on all samples using ALS method ME-MS61 where a 50g split is by four-acid digestion with ICP-MS finish. For samples returned >1% Cu from the ME-MS61 method to be re-assayed using 4-acid digestion and AAS finish, lab code Cu-OG62. For samples returned >100ppm Ag from the ME-MS61 method to be re-assayed using 4-acid digestion and AAS finish, lab code Ag-OG62.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control procedures include the systematic insertion of standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample process. Duplicate core samples are taken every 30 samples and standards or blanks and duplicates are inserted after every 10th sample. All data collected from detailed logging and assay results from the laboratories are verified and entered into a database with any samples failing QAQC reassayed along with samples related to the QAQC sample batch either side.

Qualified Person

The scientific and technical information described in this Press Release has been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The scientific and technical information for the USA exploration programs has been reviewed and approved by R. Jemielita, PhD, MIMMM, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 and Chief Geologist to the Company and by T. Dechev, P.Eng (PEO, APEGBC), a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, and the Company's Chief Executive Officer.

About Mundoro Capital Inc.

Mundoro is a publicly listed company on the TSX-V in Canada and OTCQB in the USA with a portfolio of mineral properties focused primarily on base and precious metals. To drive value for shareholders, Mundoro's asset portfolio generates near-term cash payments to Mundoro and creates royalties attached to each mineral property optioned to partners. The portfolio of mineral properties is currently focused on predominantly copper in two mineral districts: Western Tethyan Belt in Eastern Europe and the Laramide Belt in the southwest USA.

For further information about Mundoro, please contact Teo Dechev, Chief Executive Officer, President and Director, +1-604-669-8055, and Shamil Devji, Investor Relations Manager at +1-604-669-8055. You can also visit Mundoro's website

Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This News Release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words such as "will", "expect", "intend", "plan", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe" or "continue" or similar words or the negative thereof, and include the following: completion of earn-in expenditures, options and completion of a definitive agreement by the parties. The material assumptions that were applied in making the forward looking statements in this News Release include expectations as to the mineral potential of the Company's projects, the Company's future strategy and business plan and execution of the Company's existing plans. We caution readers of this News Release not to place undue reliance on forward looking statements contained in this News Release, as there can be no assurance that they will occur and they are subject to a number of uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include general economic and market conditions, exploration results, commodity prices, changes in law, regulatory processes, the status of Mundoro's assets and financial condition, actions of competitors and the ability to implement business strategies and pursue business opportunities. The forward-looking statements contained in this News Release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements included in this News Release are made as of the date of this News Release and the Board undertakes no obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned that all forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties and for a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, refer to the Company's filings with the Canadian securities regulators available on

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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What are the results of the Phase I drill at the Dos Cabezas Project in Arizona by Mundoro Capital Inc.?

The Phase I drill results confirmed mineralization in two target areas, supporting the potential for a porphyry-style system.

Where is the Dos Cabezas Project located?

The Dos Cabezas Project is located in SE Arizona, approximately 150 km east of the city of Tucson.

What target areas were identified at the Dos Cabezas Project?

Three target areas with potential porphyry copper systems and two undercover target areas were identified at the Dos Cabezas Project.

What are the next steps for Mundoro regarding the Dos Cabezas Project?

Mundoro is in discussions with external parties to potentially option the Dos Cabezas Project.

Who is the CEO and President of Mundoro Capital Inc.?

Teo Dechev is the CEO and President of Mundoro Capital Inc.

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