Mullen Announces bizEV Lease Program for Class 1 EV Cargo Vans

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Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) has introduced bizEV, a new lease program for its Mullen ONE Class 1 EV cargo van. The program offers a 3-year lease option starting at $475 per month, plus taxes and fees, including scheduled vehicle maintenance. Targeted at individuals, small businesses, and fleets, bizEV aims to make EV ownership more accessible and affordable.

The Mullen ONE, the first of its kind in the U.S. market, is designed for urban last-mile delivery with a focus on navigating narrow streets while maximizing payload and cargo space. It complies with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, EPA, and CARB certifications. The van is currently available for sale at an MSRP of $34,500 through and authorized dealerships.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) ha lanciato bizEV, un nuovo programma di leasing per il suo furgone elettrico Mullen ONE di Classe 1. Il programma offre un opzione di leasing triennale a partire da 475 dollari al mese, più tasse e oneri, inclusa la manutenzione programmata del veicolo. Destinato a privati, piccole imprese e flotte, bizEV mira a rendere la proprietà di veicoli elettrici più accessibile e conveniente.

Il Mullen ONE, il primo della sua categoria nel mercato statunitense, è progettato per consegne urbane dell'ultimo miglio, con un focus sulla navigazione di strade strette massimizzando il carico e lo spazio per i materiali. Soddisfa gli standard di sicurezza dei veicoli a motore federali degli Stati Uniti, le certificazioni EPA e CARB. Il furgone è attualmente disponibile in vendita con un prezzo di listino di 34.500 dollari attraverso e concessionari autorizzati.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) ha presentado bizEV, un nuevo programa de arrendamiento para su furgón eléctrico Mullen ONE de Clase 1. El programa ofrece una opción de arrendamiento de 3 años a partir de 475 dólares al mes, más impuestos y tarifas, incluyendo el mantenimiento programado del vehículo. Dirigido a individuos, pequeñas empresas y flotas, bizEV tiene como objetivo hacer que la propiedad de vehículos eléctricos sea más accesible y asequible.

El Mullen ONE, el primero de su tipo en el mercado estadounidense, está diseñado para la entrega urbana de última milla, enfocándose en navegar por calles estrechas mientras maximiza la capacidad de carga y el espacio para mercancías. Cumple con los estándares de seguridad de vehículos a motor de EE. UU., así como con las certificaciones EPA y CARB. El furgón está actualmente disponible para la venta a un precio de venta sugerido de 34,500 dólares a través de y concesionarios autorizados.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN)가 bizEV를 도입했습니다. 이는 Mullen ONE 클래스 1 전기 화물 밴을 위한 새로운 리스 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 월 475달러부터 시작하는 3년 리스 옵션을 제공하며, 세금과 수수료가 포함되고 정기 차량 유지보수도 포함됩니다. 개인, 중소기업 및 차량 fleets를 대상으로 하며, bizEV는 전기차 소유를 보다 접근 가능하고 저렴하게 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Mullen ONE은 미국 시장에서 처음으로, 좁은 도로를 쉽게 탐색하면서 화물 적재량과 공간을 최대화할 수 있도록 도시 마지막 한 구간 배달을 위해 설계되었습니다. 미국 연방 자동차 안전 기준, EPA 및 CARB 인증을 준수합니다. 이 밴은 현재 및 공인 대리점을 통해 34,500달러의 MSRP로 판매되고 있습니다.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) a lancé bizEV, un nouveau programme de location pour son fourgon électrique Mullen ONE de classe 1. Le programme propose une option de location de 3 ans à partir de 475 dollars par mois, plus taxes et frais, y compris l'entretien programmé du véhicule. Destiné aux particuliers, petites entreprises et flottes, bizEV vise à rendre la possession de véhicules électriques plus accessible et abordable.

Le Mullen ONE, le premier de son genre sur le marché américain, est conçu pour la livraison urbaine du dernier kilomètre, en se concentrant sur la navigation dans des rues étroites tout en maximisant la charge utile et l'espace de chargement. Il respecte les normes de sécurité des véhicules à moteur aux États-Unis, ainsi que les certifications EPA et CARB. Le fourgon est actuellement disponible à la vente à un prix de vente suggéré de 34 500 dollars via et des concessionnaires autorisés.

Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) hat bizEV eingeführt, ein neues Leasingprogramm für seinen Mullen ONE Klasse 1 Elektro-Transporter. Das Programm bietet eine 3-Jahres-Leasingoption ab 475 Dollar pro Monat, zuzüglich Steuern und Gebühren, einschließlich geplanter Fahrzeugwartung. Zielgruppen sind Privatpersonen, kleine Unternehmen und Flotten, wobei bizEV darauf abzielt, den Besitz von Elektrofahrzeugen zugänglicher und erschwinglicher zu machen.

Der Mullen ONE, der erste seiner Art auf dem amerikanischen Markt, ist für die urbane Last-Mile-Zustellung konzipiert, wobei der Fokus auf der Navigation durch enge Straßen liegt und gleichzeitig die Nutzlast und der Laderaum maximiert werden. Er erfüllt die Standards der US-amerikanischen Bundesbehörden für Motorsicherheit, EPA- und CARB-Zertifizierungen. Der Transporter ist derzeit mit einem MSRP von 34.500 Dollar über und autorisierte Händler erhältlich.

  • Introduction of bizEV lease program, making EV ownership more accessible
  • Affordable monthly lease option of $475 including maintenance
  • Mullen ONE is the first Class 1 EV cargo van in the U.S. market
  • Compliance with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, EPA, and CARB certifications
  • None.

Mullen Automotive's introduction of the bizEV lease program for its Class 1 EV cargo van is a strategic move that could potentially boost the company's market penetration and revenue streams. The $475 per month starting price for a 3-year lease, including maintenance, positions the Mullen ONE competitively in the commercial EV market.

This program addresses two critical barriers to EV adoption: upfront costs and maintenance concerns. By offering a lease option, Mullen reduces the initial financial burden for small businesses and individuals, potentially accelerating market adoption. The inclusion of maintenance in the lease package further sweetens the deal, addressing a common concern among potential EV adopters.

However, it's important to note that Mullen is a relatively new player in a highly competitive market. The success of this program will largely depend on the performance and reliability of the Mullen ONE van, as well as the company's ability to establish a robust dealer network and maintenance infrastructure. The $34,500 MSRP for outright purchase also seems competitive, but the lease program could be the real game-changer if it gains traction.

Investors should closely monitor the uptake of this lease program and its impact on Mullen's cash flow and market share in the coming quarters. While promising, it's too early to determine if this will significantly alter Mullen's financial trajectory in the short term.

Mullen's bizEV lease program for the Mullen ONE Class 1 EV cargo van represents a significant step in the commercial EV sector. As the first of its kind in the U.S. market, this vehicle fills a important niche in urban last-mile delivery, an area ripe for electrification.

The van's design, optimized for narrow urban streets while maximizing payload, addresses specific needs of the rapidly growing e-commerce and delivery sectors. This targeted approach could give Mullen an edge over competitors who may be focusing on larger commercial vehicles.

However, Mullen faces challenges. As a newcomer, it lacks the established reputation and service network of traditional automakers. The success of the Mullen ONE will heavily depend on its real-world performance, reliability and the company's ability to provide adequate after-sales support.

The compliance with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, EPA and CARB certifications is crucial, as it allows Mullen to sell nationwide and potentially benefit from various EV incentives. This compliance could be a significant selling point, especially for environmentally conscious businesses or those operating in areas with strict emissions regulations.

The automotive industry is watching closely to see if Mullen can successfully carve out a niche in this untapped market segment. If successful, it could prompt larger manufacturers to accelerate their plans for similar vehicles, potentially leading to increased competition in the near future.

Mullen's bizEV lease program for the ONE Class 1 EV cargo van presents an intriguing opportunity for small businesses looking to electrify their fleets. The $475 per month starting price for a 3-year lease, inclusive of maintenance, is particularly attractive when compared to the total cost of ownership for traditional ICE vehicles.

For small businesses, especially those involved in last-mile delivery or urban services, this program addresses several key concerns:

  • Lower upfront costs, preserving capital for other business needs
  • Predictable monthly expenses, aiding in budgeting and financial planning
  • Included maintenance, reducing unexpected repair costs and vehicle downtime
  • Potential for lower operating costs due to cheaper electricity vs. fuel prices
  • Compliance with emerging urban emissions regulations

However, businesses should carefully consider some potential drawbacks:

  • track record for Mullen as a manufacturer
  • Potential range limitations compared to ICE vehicles
  • Availability of charging infrastructure in their operating areas
  • Possible limitations in payload or cargo space compared to familiar ICE alternatives

Overall, for businesses operating primarily in urban environments with predictable routes, the Mullen ONE and its lease program could offer significant advantages. It's a low-risk way to test EV integration into their fleets, potentially leading to long-term cost savings and improved environmental credentials.

3-year lease option, starting at $475 per month plus applicable taxes and fees, includes scheduled vehicle maintenance

bizEV lease program created with focus on individuals, small businesses and fleets available through Mullen authorized dealers

BREA, Calif., Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via IBN – Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN) (“Mullen” or the “Company”), an electric vehicle (“EV”) manufacturer, today announces a new lease program for the Mullen ONE, Class 1 EV cargo van. The new lease program, bizEV, is targeted to well qualified buyers with a focus on individuals, small businesses and fleets and is available through Mullen authorized dealers.

BizEV is a turnkey lease program offering customers an opportunity to transition to EV with a 3-year lease option, starting at $475 per month plus applicable taxes and fees and includes scheduled vehicle maintenance.

Mullen is committed to making commercial electric vehicle ownership a seamless and accessible experience. bizEV is designed to cater to the diverse needs of small businesses and offers flexible and affordable options to experience the benefits and cost savings from Mullen ONE ownership without the barrier of traditional upfront costs. A turnkey lease program including comprehensive vehicle maintenance, bizEV offers customers an opportunity to transition to EV with a 3-year lease option, starting at $475 per month, plus applicable taxes and fees. bizEV will be available through Mullen authorized dealerships nationwide.

The Mullen ONE is a class 1 commercial electric vehicle, the first of its kind in the U.S. market, purpose-built to meet the demands of urban last-mile delivery. The EV cargo van is designed to navigate within narrow urban streets and residential roads, all while maximizing payload and cargo space, making it ideal for a variety of commercial applications.

“Small businesses are the backbone of America and we are looking to remove the barriers typical business owners face when considering EVs, while making the purchase as affordable and seamless as possible,” said David Michery, CEO and chairman of Mullen Automotive. “By offering flexible lease options, we are making our commercial EVs available for a wider range of customers, in line with our mission to accelerate the adoption of sustainable transportation solutions.”

In full compliance with U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the California Air Resources Board (“CARB”) certifications denoting strict adherence to clean air emissions standards, the Mullen ONE is currently available for sale at an MSRP of $34,500.

Interested customers can order the all-electric Mullen ONE, Class 1 EV cargo van at or through a Mullen authorized dealership.

About Mullen
Mullen Automotive (NASDAQ: MULN) is a Southern California-based automotive company building the next generation of commercial electric vehicles (“EVs”) with two United States-based vehicle plants located in Tunica, Mississippi, (120,000 square feet) and Mishawaka, Indiana (650,000 square feet). In August 2023, Mullen began commercial vehicle production in Tunica. In September 2023, Mullen received IRS approval for federal EV tax credits on its commercial vehicles with a Qualified Manufacturer designation that offers eligible customers up to $7,500 per vehicle. As of January 2024, both the Mullen ONE, a Class 1 EV cargo van, and Mullen THREE, a Class 3 EV cab chassis truck, are California Air Resource Board (“CARB”) and EPA certified and available for sale in the U.S. Recently, CARB issued HVIP approval on the Mullen THREE, Class 3 EV truck, providing up to $45,000 cash voucher at time of vehicle purchase. The Company has also recently expanded its commercial dealer network with the addition of Pritchard EV, National Auto Fleet Group, Ziegler Truck Group, Range Truck Group and Eco Auto, providing sales and service coverage in key Midwest, West Coast and Pacific Northwest and New England markets. The Company also recently announced Foreign Trade Zone (“FTZ”) status approval for its Tunica, Mississippi, commercial vehicle manufacturing center. FTZ approval provides a number of benefits, including deferment of duties owed and elimination of duties on exported vehicles.

To learn more about the Company, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Any statements contained in this press release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed forward-looking statements. Words such as “continue,” “will,” “may,” “could,” “should,” “expect,” “expected,” “plans,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements, many of which are generally outside the control of Mullen and are difficult to predict. Examples of such risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to the future pricing of Mullen vehicles, whether governmental rebates and other incentives will remain in place, how long the offered lease pricing and other lease terms for the Mullen ONE will continue, the duration of the leasing program and whether it will be a success. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements can be found in the most recent annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K filed by Mullen with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mullen anticipates that subsequent events and developments may cause its plans, intentions and expectations to change. Mullen assumes no obligation, and it specifically disclaims any intention or obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by law. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made and should not be relied upon as representing Mullen’s plans and expectations as of any subsequent date.

Mullen Automotive, Inc.
+1 (714) 613-1900

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InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN)
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What is the monthly cost of Mullen's bizEV lease program for the Mullen ONE EV cargo van?

The bizEV lease program for the Mullen ONE EV cargo van starts at $475 per month for a 3-year lease option, plus applicable taxes and fees. This price includes scheduled vehicle maintenance.

What is the MSRP of the Mullen ONE Class 1 EV cargo van (MULN)?

The Mullen ONE Class 1 EV cargo van (MULN) is currently available for sale at an MSRP of $34,500.

Who is the target market for Mullen's bizEV lease program?

The bizEV lease program is targeted at well-qualified buyers, with a focus on individuals, small businesses, and fleets looking to transition to electric vehicles.

Where can customers purchase or lease the Mullen ONE EV cargo van?

Customers can order the Mullen ONE EV cargo van through or at Mullen authorized dealerships nationwide. The bizEV lease program will be available through Mullen authorized dealers.

Mullen Automotive, Inc.


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