Minerals Technologies Inc. Introduces SIVO™ as New Brand Name for Growing Global Pet Care Business

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Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) has introduced SIVO™ as the new brand name for its growing global pet care business. SIVO™ is positioned as the leading global supplier of cat litter to both private label partners and recognized brands. The brand benefits from strategically located mining, processing, and packaging capabilities serving regional markets and customers across over 55 countries.

SIVO™ focuses on enhancing pet owners' lives by providing solutions for health, odor control, and hygiene, contributing to cleaner, healthier homes. The brand leverages Minerals Technologies' deep application expertise and technical capabilities to deliver innovative pet solutions. SIVO™ operates bentonite mines, processing and packaging plants in North America, EMEA, and Asia, along with several state-of-the-art R&D centers.

Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) ha presentato SIVO™ come il nuovo marchio per la sua crescente attività globale nel settore della cura degli animali domestici. SIVO™ si positiona come il fornitore globale leader di lettiera per gatti sia per partner a marchio privato che per marchi riconosciuti. Il marchio beneficia di capacità di estrazione, lavorazione e confezionamento strategicamente localizzate, servendo mercati regionali e clienti in oltre 55 paesi.

SIVO™ si concentra sul miglioramento della vita dei proprietari di animali domestici, offrendo soluzioni per la salute, il controllo degli odori e l'igiene, contribuendo a case più pulite e sane. Il marchio sfrutta la profonda esperienza applicativa e le capacità tecniche di Minerals Technologies per fornire soluzioni innovative per animali domestici. SIVO™ gestisce miniere di bentonite, impianti di lavorazione e confezionamento in Nord America, EMEA e Asia, insieme a diversi centri di R&D all'avanguardia.

Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) ha presentado SIVO™ como el nuevo nombre de marca para su creciente negocio global de cuidado de mascotas. SIVO™ se posiciona como el proveedor global líder de arena para gatos tanto para socios de marca privada como para marcas reconocidas. La marca se beneficia de capacidades de minería, procesamiento y empaquetado ubicadas estratégicamente, que sirven a mercados y clientes regionales en más de 55 países.

SIVO™ se enfoca en mejorar la vida de los propietarios de mascotas proporcionando soluciones para la salud, el control de olores y la higiene, contribuyendo a hogares más limpios y saludables. La marca aprovecha la profunda experiencia en aplicaciones y las capacidades técnicas de Minerals Technologies para ofrecer soluciones innovadoras para mascotas. SIVO™ opera minas de bentonita, plantas de procesamiento y empaquetado en América del Norte, EMEA y Asia, junto con varios centros de I+D de última generación.

미네랄스 테크놀로지스(Minerals Technologies, NYSE: MTX)는 글로벌 애완동물 관리 비즈니스의 성장에 따라 SIVO™라는 새로운 브랜드명을 소개했습니다. SIVO™는 고양이 모래의 글로벌 주요 공급업체로 자리잡고 있으며, 개인 상표 파트너와 인지된 브랜드 모두에 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 브랜드는 55개 이상의 국가에 걸쳐 지역 시장과 고객을 지원하는 전략적으로 위치한 채굴, 처리 및 포장 기능을 활용하고 있습니다.

SIVO™는 건강, 냄새 제어 및 위생 솔루션을 제공함으로써 애완동물 소유자의 삶을 향상시키는 데 중점을 두고 있으며, 보다 깨끗하고 건강한 가정을 만드는데 기여하고 있습니다. 이 브랜드는 미네랄스 테크놀로지스의 깊은 응용 전문성과 기술적 역량을 활용하여 혁신적인 애완동물 솔루션을 제공합니다. SIVO™는 북미, EMEA, 아시아에 걸쳐 벤토나이트 광산, 가공 및 포장 공장을 운영하며, 여러 첨단 R&D 센터를 운영하고 있습니다.

Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) a présenté SIVO™ comme le nouveau nom de marque pour son activité mondiale en croissance dans le domaine des soins pour animaux de compagnie. SIVO™ se positionne comme le principal fournisseur mondial de litière pour chats tant pour les partenaires de marque distributeur que pour les marques reconnues. La marque bénéficie de capacités d'extraction, de traitement et d'emballage stratégiquement situées, servant des marchés régionaux et des clients dans plus de 55 pays.

SIVO™ se concentre sur l'amélioration de la vie des propriétaires d'animaux de compagnie en fournissant des solutions pour la santé, le contrôle des odeurs et l'hygiène, contribuant ainsi à des foyers plus propres et plus sains. La marque tire parti de l'expertise approfondie en application et des capacités techniques de Minerals Technologies pour offrir des solutions innovantes pour les animaux de compagnie. SIVO™ exploite des mines de bentonite, des usines de traitement et d'emballage en Amérique du Nord, en EMEA et en Asie, ainsi que plusieurs centres de R&D à la pointe de la technologie.

Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) hat SIVO™ als neuen Markennamen für sein wachsendes globales Haustierpflegegeschäft eingeführt. SIVO™ positioniert sich als der weltweit führende Anbieter von Katzenstreu sowohl für Private Label-Partner als auch für anerkannte Marken. Die Marke profitiert von strategisch gelegenen Abbau-, Verarbeitungs- und Verpackungskapazitäten, die regionale Märkte und Kunden in über 55 Ländern bedienen.

SIVO™ konzentriert sich darauf, das Leben von Haustierbesitzern zu verbessern, indem es Lösungen für Gesundheit, Geruchsbekämpfung und Hygiene anbietet und so zu saubereren, gesünderen Häusern beiträgt. Die Marke nutzt das umfassende Fachwissen und die technischen Fähigkeiten von Minerals Technologies, um innovative Lösungen für Haustiere anzubieten. SIVO™ betreibt Bentonitminen, Verarbeitungs- und Verpackungsanlagen in Nordamerika, EMEA und Asien sowie mehrere hochmoderne F&E-Zentren.

  • Introduction of SIVO™ brand for growing global pet care business
  • Positioned as leading global supplier of cat litter
  • Presence in over 55 countries worldwide
  • Strategically located mining, processing, and packaging capabilities
  • Multiple state-of-the-art Research & Development centers
  • None.

NEW YORK, Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) announced today the introduction of SIVO™ as the brand name for its rapidly growing global pet care business. Strategic acquisitions and innovative product development have positioned SIVO™ as the leading global supplier of cat litter to both private label partners and globally recognized brands.

Minerals Technologies’ SIVO™ brand is well-positioned for growth with its strategically located mining, processing, and packaging capabilities serving regional markets and customers. SIVO™ is dedicated to its customers and committed to enhancing the lives of pet owners and their cherished cats. Its solutions go beyond health, odor control, and hygiene; they also result in cleaner, healthier homes that foster a genuine link between owners and their pets.

“The SIVO™ brand reflects the unwavering commitment we have to our growing global customer base and our ability to adapt and innovate to meet the demands of pet owners worldwide. Our deep application expertise and extensive technical capabilities allow us to provide pet solutions that will help our customers enhance their brand offerings,” commented D.J. Monagle, III, Group President, Consumer & Specialties Segment of Minerals Technologies.

"We are committed to expanding the value we bring to the pet litter market and being the trusted partner our customers can rely on. With SIVO™, customers are choosing a partner who stands by them to deliver consistent, quality products and exceptional value,” explained Jim Papp, Vice President of Minerals Technologies’ Global Pet Care Business.

SIVO™ currently supplies over 55 countries worldwide with bentonite mines, and process and packaging plants in North America, EMEA and Asia. Additionally, SIVO™ has several state-of-the art Research & Development centers.

For more information about SIVO™ and its mineral-based cat litter solutions, visit

About Minerals Technologies Inc.
New York-based Minerals Technologies Inc. (MTI) is a leading, technology-driven specialty minerals company that develops, produces, and markets a broad range of mineral and mineral-based products, related systems, and services. MTI serves globally a wide range of consumer and industrial markets, including household, food and pharmaceutical, paper, packaging, automotive, construction, and environmental. The company reported global sales of $2.2 billion in 2023. For further information, please visit our website at

Media Contact:
Jennifer Albert, (212) 878-1840

Investor Contact:
Lydia Kopylova, (212) 878-1831


What is the new brand name for Minerals Technologies' pet care business?

Minerals Technologies (NYSE: MTX) has introduced SIVO™ as the new brand name for its growing global pet care business.

In how many countries does SIVO™ supply its products?

SIVO™ currently supplies its products to over 55 countries worldwide.

What type of pet care products does SIVO™ (MTX) specialize in?

SIVO™ specializes in mineral-based cat litter solutions, focusing on health, odor control, and hygiene for cats and their owners.

Where are SIVO™'s (MTX) production facilities located?

SIVO™ has bentonite mines, processing and packaging plants in North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and Asia.

Minerals Technologies Inc


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