M2i Global, Inc. Comments on Critical Minerals Aspects in Executive Order "Unleashing American Energy"

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M2i Global (OTCQB:MTWO) has responded to President Trump's January 20, 2025 Executive Order 'Unleashing American Energy,' which focuses on strengthening the U.S. mineral supply chain. The order aligns with M2i's mission of developing a Strategic Mineral Reserve (SMR) through partnerships with federal facilities and the defense sector.

The Executive Order aims to reduce regulatory burdens on domestic mining, update critical minerals lists, accelerate geological mapping, and enhance national security through mineral independence. Key directives include assessing trade practices, evaluating security implications of mineral reliance, and reviewing the National Defense Stockpile.

M2i's CEO, Major General (Ret) Alberto Rosende, emphasized that their international business model ensures ethical sourcing and compliance with environmental standards. The company's partnership with Not For Sale addresses forced labor concerns, while collaboration with allies like Australia leverages advanced technologies for the U.S. defense sector.

M2i Global (OTCQB:MTWO) ha risposto all'Ordine Esecutivo del Presidente Trump del 20 gennaio 2025 intitolato 'Liberare l'Energia Americana', che si concentra sul rafforzamento della catena di fornitura mineraria negli Stati Uniti. L'ordine è in linea con la missione di M2i di sviluppare un Riserva Strategica di Minerali (SMR) attraverso partenariati con strutture federali e il settore della difesa.

L'Ordine Esecutivo mira a ridurre il carico normativo sull'estrazione mineraria domestica, aggiornare l'elenco dei minerali critici, accelerare la mappatura geologica e migliorare la sicurezza nazionale attraverso l'indipendenza mineraria. Tra le direttive principali ci sono la valutazione delle pratiche commerciali, la valutazione delle implicazioni di sicurezza legate alla dipendenza dai minerali e la revisione della Riserva Nazionale di Difesa.

Il CEO di M2i, Maggior Generale (in pensione) Alberto Rosende, ha sottolineato che il loro modello di business internazionale garantisce un approvvigionamento etico e il rispetto degli standard ambientali. La partnership dell'azienda con Not For Sale affronta le preoccupazioni relative al lavoro forzato, mentre la collaborazione con alleati come l'Australia sfrutta tecnologie avanzate per il settore della difesa statunitense.

M2i Global (OTCQB:MTWO) ha respondido al Decreto Ejecutivo del Presidente Trump del 20 de enero de 2025 titulado 'Desatando la Energía Americana', que se centra en fortalecer la cadena de suministro de minerales en los Estados Unidos. El decreto está alineado con la misión de M2i de desarrollar una Reserva Estratégica de Minerales (SMR) a través de asociaciones con instalaciones federales y el sector de defensa.

El Decreto Ejecutivo tiene como objetivo reducir la carga regulatoria sobre la minería nacional, actualizar las listas de minerales críticos, acelerar la cartografía geológica y mejorar la seguridad nacional mediante la independencia mineral. Las directivas clave incluyen evaluar las prácticas comerciales, evaluar las implicaciones de seguridad de la dependencia de los minerales y revisar el Almacén Nacional de Defensa.

El CEO de M2i, Mayor General (Retirado) Alberto Rosende, enfatizó que su modelo de negocio internacional asegura una obtención ética y el cumplimiento de los estándares ambientales. La asociación de la compañía con Not For Sale aborda las preocupaciones sobre el trabajo forzado, mientras que la colaboración con aliados como Australia aprovecha tecnologías avanzadas para el sector de defensa de EE.UU.

M2i Global (OTCQB:MTWO)는 2025년 1월 20일 트럼프 대통령의 '미국 에너지 해방' 행정명령에 대응하였습니다. 이 명령은 미국의 광물 공급망 강화를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 명령은 M2i가 연방 시설 및 방위 부문과의 파트너십을 통해 전략적 광물 비축 (SMR)을 개발하는 미션과 일치합니다.

이 행정명령은 국내 채굴에 대한 규제 부담을 줄이고, 중요 광물 목록을 업데이트하며, 지질 지도 작성을 가속화하고, 광물 독립성을 통해 국가 안보를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 주요 지침에는 무역 관행 평가, 광물 의존의 보안 영향을 평가하고, 국가 방위 비축을 검토하는 것이 포함됩니다.

M2i의 CEO인 알베르토 로센데 전 대장은 국제 비즈니스 모델이 윤리적인 조달 및 환경 기준 준수를 보장한다고 강조했습니다. 회사는 Not For Sale과의 파트너십을 통해 강제 노동 문제를 다루고 있으며, 호주와 같은 동맹국과의 협력은 미국 방위 산업을 위한 첨단 기술을 활용합니다.

M2i Global (OTCQB:MTWO) a répondu à l'Ordonnance Exécutive du Président Trump du 20 janvier 2025 intitulée 'Libérer l'Énergie Américaine', qui vise à renforcer la chaîne d'approvisionnement minéral des États-Unis. Cette ordonnance est en ligne avec la mission de M2i de développer une Réserve Minérale Stratégique (SMR) par le biais de partenariats avec des installations fédérales et le secteur de la défense.

L'Ordonnance Exécutive vise à réduire les charges réglementaires sur l'exploitation minière nationale, mettre à jour les listes de minéraux critiques, accélérer la cartographie géologique et améliorer la sécurité nationale grâce à l'indépendance minérale. Les directives clés incluent l'évaluation des pratiques commerciales, l'évaluation des implications sécuritaires de la dépendance minérale et la révision des Stocks Nationaux de Défense.

Le PDG de M2i, le Général de Brigade (à la retraite) Alberto Rosende, a souligné que leur modèle commercial international garantit un approvisionnement éthique et le respect des normes environnementales. Le partenariat de l'entreprise avec Not For Sale aborde les préoccupations liées au travail forcé, tandis que la collaboration avec des alliés comme l'Australie exploite des technologies avancées pour le secteur de la défense américaine.

M2i Global (OTCQB:MTWO) hat auf die Exekutive Anweisung von Präsident Trump vom 20. Januar 2025 mit dem Titel 'Amerikanische Energie freisetzen' reagiert, die sich auf die Stärkung der Mineralversorgungskette in den USA konzentriert. Die Anweisung steht im Einklang mit M2is Mission, ein Strategisches Mineralreservat (SMR) durch Partnerschaften mit Bundesbehörden und dem Verteidigungssektor zu entwickeln.

Das Ziel der Exekutive Anweisung ist es, die regulatorischen Anforderungen an den heimischen Bergbau zu verringern, Listen kritischer Mineralien zu aktualisieren, die geologische Kartierung zu beschleunigen und die nationale Sicherheit durch mineralische Unabhängigkeit zu verbessern. Wichtige Direktiven umfassen die Bewertung von Handelspraktiken, die Untersuchung der Sicherheitsimplikationen der Mineralabhängigkeit und die Überprüfung des Nationalen Verteidigungsbestands.

Der CEO von M2i, Generalmajor (a.D.) Alberto Rosende, betonte, dass ihr internationales Geschäftsmodell eine ethische Beschaffung und die Einhaltung von Umweltstandards gewährleistet. Die Partnerschaft des Unternehmens mit Not For Sale befasst sich mit Bedenken hinsichtlich von Zwangsarbeit, während die Zusammenarbeit mit Verbündeten wie Australien fortschrittliche Technologien für den Verteidigungssektor der USA nutzt.

  • Executive Order aligns with company's business model and strategic objectives
  • Established partnerships with federal facilities for Strategic Mineral Reserve development
  • Collaboration with Australia provides access to advanced technologies
  • Strategic positioning to benefit from reduced regulatory burdens in domestic mining
  • None.

Focus on Bolstering the U.S. Mineral Supply Chain

RENO, NV / ACCESS Newswire / January 27, 2025 / M2i Global, Inc. ("M2i," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (OTCQB:MTWO), a company specializing in the development and execution of a complete global value supply chain for critical minerals, is pleased to provide the following comments on the Executive Order "Unleashing American Energy" signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on January 20, 2025.

M2i Global applauds the swift implementation of President Trump's Executive Order, which accelerates M2i's efforts to maximize Joint Venture arrangements and ramp up its pipeline of critical mineral partnerships across the U.S. defense sector. The Company is already collaborating closely with federal facilities and lands to develop a Strategic Mineral Reserve (SMR), aligning with the mandate to enhance domestic production and bolster national resilience.

M2i's ecosystem of partners provides access to turnkey solutions, facilitating expanded business opportunities, securing offtake agreements, influencing strategic government policy, engaging with aligned NGOs, and trusted laboratories.

Major General (Ret) Alberto Rosende, Chief Executive Officer of M2i, highlighted M2i's ongoing efforts: "This wide-ranging policy move, aimed at solidifying the U.S. energy landscape, aligns with M2i's mission. Our vision to secure reliable access to critical minerals for the U.S. and its allies is strongly validated by this Executive Order. Through our partnerships with federal and state governments, universities, and specialized mining companies, we are enabling the U.S. to lead in critical minerals processing. The focus on strengthening the U.S. mineral supply chain aligns with our strategy of promoting economic self-sufficiency and national security through domestic processing."

Rosende, continued, "M2i's robust international business model ensures minerals are ethically sourced, adheres to global environmental and labor standards, and works exclusively with authorized trading countries, aligning with President Trump's vision. This framework is further strengthened by our collaboration with America's allies, including Australia, which leverages world-first technologies to create a strategic reserve for the U.S. defense sector."

M2i's dedication to ethical practices is further bolstered by its partnership with Not For Sale, a global leader in combating forced labor. Together, they ensure the Company's ecosystem prioritizes ethical sourcing practices, advancing the Executive Order's goal to protect human rights and national security. This collaboration also aligns with the Executive Order's directive for the Department of Homeland Security to assess and address the inflow of minerals linked to forced labor, reinforcing M2i's commitment to ethical and sustainable supply chains.

Doug Cole, Executive Chairman of M2i Global, added: "The Strategic Mineral Reserve we are developing represents a transformative step toward securing our nation's energy independence and resilience. By building a model that prioritizes environmental stewardship and ethical labor practices, we are creating a benchmark for global minerals processing."


America is blessed with an abundance of energy and natural resources that have historically powered our Nation's economic prosperity. In recent years, increasing restrictive and burdensome regulations have impeded the development of these resources, limited the generation of reliable and affordable electricity, reduced job creation, and inflicted high energy costs upon our citizens. These high energy costs devastate American consumers by driving up the cost of transportation, heating, utilities, farming, and manufacturing, while weakening our national security.

It is thus in the national interest to unleash America's affordable and reliable energy and natural resources. This will restore American prosperity -- including for those men and women who have been forgotten by our economy in recent years. It will also rebuild our Nation's economic and military security, which will deliver peace through strength.

Key actions in the Order related to critical minerals include:

Restoring America's Mineral Dominance. (a) The Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Agriculture, Administrator of the EPA, Chairman of CEQ, and the heads of any other relevant agencies, as appropriate, shall identify all agency actions that impose undue burdens on the domestic mining and processing of non-fuel minerals and undertake steps to revise or rescind such actions.

The Secretary of the Interior shall instruct the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey to consider updating the Survey's list of critical minerals, including for the potential of including uranium.

The Secretary of the Interior shall prioritize efforts to accelerate the ongoing, detailed geologic mapping of the United States, with a focus on locating previously unknown deposits of critical minerals.

The Secretary of Energy shall ensure that critical mineral projects, including the processing of critical minerals, receive consideration for Federal support, contingent on the availability of appropriated funds.

The United States Trade Representative shall assess whether exploitative practices and state-assisted mineral projects abroad are unlawful or unduly burden or restrict United States commerce.

The Secretary of Commerce shall assess the national security implications of the Nation's mineral reliance and the potential for trade action.

The Secretary of Homeland Security shall assess the quantity and inflow of minerals that are likely the product of forced labor into the United States and whether such inflows pose a threat to national security and, within 90 days of the date of this order, shall provide this assessment to the Director of the NEC.

The Secretary of Defense shall consider the needs of the United States in supplying and maintaining the National Defense Stockpile, review the legal authorities and obligations in managing the National Defense Stockpile, and take all appropriate steps to ensure that the National Defense Stockpile will provide a robust supply of critical minerals in event of future shortfall.

Within 60 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of State, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, the United States Trade Representative, and the heads of any other relevant agencies, shall submit a report to the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy that includes policy recommendations to enhance the competitiveness of American mining and refining companies in other mineral-wealthy nations.

The Secretary of State shall consider opportunities to advance the mining and processing of minerals within the United States through the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue.

While the Order encompasses a broad spectrum of energy initiatives, it specifically prioritizes the domestic production and processing of critical minerals, including rare earth elements. If successfully executed, this strategy could drive job creation, enhance supply chain resilience, and reduce reliance on adversarial states.

About M2i Global, Inc. (OTCQB: MTWO): M2i Global, Inc., through its subsidiary U.S. Minerals and Metals Corp., provides engineering, research, and services that integrate people, technology, and solutions from across sectors to ensure access to critical minerals and metals for national defense and economic security. The Company aims to establish a Strategic Mineral Reserve in partnership with the U.S. Federal Government, creating a resilient supply chain that addresses the global shortage of essential minerals and metals.

About Not For Sale: Not For Sale is a global NGO dedicated to ending forced labor and extreme environmental degradation. Working in collaboration with local communities and innovative businesses, Not For Sale helps craft new futures for at-risk people through social enterprises, community empowerment, and sustainable development.

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This press release contains "forward-looking statements." Such statements may be preceded by the words "intends," "may," "will," "plans," "expects," "anticipates," "projects," "predicts," "estimates," "aims," "believes," "hopes," "potential," or similar words. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, are based on certain assumptions and are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and cannot be predicted or quantified and consequently, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC's website at

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SOURCE: M2i Global Inc

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


How does the January 2025 Executive Order impact M2i Global (MTWO) operations?

The Executive Order aligns with M2i Global's business model by reducing regulatory burdens on domestic mining and processing, supporting their development of a Strategic Mineral Reserve through federal partnerships.

What partnerships has M2i Global (MTWO) established for critical minerals supply?

M2i Global has established partnerships with federal facilities, state governments, universities, specialized mining companies, and international allies like Australia for critical minerals processing and supply.

How is M2i Global (MTWO) addressing ethical sourcing in its mineral supply chain?

M2i Global partners with Not For Sale to combat forced labor and ensures ethical sourcing practices that comply with global environmental and labor standards.

What is M2i Global's (MTWO) role in the U.S. Strategic Mineral Reserve?

M2i Global is developing a Strategic Mineral Reserve through collaborations with federal facilities and the defense sector to enhance domestic production and national resilience.

How does the 2025 Executive Order's focus on domestic mining benefit M2i Global (MTWO)?

The Order's focus on reducing regulatory burdens and prioritizing domestic mining aligns with M2i Global's strategy, potentially accelerating their critical mineral partnerships and business opportunities.

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