Maris-Tech Enhances its Diamond Platform to Combat Airborne Threats with Diamond Ultra — Facilitating Defense and Situational Awareness for Armored Fighting Vehicles

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Maris-Tech (Nasdaq: MTEK) has enhanced its Diamond platform with the new Diamond Ultra technology, designed to combat airborne threats for Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV). This advanced system integrates up to 12 high-definition cameras, providing 360° 3D and airborne threat protection.

Powered by two Hailo AI processors, Diamond Ultra enables real-time monitoring and AI-based analysis of video streams. The platform is equipped with an edge processor for analyzing video streams with AI, delivering real-time alerts on potential threats and suspicious activities.

Diamond Ultra aims to enhance threat detection and response in both urban and open terrain combat scenarios. It addresses challenges such as drones, shoulder-mounted missiles, attacks from buildings, and improvised explosive devices in urban settings, as well as enemy tanks, anti-tank weapons, ambushes, and drone-based attacks in open terrain.

Maris-Tech (Nasdaq: MTEK) ha migliorato la sua piattaforma Diamond con la nuova tecnologia Diamond Ultra, progettata per combattere le minacce aeree per i Veicoli da Combattimento Corazzati (AFV). Questo sistema avanzato integra fino a 12 telecamere ad alta definizione, offrendo protezione 360° in 3D contro le minacce aeree.

Alimentato da due processori AI Hailo, Diamond Ultra consente il monitoraggio in tempo reale e l'analisi basata su AI dei flussi video. La piattaforma è dotata di un processore edge per l'analisi dei flussi video con AI, fornendo avvisi in tempo reale su potenziali minacce e attività sospette.

Diamond Ultra mira a migliorare il rilevamento e la risposta alle minacce in scenari di combattimento sia urbani che in terreni aperti. Affronta sfide come droni, missili portatili, attacchi da edifici e ordigni esplosivi improvvisati in contesti urbani, così come carri armati nemici, armi anticarro, imboscate e attacchi basati su droni in territori aperti.

Maris-Tech (Nasdaq: MTEK) ha mejorado su plataforma Diamond con la nueva tecnología Diamond Ultra, diseñada para combatir amenazas aéreas para los Vehículos de Combate Blindados (AFV). Este sistema avanzado integra hasta 12 cámaras de alta definición, proporcionando protección 360° en 3D contra amenazas aéreas.

Impulsado por dos procesadores de AI Hailo, Diamond Ultra permite la monitorización en tiempo real y análisis basado en AI de las transmisiones de video. La plataforma está equipada con un procesador en el borde para analizar las transmisiones de video con AI, ofreciendo alertas en tiempo real sobre posibles amenazas y actividades sospechosas.

Diamond Ultra busca mejorar la detección y respuesta ante amenazas en escenarios de combate tanto urbanos como en terrenos abiertos. Aborda desafíos como drones, misiles portátiles, ataques desde edificios y artefactos explosivos improvisados en entornos urbanos, así como tanques enemigos, armas antitanque, emboscadas y ataques basados en drones en terreno abierto.

Maris-Tech (Nasdaq: MTEK)은 새로운 Diamond Ultra 기술로 Diamond 플랫폼을 강화하였으며, 이는 장갑 전투 차량(AFVs)을 위한 공중 위협에 대응하기 위해 설계되었습니다. 이 첨단 시스템은 최대 12대의 고화질 카메라를 통합하여 360° 3D 및 공중 위협 방어를 제공합니다.

두 개의 Hailo AI 프로세서로 구동되는 Diamond Ultra는 실시간 모니터링과 AI 기반 비디오 스트림 분석을 가능하게 합니다. 이 플랫폼은 AI로 비디오 스트림을 분석하기 위한 엣지 프로세서를 갖추고 있어 잠재적인 위협과 의심스러운 활동에 대한 실시간 경고를 제공합니다.

Diamond Ultra는 도시 및 개방 지형 전투 시나리오에서 위협 탐지 및 대응을 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 드론, 어깨에 장착된 미사일, 건물에서의 공격, 도시 환경에서의 임시 폭발물 등의 도전을 해결하며, 적 전차, 대전차 무기, 매복 및 개방 지형에서의 드론 기반 공격을 포함합니다.

Maris-Tech (Nasdaq: MTEK) a amélioré sa plateforme Diamond avec la nouvelle technologie Diamond Ultra, conçue pour lutter contre les menaces aériennes pour les Véhicules Blindés de Combat (AFV). Ce système avancé intègre jusqu'à 12 caméras haute définition, offrant une protection à 360° en 3D contre les menaces aériennes.

Propulsé par deux processeurs AI Hailo, Diamond Ultra permet la surveillance en temps réel et l'analyse des flux vidéo basée sur l'IA. La plateforme est équipée d'un processeur edge pour analyser les flux vidéo avec l'IA, fournissant des alertes en temps réel concernant les menaces potentielles et les activités suspectes.

Diamond Ultra vise à améliorer la détection et la réponse aux menaces dans des scénarios de combat à la fois urbains et en terrain ouvert. Elle traite des défis tels que les drones, les missiles portatifs, les attaques depuis des bâtiments et les engins explosifs improvisés dans des contextes urbains, ainsi que les chars ennemis, les armes antichars, les embuscades et les attaques par drones en terrain ouvert.

Maris-Tech (Nasdaq: MTEK) hat seine Diamond-Plattform mit der neuen Diamond Ultra Technologie verbessert, die entwickelt wurde, um luftgebundene Bedrohungen für gepanzerte Kampffahrzeuge (AFV) zu bekämpfen. Dieses fortschrittliche System integriert bis zu 12 Hochauflösungskameras und bietet 360° 3D- und Luftbedrohungsschutz.

Angetrieben von zwei Hailo AI-Prozessoren ermöglicht Diamond Ultra die Echtzeitüberwachung und die KI-basierte Analyse von Video-Streams. Die Plattform ist mit einem Edge-Prozessor ausgestattet, der die Video-Streams mit KI analysiert und Echtzeitalarme bei potenziellen Bedrohungen und verdächtigen Aktivitäten bietet.

Diamond Ultra zielt darauf ab, die Bedrohungserkennung und -reaktion sowohl in städtischen als auch in offenen Geländekampfszenarien zu verbessern. Es geht Herausforderungen wie Drohnen, tragbaren Raketen, Angriffen aus Gebäuden und improvisierten Explosivstoffen in städtischen Umgebungen sowie feindlichen Panzern, Panzerabwehrwaffen, Hinterhalten und drohnenbasierten Angriffen in offenem Terrain an.

  • None.
  • None.

Diamond Ultra integrates up to 12 high definition (“HD”) cameras, providing 360° 3D and airborne threat protection for Armored Fighting Vehicles (“AFV”). Powered by two Hailo AI processors, it enables real-time monitoring and AI-based analysis of video streams.

Rehovot, Israel, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maris-Tech Ltd. (Nasdaq: MTEK, MTEKW) (“Maris-Tech” or the “Company”), a global leader in video and artificial intelligence (“AI”)-based edge computing technology, today announced the addition of its Diamond Ultra technology, which was developed to support overhead and airborne threats for AFV, to its Diamond product platform. This development represents a significant leap forward in AI-powered defense technology, aiming to enhance threat detection and response for superior combat readiness.

Diamond Ultra now integrates up to 12 HD camera inputs and is expected to provide comprehensive, 360° 3D and airborne threat protection. The platform incorporates two Hailo AI processors, which are powerful accelerators, enabling simultaneous real-time monitoring of all cameras. Equipped with an edge processor, Diamond Ultra analyzes video streams with AI, delivering real-time alerts on potential threats and suspicious activities. The platform is designed for critical missions, aimed at offering powerful threat detection and precise response capabilities, and at optimizing urban and open terrain combat scenarios across multiple types of defense vehicles.

Israel Bar, Chief Executive Officer of Maris-Tech, commented, “With the latest sensor advancements to our Diamond platform, Maris-Tech is once again committed to redefining the boundaries of situational awareness for the defense sector. Diamond Ultra is expected to offer a new level of protection and operational confidence, with a goal of allowing AFV crews to detect and respond to threats more effectively than ever before.”

In urban combat, Diamond Ultra is designed to tackle the unique challenges AFV crews face as a result of drones, dismounted enemy fighters with shoulder-mounted missiles, attacks from upper floors of buildings and improvised explosive devices which are attached to vehicles in blind spots. In open terrain combat, Diamond Ultra helps to mitigate the risks that AFV crews face as a result of enemy tanks, ground troops with portable anti-tank weapons, ambushes, snipers, and drone-based reconnaissance and direct attacks.
About Maris-Tech Ltd.

Maris-Tech is a global leader in video and AI-based edge computing technology, pioneering intelligent video transmission solutions that conquer complex encoding-decoding challenges. Our miniature, lightweight, and low-power products deliver high-performance capabilities including raw data processing, seamless transfer, advanced image processing, and AI-driven analytics. Founded by Israel technology sector veterans, Maris-Tech serves leading manufacturers worldwide in defense, aerospace, Intelligence gathering, homeland security (HLS) and communication industries worldwide. We’re pushing the boundaries of video transmission and edge computing, driving innovation in mission-critical applications across commercial and defense sectors.

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This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are intended to be covered by the “safe harbor” created by those sections. Forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies and expectations, can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terms such as “believe,” “expect”,” “may”, “should,” “could,” “seek,” “intend,” “plan,” “goal,” “estimate,” “anticipate” or other comparable terms. For example, we are using forward-looking statements when we are discussing the technological abilities and expected advantages and benefits to our customers of the Diamond Ultra, including enhanced threat detection and response for superior combat readiness, our expectations that our Diamond Ultra technology will provide comprehensive 360° 3D and airborne threat protection, the expectations that it will enable simultaneous real-time monitoring on all cameras, our commitment to redefining the boundaries of situational awareness for the defense sector, and our expectations that the Diamond Ultra will offer a new level of protection and operational confidence and will allow AFV crews to detect and respond to threats more effectively than ever before. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: our ability to successfully market our products and services, including in the United States; the acceptance of our products and services by customers; our continued ability to pay operating costs and ability to meet demand for our products and services; the amount and nature of competition from other security and telecom products and services; the effects of changes in the cybersecurity and telecom markets; our ability to successfully develop new products and services; our success establishing and maintaining collaborative, strategic alliance agreements, licensing and supplier arrangements; our ability to comply with applicable regulations; and the other risks and uncertainties described in the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on March 21, 2024, and our other filings with the SEC. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

Investor Relations:

Nir Bussy, Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +972-72-2424022


What is the Diamond Ultra technology introduced by Maris-Tech (MTEK)?

Diamond Ultra is an enhanced version of Maris-Tech's Diamond platform, designed to combat airborne threats for Armored Fighting Vehicles. It integrates up to 12 high-definition cameras, providing 360° 3D and airborne threat protection, powered by two Hailo AI processors for real-time monitoring and AI-based analysis.

How does Diamond Ultra improve situational awareness for AFVs?

Diamond Ultra improves situational awareness for AFVs by integrating up to 12 HD cameras for 360° 3D coverage, using AI-powered real-time monitoring and analysis of video streams, and providing real-time alerts on potential threats and suspicious activities in both urban and open terrain combat scenarios.

What specific threats can Diamond Ultra help detect for Armored Fighting Vehicles?

Diamond Ultra helps detect threats such as drones, dismounted enemy fighters with shoulder-mounted missiles, attacks from upper floors of buildings, improvised explosive devices in urban combat, as well as enemy tanks, ground troops with portable anti-tank weapons, ambushes, snipers, and drone-based attacks in open terrain combat.

When did Maris-Tech (MTEK) announce the Diamond Ultra enhancement?

Maris-Tech (MTEK) announced the Diamond Ultra enhancement to its Diamond product platform on September 30, 2024.

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