Matador Resources Company Closes Senior Notes Offering and Provides Operational Update

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Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR) has successfully closed its $750 million private offering of 6.250% senior unsecured notes due 2033. The proceeds will be used to repay borrowings under the company's credit facility, making the offering debt neutral. This follows the recent closing of the $1.832 billion Ameredev acquisition, the largest in Matador's history.

The company achieved a production milestone of over 200,000 barrels of oil and natural gas equivalent per day shortly after the acquisition. Matador expects its debt-to-EBITDA ratio to be between 1.3 and 1.4 times as of September 30, 2024, with plans to reduce it to 1.0 times or less by mid-2025.

Operationally, Matador is focusing on integrating Ameredev's assets, deploying one drilling rig immediately and planning to turn 11 wells to sales in the first half of 2025. The company continues to innovate with 'U-Turn' well developments and trimul-frac completion operations, expecting significant cost savings and operational efficiencies.

Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR) ha concluso con successo la sua offerta privata di $750 milioni di note senior non garantite con un tasso del 6,250% in scadenza nel 2033. I proventi saranno utilizzati per rimborsare i prestiti sotto la linea di credito dell'azienda, rendendo l'offerta neutra dal punto di vista del debito. Questo segue la recente chiusura dell'acquisizione di $1.832 miliardi di Ameredev, la più grande nella storia di Matador.

L'azienda ha raggiunto un traguardo produttivo di oltre 200.000 barili di olio e gas naturale equivalente al giorno poco dopo l'acquisizione. Matador prevede che il suo rapporto debito-EBITDA sarà compreso tra 1,3 e 1,4 volte al 30 settembre 2024, con l'obiettivo di ridurlo a 1,0 volte o meno entro metà del 2025.

Operativamente, Matador si sta concentrando sull'integrazione degli asset di Ameredev, utilizzando subito un impianto di perforazione e pianificando di portare 11 pozzi in vendita nella prima metà del 2025. L'azienda continua a innovare con gli sviluppi dei pozzi 'U-Turn' e le operazioni di completamento trimul-frac, prevedendo significativi risparmi sui costi e efficienze operative.

Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR) ha cerrado con éxito su oferta privada de $750 millones de notas senior no garantizadas con un interés del 6,250% que vencen en 2033. Los ingresos se utilizarán para pagar préstamos bajo la línea de crédito de la empresa, haciendo que la oferta sea neutral en términos de deuda. Esto sigue al cierre reciente de la adquisición de $1.832 mil millones de Ameredev, la más grande en la historia de Matador.

La compañía alcanzó un hito de producción de más de 200,000 barriles de petróleo y gas natural equivalente por día poco después de la adquisición. Matador espera que su relación deuda-EBITDA esté entre 1.3 y 1.4 veces a partir del 30 de septiembre de 2024, con planes de reducirla a 1.0 veces o menos para mediados de 2025.

Operativamente, Matador se centra en integrar los activos de Ameredev, desplegando inmediatamente una plataforma de perforación y planeando llevar 11 pozos a la venta en la primera mitad de 2025. La empresa continúa innovando con el desarrollo de pozos 'U-Turn' y las operaciones de finalización trimul-frac, anticipando importantes ahorros de costos y eficiencias operativas.

Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR)는 $750백만 규모의 6.250% 만기 미보장 선순위 채권의 사모공모를 성공적으로 마무리했습니다. 수익금은 회사의 신용 시설에서 차입금을 상환하는 데 사용될 예정이며, 이로 인해 이번 공모는 부채 중립적입니다. 이는 Matador 역사상 최대 규모인 $1.832억 Ameredev 인수의 최근 종료에 이어진 것입니다.

회사는 인수 직후 하루에 200,000 배럴 이상의 석유 및 가스 자연 상당물 생산 이정표를 달성했습니다. Matador는 2024년 9월 30일 기준으로 부채-EBITDA 비율이 1.3에서 1.4배 사이일 것으로 예상하며, 2025년 중반까지 1.0배 이하로 줄일 계획입니다.

운영 측면에서 Matador는 Ameredev의 자산 통합에 집중하고 있으며, 즉시 한 개의 드릴링 기계를 배치하고 2025년 상반기 내에 11개의 우물을 판매할 계획입니다. 회사는 'U-Turn' 우물 개발 및 trimul-frac 완료 작업을 통해 상당한 비용 절감 및 운영 효율성을 기대하며 계속 혁신하고 있습니다.

Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR) a réussi à finaliser son émission privée de 750 millions USD d'obligations senior non garanties à un taux de 6,250 % arrivant à échéance en 2033. Les produits seront utilisés pour rembourser des emprunts sous la ligne de crédit de l'entreprise, rendant l'émission neutre en matière de dette. Cela fait suite à la récente conclusion de l'acquisition d'Ameredev pour un montant de 1,832 milliard USD, la plus importante de l'histoire de Matador.

L'entreprise a atteint un seuil de production de plus de 200 000 barils de pétrole et d'équivalent gaz naturel par jour peu après l'acquisition. Matador prévoit que son ratio d'endettement à l'EBITDA sera compris entre 1,3 et 1,4 fois au 30 septembre 2024, avec des objectifs de le réduire à 1,0 fois ou moins d'ici mi-2025.

Opérationnellement, Matador se concentre sur l'intégration des actifs d'Ameredev, déployant immédiatement une plateforme de forage et prévoyant de mettre en vente 11 puits au cours de la première moitié de 2025. L'entreprise continue d'innover avec le développement de puits 'U-Turn' et les opérations de finition trimul-frac, s'attendant à d'importantes économies de coûts et des gains d'efficacité opérationnelle.

Die Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR) hat erfolgreich ihre private Platzierung von 750 Millionen USD an nicht gesicherten, vorrangigen Anleihen mit einem Zinssatz von 6,250 % und einer Laufzeit bis 2033 abgeschlossen. Die Erlöse werden verwendet, um Kredite der Unternehmensfinanzierung zurückzuzahlen, wodurch das Angebot schuldenneutral wird. Dies folgt dem jüngsten Abschluss der 1,832 Milliarden USD Ameredev-Akquisition, der größten in der Geschichte von Matador.

Das Unternehmen hat kurz nach der Übernahme einen Produktionsmeilenstein von über 200.000 Barrel Öl und Erdgasäquivalent pro Tag erreicht. Matador erwartet, dass das Verhältnis von Schulden zu EBITDA zum 30. September 2024 zwischen 1,3 und 1,4 liegen wird, mit dem Ziel, es bis Mitte 2025 auf 1,0 oder weniger zu reduzieren.

Betrieblich konzentriert sich Matador auf die Integration der Vermögenswerte von Ameredev, indem sofort ein Fördergerät eingesetzt und geplant wird, 11 Brunnen in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2025 in den Verkauf zu bringen. Das Unternehmen innoviert weiterhin mit der Entwicklung von 'U-Turn'-Brunnen und trimul-frac Vervollständigungsoperationen und erwartet bedeutende Kosteneinsparungen und betriebliche Effizienz.

  • Successful closing of $750 million senior notes offering
  • Debt-neutral transaction with interest expense savings of $1 million per month for the remainder of 2024
  • Achieved production milestone of over 200,000 barrels of oil and natural gas equivalent per day
  • Expected $160 million in operational synergies over the next five years from the Ameredev acquisition
  • Innovative 'U-Turn' well developments saving $3 million per well
  • Trimul-frac operations reducing completion days by 25% and saving $1.1 million compared to previous methods
  • Debt-to-EBITDA ratio expected to increase to 1.3-1.4 times following the Ameredev acquisition


The closing of Matador Resources Company's $750 million senior notes offering is a significant financial move with several key implications:

  • The offering is debt-neutral, as proceeds are used to repay existing credit facility borrowings, including a $250 million term loan.
  • Interest expense savings of approximately $1 million per month for the remainder of 2024 are expected, improving cash flow.
  • The oversubscription (3x) indicates strong investor confidence in Matador's financial position and growth prospects.
  • Post-Ameredev acquisition, the company's debt-to-EBITDA ratio is projected to be between 1.3% and 1.4%, with plans to reduce it to 1.0% or less by mid-2025.

The $1.832 billion Ameredev acquisition, funded through a $1 billion credit facility increase, marks a significant expansion. The company's strategy to use free cash flow and non-core asset sales to reduce debt demonstrates a balanced approach to growth and financial health. The expected $160 million in operational synergies over five years from the Ameredev assets further supports the acquisition's value proposition.

Matador's operational update reveals several positive developments in their Delaware Basin operations:

  • Achievement of over 200,000 barrels of oil and natural gas equivalent production in a single day, a company milestone.
  • Implementation of innovative "U-Turn" well developments, saving approximately $3 million per well.
  • Introduction of trimul-frac completion operations, reducing completion days by 25% and saving about $1.1 million per operation compared to traditional methods.
  • Immediate deployment of resources to the newly acquired Ameredev assets, with plans for 11 wells to be turned to sales in H1 2025.

These operational efficiencies and innovations position Matador as a leader in Delaware Basin operations. The rapid integration of Ameredev assets and the application of advanced technologies like remote fracturing operations demonstrate Matador's ability to quickly capitalize on acquisitions and drive operational improvements. This approach is likely to enhance the company's competitive position and profitability in the region.

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Matador Resources Company (NYSE: MTDR) (“Matador” or the “Company”) today announced the closing of its previously announced senior notes offering and provided an operational update.

Closing of Senior Notes Offering

On September 25, 2024, Matador successfully closed its private offering (the “Offering”) of $750 million of 6.250% senior unsecured notes due 2033. Matador is using the net proceeds from the offering to repay borrowings outstanding under Matador’s credit facility, including all of the $250 million in outstanding borrowings under Matador’s term loan, making the Offering debt neutral.

Brian J. Willey, Matador’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, commented, “Last week was a significant week for Matador. On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, we closed the Ameredev acquisition, which is the largest acquisition in Matador’s history. We funded the all-cash purchase price of $1.832 billion, which amount is subject to customary post-closing adjustments, through a $1 billion increase in commitments under our credit facility and began immediately integrating the Ameredev assets into our operations. We express our appreciation to PNC Bank as the lead bank under our credit facility as well each of the other 18 banks that facilitated the $1 billion increase in our credit facility and the closing of the Ameredev acquisition.

“Later during the week, on Friday, September 20, 2024, we launched and priced the Offering and are pleased to announce the closing of the Offering today. This transaction was debt neutral as we used the proceeds from the Offering to repay borrowings outstanding under our credit facility. We estimate that the Offering results in interest expense savings of approximately $1 million per month for the remainder of 2024 as compared to the interest expense we would have incurred under the credit facility. We again thank each of our banks who supported the Offering and helped to facilitate a smooth and beneficial transaction. This successful Offering was more than three times oversubscribed and provides us with additional liquidity and optionality as we execute on our plans for the remainder of 2024 and 2025.

“The integration of the Ameredev assets is off to a strong start. Shortly after closing the Ameredev acquisition, Matador was able to temporarily produce over 200,000 barrels of oil and natural gas equivalent during a day for the first time in Matador’s history. This production milestone was achievable due to strong flush production from new wells on the Ameredev assets and Matador’s strong legacy acreage position.

“Following the Ameredev acquisition, we expect that our debt-to-EBITDA ratio will be between 1.3 and 1.4 times as of September 30, 2024. We anticipate using free cash flow as well as the proceeds from sales of non-core assets, such as the recently announced acquisition by Enterprise of Piñon Midstream, from which we expect to receive our proportionate share of the proceeds based on our approximate 19% indirect interest, to repay the debt under our credit facility. We expect that our debt-to-EBITDA ratio will again be 1.0 times or less in the middle of next year.”

Operational Update

The integration of Ameredev’s assets is a primary focus for Matador for the remainder of 2024. Similar to the Advance acquisition in 2023, Matador plans to deploy one drilling rig immediately on the acquired acreage and then proceed with two completion crews focusing on 11 wells expected to be turned to sales in the first half of 2025 on the Pimento and Firethorn leases.

Matador operations continue to lead Delaware Basin innovations with further “U-Turn” well developments and trimul-frac completion operations across the basin. Building upon the success of Matador’s first “U-Turn” wells in its West Texas asset area in 2023, Matador has successfully drilled and cased five additional “U-Turn” wells in Eddy and Lea Counties, New Mexico in 2024, with expected savings of $3 million per “U-Turn” well. These five “U-Turn” wells are expected to be turned to sales in the second half of 2024. Furthermore, trimul-frac integration continues to increase across Matador’s completion operations. Using remote fracturing operations, Matador recently completed its first remote trimul-frac operation reducing completion days by 25% and saving approximately $1.1 million as compared to previously planned simul-frac and zipper-frac completion operations.

Christopher P. Calvert, Matador’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, commented, “Nothing demonstrates the excitement about an acquisition like immediately getting to work on the acreage acquired. We plan to pull forward operational efficiencies such as simul-frac, trimul-frac and dual-fuel technologies on the Ameredev assets, which we expect to result in synergies of approximately $160 million from our drilling, completing and equipping operations over the next five years. We look forward to talking more about these operational efficiencies as well as the performance of the Ameredev assets and our existing assets during our third quarter earnings conference call next month.”

About Matador Resources Company

Matador is an independent energy company engaged in the exploration, development, production and acquisition of oil and natural gas resources in the United States, with an emphasis on oil and natural gas shale and other unconventional plays. Its current operations are focused primarily on the oil and liquids-rich portion of the Wolfcamp and Bone Spring plays in the Delaware Basin in Southeast New Mexico and West Texas. Matador also operates in the Eagle Ford shale play in South Texas and the Haynesville shale and Cotton Valley plays in Northwest Louisiana. Additionally, Matador conducts midstream operations in support of its exploration, development and production operations and provides natural gas processing, oil transportation services, oil, natural gas and produced water gathering services and produced water disposal services to third parties.

For more information, visit Matador Resources Company at

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. “Forward-looking statements” are statements related to future, not past, events. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and include any statement that does not directly relate to a current or historical fact. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as “could,” “believe,” “would,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “estimate,” “expect,” “may,” “should,” “continue,” “plan,” “predict,” “potential,” “project,” “hypothetical,” “forecasted” and similar expressions that are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain such identifying words. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the anticipated benefits, opportunities and results with respect to the Ameredev Acquisition, including any expected value creation, reserves additions, midstream opportunities, successful integration of the Ameredev assets, operational efficiencies and related synergies, receipt of proceeds from the sale of Piñon Midstream and other anticipated impacts from the Ameredev Acquisition, as well as other aspects of the transaction, guidance, projected or forecasted financial and operating results, future liquidity, interest expense savings, the Company's future leverage ratio, the payment of dividends, results in certain basins, objectives, project timing, expectations and intentions, regulatory and governmental actions and other statements that are not historical facts. Actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements, and such forward-looking statements may not prove to be accurate. These forward-looking statements involve certain risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, disruption from the Company’s acquisitions, including the Ameredev Acquisition, making it more difficult to maintain business and operational relationships; significant transaction costs associated with the Company’s acquisitions, including the Ameredev Acquisition; the risk of litigation and/or regulatory actions related to the Company’s acquisitions, including the Ameredev Acquisition, as well as the following risks related to financial and operational performance: general economic conditions; the Company’s ability to execute its business plan, including whether its drilling program is successful; changes in oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids prices and the demand for oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids; its ability to replace reserves and efficiently develop current reserves; the operating results of the Company’s midstream oil, natural gas and water gathering and transportation systems, pipelines and facilities, the acquiring of third-party business and the drilling of any additional salt water disposal wells; costs of operations; delays and other difficulties related to producing oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids; delays and other difficulties related to regulatory and governmental approvals and restrictions; impact on the Company’s operations due to seismic events; its ability to make acquisitions on economically acceptable terms; its ability to integrate acquisitions, including the Ameredev Acquisition; availability of sufficient capital to execute its business plan, including from future cash flows, available borrowing capacity under its revolving credit facilities and otherwise; the operating results of and the availability of any potential distributions from our joint ventures; weather and environmental conditions; and the other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. For further discussions of risks and uncertainties, you should refer to Matador’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including the “Risk Factors” section of Matador’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and any subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Matador undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this press release, except as required by law, including the securities laws of the United States and the rules and regulations of the SEC. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

Mac Schmitz

Senior Vice President – Investor Relations

(972) 371-5225

Source: Matador Resources Company


What was the value of Matador Resources Company's (MTDR) recent senior notes offering?

Matador Resources Company (MTDR) closed a $750 million private offering of 6.250% senior unsecured notes due 2033.

How much did Matador Resources (MTDR) pay for the Ameredev acquisition?

Matador Resources (MTDR) paid $1.832 billion in an all-cash purchase for the Ameredev acquisition, subject to customary post-closing adjustments.

What production milestone did Matador Resources (MTDR) achieve after the Ameredev acquisition?

Shortly after closing the Ameredev acquisition, Matador Resources (MTDR) temporarily produced over 200,000 barrels of oil and natural gas equivalent during a day for the first time in the company's history.

What is Matador Resources' (MTDR) expected debt-to-EBITDA ratio following the Ameredev acquisition?

Matador Resources (MTDR) expects its debt-to-EBITDA ratio to be between 1.3 and 1.4 times as of September 30, 2024, following the Ameredev acquisition.

How much is Matador Resources (MTDR) saving with its 'U-Turn' well developments?

Matador Resources (MTDR) is saving approximately $3 million per 'U-Turn' well with its innovative well development technique.



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