ArcelorMittal S.A.: ArcelorMittal reports fourth quarter 2024 and full year 2024 results
ArcelorMittal (MT) reported its Q4 and full-year 2024 results, showing resilient performance despite challenging market conditions. The company achieved FY 2024 EBITDA of $7.1 billion ($130/tonne) and adjusted net income of $2.3 billion ($2.95 per share).
The company generated $4.9 billion in operating cash flow and invested $2.8 billion in maintenance capex. Strategic investments included $1.3 billion in growth projects and $1.7 billion returned to shareholders. Net debt stood at $5.1 billion at year-end.
Key developments include the completion of strategic projects in India and Brazil, revision of the Liberia iron ore expansion to 20Mt, and progress on new EAF facilities. The company repurchased 52 million shares in 2024, reducing outstanding shares by 6.3%. The Board proposed increasing the annual base dividend to $0.55/share for FY 2025.
ArcelorMittal (MT) ha riportato i risultati del quarto trimestre e dell'intero anno 2024, mostrando una performance resiliente nonostante le condizioni di mercato difficili. L'azienda ha raggiunto un EBITDA per l'anno fiscale 2024 di 7,1 miliardi di dollari (130 dollari/tonnellata) e un utile netto rettificato di 2,3 miliardi di dollari (2,95 dollari per azione).
L'azienda ha generato 4,9 miliardi di dollari di flusso di cassa operativo e ha investito 2,8 miliardi di dollari in spese in conto capitale di manutenzione. Gli investimenti strategici hanno incluso 1,3 miliardi di dollari in progetti di crescita e 1,7 miliardi di dollari restituiti agli azionisti. Il debito netto alla fine dell'anno era di 5,1 miliardi di dollari.
Le principali novità includono il completamento di progetti strategici in India e Brasile, la revisione dell'espansione della miniera di ferro in Liberia a 20Mt e progressi su nuove strutture EAF. L'azienda ha riacquistato 52 milioni di azioni nel 2024, riducendo le azioni in circolazione del 6,3%. Il Consiglio ha proposto di aumentare il dividendo base annuale a 0,55 dollari per azione per l'anno fiscale 2025.
ArcelorMittal (MT) informó sobre sus resultados del cuarto trimestre y del año completo 2024, mostrando un desempeño resiliente a pesar de las difíciles condiciones del mercado. La compañía logró un EBITDA del año fiscal 2024 de 7.1 mil millones de dólares (130 dólares/tonelada) y un ingreso neto ajustado de 2.3 mil millones de dólares (2.95 dólares por acción).
La compañía generó 4.9 mil millones de dólares en flujo de efectivo operativo e invirtió 2.8 mil millones de dólares en capex de mantenimiento. Las inversiones estratégicas incluyeron 1.3 mil millones de dólares en proyectos de crecimiento y 1.7 mil millones de dólares devueltos a los accionistas. La deuda neta se situó en 5.1 mil millones de dólares al final del año.
Los desarrollos clave incluyen la finalización de proyectos estratégicos en India y Brasil, la revisión de la expansión de mineral de hierro en Liberia a 20Mt, y avances en nuevas instalaciones EAF. La compañía recompró 52 millones de acciones en 2024, reduciendo las acciones en circulación en un 6.3%. La Junta propuso aumentar el dividendo básico anual a 0.55 dólares por acción para el año fiscal 2025.
ArcelorMittal (MT)는 2024년 4분기 및 전체 연도 실적을 발표하며 어려운 시장 환경에도 불구하고 회복력 있는 성과를 보여주었습니다. 이 회사는 2024 회계연도 EBITDA 71억 달러(톤당 130달러)를 달성하였고 조정된 순이익은 23억 달러(주당 2.95달러)였습니다.
회사는 49억 달러의 운영 현금 흐름을 창출했으며, 유지는 28억 달러를 자본적 지출에 투자했습니다. 전략적 투자는 성장 프로젝트에 13억 달러, 주주에게 17억 달러를 환원하는 것을 포함했습니다. 연말 기준 순부채는 51억 달러로 나타났습니다.
주요 개발 사항으로는 인도 및 브라질의 전략적 프로젝트 완료, 라이베리아 철광석 확장을 20Mt로 수정, 새로운 EAF 시설에 대한 진행 상황이 있습니다. 회사는 2024년에 5,200만 주를 재매입하여 총 발행 주식을 6.3% 감소시켰습니다. 이사회는 2025 회계연도에 연간 기본 배당금을 주당 0.55달러로 인상할 것을 제안했습니다.
ArcelorMittal (MT) a annoncé ses résultats du quatrième trimestre et de l'année complète 2024, montrant des performances résilientes malgré des conditions de marché difficiles. L'entreprise a réalisé un EBITDA de 7,1 milliards de dollars pour l'exercice 2024 (130 dollars/tonne) et un revenu net ajusté de 2,3 milliards de dollars (2,95 dollars par action).
L'entreprise a généré un flux de trésorerie d'exploitation de 4,9 milliards de dollars et a investi 2,8 milliards de dollars en dépenses d'entretien. Les investissements stratégiques comprenaient 1,3 milliard de dollars dans des projets de croissance et 1,7 milliard de dollars restitués aux actionnaires. La dette nette s'élevait à 5,1 milliards de dollars à la fin de l'année.
Les développements clés incluent l'achèvement de projets stratégiques en Inde et au Brésil, la révision de l'expansion de minerai de fer au Liberia à 20 Mt, et des progrès sur de nouvelles installations EAF. L'entreprise a racheté 52 millions d'actions en 2024, réduisant les actions en circulation de 6,3 %. Le Conseil a proposé d'augmenter le dividende de base annuel à 0,55 dollar/action pour l'exercice 2025.
ArcelorMittal (MT) hat die Ergebnisse des 4. Quartals und des gesamten Jahres 2024 veröffentlicht, die eine widerstandsfähige Leistung trotz herausfordernder Marktbedingungen zeigen. Das Unternehmen erzielte ein EBITDA von 7,1 Milliarden US-Dollar für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 (130 US-Dollar/Tonne) und ein bereinigtes Nettoergebnis von 2,3 Milliarden US-Dollar (2,95 US-Dollar pro Aktie).
Das Unternehmen generierte 4,9 Milliarden US-Dollar an operativem Cashflow und investierte 2,8 Milliarden US-Dollar in Instandhaltungs-Kapitalausgaben. Strategische Investitionen umfassten 1,3 Milliarden US-Dollar in Wachstumsprojekte und 1,7 Milliarden US-Dollar, die an die Aktionäre zurückgeführt wurden. Die Nettoverschuldung betrug zum Jahresende 5,1 Milliarden US-Dollar.
Zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen gehören der Abschluss strategischer Projekte in Indien und Brasilien, die Überarbeitung der Eisenoberfläche in Liberia auf 20 Mt und Fortschritte beim Bau neuer EAF-Anlagen. Das Unternehmen hat im Jahr 2024 52 Millionen Aktien zurückgekauft, wodurch die ausstehenden Aktien um 6,3 % reduziert wurden. Der Vorstand schlug vor, die jährliche Basisdividende auf 0,55 US-Dollar/Aktie für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 zu erhöhen.
- EBITDA of $7.1 billion ($130/tonne) demonstrates structural business improvements
- Strong operating cash flow of $4.9 billion in 2024
- Share count reduction of 6.3% through 52 million share repurchases
- Increased annual base dividend to $0.55/share (from $0.50)
- Strategic growth projects expected to increase EBITDA potential by $1.9 billion
- Net debt increased to $5.1 billion from $2.9 billion YoY
- 8.5% decrease in sales to $62.4 billion compared to 2023
- 7.6% lower average steel selling prices year-over-year
- Delays in large-scale decarbonization projects due to insufficient policy/market developments
- Higher project costs for Liberia expansion ($1.8bn vs previous $1.4bn)
ArcelorMittal's FY2024 results demonstrate remarkable operational resilience in a challenging market environment. The EBITDA per tonne of $130 significantly exceeds pre-COVID five-year averages, validating the company's structural improvements and regional diversification strategy. The company generated robust
Three key strategic developments stand out: First, the announcement of a new
The company's capital allocation remains shareholder-friendly with:
- Base dividend increase to
$0.55 per share - 6.3% reduction in share count through buybacks
- 8.4% all-in cash yield to shareholders
Looking ahead, while global overcapacity remains a concern, particularly in Europe, ArcelorMittal's strategic focus on high-growth markets (Brazil, India, US) and premium products positions it well for 2025. The company's strong balance sheet (
Luxembourg, February 6, 2025 - ArcelorMittal (referred to as “ArcelorMittal” or the “Company” or the "Group") (MT (New York, Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg), MTS (Madrid)), the world’s leading integrated steel and mining company, today announced results1 for the three-month and twelve-month periods ended December 31, 2024.
2024 key highlights:
Safety focus: Protecting employee health and well-being remains an overarching priority of the Company. LTIF rate of 0.70x in FY 2024 and 0.92x in FY 2023. Business specific plans have been developed to implement the recommendations of the Company-wide safety audit by dss+
Resilient operating results despite challenging market conditions: FY 2024 EBITDA of
Adjusted net income: FY 2024 net income of
Cash flow being reinvested for growth and shareholder returns: Over the past 12 months, the Company has generated net cash provided by operating activities of
Maintaining financial strength: Net debt at the end of 2024 was
Share repurchases driving enhanced value: During 2024, the Company repurchased 52 million shares6, reducing the total shares outstanding by
Strategic priorities
Strategic growth update: The Group‘s high return strategic growth projects are now expected to increase EBITDA potential by
- Targeting
$0.2b n EBITDA contribution in 2025 from completed projects in India (1GW renewables) and Brazil (Vega CMC) - Liberia iron ore expansion revised to 20Mt: A multiple product sinter feed and concentrate approach, together with a revised mining plan and additional investment in infrastructure, allows for an additional 5Mt per annum of marketable material vs. the previous approved plan. The first concentrate production was achieved in 4Q 2024, with ramp up to 20Mt run-rate capacity expected by the end of 2025. Project capex has been revised to
$1.8b n (from$1.4b n previously) with EBITDA potential increased to$450m (from$350m previously) with$0.2b n EBITDA targeted in 2025 from ~10Mt of shipments (with the majority of shipments expected in 2H 2025) - New state-of-the-art 1.5Mt EAF at AMNS Calvert (US) near completion, with commissioning underway. This will be the first EAF in North America capable of supplying exposed automotive grades with domestically melted and poured material
- New electrical steel plant to be constructed in Calvert (
100% owned by ArcelorMittal) with capacity to deliver up to 150Kt of premium non-grain-oriented electrical steel (NOES) annually. Net capex to build the plant is estimated at$0.9b n8 with production anticipated to commence in 2H 2027 and expected annual EBITDA impact of$0.2b n at full capacity
Economic decarbonization: ArcelorMittal continues to optimize its decarbonization pathway to ensure competitiveness and an appropriate return on investment. Large scale decarbonization projects are advancing at a slower pace than originally anticipated due to insufficient policy/market developments. Current investments are focused on the new EAF at Gijón (Spain) and the EAF expansion at Sestao (Spain) which are intended to further expand the Company’s offering of XCarb® low carbon emissions steel
Capital returns: As of the end of December 31, 2024,
Company believes demand will increase during 2025: The Company expects higher apparent demand in FY 2025 compared to FY 2024. With low inventory levels, especially in Europe, the Company is optimistic that restocking activity will supplement real demand improvement
Capex discipline in support of growth and competitive decarbonization: Capex in 2025 is projected to be within the range of
Positive free cash flow outlook in 2025 and beyond: Cash flow in 2025 is expected to be supported by working capital optimization. The completion of the Company’s strategic growth projects is expected to support structurally higher EBITDA and investable cash flow in the coming periods
Financial highlights (on the basis of IFRS1):
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Sales | 14,714 | 15,196 | 14,552 | 62,441 | 68,275 |
Operating income/(loss) | 529 | 663 | (1,980) | 3,310 | 2,340 |
Net (loss)/income attributable to equity holders of the parent | (390) | 287 | (2,966) | 1,339 | 919 |
Adjusted net income attributable to equity holders of the parent5 | 404 | 488 | 982 | 2,326 | 4,867 |
Basic (loss)/earnings per common share (US$) | (0.51) | 0.37 | (3.57) | 1.70 | 1.09 |
Adjusted basic earnings per common share (US$)5 | 0.52 | 0.63 | 1.18 | 2.95 | 5.78 |
Operating income/(loss)/tonne (US$/t) | 39 | 50 | (149) | 61 | 42 |
EBITDA | 1,654 | 1,581 | 1,454 | 7,053 | 8,742 |
EBITDA/tonne (US$/t) | 122 | 118 | 110 | 130 | 157 |
Crude steel production (Mt) | 14.0 | 14.8 | 13.7 | 57.9 | 58.1 |
Steel shipments (Mt) | 13.5 | 13.4 | 13.3 | 54.3 | 55.6 |
Total Group iron ore production (Mt) | 12.6 | 10.1 | 10.0 | 42.4 | 42.0 |
Iron ore production (Mt) (AMMC and Liberia only) | 8.9 | 6.6 | 6.2 | 27.9 | 26.0 |
Iron ore shipment (Mt) (AMMC and Liberia only) | 7.6 | 6.3 | 6.1 | 26.4 | 26.4 |
Weighted average common shares outstanding (in millions) | 772 | 778 | 830 | 788 | 842 |
Commenting, Aditya Mittal, ArcelorMittal Chief Executive Officer, said:
“2024 saw the completion of the dss+ Group-wide safety audit, which was commissioned to help accelerate our progress to becoming a safer company. The recommendations are being implemented across the Group, with our teams everywhere determined to demonstrate that the significant efforts underway are yielding positive results.
“Last year was challenging from a global economic perspective, but, despite this EBITDA per tonne at
“ArcelorMittal's absolute emissions are down
“Looking to the year ahead, while inventory levels are low and apparent demand is expected to improve, our industry continues to be characterized by global overcapacity and we are supportive of policy to address this in our markets. Further action is particularly necessary in Europe, which was impacted by increased imports in 2024, further adding to the pressures on European manufacturing. It is critical that we see progress in 2025 both in providing necessary emergency relief and creating a policy environment that incentivizes the investment required to accelerate decarbonization in Europe.”
Safety and sustainable development
Health and Safety focus:
Protecting employee health and well-being remains an overarching priority of the Company. LTIF rate of 0.79x in 4Q 2024 (vs. 0.88x in 3Q 2024 and 1.34x in 4Q 2023).
Business specific plans have been developed to implement the recommendations of the dss+ independent safety audit conducted in 2024 to support the Company's journey to zero fatalities. Key highlights of our progress this quarter include:
- The new Process Safety Framework has now been launched with a first wave of 12 assets
- The health and safety assurance model has been strengthened, with three lines of assurance across all business units, to provide more comprehensive oversight starting in 1Q 2025. The third line will directly report to the Board
- Progress in the development of ‘One Safety Culture’ across the Group will be measured in June 2025
- ArcelorMittal employees were certified on the Life Saving Golden rules in 2024. The certification is designed to raise awareness of the importance of these rules and will be rolled out to regular contractors during 1H 2025
- Consequence management standards are becoming stronger across the Group as a result of our Just and Fair expectations rolled out in January 2025. Furthermore, we are tracking and auditing the compliance of local policies mirroring these expectations. We also continue to strengthen the health and safety focus in all our HR processes and practices.
Further updates will be provided on our progress in implementing the safety audit recommendations at relevant milestones.
Own personnel and contractors – Lost time injury frequency rate
4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 | |
North America | 0.31 | 0.43 | 0.40 | 0.27 | 0.22 |
Brazil | 0.27 | 0.33 | 0.18 | 0.21 | 0.26 |
Europe | 1.61 | 1.47 | 1.50 | 1.34 | 1.46 |
Sustainable Solutions | 0.87 | 1.23 | 0.59 | 1.01 | 0.78 |
Mining | 0.24 | 0.14 | — | 0.18 | 0.10 |
Others | 0.88 | 1.20 | 3.08 | 0.81 | 1.39 |
Total | 0.79 | 0.88 | 1.34 | 0.70 | 0.92 |
Sustainable development highlights:
- In November 2024, the Company provided an update on its decarbonization plans in Europe:
Decarbonization investments in Europe are progressing at a slower pace than initially envisioned. The previously announced intention to replace several blast furnaces with lower carbon emissions “hydrogen ready” DRI-EAF facilities was premised on a favorable combination of policy, technology and market developments that would help offset the significantly higher capital and operating costs involved. Progress so far has been insufficient to support the investment case. We expect several important developments in 2025, including the scheduled review of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), an anticipated review of the steel safeguards (necessary to protect the industry from unfair trade resulting from China’s excess capacity), and the publication of the Steel and Metals Action Plan amongst others.
We continue to optimize our decarbonization plans, focused on achieving an acceptable return on the capital to be invested. Whilst we await more support and policy progress, we are continuing with engineering work, as well as analyzing a phased approach that would first start with constructing electric arc furnaces, which can also be fed with scrap steel to significantly reduce emissions.
ArcelorMittal remains committed to decarbonizing and achieving net-zero by 2050. Since 2018 absolute emissions (scope 1 and 2) have decreased by ~
Since 2018, the Company has invested
- Gijón: In May 2024 commenced construction of a 1.1Mt EAF at our long products plant in Gijón, Spain. This is anticipated to ultimately lead to a reduction of 1Mt of CO2e.
- Sestao: Good progress is being made with our efforts to increase production to 1.6Mt by 2026 at our flat products plant in Sestao, Spain, where we have two EAFs. Once complete, much of this production will be our XCarb® recycled and renewably produced low-carbon emissions steel.
- XCarb®: We continue to lead the market with sales of our XCarb® low-carbon emissions steel, which have a carbon footprint of as low as 300kg per tonne of steel produced. XCarb® sales increased from 0.2Mt in 2023 to 0.4Mt in 2024. The Sestao revamp project is expected to materially increase the Company’s ability to produce low-carbon emissions flat products.
Analysis of results for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 versus results for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023
Sales for 12M 2024 decreased by
Operating income for 12M 2024 of
EBITDA in 12M 2024 decreased by
Net income for 12M 2024 increased to
Net cash provided by operating activities for 12M 2024 was
Analysis of results for 4Q 2024 versus 3Q 2024
Sales in 4Q 2024 declined by
Operating income of
EBITDA in 4Q 2024 increased by
ArcelorMittal recorded a net loss in 4Q 2024 of
Net cash provided by operating activities during 4Q 2024 amounted to
Analysis of operations
North America
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Sales | 2,625 | 2,762 | 2,942 | 11,896 | 12,978 |
Operating income | 158 | 229 | 280 | 1,310 | 1,917 |
Depreciation | (131) | (129) | (157) | (509) | (535) |
EBITDA | 289 | 358 | 437 | 1,819 | 2,452 |
Crude steel production (Kt) | 1,883 | 1,652 | 2,185 | 7,538 | 8,727 |
- Flat shipments (Kt) | 1,952 | 1,960 | 2,028 | 8,022 | 8,220 |
- Long shipments (Kt) | 561 | 540 | 709 | 2,486 | 2,734 |
Steel shipments* (Kt) | 2,391 | 2,408 | 2,590 | 10,063 | 10,564 |
Average steel selling price (US$/t) | 892 | 955 | 948 | 985 | 1,024 |
* North America steel shipments include slabs sourced by the segment from Group companies (mainly the Brazil segment) and sold to the Calvert JV (eliminated in the Group consolidation). These shipments can vary between periods due to slab sourcing mix and timing of vessels: 4Q'24 333kt; 3Q'24 577kt; 4Q'23 432kt; 12M'24 1,867kt and 12M'23 1,660kt.
Sales in 4Q 2024 decreased by
Following the resolution of the illegal blockade as previously reported, crude steel production in ArcelorMittal Mexico continued to normalize during 4Q 2024 and is expected to fully recover in 1Q 2025.
Operating income in 4Q 2024 decreased by
EBITDA in 4Q 2024 of
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Sales | 2,889 | 3,218 | 2,709 | 12,401 | 13,163 |
Operating income | 358 | 414 | 171 | 1,399 | 1,461 |
Depreciation | (96) | (83) | (77) | (361) | (341) |
Impairment items | (43) | — | — | (43) | — |
EBITDA | 497 | 497 | 248 | 1,803 | 1,802 |
Crude steel production (Kt) | 3,527 | 3,842 | 3,533 | 14,540 | 13,986 |
- Flat shipments (Kt) | 2,367 | 2,464 | 2,402 | 9,409 | 8,833 |
- Long shipments (Kt) | 1,121 | 1,335 | 1,171 | 4,732 | 4,905 |
Steel shipments (Kt) | 3,478 | 3,787 | 3,562 | 14,082 | 13,681 |
Average steel selling price (US$/t) | 773 | 787 | 852 | 816 | 939 |
Sales in 4Q 2024 declined by
The Vega cold rolling mill complex that was commissioned in 1H 2024 is performing well, leading to increased galvanized and cold rolled coil capacity. The Company expects the EBITDA contribution from this project to be
Impairment charges for 4Q 2024 of
Operating income in 4Q 2024 of
EBITDA in 4Q 2024 was stable at
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Sales | 7,142 | 7,141 | 6,627 | 29,952 | 31,695 |
Operating income/(loss) | 111 | 12 | (4) | 386 | 879 |
Depreciation | (305) | (281) | (287) | (1,128) | (1,098) |
Impairment items | — | (36) | — | (36) | — |
Exceptional items | — | (74) | — | (74) | — |
EBITDA | 416 | 403 | 283 | 1,624 | 1,977 |
Crude steel production (Kt) | 7,696 | 7,870 | 6,540 | 31,211 | 28,445 |
- Flat shipments (Kt) | 5,084 | 4,897 | 4,570 | 20,489 | 19,570 |
- Long shipments (Kt) | 2,133 | 1,907 | 1,840 | 8,183 | 8,001 |
Steel shipments (Kt) | 7,213 | 6,803 | 6,407 | 28,659 | 27,559 |
Average steel selling price (US$/t) | 852 | 915 | 935 | 910 | 995 |
Sales in 4Q 2024 were stable at
Operating income in 4Q 2024 of
EBITDA in 4Q 2024 of
India and JVs
Income from associates, joint ventures and other investments (excluding impairments and exceptional items, of which there were none in the periods) for 4Q 2024 was
ArcelorMittal has investments in various joint venture and associate entities globally. The Company considers Calvert (
AMNS India
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Production (Kt) ( | 1,950 | 1,743 | 1,964 | 7,544 | 7,463 |
Shipments (Kt) ( | 2,138 | 1,887 | 1,868 | 7,933 | 7,251 |
Sales ( | 1,583 | 1,537 | 1,712 | 6,515 | 6,710 |
EBITDA ( | 133 | 162 | 499 | 844 | 1,936 |
Sales in 4Q 2024 increased by
EBITDA during 4Q 2024 declined by
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Production (Kt) ( | 984 | 1,094 | 1,052 | 4,496 | 4,654 |
Shipments (Kt) ( | 941 | 1,015 | 1,079 | 4,232 | 4,469 |
Sales ( | 1,010 | 1,054 | 1,114 | 4,544 | 4,860 |
EBITDA ( | 134 | 126 | 90 | 614 | 374 |
Production includes all production of the hot strip mill including processing of slabs on a hire work basis for ArcelorMittal Group entities and third parties, including stainless steel slabs. Shipments: including shipments of finished products processed on a hire work basis for ArcelorMittal Group entities and third parties, including stainless steel products. EBITDA of Calvert presented here on a
Sales in 4Q 2024 declined by
EBITDA during 4Q 2024 of
Sustainable Solutions
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Sales | 2,400 | 2,542 | 2,457 | 10,722 | 11,467 |
Operating (loss)/income | (41) | 17 | 15 | 57 | 225 |
Depreciation | (56) | (38) | (38) | (178) | (143) |
Exceptional items | (79) | — | — | (79) | — |
EBITDA | 94 | 55 | 53 | 314 | 368 |
Sales in 4Q 2024 declined by
Operating loss in 4Q 2024 was
EBITDA in 4Q 2024 of
(USDm) unless otherwise shown | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Sales | 704 | 589 | 764 | 2,663 | 3,077 |
Operating income | 246 | 128 | 270 | 770 | 1,144 |
Depreciation | (67) | (65) | (69) | (263) | (238) |
EBITDA | 313 | 193 | 339 | 1,033 | 1,382 |
Iron ore production (Mt) | 8.9 | 6.6 | 6.2 | 27.9 | 26.0 |
Iron ore shipment (Mt) | 7.6 | 6.3 | 6.1 | 26.4 | 26.4 |
Note: Mining segment comprises iron ore operations of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada (AMMC) and ArcelorMittal Liberia.
Sales in 4Q 2024 increased by
Iron ore production in 4Q 2024 increased by
Operating income in 4Q 2024 increased by
For the same reasons, EBITDA in 4Q 2024 of
Other recent developments
- On February 6, 2025, ArcelorMittal announced a project to construct an advanced manufacturing facility in Calvert, Alabama that could produce up to 150Kt of non-grain-oriented electrical steel (NOES) annually. The NOES facility would be sited near ArcelorMittal’s existing joint venture AMNS Calvert with Nippon Steel Corporation. NOES plays a crucial role in the performance and efficiency of electric motors used to power battery electric vehicles, plug in hybrid electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles as well as other specialized commercial, industrial, and power generation applications. Given the nature of the US auto market (larger vehicles, full-size pickups, SUVs) there is rapidly growing demand for the most sophisticated NOES for which there is limited US domestic supply capabilities. Net capex to build the plant is estimated at
$0.9 billion 8. The plant is anticipated to commence production in 2H 2027 and expected to generate annual EBITDA of$0.2 billion on full capacity. - On January 3, 2025, the US President issued an order prohibiting Nippon Steel Corporation ("NSC") from acquiring US Steel but the parties were granted an extension to June 18, 2025 to permanently abandon the transaction. The ArcelorMittal agreement with NSC regarding the acquisition of its
50% stake in Calvert remains in place until such date. - On December 13, 2024, ArcelorMittal issued
€500 million 3.125% notes due December 13, 2028 (the “2028 Notes”) and€500 million 3.5% notes due December 13, 2031 (the “2031 Notes” and together with the 2028 Notes, the "Notes"). The Notes were issued under ArcelorMittal’s€10 billion wholesale Euro Medium Term Notes Programme. The use of proceeds of the issuance was general corporate purposes and refinancing of existing indebtedness.
The Company expects world ex-China apparent steel consumption ("ASC") to grow by
ArcelorMittal Condensed Consolidated Statements of Financial Position1
In millions of U.S. dollars | Dec 31, 2024 | Sept 30, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 |
ASSETS | |||
Cash and cash equivalents | 6,484 | 5,094 | 7,783 |
Trade accounts receivable and other | 3,375 | 4,238 | 3,661 |
Inventories | 16,501 | 18,474 | 18,759 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets | 3,022 | 3,255 | 3,037 |
Total Current Assets | 29,382 | 31,061 | 33,240 |
Goodwill and intangible assets | 4,453 | 4,762 | 5,102 |
Property, plant and equipment | 33,311 | 34,535 | 33,656 |
Investments in associates and joint ventures | 11,420 | 11,304 | 10,078 |
Deferred tax assets | 8,942 | 9,525 | 9,469 |
Other assets | 1,877 | 1,981 | 2,372 |
Total Assets | 89,385 | 93,168 | 93,917 |
Short-term debt and current portion of long-term debt | 2,748 | 2,356 | 2,312 |
Trade accounts payable and other | 12,921 | 13,164 | 13,605 |
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities | 6,156 | 5,761 | 5,852 |
Total Current Liabilities | 21,825 | 21,281 | 21,769 |
Long-term debt, net of current portion | 8,815 | 8,903 | 8,369 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 2,338 | 2,318 | 2,432 |
Other long-term liabilities | 5,121 | 5,302 | 5,279 |
Total Liabilities | 38,099 | 37,804 | 37,849 |
Equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent | 49,223 | 53,308 | 53,961 |
Non-controlling interests | 2,063 | 2,056 | 2,107 |
Total Equity | 51,286 | 55,364 | 56,068 |
Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity | 89,385 | 93,168 | 93,917 |
ArcelorMittal Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations1
Three months ended | Twelve months ended | ||||
In millions of U.S. dollars unless otherwise shown | Dec 31, 2024 | Sept 30, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 | Dec 31, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 |
Sales | 14,714 | 15,196 | 14,552 | 62,441 | 68,275 |
Depreciation (B) | (709) | (646) | (703) | (2,632) | (2,675) |
Impairment items2(B) | (80) | (36) | (112) | (116) | (112) |
Exceptional items3(B) | (142) | (74) | — | (216) | — |
Impact on disposal of Kazakhstan operations2(B) | — | — | (2,431) | — | (2,431) |
Operating income/(loss) (A) | 529 | 663 | (1,980) | 3,310 | 2,340 |
Operating margin % | 3.6% | 4.4% | (13.6)% | 5.3% | 3.4% |
Income from associates, joint ventures and other investments (excluding impairments and exceptional items) (C) | 194 | 162 | 188 | 779 | 1,184 |
Impairments of associates, joint ventures and other investments | — | — | (1,405) | — | (1,405) |
Net interest expense | (32) | (8) | (3) | (110) | (145) |
Foreign exchange and other net financing loss | (348) | (112) | (240) | (981) | (714) |
Non-cash mark-to-market loss until acquisition of c. | — | (91) | — | (83) | — |
Income/(loss) before taxes and non-controlling interests | 343 | 614 | (3,440) | 2,915 | 1,260 |
Current tax expense | (361) | (164) | (128) | (1,025) | (1,008) |
Deferred tax (expense)/benefit | (387) | (151) | 582 | (510) | 770 |
Income tax (expense)/benefit (net) | (748) | (315) | 454 | (1,535) | (238) |
Net (loss)/ income including non-controlling interests | (405) | 299 | (2,986) | 1,380 | 1,022 |
Non-controlling interests income/(loss) | 15 | (12) | 20 | (41) | (103) |
Net (loss)/ income attributable to equity holders of the parent | (390) | 287 | (2,966) | 1,339 | 919 |
Basic/(loss) earnings per common share ($) | (0.51) | 0.37 | (3.57) | 1.70 | 1.09 |
Diluted/(loss) earnings per common share ($) | (0.51) | 0.37 | (3.57) | 1.69 | 1.09 |
Weighted average common shares outstanding (in millions) | 772 | 778 | 830 | 788 | 842 |
Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding (in millions) | 772 | 781 | 830 | 791 | 845 |
EBITDA (A-B+C) | 1,654 | 1,581 | 1,454 | 7,053 | 8,742 |
EBITDA Margin % | 11.2% | 10.4% | 10.0% | 11.3% | 12.8% |
Total Group iron ore production (Mt) | 12.6 | 10.1 | 10.0 | 42.4 | 42.0 |
Crude steel production (Mt) | 14.0 | 14.8 | 13.7 | 57.9 | 58.1 |
Steel shipments (Mt) | 13.5 | 13.4 | 13.3 | 54.3 | 55.6 |
ArcelorMittal Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash flows1
Three months ended | Twelve months ended | ||||
In millions of U.S. dollars | Dec 31, 2024 | Sept 30, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 | Dec 31, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 |
Operating activities: | |||||
(Loss)/income attributable to equity holders of the parent | (390) | 287 | (2,966) | 1,339 | 919 |
Adjustments to reconcile net result to net cash provided by operations: | |||||
Non-controlling interests (loss)/income | (15) | 12 | (20) | 41 | 103 |
Depreciation and impairments2 | 789 | 682 | 815 | 2,748 | 2,787 |
Exceptional items3 | 142 | 74 | — | 216 | — |
Impact on disposal of Kazakhstan operations2 | — | — | 2,431 | — | 2,431 |
Income from associates, joint ventures and other investments | (194) | (162) | (188) | (779) | (1,184) |
Impairment of equity-method investments | — | — | 1,405 | — | 1,405 |
Deferred tax expenses/(benefit) | 387 | 151 | (582) | 510 | (770) |
Change in working capital | 1,605 | 132 | 2,470 | 102 | 1,604 |
Other operating activities (net) | 144 | 235 | (37) | 675 | 350 |
Net cash provided by operating activities (A) | 2,468 | 1,411 | 3,328 | 4,852 | 7,645 |
Investing activities: | |||||
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangibles (B) | (1,133) | (1,051) | (1,450) | (4,405) | (4,613) |
Other investing activities (net) | 15 | (814) | 464 | (582) | (1,235) |
Net cash used in investing activities | (1,118) | (1,865) | (986) | (4,987) | (5,848) |
Financing activities: | |||||
Net proceeds/(payments) relating to payable to banks and long-term debt | 667 | (109) | (195) | 1,231 | (1,334) |
Dividends paid to ArcelorMittal shareholders | (193) | — | (184) | (393) | (369) |
Dividends paid to minorities shareholders (C) | (18) | (85) | (31) | (187) | (162) |
Share buyback | (133) | (277) | (466) | (1,300) | (1,208) |
Lease payments and other financing activities (net) | 76 | (62) | (53) | (31) | (593) |
Net cash provided/(used) by financing activities | 399 | (533) | (929) | (680) | (3,666) |
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | 1,749 | (987) | 1,413 | (815) | (1,869) |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash | (347) | 147 | 128 | (471) | 255 |
Change in cash and cash equivalents | 1,402 | (840) | 1,541 | (1,286) | (1,614) |
Free cash flow (A+B+C) | 1,317 | 275 | 1,847 | 260 | 2,870 |
Appendix 1: Capital expenditures1
(USD million) | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
North America | 149 | 50 | 117 | 410 | 426 |
Brazil | 252 | 213 | 292 | 879 | 917 |
Europe | 267 | 374 | 398 | 1,359 | 1,398 |
Sustainable Solutions | 142 | 75 | 322 | 457 | 611 |
Mining | 257 | 268 | 205 | 1,022 | 784 |
Others | 66 | 71 | 116 | 278 | 477 |
Total | 1,133 | 1,051 | 1,450 | 4,405 | 4,613 |
Appendix 1a: Investable cashflow and capex split
(USD million) | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Net cash provided by operating activities | 2,468 | 1,411 | 3,328 | 4,852 | 7,645 |
Maintenance/normative capex | 735 | 666 | 878 | 2,824 | 2,944 |
Investable cashflow | 1,733 | 745 | 2,450 | 2,028 | 4,701 |
Strategic capex | 331 | 284 | 505 | 1,288 | 1,432 |
Decarbonization capex | 67 | 101 | 67 | 293 | 237 |
Appendix 1b: Strategic growth projects completed during the last 4 quarters
Segment | Site / unit | Capacity / details | Impact on EBITDA * | Key date |
Brazil | ArcelorMittal Vega Do Sul | Increase hot dipped / cold rolled coil capacity and construction of a new 700kt continuous annealing line (CAL) and continuous galvanizing line (CGL) combiline | 2Q 2024 (first coil) | |
Sustainable Solutions | Andhra Pradesh (India) | Renewable energy project: 1GW of nominal capacity solar and wind power | Commissioning in progress | |
AMNS Calvert (US) | Calvert** | New 1.5Mt EAF and caster | Commissioning underway |
Appendix 1c: Ongoing strategic growth projects7
Segment | Site / unit | Capacity / details | Impact on EBITDA * | Key date / forecast completion |
Brazil | Serra Azul mine | Facilities to produce 4.5Mt/year DRI quality pellet feed by exploiting compact itabirite iron ore | 2H 2025 | |
Brazil | Barra Mansa | Increase capacity of HAV bars and sections by 0.4Mt/pa | 2H 2025 | |
Europe | Mardyck (France) | New Electrical Steels. Facilities to produce 170kt NGO Electrical Steels (of which 145kt for auto applications) consisting of annealing and pickling line (APL), reversing mill (REV) and annealing and varnishing (ACL) lines | 1H 2025 ACL 2H 2025 APL/REV | |
Mining | Liberia mine | Phase 2: Iron ore expansion to 20Mt/year; blending a portion of the new concentrate with crushed ore product to produce a sinter feed blend (> | Revised to | (first concentrate produced) full 20Mt capacity expected end of 2025 |
North America | Las Truchas mine (Mexico) | Revamping project with 1Mtpa pellet feed capacity increase (to 2.3Mt/year) with DRI concentrate grade capability | 1H 2026 | |
AMNS India | Hazira** | Debottlenecking existing assets; AMNS India medium-term Phase 1 plans are to expand and grow in Hazira to ~15Mt by end of 2026; ongoing downstream projects; plans for expansion to 24Mt under preparation by 2030; additional greenfield opportunities under development | 2H 2026 | |
North America | AM Calvert (US) | Advanced manufacturing facility for non-grain-oriented electrical steel (NOES) with a capacity of up to 150kt per year, essential for EV production and other commercial / industrial applications. The project consists of annealing and pickling line (APL), reversing cold mill (RCM) and annealing and varnishing (ACL). | 2H 2027 |
* Estimate of additional EBITDA based on full capacity and assuming prices/spreads generally in line with the averages of the 2015-2020 period; ** AMNS India and AMNS Calvert are share of net income
Appendix 2: Debt repayment schedule as of December 31, 2024
(USD billion) | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | ≥2029 | Total |
Bonds | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.2 | 0.5 | 4.2 | 7.9 |
Commercial paper | 0.7 | — | — | — | — | 0.7 |
Other loans | 1.0 | 0.3 | 0.7 | 0.2 | 0.8 | 3.0 |
Total gross debt | 2.7 | 1.3 | 1.9 | 0.7 | 5.0 | 11.6 |
As of December 31, 2024, the average debt maturity is 6.7 years.
Appendix 3: Reconciliation of gross debt to net debt
(USD million) | Dec 31, 2024 | Sept 30, 2024 | Dec 31, 2023 |
Gross debt | 11,563 | 11,259 | 10,681 |
Less: Cash and cash equivalents | (6,484) | (5,094) | (7,783) |
Net debt | 5,079 | 6,165 | 2,898 |
Net debt / LTM EBITDA | 0.7 | 0.9 | 0.3 |
Appendix 4: Adjusted net income and adjusted basic EPS
(USD million) | 4Q 24 | 3Q 24 | 4Q 23 | 12M 24 | 12M 23 |
Net (loss)/income attributable to equity holders of the parent | (390) | 287 | (2,966) | 1,339 | 919 |
Impairment items2 | (80) | (36) | (112) | (116) | (112) |
Exceptional items3 | (142) | (74) | — | (216) | — |
Impact on disposal of Kazakhstan operations2 | — | — | (2,431) | — | (2,431) |
Impairment of associates, joint ventures, and other investments | — | — | (1,405) | — | (1,405) |
Mark-to-market loss on purchase of c. | — | (91) | — | (83) | — |
One-off tax charges4 | (572) | — | — | (572) | — |
Adjusted net income attributable to equity holders of the parent | 404 | 488 | 982 | 2,326 | 4,867 |
Weighted average common shares outstanding (in millions) | 772 | 778 | 830 | 788 | 842 |
Adjusted basic EPS $/share | 0.52 | 0.63 | 1.18 | 2.95 | 5.78 |
Appendix 5: Terms and definitions
Unless indicated otherwise, or the context otherwise requires, references in this earnings release to the following terms have the meanings set out next to them below:
Adjusted basic EPS: refers to adjusted net income divided by the weighted average common shares outstanding.
Adjusted net income: refers to reported net income(loss) less impairment items and exceptional items (including mark-to-market on purchase of Vallourec shares and one-off tax charges).
All-in cash yield: is calculated as share buybacks plus dividends paid to ArcelorMittal shareholders in June and December divided by annual average market capitalization.
Apparent steel consumption: calculated as the sum of production plus imports minus exports.
Average steel selling prices: calculated as steel sales divided by steel shipments.
Cash and cash equivalents: represents cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and short-term investments.
Capex: represents the purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangibles. The Group’s capex figures do not include capex at the JVs level (i.e.: AMNS India and Calvert).
Crude steel production: steel in the first solid state after melting, suitable for further processing or for sale.
Depreciation: refers to amortization and depreciation.
EPS: refers to basic or diluted earnings per share.
EBITDA: defined as operating income (loss) plus depreciation, impairment items and exceptional items and income (loss) from associates, joint ventures and other investments (excluding impairments and exceptional items if any).
EBITDA/tonne: calculated as EBITDA divided by total steel shipments.
Equity book value per share: is calculated as the equity attributable to the equity holders of the parent divided by the diluted number of shares at the end of the period.
Exceptional items: income / (charges) relate to transactions that are significant, infrequent or unusual and are not representative of the normal course of business of the period.
Free cash flow (FCF): refers to net cash provided by operating activities less capex less dividends paid to minority shareholders.
Foreign exchange and other net financing income(loss): include foreign currency exchange impact, bank fees, interest on pensions, impairment of financial assets, revaluation of derivative instruments and other charges that cannot be directly linked to operating results.
Gross debt: long-term debt and short-term debt.
Impairment items: refers to impairment charges net of reversals.
Income from associates, joint ventures and other investments: refers to income from associates, joint ventures and other investments (excluding impairments and exceptional items if any).
Investable cash flow: refers to net cash provided by operating activities less maintenance/normative capex.
Iron ore reference prices: refers to iron ore prices for
Kt: refers to thousand metric tonnes.
Liquidity: cash and cash equivalents plus available credit lines excluding back-up lines for the commercial paper program.
LTIF: refers to lost time injury frequency rate equals lost time injuries per 1,000,000 worked hours, based on own personnel and contractors.
Maintenance/normative capex: refers to capital expenditures outside of strategic capital expenditures and decarbonization projects (and includes cost reduction plans and environment projects as well as general maintenance capital expenditures).
Mt: refers to million metric tonnes.
Net debt: long-term debt and short-term debt less cash and cash equivalents.
Net debt/LTM EBITDA: refers to Net debt divided by EBITDA for the last twelve months.
Net interest expense: includes interest expense less interest income.
On-going projects: refer to projects for which construction has begun (excluding various projects that are under development), even if such projects have been placed on hold pending improved operating conditions.
Operating results: refers to operating income(loss).
Operating segments: North America segment includes the Flat, Long and Tubular operations of Canada and Mexico; and also includes all Mexico mines. The Brazil segment includes the Flat, Long and Tubular operations of Brazil and its neighboring countries including Argentina, Costa Rica, Venezuela; and also includes Andrade and Serra Azul captive iron ore mines. The Europe segment includes the Flat, Long and includes Bosnia and Herzegovina captive iron ore mines; Sustainable Solutions division includes Downstream Solutions and Tubular operations of the European business. The Others segment includes the Flat, Long and Tubular operations of Kazakhstan (till December 7, 2023), Ukraine and South Africa; and also includes the captive iron ore mines in Ukraine and iron ore and coal mines in Kazakhstan (till December 7, 2023). Mining segment includes iron ore operations of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada and ArcelorMittal Liberia.
Own iron ore production: includes total of all finished production of fines, concentrate, pellets and lumps and includes share of production.
Price-cost effect: a lack of correlation or a lag in the corollary relationship between raw material and steel prices, which can either have a positive (i.e. increased spread between steel prices and raw material costs) or negative effect (i.e. a squeeze or decreased spread between steel prices and raw material costs).
Shares outstanding fully diluted basis: refers to the total number of shares outstanding (shares issued less treasury shares) plus Mandatorily Convertible Subordinated Notes ("MCNs") which were converted into shares in May 2023.
Shipments: information at segment and Group level eliminates intra-segment shipments (which are primarily between Flat/Long plants and Tubular plants) and inter-segment shipments respectively. Shipments of Downstream Solutions are excluded.
Working capital change (working capital investment / release): refers to movement of change in working capital - trade accounts receivable plus inventories less trade and other accounts payable.
XCarb® is designed to bring together all of ArcelorMittal’s reduced, low and zero-carbon products and steelmaking activities, as well as wider initiatives and green innovation projects, into a single effort focused on achieving demonstrable progress towards carbon neutral steel. Alongside the new XCarb® brand, we have launched three XCarb® initiatives: the XCarb® innovation fund, XCarb® green steel certificates and XCarb® recycled and renewably produced for products made via the Electric Arc Furnace route using scrap. The Company is offering green steel using a system of certificates (XCarb® green certificates). These are issued by an independent auditor to certify tonnes of CO2 savings achieved through the Company’s investment in decarbonization technologies in Europe. Net-zero equivalence is determined by assigning CO2 savings certificates equivalent to CO2 per tonne of steel produced in 2018 as baseline. The certificates relate to the tonnes of CO2 saved in total, as a direct result of the decarbonization projects being implemented across a number of its European sites. XCarb® sales in 2024 totaled c.0.4 million tonnes. Sestao flat products plant (2 EAFs) is increasing production to 1.6 million tonnes by 2026 and much of production to be XCarb®.
- The financial information in this press release has been prepared consistently with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”) and as adopted by the European Union. The interim financial information included in this announcement has also been prepared in accordance with IFRS applicable to interim periods, however this announcement does not contain sufficient information to constitute an interim financial report as defined in International Accounting Standard 34, “Interim Financial Reporting”. The numbers in this press release have not been audited. The financial information and certain other information presented in a number of tables in this press release have been rounded to the nearest whole number or the nearest decimal. Therefore, the sum of the numbers in a column may not conform exactly to the total figure given for that column. In addition, certain percentages presented in the tables in this press release reflect calculations based upon the underlying information prior to rounding and, accordingly, may not conform exactly to the percentages that would be derived if the relevant calculations were based upon the rounded numbers. Segment information presented in this press release is prior to inter-segment eliminations and certain adjustments made to operating results of the segments to reflect corporate costs, income from non-steel operations (e.g. logistics and shipping services) and the elimination of stock margins between the segments.
- Impairment charges of
$116 million for 12M 2024,$37 million related to the closure of the ArcelorMittal South Africa long business (4Q 2024),$43 million impairment of civil works for the Monlevade project in Brazil (4Q 2024) and$36 million related to the closure of the coke oven battery in Krakow (Poland) in 3Q 2024. Impairment charge for 12M 2023 (excluding that related to the sale of operations in Kazakhstan) amounted to$0.1 billion , related to the Long business of ArcelorMittal South Africa. In addition, in 12M 2023, following the sale of the Company's steel and mining operations in Kazakhstan the Company recorded a$0.9 billion non-cash impairment charge (including$0.2 billion goodwill), and recorded$1.5 billion cumulative translation losses (previously recorded against equity) through the Consolidated Statements of Operations. These items are considered exceptional items for the calculation of adjusted net income. - Exceptional charges of
$216 million in 12M 2024 including restructuring costs related to business optimization primarily through asset concentration. Specifically,$79 million restructuring charges in the Sustainable solutions division (4Q 2024),$63 million related to closure of the long business of ArcelorMittal South Africa (4Q 2024) and$74 million related to restructuring costs related to the closure of the coke oven battery in Krakow (Poland) in 3Q 2024. - One-off tax charges relate to i) In December 2024, Luxembourg passed a law resulting in a decrease of the statutory tax rate in Luxembourg (effective January 1, 2025) from
24.94% to23.87% . The decrease in the deferred tax asset and resulting deferred tax expense was$0.4 billion in 4Q 2024; and ii)$0.2 billion provision relating to tax litigations. Both items are considered exceptional items for the calculation of adjusted net income. - See Appendix 4 for reconciliation of adjusted net income and adjusted basic earnings per share.
- September 2020 was the inception date of the ongoing share buyback programs. The Company has repurchased 52 million shares during 12M 2024; totalling 78.2 million shares from the current 85 million share buyback program.
- Out of the total
$1.9 billion EBITDA potential, it is considered that$0.3 billion has been achieved to date from the completion of the Mexico HSM project on an observed run-rate basis,$0.4 billion is expected in 2025,$0.6 billion in 2026 and$0.6 billion in 2027 and beyond. The estimate of potential additional contribution to EBITDA is based on assumptions once ramped up to full capacity and assuming prices/spreads generally in line with the averages of 2015-2020. The Monlevade expansion project in Brazil has now been cancelled. Other projects under development include: ArcelorMittal Brasil is developing a plan to construct a new high added value finishing line and a coating line for approximately R$3.8 ~R$4.0 billion capex at its Tubarão facility. The Company is moving forward with detailed engineering (a full feasibility study) and construction is expected to take ~3 years. Strategic projects capex in 12M 2024 primarily included investments for the Liberia expansion project (41% ), the renewables energy project in India (14% ) and Mardyck electrical steels (14% ). - Gross capex of
$1.2 billion . Net amount of$0.9 billion , reflecting the value of federal, state and local support. - Liquidity at the end of December 31, 2024 of
$12.0 billion consisted of cash and cash equivalents of$6.5 billion and$5.5 billion of available credit lines. - The 2018 baseline reflects assets owned by ArcelorMittal in 2018, and does not take into consideration footprint and portfolio optimization.
Fourth quarter 2024 earnings analyst conference call
ArcelorMittal Management will host a conference call for members of the investment community to present and comment on the three-month and twelve-month period ended December 31, 2024 on: Thursday February 6, 2025, at 9.30am US Eastern time. 14.30pm London time and 15.30pm CET.
To access via the conference call and ask a question during the Q&A, please register in advance:
Alternatively, the webcast can be accessed live on the day:
Forward-Looking Statements
This document contains forward-looking information and statements about ArcelorMittal and its subsidiaries. These statements include financial projections and estimates and their underlying assumptions, statements regarding plans, objectives and expectations with respect to future operations, products and services, and statements regarding future performance. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the words “believe”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “target”, "projected", "potential", "intend" or similar expressions. Although ArcelorMittal’s management believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, investors and holders of ArcelorMittal’s securities are cautioned that forward-looking information and statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of ArcelorMittal, that could cause actual results and developments to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in, or implied or projected by, the forward-looking information and statements. These risks and uncertainties include those discussed or identified in the filings with the Luxembourg Stock Market Authority for the Financial Markets (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier) and the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) made or to be made by ArcelorMittal, including ArcelorMittal’s latest Annual Report on Form 20-F on file with the SEC. ArcelorMittal undertakes no obligation to publicly update its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
Non-GAAP/Alternative Performance Measures
This press release also includes certain non-GAAP financial/alternative performance measures. ArcelorMittal presents EBITDA and EBITDA/tonne, free cash flow (FCF), adjusted net income, adjusted basic earnings per share and the ratio of net debt/LTM EBITDA which are non-GAAP financial/alternative performance measures, as additional measures to enhance the understanding of its operating performance. As announced previously, the definition of EBITDA has been revised to include income from share of associates, JVs and other investments (excluding impairments and exceptional items if any, of associates, JVs and other investments) because the Company believes this information provides investors with additional information to understand its results, given the increasing significance of its joint ventures. ArcelorMittal believes such indicators are relevant to provide management and investors with additional information. ArcelorMittal also presents net debt, liquidity and change in working capital as additional measures to enhance the understanding of its financial position, changes to its capital structure and its credit assessment. Investable cashflow is defined as net cash provided by operating activities less maintenance/normative capex, and the Company thus believes that it represents a cashflow that is available for allocation at management’s discretion. The Company’s guidance as to additional EBITDA estimated to be generated from certain projects is based on the same accounting policies as those applied in the Company’s financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. ArcelorMittal is unable to reconcile, without unreasonable effort, such guidance to the most directly comparable IFRS financial measure, due to the uncertainty and inherent difficulty of predicting the occurrence and the financial impact of items impacting comparability. For the same reasons, ArcelorMittal is unable to address the significance of the unavailable information. Non-GAAP financial/alternative performance measures should be read in conjunction with, and not as an alternative to, ArcelorMittal's financial information prepared in accordance with IFRS. Comparable IFRS measures and reconciliations of non-GAAP financial/alternative performance measures are presented herein.
About ArcelorMittal
ArcelorMittal is one of the world's leading steel and mining companies, with a presence in 60 countries and primary steelmaking facilities in 15 countries. In 2024, ArcelorMittal had revenues of
Our goal is to help build a better world with smarter steels. Steels made using innovative processes which use less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. Steels that are cleaner, stronger and reusable. Steels for electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century. With steel at our core, our inventive people and an entrepreneurial culture at heart, we will support the world in making that change. This is what we believe it takes to be the steel company of the future.
ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MT), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS). For more information about ArcelorMittal please visit:
ArcelorMittal investor relations: +44 207 543 1128; Retail: +44 207 543 1156; SRI: +44 207 543 1156 and Bonds/credit: +33 1 71 92 10 26.
ArcelorMittal corporate communications (e-mail: +44 207 629 7988. Contact: Paul Weigh +44 203 214 2419

What was ArcelorMittal's (MT) EBITDA per tonne in FY 2024?
How many shares did ArcelorMittal (MT) repurchase in 2024?
What is ArcelorMittal's (MT) new dividend for FY 2025?
What is ArcelorMittal's (MT) net debt position at the end of 2024?