Strategy Announces Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results; Holds 471,107 BTC
Strategy (MSTR) reported Q4 2024 financial results, highlighting its position as the largest corporate bitcoin holder with 471,107 BTC. The company achieved a 74.3% BTC Yield in FY 2024 and revised its 2025 BTC Yield target to a minimum of 15%. During Q4, Strategy acquired 218,887 bitcoins for $20.5 billion.
Key financial highlights include: Total revenues decreased 3.0% year-over-year to $120.7 million, with subscription services revenues increasing 48.4%. The company reported a net loss of $670.8 million ($3.03 per diluted share), compared to net income of $89.1 million in Q4 2023. Digital assets carrying value was $23.909 billion, with bitcoin holdings having a market value of $41.789 billion at an average cost of $62,503 per bitcoin.
The company raised significant capital through various channels, including $15.1 billion from stock sales in Q4 2024, $3.0 billion from convertible notes, and $563.4 million from preferred stock in January 2025.
Strategy (MSTR) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per il quarto trimestre del 2024, evidenziando la sua posizione come il più grande detentore aziendale di bitcoin con 471.107 BTC. L'azienda ha raggiunto un rendimento in BTC del 74,3% nell'anno fiscale 2024 e ha rivisto il suo obiettivo di rendimento in BTC per il 2025 a un minimo del 15%. Durante il quarto trimestre, Strategy ha acquisito 218.887 bitcoin per 20,5 miliardi di dollari.
I principali punti salienti finanziari includono: le entrate totali sono diminuite del 3,0% rispetto all'anno precedente, arrivando a 120,7 milioni di dollari, con un incremento del 48,4% nelle entrate dai servizi in abbonamento. L'azienda ha registrato una perdita netta di 670,8 milioni di dollari (3,03 dollari per azione diluita), rispetto a un utile netto di 89,1 milioni di dollari nel quarto trimestre del 2023. Il valore contabile degli attivi digitali era di 23,909 miliardi di dollari, con un valore di mercato delle partecipazioni in bitcoin di 41,789 miliardi di dollari a un costo medio di 62.503 dollari per bitcoin.
L'azienda ha raccolto fondi significativi attraverso vari canali, inclusi 15,1 miliardi di dollari da vendite di azioni nel quarto trimestre del 2024, 3,0 miliardi di dollari da obbligazioni convertibili e 563,4 milioni di dollari da azioni privilegiate nel gennaio 2025.
Strategy (MSTR) informó los resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre de 2024, destacando su posición como el mayor tenedor corporativo de bitcoin con 471,107 BTC. La compañía logró un rendimiento en BTC del 74.3% en el año fiscal 2024 y revisó su objetivo de rendimiento en BTC para 2025 a un mínimo del 15%. Durante el cuarto trimestre, Strategy adquirió 218,887 bitcoins por 20.5 mil millones de dólares.
Los principales aspectos financieros incluyen: los ingresos totales disminuyeron un 3.0% año tras año a 120.7 millones de dólares, con ingresos por servicios de suscripción aumentando un 48.4%. La compañía reportó una pérdida neta de 670.8 millones de dólares (3.03 dólares por acción diluida), en comparación con un ingreso neto de 89.1 millones de dólares en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. El valor contable de los activos digitales era de 23.909 millones de dólares, con las participaciones en bitcoin teniendo un valor de mercado de 41.789 millones de dólares a un costo promedio de 62,503 dólares por bitcoin.
La compañía recaudó un capital significativo a través de varios canales, incluidos 15.1 mil millones de dólares provenientes de ventas de acciones en el cuarto trimestre de 2024, 3.0 mil millones de dólares de notas convertibles y 563.4 millones de dólares de acciones preferentes en enero de 2025.
Strategy (MSTR)는 2024년 4분기 재무 결과를 보고하며 471,107 BTC로 가장 큰 기업 비트코인 보유자로서의 위상을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 2024 회계 연도에 74.3%의 비트코인 수익률을 달성했으며, 2025 비트코인 수익률 목표를 최소 15%로 수정했습니다. 4분기 동안 Strategy는 205억 달러에 218,887 비트코인을 구매했습니다.
주요 재무 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다: 총 수익이 지난해 대비 3.0% 감소하여 1억 2070만 달러에 이르렀으며, 구독 서비스 수익이 48.4% 증가했습니다. 이 회사는 670.8백만 달러(희석 기준 주당 3.03 달러)의 순손실을 기록했으며, 이는 2023년 4분기에 8910만 달러의 순이익과 비교됩니다. 디지털 자산의 장부 가치는 239.09억 달러였으며, 비트코인 보유의 시장 가치는 비트코인당 평균 62,503 달러의 비용으로 417.89억 달러였습니다.
이 회사는 여러 경로를 통해 상당한 자본을 조달했으며, 2024년 4분기 주식 매각에서 151억 달러, 전환 사채에서 30억 달러, 2025년 1월 우선주에서 5.634억 달러를 포함합니다.
Strategy (MSTR) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le quatrième trimestre de 2024, soulignant sa position en tant que plus grand détenteur d'entreprise de bitcoin avec 471 107 BTC. L'entreprise a réalisé un rendement en BTC de 74,3 % pour l'exercice 2024 et a révisé son objectif de rendement en BTC pour 2025 à un minimum de 15 %. Au cours du quatrième trimestre, Strategy a acquis 218 887 bitcoins pour 20,5 milliards de dollars.
Les principaux faits financiers comprennent : les revenus totaux ont diminué de 3,0 % d'une année sur l'autre pour atteindre 120,7 millions de dollars, tandis que les revenus des services d'abonnement ont augmenté de 48,4 %. L'entreprise a enregistré une perte nette de 670,8 millions de dollars (3,03 dollars par action diluée), contre un bénéfice net de 89,1 millions de dollars au quatrième trimestre 2023. La valeur comptable des actifs numériques était de 23,909 milliards de dollars, les avoirs en bitcoin ayant une valeur de marché de 41,789 milliards de dollars à un coût moyen de 62 503 dollars par bitcoin.
L'entreprise a levé des fonds importants par divers canaux, dont 15,1 milliards de dollars provenant de ventes d'actions au quatrième trimestre 2024, 3,0 milliards de dollars d'obligations convertibles et 563,4 millions de dollars d'actions privilégiées en janvier 2025.
Strategy (MSTR) berichtete über die finanziellen Ergebnisse des 4. Quartals 2024 und hob seine Position als der größte Unternehmensbesitzer von Bitcoin mit 471.107 BTC hervor. Das Unternehmen erzielte eine BTC-Rendite von 74,3 % im Geschäftsjahr 2024 und hat sein Ziel für die BTC-Rendite 2025 auf mindestens 15 % revidiert. Im 4. Quartal erwarb Strategy 218.887 Bitcoin für 20,5 Milliarden USD.
Wichtige finanzielle Eckdaten sind: Die Gesamterlöse sanken im Jahresvergleich um 3,0 % auf 120,7 Millionen USD, während die Einnahmen aus Abonnements um 48,4 % zunahmen. Das Unternehmen meldete einen Nettoverlust von 670,8 Millionen USD (3,03 USD pro verwässerter Aktie), im Vergleich zu einem Nettogewinn von 89,1 Millionen USD im 4. Quartal 2023. Der Buchwert der digitalen Vermögenswerte betrug 23,909 Milliarden USD, während die Bitcoin-Bestände einen Marktwert von 41,789 Milliarden USD bei einem Durchschnittskosten von 62.503 USD pro Bitcoin hatten.
Das Unternehmen hat über verschiedene Kanäle erhebliches Kapital beschafft, darunter 15,1 Milliarden USD aus Aktienverkäufen im 4. Quartal 2024, 3,0 Milliarden USD aus Wandelanleihen und 563,4 Millionen USD aus Vorzugsaktien im Januar 2025.
- Acquired 218,887 bitcoins for $20.5 billion in Q4
- Subscription services revenue increased 48.4% YoY
- Bitcoin holdings market value reached $41.789 billion
- Successfully raised $15.1 billion through stock sales in Q4
- Product licenses and subscription services revenues grew 18.3% YoY
- Net loss of $670.8 million in Q4 2024 vs. net income of $89.1 million in Q4 2023
- Total revenues decreased 3.0% YoY to $120.7 million
- Operating expenses increased 693.2% YoY to $1.103 billion
- Product support revenues declined 10.8% YoY
- Digital asset impairment losses of $1.006 billion in Q4
Strategy's Q4 2024 results reveal an aggressive bitcoin accumulation strategy supported by sophisticated capital markets execution. The company has masterfully leveraged multiple funding sources, raising an impressive
The introduction of new KPIs - BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain - represents a strategic shift in performance measurement. The
A pivotal development is the adoption of fair value accounting (ASU 2023-08) starting Q1 2025. This will result in a
The software business shows a transition toward recurring revenue models, with subscription services growing
The company's debt management strategy includes the redemption of 2027 Convertible Notes, with conversion terms potentially leading to equity dilution. The new 2029 Convertible Notes' higher conversion price of
74.3% “BTC Yield” KPI achieved in FY 2024 and2.9% in QTD 2025 -
Revises annual BTC Yield target to a minimum of
15% for 2025 - Announces new “BTC Gain” and “BTC $ Gain” KPIs
Announces an annual “BTC $ Gain” target of
for 2025$10 billion
"Earlier today, we announced that we are now Strategy, a new name that powerfully and succinctly conveys the universal and global appeal of our company. Strategy is at the cutting edge of innovation, championing the two most transformative technologies of the 21st century: Bitcoin and AI. We have completed
"The fourth quarter of 2024 marked our largest ever increase in quarterly bitcoin holdings, culminating in the acquisition of 218,887 bitcoins acquired for
On August 7, 2024, the Company completed a 10-for-1 stock split of the Company’s class A and class B common stock. All prior period share and per share information presented herein has been retroactively adjusted to reflect the stock split.
Bitcoin Treasury Highlights
“BTC Yield” KPI: For the full year 2024, the Company’s BTC Yield was
74.3% . The Company is revising its 2025 target to achieve an annual BTC Yield of more than15% . BTC Yield is a key performance indicator (“KPI”) that the Company uses to help assess the performance of its strategy of acquiring bitcoin in a manner the Company believes is accretive to shareholders. See “Important Information about BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain KPIs” in this press release for the definition of BTC Yield and how it is calculated. -
“BTC Gain” and “BTC $ Gain” KPIs: For the full year 2024, the Company’s BTC Gain was 140,538. The Company’s 2025 target is to achieve an annual BTC $ Gain of
. BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain are KPIs that the Company uses to assess the performance of its strategy of acquiring bitcoin in a manner the Company believes is accretive to shareholders. See “Important Information about BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain KPIs” in this press release for definitions of BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain and how these metrics are calculated.$10 billion -
Digital Assets: As of December 31, 2024, the carrying value of the Company’s digital assets (comprised of approximately 447,470 bitcoins) was
. As of December 31, 2024, the original cost basis and market value of the Company’s bitcoin were$23.90 9 billion and$27.96 8 billion , respectively, which reflects an average cost per bitcoin of approximately$41.78 9 billion and a market price per bitcoin of$62,503 , respectively. On January 1, 2025, we adopted ASU 2023-08. ASU 2023-08 requires us to measure our bitcoin holdings at fair value in our statement of financial position, with gains and losses from change in the fair value of our bitcoin recognized in net income each reporting period. As a result of our adoption of ASU 2023-08, as of January 1, 2025, we are required to apply a cumulative-effect net increase to the opening balance of our retained earnings of$93,390 .$12.74 5 billion -
At-the-Market Equity Offering Program: During the three months ended December 31, 2024, the Company issued and sold 42,308,443 shares of its class A common stock for aggregate net proceeds of approximately
. Between January 1, 2025 and February 2, 2025, the Company issued and sold an additional 6,487,654 shares of its class A common stock for aggregate net proceeds of approximately$15.1 billion . As of February 2, 2025, approximately$2.4 billion of the Company's class A common stock remained available for issuance and sale pursuant to its current at-the-market equity offering program.$4.3 billion -
Issuance of 2029 Convertible Notes: In November 2024, the Company issued
aggregate principal amount of$3.0 billion 0% Convertible Senior Notes due 2029 (the “2029 Convertible Notes”) with an initial conversion price of per share of class A common stock, for net proceeds of approximately$672.40 , after deducting the initial purchasers’ discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses.$2.97 billion -
Issuance of Perpetual Strike Preferred Stock: In January 2025, the Company issued 7,300,000 shares of
8.00% Series A Perpetual Strike Preferred Stock (the “perpetual strike preferred stock”), at a public offering price of per share for net proceeds of approximately$80.00 , after deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and estimated offering expenses. The perpetual strike preferred stock has a liquidation preference of$563.4 million per share and accumulates cumulative dividends on the liquidation preference at a fixed rate of$100 8.00% per annum. -
Redemption and Conversions of 2027 Convertible Notes: On January 24, 2025, the Company announced that it delivered a notice of redemption (the “Redemption Notice”) to the trustee of its
0.0% Convertible Senior Notes due 2027 (the “2027 Convertible Notes”) for redemption of all in aggregate principal amount of the 2027 Convertible Notes then outstanding on February 24, 2025 (the “Redemption Date”). As a result of the delivery of the Redemption Notice, at any time prior to 5:00 p.m.,$1.05 billion New York City time, on February 20, 2025, the 2027 Notes are convertible, at the option of the holders of the 2027 Notes, at the applicable conversion rate of 7.0234 shares of the Company’s class A common stock per principal amount (reflecting a conversion price of$1,000 per share). In the event that any holder delivers a conversion notice as provided in the indenture related to the 2027 Notes, the Company has elected to satisfy its conversion obligation with respect to each$142.38 principal amount of 2027 Notes by delivering solely shares of its class A common stock, together with cash in lieu of any fractional shares.$1,000 - Increase in Authorized Class A Common Stock and Preferred Stock. In January 2025, the Company’s stockholders approved an amendment to the Company’s Certificate of Incorporation increasing the number of authorized shares of class A common Stock from 330,000,000 to 10,330,000,000 and the number of authorized shares of preferred stock from 5,000,000 to 1,005,000,000.
Q4 2024 Software Business Highlights
Total revenues were
, a$120.7 million 3.0% decrease year-over-year. -
Subscription Services Revenues were
, a$31.9 million 48.4% increase year-over-year. -
Product licenses and subscription services revenues were
, a$47.2 million 18.3% increase year-over-year. -
Product support revenues were
, an$58.4 million 10.8% decrease year-over-year. -
Other services revenues were
, an$15.1 million 20.8% decrease year-over-year.
Total revenues were
Gross Profit: Gross profit was
, representing a$86.5 million 71.7% gross margin, compared to , representing a gross margin of$96.3 million 77.3% , for the fourth quarter of 2023.
Other Q4 Financial Highlights
Operating Expenses: Operating expenses were
, a$1.10 3 billion693.2% increase year-over-year. Operating expenses include impairment losses on the Company’s digital assets, which were , compared to$1.00 6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023.$39.2 million -
Loss from Operations and Net (Loss) Income: Loss from operations was
, compared to$1.01 6 billion for the fourth quarter of 2023. Net loss was$42.8 million , or$670.8 million per share on a diluted basis, as compared to net income of$3.03 , or$89.1 million per share on a diluted basis, for the fourth quarter of 2023.$0.50 -
Cash and Cash Equivalents: As of December 31, 2024, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of
, as compared to$38.1 million as of December 31, 2023, a decrease of$46.8 million .$8.7 million
The tables provided at the end of this press release include a reconciliation of the most directly comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in
Strategy Dashboard
Strategy today announced that it is launching a dashboard on its website, to be available at, as a disclosure channel to provide broad, non-exclusionary distribution of information regarding the Company to the public. Some of the information distributed through the website dashboard may be considered material information. The website dashboard will include information regarding market data for our securities and bitcoin, BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain KPIs, bitcoin purchases, bitcoin holdings, capital markets activity, and other related information. Investors and others are encouraged to regularly review the information that the Company makes public via the website dashboard.
Conference Call
Strategy will be discussing its fourth quarter 2024 financial results on a live Video Webinar today beginning at approximately 5:00 p.m. ET. The live Video Webinar and accompanying presentation materials will be available under the “Events and Presentations” section of Strategy’s investor relations website at Log-in instructions will be available after registering for the event. An archived replay of the event will be available beginning approximately two hours after the call concludes.
About Strategy
MicroStrategy Incorporated d/b/a Strategy (Nasdaq: MSTR) is the world's first and largest Bitcoin Treasury Company. We are a publicly traded company that has adopted Bitcoin as our primary treasury reserve asset. By using proceeds from equity and debt financings, as well as cash flows from our operations, we strategically accumulate Bitcoin and advocate for its role as digital capital. Our treasury strategy is designed to provide investors varying degrees of economic exposure to Bitcoin by offering a range of securities, including equity and fixed-income instruments. In addition, we provide industry-leading AI-powered enterprise analytics software, advancing our vision of Intelligence Everywhere. We leverage our development capabilities to explore innovation in Bitcoin applications, integrating analytics expertise with our commitment to digital asset growth. We believe our combination of operational excellence, strategic Bitcoin reserve, and focus on technological innovation positions us as a leader in both the digital asset and enterprise analytics sectors, offering a unique opportunity for long-term value creation.
Strategy, MicroStrategy, and Intelligence Everywhere are either trademarks or registered trademarks of MicroStrategy Incorporated in
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Strategy is providing supplemental financial measures for (i) non-GAAP loss from operations that excludes the impact of share-based compensation expense, (ii) non-GAAP net (loss) income and non-GAAP diluted (loss) earnings per share that exclude the impacts of share-based compensation expense, interest expense arising from the amortization of debt issuance costs related to Strategy’s long-term debt, gains and losses on debt extinguishment, and related income tax effects, and (iii) non-GAAP constant currency revenues that exclude certain foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. These supplemental financial measures are not measurements of financial performance under GAAP and, as a result, these supplemental financial measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of other companies. Management uses these non-GAAP financial measures internally to help understand, manage, and evaluate business performance and to help make operating decisions.
Strategy believes that these non-GAAP financial measures are also useful to investors and analysts in comparing its performance across reporting periods on a consistent basis. The first supplemental financial measure excludes a significant non-cash expense that Strategy believes is not reflective of its general business performance, and for which the accounting requires management judgment and the resulting share-based compensation expense could vary significantly in comparison to other companies. The second set of supplemental financial measures excludes the impacts of (i) share-based compensation expense, (ii) non-cash interest expense arising from the amortization of debt issuance costs related to Strategy’s long-term debt, (iii) gains and losses on debt extinguishment, and (iv) related income tax effects. The third set of supplemental financial measures excludes changes resulting from certain fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates so that results may be compared to the same period in the prior year on a non-GAAP constant currency basis. Strategy believes the use of these non-GAAP financial measures can also facilitate comparison of Strategy’s operating results to those of its competitors.
Important Information About BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain KPIs
BTC Yield is a key performance indicator (“KPI”) that represents the percentage change, during a period, of the ratio between the Company’s bitcoin holdings and its Assumed Diluted Shares Outstanding, where:
- “Assumed Diluted Shares Outstanding” refers to the aggregate of our Basic Shares Outstanding as of the end of each period plus all additional shares that would result from the assumed conversion of all outstanding convertible notes and convertible preferred stock, exercise of all outstanding stock option awards, and settlement of all outstanding restricted stock units and performance stock units. Assumed Diluted Shares Outstanding is not calculated using the treasury method and does not take into account any vesting conditions (in the case of equity awards), the exercise price of any stock option awards or any contractual conditions limiting convertibility of convertible debt instruments.
- “Basic Shares Outstanding” reflects the actual class A common stock and class B common stock outstanding as of the dates presented. For purposes of this calculation, outstanding shares of such stock are deemed to include shares, if any, that were sold under at-the-market equity offering programs or that were to be issued pursuant to options that had been exercised or restricted stock units that have vested, but which in each case were pending issuance as of the dates presented.
BTC Gain is a KPI that represents the number of bitcoins held by the Company at the beginning of a period multiplied by the BTC Yield for such period.
BTC $ Gain is a KPI that represents the dollar value of the BTC Gain calculated by multiplying the BTC Gain by the market price of bitcoin as of 4:00pm ET on the Coinbase exchange on the last day of the applicable period. The Company has selected 4:00pm ET on the last day of the applicable period as the date and time of determination of the market price of bitcoin solely for the purpose of facilitating this illustrative calculation.
The Company uses BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain as KPIs to help assess the performance of its strategy of acquiring bitcoin in a manner the Company believes is accretive to shareholders. The Company believes these KPIs can be used to supplement an investor’s understanding of the Company’s decision of the manner in which it funds the purchase of bitcoin and the value created in a period by:
- in the case of BTC Yield, comparing the rate of change in the Company’s bitcoin holdings as compared to the rate of change in the number of shares of its common stock and instruments convertible to common stock;
- in the case of BTC Gain, hypothetically expressing the change reflected in the BTC Yield metric as if it reflected an increase in the amount of bitcoin held at the end the applicable period as compared to the beginning of such period; and
- in the case of BTC $ Gain, further expressing that gain as a dollar value by multiplying that bitcoin-denominated gain by the market price of bitcoin at the end of the applicable period as described above.
When the Company uses these KPIs, management also takes into account the various limitations of these metrics, including that they do not take into account debt, preferred stock and other liabilities and claims on company assets that would be senior to common equity and that they assume that all indebtedness will be refinanced or, in the case of the Company’s senior convertible debt instruments and convertible preferred stock, converted into shares of common stock in accordance with their respective terms.
Additionally, BTC Yield is not, and should not be understood as, an operating performance measure or a financial or liquidity measure. In particular, BTC Yield is not equivalent to “yield” in the traditional financial context. It is not a measure of the return on investment the Company’s shareholders may have achieved historically or can achieve in the future by purchasing stock of the Company, or a measure of income generated by the Company’s operations or its bitcoin holdings, return on investment on its bitcoin holdings, or any other similar financial measure of the performance of its business or assets.
BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain are not, and should not be understood as, operating performance measures or financial or liquidity measures. In particular, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain are not equivalent to “gain” in the traditional financial context. They also are not measures of the return on investment the Company’s shareholders may have achieved historically or can achieve in the future by purchasing stock of the Company, or measures of income generated by the Company’s operations or its bitcoin holdings, return on investment on its bitcoin holdings, or any other similar financial measure of the performance of its business or assets. It should also be understood that BTC $ Gain does not represent a fair value gain of the Company’s bitcoin holdings, and BTC $ Gain may be positive during periods when the Company has incurred fair value losses on its bitcoin holdings.
The trading price of the Company’s class A common stock is informed by numerous factors in addition to the amount of bitcoins the Company holds and number of actual or potential shares of its stock outstanding, and as a result, the market value of the Company’s shares may trade at a discount or a premium relative to the market value of the bitcoin the Company holds, and neither BTC Yield, BTC Gain nor BTC $ Gain are indicative or predictive of the trading price of the Company’s securities.
As noted above, these KPIs are narrow in their purpose and are used by management to assist it in assessing whether the Company is using equity capital in a manner accretive to shareholders solely as it pertains to its bitcoin holdings.
In calculating these KPIs, the Company does not take into account the source of capital used for the acquisition of its bitcoin. The Company notes in particular, it has acquired bitcoin using proceeds from the offering of its
In addition, we are required to pay dividends with respect to our perpetual strike preferred stock in perpetuity. We could pay these dividends with cash or by issuing shares of class A common stock. If we issue shares of class A common stock in lieu of paying dividends in cash, or if we issue shares of class A common stock for cash to fund the payment of dividends in cash, then we would experience an increase in our Assumed Diluted Shares Outstanding without a corresponding increase in our bitcoin holdings and a decrease in BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain for the period in which such issuance of shares of class A common stock occurred.
The Company has historically not paid any dividends on its shares of class A common stock, and by presenting these KPIs the Company makes no suggestion that it intends to do so in the future. Ownership of the Company’s securities, including its class A common stock and preferred stock, does not represent an ownership interest in the bitcoin the Company holds.
The Company determines its KPI targets based on its history and future goals. The Company’s ability to achieve positive BTC Yield, BTC Gain, or BTC $ Gain may depend on a variety of factors, including its ability to generate cash from operations in excess of its fixed charges and other expenses, as well as factors outside of its control, such as the price of bitcoin, and the availability of debt and equity financing on favorable terms. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Investors should rely on the financial statements and other disclosures contained in the Company’s SEC filings. These KPIs are merely supplements, not a substitute. They should be used only by sophisticated investors who understand their limited purpose and many limitations.
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may include statements that may constitute “forward-looking statements,” including estimates of future business prospects or financial results, our targets relating to our BTC Yield, BTC Gain and BTC $ Gain, and statements containing the words “believe,” “estimate,” “project,” “expect,” “will,” or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results of MicroStrategy Incorporated and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Company”) to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Factors that could contribute to such differences include: fluctuations in the market price of bitcoin and any associated impairment charges that the Company may incur as a result of a decrease in the market price of bitcoin below the value at which the Company’s bitcoins are carried on its balance sheet; the availability of debt and equity financing on favorable terms; gains or losses on any sales of bitcoins; changes in the accounting treatment relating to the Company’s bitcoin holdings; changes in securities laws or other laws or regulations, or the adoption of new laws or regulations, relating to bitcoin that adversely affect the price of bitcoin or the Company’s ability to transact in or own bitcoin; the impact of the availability of spot exchange traded products for bitcoin and other digital assets; a decrease in liquidity in the markets in which bitcoin is traded; security breaches, cyberattacks, unauthorized access, loss of private keys, fraud or other circumstances or events that result in the loss of the Company’s bitcoins; impacts to the price and rate of adoption of bitcoin associated with financial difficulties and bankruptcies of various participants in the digital asset industry; the level and terms of the Company’s substantial indebtedness and its ability to service such debt; the extent and timing of market acceptance of the Company’s new product offerings; continued acceptance of the Company’s other products in the marketplace; the Company’s ability to recognize revenue or deferred revenue through delivery of products or satisfactory performance of services; the timing of significant orders; delays in or the inability of the Company to develop or ship new products; customers continuing to shift from a product license model to a cloud subscription model, which may delay the Company’s ability to recognize revenue; fluctuations in tax benefits or provisions; changes in the market price of bitcoin as of period-end and their effect on our deferred tax assets, related valuation allowance, and tax expense; other potentially adverse tax consequences, including the potential taxation of unrealized gains on our bitcoin holdings; competitive factors; general economic conditions, including levels of inflation and interest rates; currency fluctuations; and other risks detailed in the Company’s registration statements and periodic and current reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release.
Three Months Ended |
Twelve Months Ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023* |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Revenues |
Product licenses |
$ |
15,256 |
$ |
18,372 |
$ |
48,567 |
$ |
75,351 |
Subscription services |
31,930 |
21,517 |
106,776 |
81,179 |
Total product licenses and subscription services |
47,186 |
39,889 |
155,343 |
156,530 |
Product support |
58,365 |
65,466 |
243,805 |
263,888 |
Other services |
15,146 |
19,129 |
64,308 |
75,843 |
Total revenues |
120,697 |
124,484 |
463,456 |
496,261 |
Cost of revenues |
Product licenses |
930 |
609 |
3,060 |
1,929 |
Subscription services |
12,822 |
8,676 |
42,440 |
31,776 |
Total product licenses and subscription services |
13,752 |
9,285 |
45,500 |
33,705 |
Product support |
7,977 |
5,319 |
33,289 |
22,434 |
Other services |
12,440 |
13,617 |
50,679 |
53,805 |
Total cost of revenues |
34,169 |
28,221 |
129,468 |
109,944 |
Gross profit |
86,528 |
96,263 |
333,988 |
386,317 |
Operating expenses |
Sales and marketing |
34,965 |
40,299 |
138,081 |
149,671 |
Research and development |
25,691 |
30,158 |
118,486 |
120,530 |
General and administrative |
36,237 |
29,353 |
140,537 |
115,312 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
1,006,055 |
39,238 |
1,789,862 |
115,851 |
Total operating expenses |
1,102,948 |
139,048 |
2,186,966 |
501,364 |
Loss from operations |
(1,016,420 |
) |
(42,785 |
) |
(1,852,978 |
) |
(115,047 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
(16,465 |
) |
(11,929 |
) |
(61,941 |
) |
(48,960 |
) |
(Loss) gain on debt extinguishment |
0 |
0 |
(22,933 |
) |
44,686 |
Other income (expense), net |
6,150 |
(5,930 |
) |
3,506 |
(5,204 |
) |
Loss before income taxes |
(1,026,735 |
) |
(60,644 |
) |
(1,934,346 |
) |
(124,525 |
) |
Benefit from income taxes |
(355,925 |
) |
(149,770 |
) |
(767,685 |
) |
(553,646 |
) |
Net (loss) income |
$ |
(670,810 |
) |
$ |
89,126 |
$ |
(1,166,661 |
) |
$ |
429,121 |
Basic (loss) earnings per share (1): |
$ |
(3.03 |
) |
$ |
0.58 |
$ |
(6.06 |
) |
$ |
3.14 |
Weighted average shares outstanding used in computing basic (loss) earnings per share |
221,608 |
153,361 |
192,549 |
136,706 |
Diluted (loss) earnings per share (1): |
$ |
(3.03 |
) |
$ |
0.50 |
$ |
(6.06 |
) |
$ |
2.64 |
Weighted average shares outstanding used in computing diluted (loss) earnings per share |
221,608 |
183,757 |
192,549 |
165,662 |
(1) |
Basic and fully diluted (loss) earnings per share for class A and class B common stock are the same. |
* |
Derived from audited financial statements. |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023* |
(unaudited) |
Assets |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
38,117 |
$ |
46,817 |
Restricted cash |
1,780 |
1,856 |
Accounts receivable, net |
181,203 |
183,815 |
Prepaid expenses and other current assets |
31,224 |
35,407 |
Total current assets |
252,324 |
267,895 |
Digital assets |
23,909,373 |
3,626,476 |
Property and equipment, net |
26,327 |
28,941 |
Right-of-use assets |
54,560 |
57,343 |
Deposits and other assets |
75,794 |
24,300 |
Deferred tax assets, net |
1,525,307 |
757,573 |
Total assets |
$ |
25,843,685 |
$ |
4,762,528 |
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity |
Current liabilities: |
Accounts payable, accrued expenses, and operating lease liabilities |
$ |
52,982 |
$ |
43,090 |
Accrued compensation and employee benefits |
58,362 |
50,045 |
Accrued interest |
5,549 |
1,493 |
Current portion of long-term debt, net |
517 |
483 |
Deferred revenue and advance payments |
237,974 |
228,162 |
Total current liabilities |
355,384 |
323,273 |
Long-term debt, net |
7,191,158 |
2,182,108 |
Deferred revenue and advance payments |
4,970 |
8,524 |
Operating lease liabilities |
56,403 |
61,086 |
Other long-term liabilities |
5,379 |
22,208 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
407 |
357 |
Total liabilities |
7,613,701 |
2,597,556 |
Stockholders’ Equity |
Preferred stock undesignated, |
0 |
0 |
Class A common stock, |
226 |
24 |
Class B convertible common stock, |
20 |
2 |
Additional paid-in capital |
20,411,998 |
3,957,728 |
Treasury stock, at cost; 0 shares and 8,684 shares, respectively |
- |
(782,104 |
) |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(15,384 |
) |
(11,444 |
) |
Accumulated deficit |
(2,166,876 |
) |
(999,234 |
) |
Total stockholders’ equity |
18,229,984 |
2,164,972 |
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity |
$ |
25,843,685 |
$ |
4,762,528 |
* |
Derived from audited financial statements. |
Twelve Months Ended |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023* |
(unaudited) |
Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities |
$ |
(53,032 |
) |
$ |
12,712 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(22,086,237 |
) |
(1,905,237 |
) |
Net cash provided by financing activities |
22,132,641 |
1,889,886 |
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
(2,148 |
) |
444 |
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash |
(8,776 |
) |
(2,195 |
) |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, beginning of year |
48,673 |
50,868 |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of year |
$ |
39,897 |
$ |
48,673 |
* |
Derived from audited financial statements. |
Source of Capital Used to Purchase Bitcoin |
Digital Asset Original Cost Basis
Digital Asset Impairment Losses
Digital Asset Carrying Value
Approximate Number of
Approximate Average Purchase Price Per Bitcoin |
Balance at December 31, 2022 |
$ |
3,993,190 |
$ |
(2,153,162 |
) |
$ |
1,840,028 |
132,500 |
$ |
30,137 |
Digital asset purchases |
(a) |
179,275 |
179,275 |
7,500 |
23,903 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(18,911 |
) |
(18,911 |
) |
Balance at March 31, 2023 |
$ |
4,172,465 |
$ |
(2,172,073 |
) |
$ |
2,000,392 |
140,000 |
$ |
29,803 |
Digital asset purchases |
(b) |
347,003 |
347,003 |
12,333 |
28,136 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(24,143 |
) |
(24,143 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2023 |
$ |
4,519,468 |
$ |
(2,196,216 |
) |
$ |
2,323,252 |
152,333 |
$ |
29,668 |
Digital asset purchases |
(c) |
161,681 |
161,681 |
5,912 |
27,348 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(33,559 |
) |
(33,559 |
) |
Balance at September 30, 2023 |
$ |
4,681,149 |
$ |
(2,229,775 |
) |
$ |
2,451,374 |
158,245 |
$ |
29,582 |
Digital asset purchases |
(d) |
1,214,340 |
1,214,340 |
30,905 |
39,293 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(39,238 |
) |
(39,238 |
) |
Balance at December 31, 2023 |
$ |
5,895,489 |
$ |
(2,269,013 |
) |
$ |
3,626,476 |
189,150 |
$ |
31,168 |
Digital asset purchases |
(e) |
1,639,309 |
1,639,309 |
25,128 |
65,238 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(191,633 |
) |
(191,633 |
) |
Balance at March 31, 2024 |
$ |
7,534,798 |
$ |
(2,460,646 |
) |
$ |
5,074,152 |
214,278 |
$ |
35,164 |
Digital asset purchases |
(f) |
793,828 |
793,828 |
12,053 |
65,861 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(180,090 |
) |
(180,090 |
) |
Balance at June 30, 2024 |
$ |
8,328,626 |
$ |
(2,640,736 |
) |
$ |
5,687,890 |
226,331 |
$ |
36,798 |
Digital asset purchases |
(g) |
1,575,073 |
1,575,073 |
25,889 |
60,839 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(412,084 |
) |
(412,084 |
) |
Balance at September 30, 2024 |
$ |
9,903,699 |
$ |
(3,052,820 |
) |
$ |
6,850,879 |
252,220 |
$ |
39,266 |
Digital asset purchases |
(h) |
18,064,549 |
18,064,549 |
195,250 |
92,520 |
Digital asset impairment losses |
(1,006,055 |
) |
(1,006,055 |
) |
Balance at December 31, 2024 |
$ |
27,968,248 |
$ |
(4,058,875 |
) |
$ |
23,909,373 |
447,470 |
$ |
62,503 |
* |
MicroStrategy owns and has purchased bitcoins both directly and indirectly through its wholly-owned subsidiary, MacroStrategy. References to MicroStrategy below refer to MicroStrategy and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. |
(a) |
In the first quarter of 2023, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(b) |
In the second quarter of 2023, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(c) |
In the third quarter of 2023, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(d) |
In the fourth quarter of 2023, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(e) |
In the first quarter of 2024, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(f) |
In the second quarter of 2024, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(g) |
In the third quarter of 2024, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
(h) |
In the fourth quarter of 2024, MicroStrategy purchased bitcoin using |
Excess Cash refers to cash in excess of the minimum Cash Assets that MicroStrategy is required to hold under its Treasury Reserve Policy, which may include cash generated by operating activities and cash from the proceeds of financing activities. Cash Assets refers to cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments.
Approximate Number of Bitcoins Held at End of Quarter * |
Lowest Market Price Per Bitcoin During Quarter (a) |
Market Value of Bitcoin Held at End of Quarter Using Lowest Market Price (in thousands) (b) |
Highest Market Price Per Bitcoin During Quarter (c) |
Market Value of Bitcoin Held at End of Quarter Using Highest Market Price (in thousands) (d) |
Market Price Per Bitcoin at End of Quarter (e) |
Market Value of Bitcoin Held at End of Quarter Using Ending Market Price (in thousands) (f) |
December 31, 2022 |
132,500 |
$ |
15,460.00 |
$ |
2,048,450 |
$ |
21,478.80 |
$ |
2,845,941 |
$ |
16,556.32 |
$ |
2,193,712 |
March 31, 2023 |
140,000 |
$ |
16,490.00 |
$ |
2,308,600 |
$ |
29,190.04 |
$ |
4,086,606 |
$ |
28,468.44 |
$ |
3,985,582 |
June 30, 2023 |
152,333 |
$ |
24,750.00 |
$ |
3,770,242 |
$ |
31,443.67 |
$ |
4,789,909 |
$ |
30,361.51 |
$ |
4,625,060 |
September 30, 2023 |
158,245 |
$ |
24,900.00 |
$ |
3,940,301 |
$ |
31,862.21 |
$ |
5,042,035 |
$ |
27,030.47 |
$ |
4,277,437 |
December 31, 2023 |
189,150 |
$ |
26,521.32 |
$ |
5,016,508 |
$ |
45,000.00 |
$ |
8,511,750 |
$ |
42,531.41 |
$ |
8,044,816 |
March 31, 2024 |
214,278 |
$ |
38,501.00 |
$ |
8,249,917 |
$ |
73,835.57 |
$ |
15,821,338 |
$ |
71,028.14 |
$ |
15,219,768 |
June 30, 2024 |
226,331 |
$ |
56,500.00 |
$ |
12,787,702 |
$ |
72,777.00 |
$ |
16,471,691 |
$ |
61,926.69 |
$ |
14,015,930 |
September 30, 2024 |
252,220 |
$ |
49,050.01 |
$ |
12,371,394 |
$ |
70,000.00 |
$ |
17,655,400 |
$ |
63,462.97 |
$ |
16,006,630 |
December 31, 2024 |
447,470 |
$ |
58,863.90 |
$ |
26,339,829 |
$ |
108,388.88 |
$ |
48,500,772 |
$ |
93,390.21 |
$ |
41,789,317 |
* |
MicroStrategy owns and has purchased bitcoins both directly and indirectly through its wholly-owned subsidiary, MacroStrategy. References to MicroStrategy below refer to MicroStrategy and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. |
(a) |
The "Lowest Market Price Per Bitcoin During Quarter" represents the lowest market price for one bitcoin reported on the Coinbase exchange during the respective quarter, without regard to when MicroStrategy purchased any of its bitcoin. |
(b) |
The "Market Value of Bitcoin Held at End of Quarter Using Lowest Market Price" represents a mathematical calculation consisting of the lowest market price for one bitcoin reported on the Coinbase exchange during the respective quarter multiplied by the number of bitcoins held by MicroStrategy at the end of the applicable period. |
(c) |
The "Highest Market Price Per Bitcoin During Quarter" represents the highest market price for one bitcoin reported on the Coinbase exchange during the respective quarter, without regard to when MicroStrategy purchased any of its bitcoin. |
(d) |
The "Market Value of Bitcoin Held at End of Quarter Using Highest Market Price" represents a mathematical calculation consisting of the highest market price for one bitcoin reported on the Coinbase exchange during the respective quarter multiplied by the number of bitcoins held by MicroStrategy at the end of the applicable period. |
(e) |
The "Market Price Per Bitcoin at End of Quarter" represents the market price of one bitcoin on the Coinbase exchange at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the last day of the respective quarter. |
(f) |
The "Market Value of Bitcoin Held at End of Quarter Using Ending Market Price" represents a mathematical calculation consisting of the market price of one bitcoin on the Coinbase exchange at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the last day of the respective quarter multiplied by the number of bitcoins held by MicroStrategy at the end of the applicable period. |
The amounts reported as “Market Value” in the above table represent only a mathematical calculation consisting of the price for one bitcoin reported on the Coinbase exchange (MicroStrategy’s principal market for bitcoin) in each scenario defined above multiplied by the number of bitcoins held by MicroStrategy at the end of the applicable period. Bitcoin and bitcoin markets may be subject to manipulation and the spot price of bitcoin may be subject to fraud and manipulation. Accordingly, the Market Value amounts reported above may not accurately represent fair market value, and the actual fair market value of MicroStrategy’s bitcoin may be different from such amounts and such deviation may be material. Moreover, (i) the bitcoin market historically has been characterized by significant volatility in price, limited liquidity and trading volumes compared to sovereign currencies markets, relative anonymity, a developing regulatory landscape, potential susceptibility to market abuse and manipulation, compliance and internal control failures at exchanges, and various other risks that are, or may be, inherent in its entirely electronic, virtual form and decentralized network and (ii) MicroStrategy may not be able to sell its bitcoins at the Market Value amounts indicated above, at the market price as reported on the Coinbase exchange (its principal market) on the date of sale, or at all.
Three Months Ended |
Twelve Months Ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Reconciliation of non-GAAP loss from operations: |
Loss from operations |
$ |
(1,016,420 |
) |
$ |
(42,785 |
) |
$ |
(1,852,978 |
) |
$ |
(115,047 |
) |
Share-based compensation expense |
19,335 |
19,716 |
77,124 |
69,571 |
Non-GAAP loss from operations |
$ |
(997,085 |
) |
$ |
(23,069 |
) |
$ |
(1,775,854 |
) |
$ |
(45,476 |
) |
Three Months Ended |
Twelve Months Ended |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Reconciliation of non-GAAP net (loss) income: |
Net (loss) income |
$ |
(670,810 |
) |
$ |
89,126 |
$ |
(1,166,661 |
) |
$ |
429,121 |
Share-based compensation expense |
19,335 |
19,716 |
77,124 |
69,571 |
Interest expense arising from amortization of debt issuance costs |
5,105 |
2,209 |
15,336 |
8,808 |
Loss (gain) on debt extinguishment |
0 |
0 |
22,933 |
(44,686 |
) |
Income tax effects (1) |
(62,138 |
) |
(8,600 |
) |
(243,102 |
) |
(6,062 |
) |
Non-GAAP net (loss) income |
$ |
(708,508 |
) |
$ |
102,451 |
$ |
(1,294,370 |
) |
$ |
456,752 |
Reconciliation of non-GAAP diluted (loss) earnings per share (2): |
Diluted (loss) earnings per share |
$ |
(3.03 |
) |
$ |
0.50 |
$ |
(6.06 |
) |
$ |
2.64 |
Share-based compensation expense (per diluted share) |
0.09 |
0.11 |
0.40 |
0.42 |
Interest expense arising from amortization of debt issuance costs (per diluted share) (3) |
0.02 |
0.00 |
0.08 |
0.01 |
Loss (gain) on debt extinguishment (per diluted share) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.12 |
(0.27 |
) |
Income tax effects (per diluted share) (3) |
(0.28 |
) |
(0.05 |
) |
(1.26 |
) |
(0.02 |
) |
Non-GAAP diluted (loss) earnings per share |
$ |
(3.20 |
) |
$ |
0.56 |
$ |
(6.72 |
) |
$ |
2.78 |
(1) |
Income tax effects reflect the net tax effects of share-based compensation, which includes tax benefits and expenses on exercises of stock options and vesting of share-settled restricted stock units, interest expense for amortization of debt issuance costs, and gains and losses on debt extinguishment. |
(2) |
For reconciliation purposes, the non-GAAP diluted earnings (loss) per share calculations use the same weighted average shares outstanding as that used in the GAAP diluted earnings (loss) per share calculations for the same period. For example, in periods of GAAP net loss, otherwise dilutive potential shares of common stock from MicroStrategy’s share-based compensation arrangements and convertible notes are excluded from the GAAP diluted loss per share calculation as they would be antidilutive, and therefore are also excluded from the non-GAAP diluted earnings or loss per share calculation. |
(3) |
For the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2023, interest expense from the amortization of issuance costs of the convertible notes has been added back to the numerator in the GAAP diluted earnings per share calculation, and therefore the per diluted share effects of the amortization of issuance costs of the convertible notes have been excluded from the “Interest expense arising from amortization of debt issuance costs (per diluted share)” and “Income tax effects (per diluted share)” lines in the above reconciliation for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2023. |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
(unaudited) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2024 |
Revenues |
Product licenses |
$ |
15,256 |
$ |
(239 |
) |
$ |
15,495 |
$ |
18,372 |
-17.0 |
% |
-15.7 |
% |
Subscription services |
31,930 |
(5 |
) |
31,935 |
21,517 |
48.4 |
% |
48.4 |
% |
Total product licenses and subscription services |
47,186 |
(244 |
) |
47,430 |
39,889 |
18.3 |
% |
18.9 |
% |
Product support |
58,365 |
(241 |
) |
58,606 |
65,466 |
-10.8 |
% |
-10.5 |
% |
Other services |
15,146 |
(31 |
) |
15,177 |
19,129 |
-20.8 |
% |
-20.7 |
% |
Total revenues |
120,697 |
(516 |
) |
121,213 |
124,484 |
-3.0 |
% |
-2.6 |
% |
Twelve Months Ended December 31, |
(unaudited) |
2024 |
2024 |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2024 |
Revenues |
Product licenses |
$ |
48,567 |
$ |
(504 |
) |
$ |
49,071 |
$ |
75,351 |
-35.5 |
% |
-34.9 |
% |
Subscription services |
106,776 |
65 |
106,711 |
81,179 |
31.5 |
% |
31.5 |
% |
Total product licenses and subscription services |
155,343 |
(439 |
) |
155,782 |
156,530 |
-0.8 |
% |
-0.5 |
% |
Product support |
243,805 |
(214 |
) |
244,019 |
263,888 |
-7.6 |
% |
-7.5 |
% |
Other services |
64,308 |
(43 |
) |
64,351 |
75,843 |
-15.2 |
% |
-15.2 |
% |
Total revenues |
463,456 |
(696 |
) |
464,152 |
496,261 |
-6.6 |
% |
-6.5 |
% |
(1) |
The “Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Impact” reflects the estimated impact of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates on international revenues. It shows the increase (decrease) in international revenues from the same period in the prior year, based on comparisons to the prior year quarterly average foreign currency exchange rates. “International revenues” refers to revenues from operations outside of |
(2) |
The “Non-GAAP Constant Currency” reflects the current period GAAP amount, less the Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Impact. |
(3) |
The “Non-GAAP Constant Currency % Change” reflects the percentage change between the current period Non-GAAP Constant Currency amount and the GAAP amount for the same period in the prior year. |
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023* |
(unaudited) |
Current: |
Deferred product licenses revenue |
$ |
1,777 |
$ |
3,579 |
Deferred subscription services revenue |
107,119 |
65,512 |
Deferred product support revenue |
124,684 |
152,012 |
Deferred other services revenue |
4,394 |
7,059 |
Total current deferred revenue and advance payments |
$ |
237,974 |
$ |
228,162 |
Non-current: |
Deferred product licenses revenue |
$ |
174 |
$ |
0 |
Deferred subscription services revenue |
2,263 |
3,097 |
Deferred product support revenue |
2,111 |
4,984 |
Deferred other services revenue |
422 |
443 |
Total non-current deferred revenue and advance payments |
$ |
4,970 |
$ |
8,524 |
Total current and non-current: |
Deferred product licenses revenue |
$ |
1,951 |
$ |
3,579 |
Deferred subscription services revenue |
109,382 |
68,609 |
Deferred product support revenue |
126,795 |
156,996 |
Deferred other services revenue |
4,816 |
7,502 |
Total current and non-current deferred revenue and advance payments |
$ |
242,944 |
$ |
236,686 |
* |
Derived from audited financial statements. |
(in thousands, unaudited)
MicroStrategy has one reportable operating segment, the “Software Business,” which is engaged in the design, development, marketing, and sales of the Company’s enterprise analytics software platform through cloud subscriptions and licensing arrangements and related services (i.e., product support, consulting, and education). The “Corporate & Other” category presented in the following tables is not considered an operating segment. It consists primarily of costs and expenses related to executing the Company’s bitcoin strategy and includes the impairment charges and other third-party costs associated with the Company’s bitcoin holdings, net interest expense primarily related to long-term debt obligations (the net proceeds of which were primarily used to purchase bitcoin), and income tax effects generated from the Company’s bitcoin holdings and related debt issuances. Segment assets allocated to the Corporate & Other category are the Company’s digital assets and deferred tax assets related primarily to digital asset impairment losses and interest expense.
Three Months Ended December 31, 2024 |
Software Business |
Corporate & Other |
Total Consolidated |
Total revenues |
$ |
120,697 |
$ |
120,697 |
Total expenses |
(127,641 |
) |
(1,009,476 |
) |
(1,137,117 |
) |
Loss from operations |
$ |
(6,944 |
) |
$ |
(1,009,476 |
) |
$ |
(1,016,420 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
(16,465 |
) |
(16,465 |
) |
Income tax benefit |
61,499 |
294,426 |
355,925 |
Other segment items to reconcile to net income (loss) |
6,150 |
6,150 |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
60,705 |
$ |
(731,515 |
) |
$ |
(670,810 |
) |
Total assets, as of December 31, 2024 |
$ |
743,190 |
$ |
25,100,495 |
$ |
25,843,685 |
Three Months Ended December 31, 2023 |
Software Business |
Corporate & Other |
Total Consolidated |
Total revenues |
$ |
124,484 |
$ |
124,484 |
Total expenses |
(127,247 |
) |
(40,022 |
) |
(167,269 |
) |
Loss from operations |
$ |
(2,763 |
) |
$ |
(40,022 |
) |
$ |
(42,785 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
(11,929 |
) |
(11,929 |
) |
Income tax benefit |
17,557 |
132,213 |
149,770 |
Other segment items to reconcile to net income |
(5,930 |
) |
(5,930 |
) |
Net income |
$ |
8,864 |
$ |
80,262 |
$ |
89,126 |
Total assets, as of December 31, 2023 |
$ |
470,353 |
$ |
4,292,175 |
$ |
4,762,528 |
Year-Ended December 31, 2024 |
Software Business |
Corporate & Other |
Total Consolidated |
Total revenues |
$ |
463,456 |
$ |
463,456 |
Total expenses |
(518,863 |
) |
(1,797,571 |
) |
(2,316,434 |
) |
Loss from operations |
$ |
(55,407 |
) |
$ |
(1,797,571 |
) |
$ |
(1,852,978 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
(61,941 |
) |
(61,941 |
) |
Loss on debt extinguishment |
(22,933 |
) |
(22,933 |
) |
Income tax benefit |
226,961 |
540,724 |
767,685 |
Other segment items to reconcile to net income (loss) |
3,506 |
3,506 |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
175,060 |
$ |
(1,341,721 |
) |
$ |
(1,166,661 |
) |
Total assets, as of December 31, 2024 |
$ |
743,190 |
$ |
25,100,495 |
$ |
25,843,685 |
Year-Ended December 31, 2023 |
Software Business |
Corporate & Other |
Total Consolidated |
Total revenues |
$ |
496,261 |
$ |
496,261 |
Total expenses |
(492,703 |
) |
(118,605 |
) |
(611,308 |
) |
Income (loss) from operations |
$ |
3,558 |
$ |
(118,605 |
) |
$ |
(115,047 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
(48,960 |
) |
(48,960 |
) |
Gain on debt extinguishment |
44,686 |
44,686 |
Income tax benefit |
10,553 |
543,093 |
553,646 |
Other segment items to reconcile to net income |
(5,204 |
) |
(5,204 |
) |
Net income |
$ |
8,907 |
$ |
420,214 |
$ |
429,121 |
Total assets, as of December 31, 2023 |
$ |
470,353 |
$ |
4,292,175 |
$ |
4,762,528 |
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Shirish Jajodia
Corporate Treasurer
Source: MicroStrategy Incorporated