Youth Encouragement Services and Motorola Solutions Foundation Renovate Nashville Youth Centers

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Youth Encouragement Services (YES), in collaboration with the Motorola Solutions Foundation and volunteers from Motorola Solutions Galvin Masters, has renovated two Nashville-based youth centers on October 2, 2024. The upgrades include new paint, furniture, and landscaping at the Carpenter's Square center and a sensory board installation at the Lindsley Center.

YES serves nearly 150 children daily in summer and after-school programs, offering reading, mentorship, and athletics programs for kids from kindergarten to age 18. The renovations support YES' mission to provide safe spaces and bridge the learning gap for children across Nashville.

This initiative is part of the Motorola Solutions Foundation's efforts to drive meaningful change in communities and the Galvin Masters' 50th anniversary celebration, emphasizing employee engagement and volunteerism.

I Servizi di Incoraggiamento per i Giovani (YES), in collaborazione con la Motorola Solutions Foundation e i volontari della Motorola Solutions Galvin Masters, hanno ristrutturato due centri giovanili a Nashville il 2 ottobre 2024. Gli aggiornamenti includono nuove pitture, mobilio e sistemazione del verde al centro Carpenter's Square e un installazione di una tavola sensoriale al Lindsley Center.

YES serve quasi 150 bambini al giorno nei programmi estivi e dopo scuola, offrendo lettura, mentorship e attività sportive per bambini dalla scuola dell'infanzia fino ai 18 anni. Le ristrutturazioni sostengono la missione di YES di fornire spazi sicuri e colmare il divario di apprendimento per i bambini di Nashville.

Questa iniziativa fa parte degli sforzi della Motorola Solutions Foundation per promuovere un cambiamento significativo nelle comunità e per celebrare il 50° anniversario dei Galvin Masters, sottolineando l'importanza del coinvolgimento dei dipendenti e del volontariato.

Los Servicios de Fomento Juvenil (YES), en colaboración con la Fundación Motorola Solutions y voluntarios de Motorola Solutions Galvin Masters, han renovado dos centros juveniles en Nashville el 2 de octubre de 2024. Las mejoras incluyen nueva pintura, mobiliario y paisajismo en el centro Carpenter's Square y una instalación de tablero sensorial en el Lindsley Center.

YES atiende a casi 150 niños diariamente en programas de verano y después de la escuela, ofreciendo lectura, mentoría y programas atléticos para niños desde el jardín de infancia hasta los 18 años. Las renovaciones apoyan la misión de YES de proporcionar espacios seguros y cerrar la brecha educativa para los niños en Nashville.

Esta iniciativa es parte de los esfuerzos de la Fundación Motorola Solutions para impulsar un cambio significativo en las comunidades y la celebración del 50° aniversario de Galvin Masters, enfatizando la participación de los empleados y el voluntariado.

청소년 지원 서비스(YES)는 모토로라 솔루션 재단 및 모토로라 솔루션 갈빈 마스터스의 자원봉사자들과 협력하여 2024년 10월 2일 내ashv에서 두 개의 청소년 센터를 새롭게 단장했습니다. 개보수에는 새벽이 됐습니다. 페인트, 가구 및 조경이 포함되어 있으며, Lindsley 센터에는 감각 보드 설치가 추가되었습니다.

YES는 여름과 방과 후 프로그램에서 매일 약 150명의 어린이에게 서비스하고, 유치원부터 18세까지의 아이들을 위한 읽기, 멘토링 및 체육 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이번 리노베이션은 내ashv의 어린이들에 대한 안전한 공간과 학습 격차 해소를 위한 YES의 사명을 지원합니다.

이번 이니셔티브는 모토로라 솔루션 재단의 커뮤니티에 의미 있는 변화를 주도하기 위한 노력의 일환이며, 갈빈 마스터스의 50주년 기념 행사와 함께 직장 내 참여 및 자원봉사를 강조합니다.

Les Services d'Encouragement pour la Jeunesse (YES), en collaboration avec la Fondation Motorola Solutions et des bénévoles des Motorola Solutions Galvin Masters, ont rénové deux centres jeunesse basés à Nashville le 2 octobre 2024. Les améliorations comprennent de la nouvelle peinture, des meubles et un aménagement paysager au centre Carpenter's Square et une installation d'un tableau sensoriel au Lindsley Center.

YES sert près de 150 enfants par jour dans des programmes d'été et des programmes après l'école, offrant des activités de lecture, de mentorat et d'athlétisme aux enfants de la maternelle jusqu'à 18 ans. Les rénovations soutiennent la mission de YES qui est de fournir des espaces sûrs et de combler le fossé éducatif pour les enfants à Nashville.

Cette initiative fait partie des efforts de la Fondation Motorola Solutions pour impulser un changement significatif au sein des communautés et de la célébration du 50e anniversaire des Galvin Masters, en mettant l'accent sur l'engagement des employés et le volontariat.

Die Jugendförderdienste (YES) haben am 2. Oktober 2024 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Motorola Solutions Foundation und Freiwilligen von Motorola Solutions Galvin Masters zwei Jugendzentren in Nashville renoviert. Die Verbesserungen umfassen neue Farbe, Möbel und Landschaftsgestaltung im Carpenter's Square Zentrum und eine Installation einer Sinnestafel im Lindsley Zentrum.

YES betreut täglich fast 150 Kinder in Sommer- und Nachmittagsprogrammen und bietet Leseförderung, Mentoring und Sportprogramme für Kinder vom Kindergarten bis zum 18. Lebensjahr an. Die Renovierungen unterstützen die Mission von YES, sichere Räume zu bieten und die Lernlücke für Kinder in Nashville zu schließen.

Diese Initiative ist Teil der Bemühungen der Motorola Solutions Foundation, signifikante Veränderungen in den Gemeinschaften herbeizuführen, sowie der Feier des 50. Jubiläums der Galvin Masters, wobei Mitarbeiterengagement und Freiwilligenarbeit betont werden.

  • Motorola Solutions Foundation demonstrates corporate social responsibility through community engagement
  • Renovation of youth centers may improve company's public image and stakeholder relations
  • Employee volunteerism through Galvin Masters program could boost employee morale and retention
  • None.

NASHVILLE, TN / ACCESSWIRE / October 2, 2024 / Originally published on the Motorola Solutions newsroom

Youth Encouragement Services (YES), together with the Motorola Solutions Foundation and volunteers from the Motorola Solutions Galvin Masters sales organization, refreshed YES' Nashville-based youth centers. The upgrades, made October 2 during a dedicated day of service, include new paint, furniture and landscaping at the Carpenter's Square center and the installation of a sensory board at the Lindsley Center.

"Every child should be able to thrive, no matter their zip code," said Viva Price, YES executive director. "Through our programs and partnerships in the community, we empower and equip children and their families to succeed at every station of life. We're so excited to invite families from across the Nashville region to our newly renovated spaces."

YES serves nearly 150 children in summer and after-school programs each day. With reading, mentorship and athletics programs, it helps bridge the learning gap for kids from kindergarten to age 18 while giving them safe places to go and have fun. The center's new amenities and features, installed by Motorola Solutions volunteers, support YES' mission to connect community members to the resources they need.

"Youth Encouragement Services is working hard to help nurture Nashville's next generation," said Karem Pérez, executive director of the Motorola Solutions Foundation. "Our Foundation seeks to drive meaningful change in the communities where we live and work, and there's no better way to do that than by supporting organizations like YES, which provides safe places for kids to engage in social, educational, recreational and cultural development."

"The Galvin Masters look forward to our annual day of service all year long," said John Zidar, senior vice president of North America Government at Motorola Solutions and executive director of the company's Galvin Masters, which promotes employee engagement with the community and volunteerism. "This is the Galvin Masters' 50th anniversary, and we're proud to roll up our sleeves and help make YES youth centers even more special for the kids of Nashville."

Youth Encouragement Services' Carpenter's Square Center is located at 3016 Nolensville Pike and the Lindsley Center is located at 11 Lindsley Avenue. Learn more at

About Youth Encouragement Services
Youth Encouragement Services (YES) builds each child's individual strengths, provides an extensive network of support through the YES community and links families to resources that help them achieve greatness. YES operates two youth centers that offer educational and recreational programs as alternatives for kids ages 5-18 during after school hours and summer break. Programs effectively provide youth a safe place to go where they can engage in social, educational, recreational and cultural development

About the Motorola Solutions Foundation
As the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions, the Motorola Solutions Foundation partners with organizations around the world to create safer cities and equitable, thriving communities. We focus on giving back through strategic grants, employee volunteerism and other community investment initiatives. Our strategic grants program supports organizations that offer first responder programming and technology and engineering education, and align to our values of accountability, innovation, impact, diversity and inclusion. The Foundation is one of the many ways in which the company is solving for safer communities.

Nick Desideri

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What renovations did Motorola Solutions Foundation make to YES youth centers in Nashville?

Motorola Solutions Foundation and volunteers renovated YES youth centers in Nashville on October 2, 2024, adding new paint, furniture, and landscaping at the Carpenter's Square center and installing a sensory board at the Lindsley Center.

How many children does Youth Encouragement Services (YES) serve daily in Nashville?

Youth Encouragement Services (YES) serves nearly 150 children daily in summer and after-school programs in Nashville.

What is the significance of this renovation project for Motorola Solutions' Galvin Masters?

This renovation project marks the 50th anniversary of Motorola Solutions' Galvin Masters program, which promotes employee engagement with the community and volunteerism.

Where are the two YES youth centers located in Nashville?

The two YES youth centers in Nashville are located at 3016 Nolensville Pike (Carpenter's Square Center) and 11 Lindsley Avenue (Lindsley Center).

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