First H.E.L.P. and Motorola Solutions Foundation Honor First Responders and Veterans Lost to Suicide

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First H.E.L.P., a nonprofit focused on destigmatizing mental health issues for first responders, has unveiled the Heroes Memorial Park Monument in Rockwall, Texas. This 10-foot-tall monument is the first in the U.S. to honor first responders and military veterans lost to suicide. The unveiling ceremony on September 21 featured the reading of 252 names, emphasizing the importance of addressing mental health challenges in these professions.

The Motorola Solutions Foundation has been a partner since 2019, donating over $700K to support First H.E.L.P.'s work in connecting first responders with mental health resources. The Foundation also contributed a grant for the memorial unveiling ceremony, which was attended by more than 400 first responders, military members, and their families. The monument is expected to be fully completed in about two years, serving as a tribute and refuge for the Rockwall community and beyond.

First H.E.L.P., una nonprofit che si concentra sulla riduzione dello stigma relativo alle questioni di salute mentale per i primi soccorritori, ha svelato il Monumento del Parco Memoriale degli Eroi a Rockwall, Texas. Questo monumento alto 10 piedi è il primo negli Stati Uniti a onorare i primi soccorritori e i veterani militari persi per suicidio. La cerimonia di svelamento, svoltasi il 21 settembre, ha incluso la lettura di 252 nomi, sottolineando l'importanza di affrontare le sfide legate alla salute mentale in queste professioni.

La Motorola Solutions Foundation è partner dal 2019, avendo donato oltre 700.000 dollari per sostenere il lavoro di First H.E.L.P. nel mettere in contatto i primi soccorritori con risorse per la salute mentale. La Fondazione ha inoltre contribuito con una sovvenzione per la cerimonia di svelamento del memoriale, alla quale hanno partecipato oltre 400 primi soccorritori, membri delle forze armate e le loro famiglie. Si prevede che il monumento sarà completamente completato tra circa due anni, servendo come tributo e rifugio per la comunità di Rockwall e oltre.

First H.E.L.P., una organización sin fines de lucro centrada en desestigmatizar los problemas de salud mental para los primeros respondientes, ha revelado el Monumento del Parque Memorial de Héroes en Rockwall, Texas. Este monumento de 10 pies de altura es el primero en EE. UU. que honra a los primeros respondientes y veteranos militares perdidos por suicidio. La ceremonia de develación el 21 de septiembre incluyó la lectura de 252 nombres, enfatizando la importancia de abordar los desafíos de salud mental en estas profesiones.

La Fundación Motorola Solutions ha sido socia desde 2019, donando más de $700,000 para apoyar el trabajo de First H.E.L.P. en conectar a los primeros respondientes con recursos de salud mental. La Fundación también contribuyó con una subvención para la ceremonia de develación del memorial, a la que asistieron más de 400 primeros respondientes, miembros militares y sus familias. Se espera que el monumento esté completamente terminado en aproximadamente dos años, sirviendo como un tributo y refugio para la comunidad de Rockwall y más allá.

First H.E.L.P.는 첫 번째 응급 구조원을 위한 정신 건강 문제의 낙인을 없애기 위해 초점을 맞춘 비영리 단체로, 텍사스 록월에 영웅 기념 공원 기념물을 공개했습니다. 이 10피트 높이의 기념물은 미국에서 자살로 잃은 첫 번째 응급 구조원과 군 베테랑을 기리는 첫 번째 기념물입니다. 9월 21일의 공개 행사에서는 252명의 이름이 낭독되어 이 직업군의 정신 건강 문제를 다루는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

모토로라 솔루션 재단은 2019년부터 파트너로 활동하며 First H.E.L.P.가 첫 번째 응급 구조원을 정신 건강 리소스와 연결하는 작업을 지원하기 위해 70만 달러 이상을 기부했습니다. 이 재단은 400명 이상의 응급 구조원, 군인 및 그 가족이 참석한 기념물 공개 행사에 대한 기금도 기여했습니다. 기념물은 약 2년 후에 완공될 예정이며, 록월 지역 사회를 위한 헌사이자 피난처로 기능할 것입니다.

First H.E.L.P., une organisation à but non lucratif axée sur la déstigmatisation des problèmes de santé mentale pour les premiers intervenants, a dévoilé le Monument du Parc Mémorial des Héros à Rockwall, au Texas. Ce monument de 10 pieds de hauteur est le premier aux États-Unis à honorer les premiers intervenants et les anciens combattants militaires perdus par suicide. La cérémonie de dévoilement, qui a eu lieu le 21 septembre, a présenté la lecture de 252 noms, soulignant l'importance de traiter les défis de la santé mentale dans ces professions.

La Fondation Motorola Solutions est partenaire depuis 2019, ayant fait un don de plus de 700 000 dollars pour soutenir le travail de First H.E.L.P. dans la mise en relation des premiers intervenants avec des ressources en santé mentale. La Fondation a également contribué par une subvention pour la cérémonie de dévoilement du mémorial, à laquelle ont assisté plus de 400 premiers intervenants, membres militaires et leurs familles. On prévoit que le monument sera entièrement achevé dans environ deux ans, servant de tribu à la communauté de Rockwall et au-delà.

First H.E.L.P., eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich auf die Entstigmatisierung von psychischen Gesundheitsproblemen bei Ersthelfern konzentriert, hat das Denkmal des Helden Memorial Parks in Rockwall, Texas, enthüllt. Dieses 10 Fuß hohe Denkmal ist das erste in den USA, das Ersthelfer und Militärveteranen, die durch Selbstmord verloren gingen, ehren soll. Die Enthüllungszeremonie am 21. September umfasste die Lesung von 252 Namen und betonte die Bedeutung der Auseinandersetzung mit psychischen Herausforderungen in diesen Berufen.

Die Motorola Solutions Foundation ist seit 2019 Partnerin und hat über 700.000 US-Dollar gespendet, um die Arbeit von First H.E.L.P. zu unterstützen, Ersthelfer mit Ressourcen zur psychischen Gesundheit zu verbinden. Die Stiftung trug auch mit einem Zuschuss zur Zeremonie bei, an der mehr als 400 Ersthelfer, Militärangehörige und deren Familien teilnahmen. Es wird erwartet, dass das Denkmal in etwa zwei Jahren vollständig fertiggestellt sein wird und als Tribut und Zuflucht für die Gemeinschaft von Rockwall und darüber hinaus dienen wird.

  • Motorola Solutions Foundation has donated over $700K to First H.E.L.P. since 2019
  • The Foundation contributed a grant for the Heroes Memorial Park Monument unveiling ceremony
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / First H.E.L.P., a nonprofit dedicated to destigmatizing mental health issues for first responders, has unveiled the Heroes Memorial Park Monument. This monument, which resides in Rockwall, Texas, is the first in the U.S. to honor first responders and military veterans who have died by suicide, highlighting that their impact and service will never be forgotten.

The 10-foot-tall monument features images of first responders, with a wall of honor featuring the names of those commemorated behind it. During the unveiling ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 21, 252 names were read aloud, serving as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by first responders and military veterans, and the importance of addressing mental health challenges within these professions.

First H.E.L.P. has been compiling data on first responder suicides since 2016, and their efforts have highlighted the urgent need for mental health support within these communities. The Motorola Solutions Foundation has been a proud partner since 2019, donating more than $700K to help support and amplify the work that they do to connect first responders with resources for healing and recovery, and offer support to their families. The Foundation also contributed a grant to support the memorial unveiling ceremony, which welcomed more than 400 first responders, members of the military and their families.

"The outpouring of support and love shown at the Heroes Memorial Park Monument unveiling demonstrates firsthand the profound impact of this tribute," said Karem Pérez, executive director, Motorola Solutions Foundation. "We deeply value our longstanding partnership with First H.E.L.P, and we believe this monument is a significant stride towards reducing stigma, fostering acceptance for first responder mental health and honoring the lives lost to suicide."

The monument is expected to be fully completed in about two years, and it will serve as a meaningful tribute and refuge for the people of Rockwall and beyond.

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SOURCE: Motorola Solutions

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What is the Heroes Memorial Park Monument unveiled by First H.E.L.P. and Motorola Solutions Foundation?

The Heroes Memorial Park Monument is a 10-foot-tall monument in Rockwall, Texas, honoring first responders and military veterans who have died by suicide. It's the first of its kind in the U.S. and features images of first responders with a wall of honor displaying names of those commemorated.

How has Motorola Solutions Foundation (MSI) supported First H.E.L.P.?

Motorola Solutions Foundation has been a partner of First H.E.L.P. since 2019, donating over $700,000 to support their work in connecting first responders with mental health resources. They also contributed a grant for the Heroes Memorial Park Monument unveiling ceremony.

When was the Heroes Memorial Park Monument unveiled and how many names were honored?

The Heroes Memorial Park Monument was unveiled on September 21, 2024. During the ceremony, 252 names of first responders and military veterans lost to suicide were read aloud.

How many people attended the Heroes Memorial Park Monument unveiling ceremony supported by Motorola Solutions (MSI)?

The unveiling ceremony of the Heroes Memorial Park Monument was attended by more than 400 first responders, members of the military, and their families.

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