Overwatch 2® Drives 20x Higher CTOR With Idomoo Personalized Video
Blizzard Entertainment partnered with Idomoo to create millions of personalized videos celebrating 100 million Overwatch players. The campaign featured personalized data points including players' most-played heroes, top teammates, total hours played, and K/D/A ratios.
The initiative achieved significant engagement metrics, driving a 20x higher click-through-open rate and contributing to a 145% increase in weekly email opt-ins. The campaign's success was further demonstrated by a 41% share rate among video viewers, generating substantial social media buzz.
Idomoo's Next Generation Video Platform integrated player data with animated scenes, distributing content via personalized GIFs in marketing emails. The technology enables gaming companies to generate real-time customized recap videos featuring players' achievements, local language options, and interactive CTAs to enhance game time and retention.
Blizzard Entertainment ha collaborato con Idomoo per creare milioni di video personalizzati che celebrano i 100 milioni di giocatori di Overwatch. La campagna ha presentato dati personalizzati, inclusi i personaggi più giocati, i migliori compagni di squadra, le ore totali di gioco e i rapporti K/D/A.
L'iniziativa ha raggiunto metriche di coinvolgimento significative, con un 20x tasso di clic maggiore, contribuendo a un 145% di aumento nelle iscrizioni settimanali alle email. Il successo della campagna è stato ulteriormente dimostrato da un 41% di tasso di condivisione tra i visualizzatori di video, generando un notevole fermento sui social media.
La Piattaforma Video di Next Generation di Idomoo ha integrato i dati dei giocatori con scene animate, distribuendo contenuti tramite GIF personalizzate nelle email di marketing. La tecnologia permette alle aziende di gaming di generare video riepilogativi personalizzati in tempo reale, evidenziando i successi dei giocatori, opzioni linguistiche locali e CTA interattive per migliorare il tempo di gioco e la fidelizzazione.
Blizzard Entertainment se asoció con Idomoo para crear millones de videos personalizados que celebran a los 100 millones de jugadores de Overwatch. La campaña presentó puntos de datos personalizados que incluyen los héroes más jugados, los mejores compañeros de equipo, las horas totales jugadas y las proporciones K/D/A.
La iniciativa logró métricas de participación significativas, impulsando un 20x tasa de clics más alta y contribuyendo a un 145% de aumento en las suscripciones semanales a correos electrónicos. El éxito de la campaña se demostró aún más con una 41% de tasa de compartición entre los espectadores de video, generando un gran revuelo en las redes sociales.
La Plataforma de Video de Nueva Generación de Idomoo integró datos de jugadores con escenas animadas, distribuyendo contenido a través de GIFs personalizados en correos de marketing. La tecnología permite a las empresas de juegos generar videos de resumen personalizados en tiempo real que presentan los logros de los jugadores, opciones de idioma local y CTA interactivas para mejorar el tiempo de juego y la retención.
블리자드 엔터테인먼트는 Idomoo와 협력하여 1억 명의 오버워치 플레이어를 축하하는 수백만 개의 개인화된 비디오를 만들었습니다. 이 캠페인은 플레이어가 가장 많이 플레이한 영웅, 최고의 팀원, 총 플레이 시간 및 K/D/A 비율을 포함한 개인화된 데이터 포인트를 특징으로 했습니다.
이 이니셔티브는 20배 높은 클릭률을 유도하며 주간 이메일 구독이 145% 증가했습니다. 캠페인의 성공은 비디오 시청자 중 41%의 공유율로 더욱 입증되었으며, 이는 소셜 미디어에서 상당한 화제를 낳았습니다.
Idomoo의 차세대 비디오 플랫폼은 플레이어 데이터를 애니매이션 장면과 통합하여 마케팅 이메일에서 개인화된 GIF를 통해 콘텐츠를 배포합니다. 이 기술은 게임 회사가 플레이어의 성취, 현지 언어 옵션 및 상호작용할 수 있는 행동 유도 문구(CTA)를 강조한 개인화된 실시간 요약 비디오를 생성할 수 있도록 합니다.
Blizzard Entertainment s'est associé à Idomoo pour créer des millions de vidéos personnalisées célébrant les 100 millions de joueurs d'Overwatch. La campagne comportait des points de données personnalisés, y compris les héros les plus joués, les meilleurs coéquipiers, le nombre total d'heures jouées et les ratios K/D/A.
L'initiative a atteint des indicateurs d'engagement significatifs, générant un taux de clics 20 fois plus élevé et contribuant à une augmentation de 145% des inscriptions hebdomadaires aux e-mails. Le succès de la campagne a été démontré par un taux de partage de 41% parmi les spectateurs de vidéos, générant un buzz considérable sur les réseaux sociaux.
La plateforme vidéo de nouvelle génération d'Idomoo a intégré les données des joueurs avec des scènes animées, diffusant du contenu via des GIF personnalisés dans les e-mails marketing. La technologie permet aux entreprises de jeux de générer en temps réel des vidéos récapitulatives personnalisées mettant en avant les réalisations des joueurs, des options de langue locales et des CTA interactifs pour améliorer le temps de jeu et la rétention.
Blizzard Entertainment hat sich mit Idomoo zusammengetan, um Millionen von personalisierten Videos zu erstellen, die 100 Millionen Overwatch-Spieler feiern. Die Kampagne umfasste personalisierte Datenpunkte, darunter die meistgespielten Helden, die besten Teamkollegen, die insgesamt gespielten Stunden und K/D/A-Verhältnisse.
Die Initiative erzielte signifikante Engagement-Metriken, indem sie eine 20x höhere Klickrate erzielte und zu einem 145% Anstieg der wöchentlichen E-Mail-Anmeldungen beitrug. Der Erfolg der Kampagne wurde durch eine 41% Share-Rate unter den Videozuschauern weiter demonstriert, was zu einem erheblichen Wirbel in den sozialen Medien führte.
Idomoos Next-Generation-Video-Plattform integrierte Spieldaten mit animierten Szenen und verbreitete Inhalte über personalisierte GIFs in Marketing-E-Mails. Diese Technologie ermöglicht es Gaming-Unternehmen, in Echtzeit personalisierte Zusammenfassungs-Videos zu erstellen, die die Erfolge der Spieler, lokale Sprachoptionen und interaktive CTAs hervorheben, um die Spielzeit und die Bindung zu verbessern.
- 20x higher click-through-open rate achieved
- 145% increase in weekly email opt-ins
- 41% video sharing rate among viewers
- Reached milestone of 100 million Overwatch players
- None.
The videos featured over a dozen personalized data points and sparked high levels of social sharing and email opt-ins.
Idomoo’s award-winning studio animated the video scenes while its Next Generation Video Platform seamlessly merged every data point with the eye-catching creative. Blizzard distributed the videos via email using a personalized GIF, also rendered in Idomoo’s platform, to delight players and drive engagement.
The result? The campaign exceeded all targets and additionally contributed to
“Players loved getting their personalized Overwatch videos, and we saw a huge uptick in engagement with our marketing emails,” said Sina Zand, Head of CRM Strategy & Lifecycle Marketing at Blizzard. “It was great working with Idomoo to bring the energy of Overwatch 2 to life in a dynamic, data-driven way that ultimately wowed players and exceeded our expectations.”
Recap videos are an increasingly popular use case for Idomoo Next Gen Video, allowing gaming companies to generate millions of videos in real time, customized with players’ biggest wins, local language, and even interactive CTAs to boost game time and retention.
“Seeing fans reacting online to their video, sharing and resharing it, has been amazing," said Yaron Kalish, Idomoo CEO. "We’re honored to be part of such a milestone event, and we can’t wait to see what Overwatch 2 does next.”
About Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.
Best known for iconic video game universes including Warcraft®, Overwatch®,
About Idomoo
Idomoo's Next Generation Video Platform enables the real-time creation and distribution of innovative video formats, such as Personalized Video, Enterprise AI Video and Interactive Video, as well as dynamic marketing collateral like infographics and GIFs. Idomoo has created cutting-edge data-driven video campaigns for clients such as Activision, Epic Games, Scopely, EA, Zynga, Plarium, Ubisoft and many others. Learn more at www.idomoo.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250127430048/en/
Cheryl Rodewig
cheryl.rodewig@idomoo.com, 434-298-4410
Source: Idomoo