Microsoft collaborates with Mass General Brigham and University of Wisconsin-Madison to further advance AI foundation models for medical imaging

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Microsoft has announced collaborations with Mass General Brigham and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health to advance AI foundation models for medical imaging. The partnerships aim to enhance radiologists' experiences and improve patient outcomes by developing high-performing multimodal AI models on the Microsoft Azure AI platform.

These collaborations will focus on creating a range of medical imaging copilot applications, addressing challenges such as physician burnout and staffing shortages. The initiative aims to reduce workloads, enhance workflow efficiencies, and improve the accuracy of medical image analysis for care delivery, clinical trials recruitment, and drug discovery.

The project will leverage Nuance's PowerScribe radiology reporting platform and Precision Imaging Network to deploy real-world use cases into clinical workflows, subject to regulatory approvals. Microsoft emphasizes its commitment to responsible AI development, prioritizing patient privacy and adhering to its Responsible AI principles.

Microsoft ha annunciato collaborazioni con Mass General Brigham e la University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health per avanzare i modelli di fondazione AI nell'imaging medico. Le partnership mirano a migliorare l'esperienza dei radiologi e a migliorare gli esiti dei pazienti sviluppando modelli AI multimodali ad alte prestazioni sulla piattaforma Microsoft Azure AI.

Queste collaborazioni si concentreranno sulla creazione di una serie di applicazioni copilot per l'imaging medico, affrontando sfide come il burnout dei medici e le carenze di personale. L'iniziativa mira a ridurre i carichi di lavoro, migliorare l'efficienza dei flussi di lavoro e aumentare l'accuratezza dell'analisi delle immagini mediche per la fornitura di cure, il reclutamento per studi clinici e la scoperta di farmaci.

Il progetto sfrutterà la piattaforma di reporting radiologico PowerScribe di Nuance e il Precision Imaging Network per implementare casi d'uso reali nei flussi di lavoro clinici, soggetti ad approvazioni regolatorie. Microsoft sottolinea il proprio impegno per uno sviluppo responsabile dell'AI, dando priorità alla privacy dei pazienti e attenendosi ai suoi principi di AI Responsabile.

Microsoft ha anunciado colaboraciones con Mass General Brigham y la School of Medicine and Public Health de la Universidad de Wisconsin para avanzar en los modelos de IA fundamentales para la imagen médica. Las asociaciones tienen como objetivo mejorar la experiencia de los radiólogos y los resultados para los pacientes mediante el desarrollo de modelos de IA multimodales de alto rendimiento en la plataforma Microsoft Azure AI.

Estas colaboraciones se centrarán en crear una variedad de aplicaciones copiloto para la imagen médica, abordando desafíos como el agotamiento de los médicos y la escasez de personal. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo reducir las cargas de trabajo, mejorar la eficiencia de los flujos de trabajo y aumentar la precisión del análisis de imágenes médicas para la entrega de atención, el reclutamiento en ensayos clínicos y el descubrimiento de medicamentos.

El proyecto aprovechará la plataforma de informes radiológicos PowerScribe de Nuance y la Precision Imaging Network para implementar casos de uso en el mundo real en los flujos de trabajo clínicos, sujetos a aprobaciones regulatorias. Microsoft enfatiza su compromiso con un desarrollo responsable de la IA, priorizando la privacidad del paciente y cumpliendo con sus principios de IA Responsable.

마이크로소프트는 매스 제너럴 브라이검위스콘신 대학교 의학 및 공공 보건 학부와 협력하여 의료 이미징을 위한 AI 기본 모델을 발전시키겠다고 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 Microsoft Azure AI 플랫폼에서 고성능 다중 모달 AI 모델을 개발하여 방사선 전문의의 경험을 향상하고 환자 결과를 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 협력은 의사의 탈진과 인력 부족과 같은 문제를 해결하는 의료 이미지 조종사 애플리케이션을 만드는 데 집중할 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 업무 부담을 줄이고, 작업 흐름 효율성을 높이며, 진료 제공, 임상 시험 모집 및 약물 발견을 위한 의료 이미지 분석의 정확성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 프로젝트는 Nuance의 방사선 보고 플랫폼 PowerScribePrecision Imaging Network을 활용하여 임상 작업에 실제 사용 사례를 배포할 예정이며, 규제 승인이 필요합니다. 마이크로소프트는 환자 개인 정보를 우선시하고 책임 있는 AI 원칙을 준수하는 것을 강조하며 책임 있는 AI 개발에 대한 약속을 강조합니다.

Microsoft a annoncé des collaborations avec Mass General Brigham et l'Université du Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health pour faire avancer les modèles fondamentaux d'IA pour l'imagerie médicale. Les partenariats visent à améliorer l'expérience des radiologues et à améliorer les résultats pour les patients en développant des modèles d'IA multimodaux performants sur la plateforme Microsoft Azure AI.

Ces collaborations se concentreront sur la création d'une gamme d'applications copilote pour l'imagerie médicale, abordant des défis tels que l'épuisement professionnel des médecins et les pénuries de personnel. L'initiative vise à réduire les charges de travail, à améliorer l'efficacité des flux de travail et à augmenter l'exactitude de l'analyse des images médicales pour la prestation de soins, le recrutement pour des essais cliniques et la découverte de médicaments.

Le projet s'appuiera sur la plateforme de rapport en radiologie PowerScribe de Nuance et le Precision Imaging Network pour déployer des cas d'utilisation réels dans les flux de travail cliniques, sous réserve des approbations réglementaires. Microsoft souligne son engagement envers le développement responsable de l'IA, en donnant la priorité à la confidentialité des patients et en se conformant à ses principes d'IA responsable.

Microsoft hat Kooperationen mit Mass General Brigham und der School of Medicine and Public Health der Universität Wisconsin angekündigt, um grundlegende KI-Modelle für die medizinische Bildgebung voranzutreiben. Die Partnerschaften zielen darauf ab, die Erfahrungen von Radiologen zu verbessern und die Ergebnisse für Patienten zu optimieren, indem leistungsstarke multimodale KI-Modelle auf der Microsoft Azure AI-Plattform entwickelt werden.

Diese Kooperationen werden sich auf die Schaffung einer Reihe von Co-Pilot-Anwendungen für die medizinische Bildgebung konzentrieren und Herausforderungen wie Burnout bei Ärzten und Personalmangel angehen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Arbeitslast zu reduzieren, die Effizienz der Arbeitsabläufe zu steigern und die Genauigkeit der medizinischen Bildanalyse für die Versorgung, die Rekrutierung für klinische Studien und die Arzneimittelentdeckung zu verbessern.

Das Projekt wird die Radiologieberichterstattungsplattform PowerScribe von Nuance sowie das Precision Imaging Network nutzen, um reale Anwendungsfälle in klinische Arbeitsabläufe zu integrieren, vorbehaltlich regulatorischer Genehmigungen. Microsoft betont sein Engagement für eine verantwortungsvolle KI-Entwicklung, priorisiert den Datenschutz der Patienten und hält sich an seine Prinzipien der verantwortungsvollen KI.

  • Collaboration with leading academic medical systems to advance AI in medical imaging
  • Potential to reduce radiologist workload and enhance workflow efficiencies
  • Aims to improve accuracy and consistency of medical image analysis
  • Leverages Nuance's widely-used PowerScribe radiology reporting platform
  • Focus on responsible AI development and patient privacy
  • None.

This collaboration between Microsoft and leading academic medical institutions marks a significant step in advancing AI for medical imaging. The potential impact on healthcare efficiency and patient outcomes is substantial:

  • AI foundation models could streamline radiology workflows, potentially reducing the $65 billion annual spending on imaging and improving efficiency in the 80% of hospital visits that include imaging exams.
  • These models aim to address critical challenges like physician burnout and staffing shortages, which are pressing issues in healthcare.
  • The integration with Nuance's PowerScribe platform, used by a majority of U.S. radiologists, suggests a wide-reaching implementation potential.

However, it's important to note that while the collaboration is promising, the actual impact will depend on successful development, validation and implementation of these AI models in clinical settings. The emphasis on responsible AI development is encouraging, but the timeline for realizing tangible benefits remains uncertain.

Microsoft's collaboration with Mass General Brigham and UW-Madison represents a strategic move in the competitive AI landscape:

  • By leveraging its Azure AI platform and Nuance's radiology applications, Microsoft is positioning itself as a key player in healthcare AI.
  • The focus on multimodal foundation models is particularly noteworthy. These models can process various data types (images, text, etc.), potentially leading to more comprehensive and accurate AI systems in medical imaging.
  • The integration with existing platforms like PowerScribe and the Precision Imaging Network could accelerate adoption, giving Microsoft a significant advantage in market penetration.

However, the success of this initiative will hinge on Microsoft's ability to navigate the complex regulatory landscape of healthcare AI and ensure that these models meet the high standards required for clinical use. The emphasis on responsible AI principles is crucial, but implementing these in practice while maintaining competitive edge will be a key challenge.

While specific financial figures aren't provided, this collaboration has potential long-term implications for Microsoft's market position and revenue streams:

  • The global medical imaging market is substantial, with an estimated annual spend of $65 billion. Capturing even a small portion of this market could significantly impact Microsoft's healthcare division revenues.
  • By partnering with prestigious institutions like Mass General Brigham and UW-Madison, Microsoft gains valuable clinical expertise and data access, potentially accelerating its AI development and enhancing its competitive position.
  • The integration with Nuance (a Microsoft acquisition) demonstrates synergy between Microsoft's various healthcare investments, potentially leading to a more comprehensive and attractive offering for healthcare providers.

However, investors should note that the healthcare AI market is highly competitive, with other tech giants and specialized healthcare IT companies also vying for market share. The timeline for revenue realization from these initiatives may be extended due to the need for rigorous testing and regulatory approvals in healthcare. While promising, the financial impact of this collaboration may not be immediate or guaranteed.

Collaborations empower the healthcare industry to create a vast array of medical imaging copilot applications that will help enhance radiologists' experiences and contribute to better patient outcomes

REDMOND, Wash., July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday announced collaborations with leading academic medical systems Mass General Brigham and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health along with its partnering health system, UW Health, to accelerate solving some of the biggest challenges in radiology and further advance AI in medical imaging to drive clinician efficiency and enable better health outcomes. The collaborations will foster research and innovation tied to the advancement of high-performing multimodal AI foundation models that empower the entire radiology ecosystem to build on top of the secure Microsoft Azure AI platform and extend the Nuance (a Microsoft company) suite of radiology applications, delivering a wide array of high-value medical imaging copilot applications.

Medical imaging plays a crucial role in healthcare. Health systems spend an estimated $65 billion each year on imaging,1 and approximately 80% of all hospital and health system visits include at least one imaging exam related to more than 23,000 conditions.2 Faced with challenges that the overall healthcare industry grapples with, including physician burnout and staffing shortages, healthcare organizations are looking to generative AI to help reduce workloads, enhance workflow efficiencies, and improve the accuracy and consistency of medical image analysis for care delivery, clinical trials recruitment and drug discovery. Generative AI in radiology also may help enhance patient experiences by reducing wait times for imaging results, further opening up access to care and improving the quality of care.

With the right multimodal data-enriched medical imaging foundation models, Microsoft and its partners will explore how advanced algorithms and applications can help radiologists and other clinicians interpret medical images, as well as assist with report generation, disease classification and structured data analysis.

Microsoft has long been focused on the potential of providing high-performing first- and third-party advanced foundation models and copilot experiences across the ecosystem to empower everyone on the planet to achieve more. Additionally, Microsoft has been an innovator in the space of medical imaging research and biomedical natural language processing, collaborating with experts in medicine to democratize AI and empower researchers, hospitals, life science organizations and healthcare providers to develop new models and systems.

Through these collaborations, researchers and clinicians at Mass General Brigham, UW School of Medicine and Public Health, and UW Health will work with Microsoft to further advance state-of-the-art multimodal foundation models. The organizations will collaborate on the development, testing and validation of the latest breakthrough technology, deploying real-world use cases into clinical workflows3 including via Nuance's PowerScribe radiology reporting platform, used by the majority of radiologists in the U.S., and the Nuance Precision Imaging Network, which offers a single point of access to automate and scale use of third-party medical imaging AI models for a range of modalities and specialties.   

"Generative AI has transformative potential to overcome traditional barriers in AI product development and to accelerate the impact of these technologies on clinical care. As healthcare leaders, we need to carefully and responsibly develop and evaluate such tools to ensure high-quality care is in no way compromised," said Keith J. Dreyer, D.O., Ph.D., chief data science officer and chief imaging officer at Mass General Brigham and leader of the Mass General Brigham AI business. "Foundation models fine-tuned on Mass General Brigham's vast multimodal longitudinal data assets can enable a shorter development cycle of AI/ML-based software as a medical device and other clinical applications, for example, to automate the segmentation of organs and abnormalities in medical imaging and increase radiologists' efficiency and consistency."

"Our institutions have a reputation for embracing technical innovations as opportunities to lead the transformation of our field with new scientific discovery and improvement in clinical care," said Scott Reeder, M.D., Ph.D., chair of the Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, and radiologist at UW Health. "We are excited to collaborate with Microsoft on the development, validation and thoughtful clinical investigation of generative AI in the medical imaging space. Our focus is to bridge the gap within medical imaging from innovation to patient care in ways that improve outcomes and make innovative care more accessible." 

"We are proud to announce our expanded collaborations with leading institutions like Mass General Brigham and UW. Along with other industry partners, our joint efforts aim to leverage the power of imaging foundation models to improve experiences and workflow efficiency across the radiology ecosystem in a way that is reliable, transparent and secure," said Peter Durlach, corporate vice president, Microsoft Health and Life Sciences. "Together, we are not only advancing medical imaging, but also helping deliver more accessible and better-quality patient care in a very resource-constrained environment."

The industry continues to see rapid advancements in generative AI in radiology and other imaging specialties. With these advances comes an even greater responsibility to prioritize patient privacy and build systems guided by Microsoft's Responsible AI principles. In addition to building our own AI systems responsibly and in ways that warrant people's trust, we empower our customers with tools and features to do the same. We invest in our customers' responsible AI goals in three ways:

  • We stand behind our customers' deployment and use of AI through our AI Customer Commitments.
  • We build responsible AI tools for our customers to use in developing their own AI applications responsibly.
  • We provide transparency documentation to customers to provide important information about our AI platforms and applications.

The collaborations with Mass General Brigham, UW and many other industry partners aim to accelerate the development of high-performing foundation models for medical imaging that support and enable the greater healthcare ecosystem in a way that adheres to Microsoft's responsible AI principles. Read more in our 2024 Responsible AI Transparency Report.

Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) creates platforms and tools powered by AI to deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. The technology company is committed to making AI available broadly and doing so responsibly, with a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

1 JAMA. 2012;307(22):2400-2409. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.5960
2 Healthcare, Definitive. "Healthcare Analytics & Provider Data | Definitive Healthcare." Definitive Healthcare – Database of Hospitals & Healthcare Providers,
3 Subject to appropriate regulatory approvals 



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What is the purpose of Microsoft's collaboration with Mass General Brigham and UW-Madison?

The collaboration aims to advance AI foundation models for medical imaging, enhancing radiologists' experiences and improving patient outcomes through the development of high-performing multimodal AI models on the Microsoft Azure AI platform.

How might generative AI in radiology benefit patients according to the Microsoft (MSFT) announcement?

Generative AI in radiology may enhance patient experiences by reducing wait times for imaging results, improving access to care, and potentially improving the quality of care through more efficient and accurate image analysis.

What platforms will Microsoft (MSFT) use to deploy the AI models in clinical workflows?

Microsoft plans to deploy the AI models through Nuance's PowerScribe radiology reporting platform and the Nuance Precision Imaging Network, subject to appropriate regulatory approvals.

How does Microsoft (MSFT) address concerns about responsible AI use in medical imaging?

Microsoft emphasizes its commitment to responsible AI development, prioritizing patient privacy and adhering to its Responsible AI principles. They provide AI Customer Commitments, responsible AI tools, and transparency documentation to support ethical AI use.

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