MSCI Sets the Bar for Assessing Carbon Project Integrity With Launch of New Ratings

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MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI) has launched MSCI Carbon Project Ratings to assess the quality and integrity of carbon credit projects. This new tool evaluates over 4,000 projects in the global carbon credit market, considering factors such as climate impact, environmental and social effects, and legal and ethical risks. The ratings use a seven-point scale from AAA to CCC, with AAA indicating projects likely to achieve a 1 tonne emissions impact per credit and positive social/environmental outcomes while upholding legal and ethical standards.

MSCI's initiative aims to address the lack of confidence in carbon project quality, as only 5% of projects are currently considered to have very high integrity. The ratings system assesses projects against six criteria and over 50 sub-criteria, focusing on emissions impact and implementation integrity. This launch is part of MSCI's commitment to enhance clarity and set standards in carbon credit markets.

MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI) ha lanciato MSCI Carbon Project Ratings per valutare la qualità e l'integrità dei progetti di crediti di carbonio. Questo nuovo strumento valuta oltre 4.000 progetti nel mercato globale dei crediti di carbonio, considerando fattori come l'impatto climatico, effetti ambientali e sociali, e rischi legali ed etici. Le valutazioni utilizzano una scala a sette punti da AAA a CCC, con AAA che indica progetti che probabilmente raggiungeranno un impatto di emissioni di 1 tonnellata per credito e risultati sociali/ambientali positivi, mantenendo standard legali ed etici.

L'iniziativa di MSCI mira a risolvere la mancanza di fiducia nella qualità dei progetti di carbonio, poiché solo il 5% dei progetti sono attualmente considerati avere un'integrità molto elevata. Il sistema di valutazione esamina i progetti in base a sei criteri e oltre 50 sotto-criteri, concentrandosi sull'impatto delle emissioni e sull'integrità dell'implementazione. Questo lancio fa parte dell'impegno di MSCI a migliorare la chiarezza e stabilire standard nei mercati dei crediti di carbonio.

MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI) ha lanzado MSCI Carbon Project Ratings para evaluar la calidad e integridad de los proyectos de créditos de carbono. Esta nueva herramienta evalúa más de 4,000 proyectos en el mercado global de créditos de carbono, considerando factores como el impacto climático, efectos ambientales y sociales, y riesgos legales y éticos. Las calificaciones utilizan una escala de siete puntos de AAA a CCC, donde AAA indica proyectos que probablemente lograrán un impacto de emisiones de 1 tonelada por crédito y resultados sociales/ambientales positivos, manteniendo estándares legales y éticos.

La iniciativa de MSCI busca abordar la falta de confianza en la calidad de los proyectos de carbono, ya que solo el 5% de los proyectos se consideran actualmente de muy alta integridad. El sistema de calificaciones evalúa los proyectos en función de seis criterios y más de 50 subcriterios, enfocándose en el impacto de emisiones y la integridad de la implementación. Este lanzamiento es parte del compromiso de MSCI de mejorar la claridad y establecer estándares en los mercados de créditos de carbono.

MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI)는 MSCI 탄소 프로젝트 평가를 출시하여 탄소 크레딧 프로젝트의 품질과 무결성을 평가합니다. 이 새로운 도구는 기후 영향, 환경 및 사회적 효과, 법적 및 윤리적 위험과 같은 요소를 고려하여 전 세계 탄소 크레딧 시장에서 4,000개 이상의 프로젝트를 평가합니다. 평가 점수는 AAA에서 CCC까지의 7단계 척도를 사용하며, AAA는 크레딧당 1톤의 배출 영향과 긍정적인 사회적/환경적 결과를 달성할 가능성이 있는 프로젝트를 나타내고 법적 및 윤리적 기준을 준수함을 의미합니다.

MSCI의 이니셔티브는 현재 5%의 프로젝트만이 매우 높은 무결성을 가진 것으로 간주되고 있어 탄소 프로젝트 품질에 대한 신뢰 부족 문제를 해결하는 데 목적이 있습니다. 평가 시스템은 배출 영향 및 실행 무결성에 중점을 두고 6개의 기준 및 50개 이상의 하위 기준에 따라 프로젝트를 평가합니다. 이 출시는 탄소 크레딧 시장에서 명확성을 높이고 기준을 설정하려는 MSCI의 의지의 일환입니다.

MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI) a lancé les MSCI Carbon Project Ratings pour évaluer la qualité et l'intégrité des projets de crédits carbone. Cet nouvel outil évalue plus de 4.000 projets sur le marché mondial des crédits carbone, en tenant compte de facteurs tels que l'impact climatique, les effets environnementaux et sociaux, ainsi que les risques légaux et éthiques. Les notations utilisent une échelle de sept points allant de AAA à CCC, AAA indiquant des projets susceptibles d'atteindre un impact d'émissions de 1 tonne par crédit tout en produisant des résultats sociaux/environnementaux positifs et en respectant les normes légales et éthiques.

L'initiative de MSCI vise à remédier au manque de confiance dans la qualité des projets carbone, étant donné que seuls 5% des projets sont actuellement considérés comme ayant une très haute intégrité. Le système de notation évalue les projets selon six critères et plus de 50 sous-critères, en se concentrant sur l'impact des émissions et l'intégrité de la mise en œuvre. Ce lancement s'inscrit dans l'engagement de MSCI à améliorer la clarté et à établir des normes sur les marchés des crédits carbone.

Die MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI) hat die MSCI Carbon Project Ratings eingeführt, um die Qualität und Integrität von Kohlenstoffkreditprojekten zu bewerten. Dieses neue Instrument bewertet über 4.000 Projekte im globalen Kohlenstoffkreditmarkt und berücksichtigt dabei Faktoren wie den Klimawandel sowie Umwelt- und soziale Auswirkungen und rechtliche und ethische Risiken. Die Bewertungen verwenden eine siebenstufige Skala von AAA bis CCC, wobei AAA Projekte kennzeichnet, die wahrscheinlich eine Emissionsauswirkung von 1 Tonne pro Kredit erreichen und positive soziale/umweltliche Ergebnisse bei Einhaltung rechtlicher und ethischer Standards erzielen.

Die Initiative von MSCI zielt darauf ab, das mangelnde Vertrauen in die Qualität der Kohlenstoffprojekte zu beheben, da derzeit nur 5% der Projekte als von sehr hoher Integrität angesehen werden. Das Bewertungssystem beurteilt Projekte anhand von sechs Kriterien und über 50 Unterkriterien, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Auswirkungsüberwachung von Emissionen und der Integrität der Umsetzung liegt. Diese Einführung ist Teil des Engagements von MSCI, die Klarheit zu erhöhen und Standards auf den Märkten für Kohlenstoffkredite zu setzen.

  • Launch of MSCI Carbon Project Ratings to assess integrity and risks of carbon credit projects
  • Comprehensive evaluation of over 4,000 projects in the global carbon credit market
  • Assessment based on six criteria and over 50 sub-criteria for emissions impact and implementation integrity
  • Integration with MSCI's suite of Carbon Markets solutions for broader market insights
  • Only 5% of current carbon credit projects are considered to have very high integrity
  • Lack of confidence in project quality causing hesitation among buyers, investors, and developers

The launch of MSCI Carbon Project Ratings marks a significant development in the carbon credit market. With only 5% of projects considered high integrity, this tool addresses a critical need for transparency and quality assessment. The comprehensive evaluation of over 4,000 projects across multiple criteria, including climate impact, environmental and social factors and legal and ethical risks, provides a robust framework for stakeholders.

The seven-point rating scale (AAA to CCC) offers a clear, standardized method for comparing projects, which could streamline decision-making for investors and buyers. This standardization may lead to increased confidence in the market, potentially driving more capital towards high-quality carbon offset projects. However, it's important to monitor how these ratings influence market dynamics and whether they effectively incentivize improvements in project quality across the industry.

MSCI's new Carbon Project Ratings system is a game-changer for carbon markets. By providing a comprehensive, independent assessment of project integrity, it addresses the lack of confidence that has been hindering market growth. The inclusion of legal and ethical risk factors in the evaluation criteria is particularly noteworthy, as it goes beyond mere environmental impact to consider broader sustainability concerns.

This initiative aligns with the growing demand for robust ESG standards in financial markets. It could potentially accelerate the adoption of carbon credits as a legitimate tool for achieving net-zero goals. However, the effectiveness of this rating system will depend on its widespread adoption and recognition by market participants. It will be important to monitor how these ratings influence project development practices and whether they lead to an overall improvement in the quality of carbon credit projects.

The introduction of MSCI Carbon Project Ratings is a positive development for investors in the carbon credit market. By providing a standardized, comprehensive assessment of project quality and integrity, it reduces information asymmetry and enables more informed decision-making. This could potentially lower risk premiums associated with carbon credit investments and increase market liquidity.

From a portfolio management perspective, these ratings offer a valuable tool for risk mitigation and compliance with increasing disclosure requirements. The integration with MSCI's broader suite of carbon market solutions suggests a holistic approach to climate-related investments. However, investors should be cautious of potential market concentration around highly-rated projects, which could impact pricing dynamics. It will be important to monitor how these ratings correlate with financial performance and whether they lead to more efficient capital allocation in the carbon markets.

  • MSCI Carbon Project Ratings independently assess the integrity and risks of carbon credit projects across multiple criteria.
  • First ratings to assess over 4,000 projects in the carbon credit market and consider legal and ethical risks.
  • Launch marks next step towards realizing MSCI’s commitment to advance clarity and set standards in carbon credit markets.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- MSCI Inc. (NYSE: MSCI), a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community, launched MSCI Carbon Project Ratings to enable buyers, investors, and developers of carbon credits to better assess the quality and integrity of carbon projects.

“Carbon markets are critical to accelerating decarbonization and meeting net-zero goals, but only 5% of projects on the market are considered to be of very high integrity,” said Guy Turner, Head of MSCI Carbon Markets. “Lack of confidence in the quality and integrity of projects is causing some buyers, investors and developers to hesitate.”

To help clients navigate this challenge, MSCI Carbon Project Ratings assess over 4,000 projects in the global carbon credit market1 to offer more comprehensive, investment-grade, independent assessments of integrity and risks. Criteria considered in MSCI’s assessment include a project’s impact on the climate, environment and society, as well as legal and ethical risks, including financial crime, fraud, and sanctions.

“MSCI Carbon Project Ratings give clients the confidence to stake their strategies, capital and reputations on carbon credits while allowing them to compare credits across the entire market, mitigate risks from investment decisions, and fulfill disclosure requirements,” added Turner.

Through a transparent and rules-based methodology that leverages MSCI’s independence and expertise in setting industry standards for climate investing, each individual project is assessed in depth against six criteria and over 50 sub-criteria broadly categorized under emissions impact and implementation integrity. The rating is a composite of these two categories and based on a seven-point letter rating scale from AAA to CCC. Projects rated AAA have both a high likelihood of achieving a 1 tonne emissions impact per credit and being implemented in a way that supports positive social and/or environmental outcomes, while upholding legal and ethical standards.

MSCI Carbon Project Ratings integrate with the full suite of MSCI Carbon Markets solutions to provide integrity-based insights across the market, from integrity-based price indexes to assessments of corporate climate performance.

About MSCI Inc.
MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community. With over 50 years of expertise in research, data, and technology, we power better investment decisions by enabling clients to understand and analyze key drivers of risk and return and confidently build more effective portfolios. We create industry-leading research-enhanced solutions that clients use to gain insight into and improve transparency across the investment process. To learn more, please visit

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1 As of 15 September 2024

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What are MSCI Carbon Project Ratings and what do they assess?

MSCI Carbon Project Ratings are tools that assess the quality and integrity of carbon credit projects. They evaluate over 4,000 projects based on climate impact, environmental and social effects, and legal and ethical risks, using a seven-point scale from AAA to CCC.

How many projects does MSCI's Carbon Project Ratings system evaluate?

MSCI's Carbon Project Ratings system evaluates over 4,000 projects in the global carbon credit market.

What percentage of carbon credit projects are currently considered to have very high integrity?

According to MSCI, only 5% of carbon credit projects on the market are currently considered to have very high integrity.

What is the rating scale used in MSCI Carbon Project Ratings?

MSCI Carbon Project Ratings use a seven-point letter rating scale from AAA to CCC, with AAA representing the highest quality projects.

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