Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Pulse Survey Reveals Investor Views Hold Steady Amid New Year and Administration Change
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management's latest quarterly retail investor pulse survey reveals sustained investor optimism despite market transitions. 58% of investors remain bullish, nearly matching last quarter's 59%, with 64% anticipating market growth by quarter's end.
Inflation continues as the primary portfolio concern at 45% (compared to 46% last quarter), followed by market volatility at 24%. Notably, concerns about the new administration decreased by 13 percentage points. 59% of investors support Federal Reserve rate cuts this quarter, though this represents a 9-point decline.
Sector preferences show Information Technology leading at 52%, while Energy gained interest (46%) amid rising oil and gas prices. Healthcare saw reduced interest, dropping 4 points to 32%. Chris Larkin, Managing Director at E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley, notes that despite potential policy uncertainties with the new administration, investors maintain resilience amid 2025's soft start.
Il sondaggio trimestrale di Morgan Stanley Wealth Management sui investitori al dettaglio rivela un ottimismo sostenuto nonostante le transizioni del mercato. Il 58% degli investitori rimane ottimista, quasi allo stesso livello del 59% dello scorso trimestre, con il 64% che prevede una crescita del mercato entro la fine del trimestre.
L'inflazione continua a essere la principale preoccupazione per il portafoglio, con un 45% (rispetto al 46% dello scorso trimestre), seguita dalla volatilità del mercato al 24%. È interessante notare che le preoccupazioni riguardanti la nuova amministrazione sono diminuite di 13 punti percentuali. Il 59% degli investitori sostiene i tagli ai tassi da parte della Federal Reserve questo trimestre, sebbene ciò rappresenti un calo di 9 punti.
Le preferenze settoriali mostrano che la tecnologia dell'informazione guida con un 52%, mentre l'energia ha guadagnato interesse (46%) in seguito all'aumento dei prezzi di petrolio e gas. Il settore sanitario ha visto un interesse ridotto, scendendo di 4 punti al 32%. Chris Larkin, Direttore Generale di E*TRADE di Morgan Stanley, osserva che nonostante le potenziali incertezze politiche con la nuova amministrazione, gli investitori mantengono la resilienza nonostante l'avvio soft del 2025.
La última encuesta trimestral de Morgan Stanley Wealth Management sobre inversores minoristas revela un optimismo sostenido a pesar de las transiciones del mercado. El 58% de los inversores sigue siendo optimista, casi igual al 59% del trimestre anterior, con un 64% anticipando crecimiento del mercado para fin de trimestre.
La inflación sigue siendo la principal preocupación de la cartera, con un 45% (frente al 46% del trimestre pasado), seguido por la volatilidad del mercado con un 24%. Es notable que las preocupaciones sobre la nueva administración disminuyeron en 13 puntos porcentuales. El 59% de los inversores apoya los recortes de tasas de la Reserva Federal este trimestre, aunque esto representa una disminución de 9 puntos.
Las preferencias sectoriales muestran que la tecnología de la información lidera con un 52%, mientras que la energía ha ganado interés (46%) en medio del aumento de precios del petróleo y gas. La atención en el sector salud ha disminuido, cayendo 4 puntos al 32%. Chris Larkin, Director General de E*TRADE de Morgan Stanley, señala que a pesar de las posibles incertidumbres políticas con la nueva administración, los inversores mantienen su resiliencia ante un comienzo suave en 2025.
모건 스탠리 자산 관리의 최신 분기별 소매 투자자 여론 조사 결과, 시장 전환에도 불구하고 투자자들의 낙관론이 지속되고 있습니다. 58%의 투자자들이 여전히 긍정적인 전망을 갖고 있으며, 이는 지난 분기의 59%와 거의 일치하고, 64%는 분기 말까지 시장 성장을 예상하고 있습니다.
인플레이션은 45%로 포트폴리오의 주요 우려 사항으로 계속 남아 있으며 (지난 분기의 46%와 비교), 시장 변동성은 24%로 뒤따릅니다. 특히, 새 정부에 대한 우려가 13% 포인트 감소했습니다. 59%의 투자자가 이번 분기에 연준의 금리 인하를 지지하고 있지만, 이는 9% 포인트 감소를 나타냅니다.
산업 선호도는 정보 기술이 52%로 선두를 차지하고 있으며, 에너지는 상승하는 석유 및 가스 가격 덕분에 관심이 증가했습니다 (46%). 헬스케어는 4 포인트 하락하여 32%로 감소했습니다. 모건 스탠리의 E*TRADE의 관리 이사인 Chris Larkin은 새로운 행정부와 함께 잠재적인 정책 불확실성이 있음에도 불구하고, 투자자들이 2025년의 부드러운 시작 속에서도 회복력을 유지하고 있다고 언급했습니다.
Le dernier sondage trimestriel de Morgan Stanley Wealth Management auprès des investisseurs particuliers révèle un optimisme soutenu malgré les transitions du marché. 58% des investisseurs restent optimistes, presque au même niveau que le 59% du trimestre précédent, avec 64% s'attendant à une croissance du marché d'ici la fin du trimestre.
L'inflation demeure la principale préoccupation du portefeuille à 45% (contre 46% au trimestre précédent), suivie par la volatilité du marché à 24%. Il est à noter que les préoccupations concernant la nouvelle administration ont diminué de 13 points de pourcentage. 59% des investisseurs soutiennent des baisses de taux de la Réserve fédérale ce trimestre, bien que cela représente une baisse de 9 points.
Les préférences sectorielles montrent que la technologie de l'information domine avec un 52%, tandis que l'énergie a gagné en intérêt (46%) au milieu de la hausse des prix du pétrole et du gaz. Les soins de santé ont vu un intérêt réduit, tombant de 4 points à 32%. Chris Larkin, directeur général d'E*TRADE de Morgan Stanley, souligne qu'en dépit des incertitudes potentielles liées à la nouvelle administration, les investisseurs conservent leur résilience face au début doux de 2025.
Die neueste vierteljährliche Umfrage von Morgan Stanley Wealth Management über Einzelhandelsinvestoren zeigt eine anhaltende Investorenoptimismus trotz Marktübergängen. 58% der Investoren bleiben optimistisch, was fast dem 59% des vergangenen Quartals entspricht, wobei 64% mit einem Marktwachstum bis zum Quartalsende rechnen.
Inflation bleibt mit 45% (im Vergleich zu 46% im letzten Quartal) die Hauptsorge im Portfolio, gefolgt von der Marktvolatilität mit 24%. Bemerkenswert ist, dass die Bedenken hinsichtlich der neuen Verwaltung um 13 Prozentpunkte gesenkt wurden. 59% der Investoren unterstützen Zinssenkungen der Federal Reserve in diesem Quartal, obwohl dies einen Rückgang um 9 Punkte darstellt.
Die Sektorpräferenzen zeigen, dass Informationstechnologie mit 52% an der Spitze liegt, während Energie aufgrund steigender Öl- und Gaspreise Interesse gewonnen hat (46%). Gesundheitswesen erlebte ein verringertes Interesse, fiel um 4 Punkte auf 32%. Chris Larkin, Managing Director bei E*TRADE von Morgan Stanley, merkt an, dass der Optimismus trotz potenzieller politischer Unsicherheiten mit der neuen Verwaltung anhält, während die Investoren angesichts eines sanften Starts in 2025 Resilienz zeigen.
- None.
- None.

(Graphic: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management)
Majority of investor views remained bullish. Investors kicked off the year bullish (
58% ), in line with last quarter (59% ). Additionally, nearly 2 out of 3 investors (64% ) believe the market will rise by the end of the quarter. -
Inflation concerns remain top, while political concerns drop. Inflation continues to be the top worry for investors’ portfolios at
45% , in line with last quarter at46% , while market volatility at24% ticked up to second (in line with Q4 at23% ). Concern over the new administration dropped 13 percentage points since last quarter. -
Majority still support rate cuts. Nearly 3 out of 5 (
59% ) of investors believe theU.S. economy is healthy enough for the Fed to cut rates this quarter, although that majority dropped 9 percentage points.
“As with any new administration coming in, potential policy changes can cause uncertainty in the markets,” said Chris Larkin, Managing Director, Head of Trading and Investing, E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley. “That said, investors remain optimistic and resilient amid a soft start to 2025.”
The survey explored investor views on sector opportunities for the first quarter of 2025:
IT – Amid growth prospects for 2025, IT remained the top choice (
52% ). -
Energy – Interest in this sector rose by three points (
46% ) amid a rise in oil and gas prices. -
Health care – Bullish investors may have pared back on this traditionally defensive sector as it dropped down 4 percentage points to
32% .
About the Survey
This wave of the survey was conducted from January 6 to January 16 of 2025 among an online US sample of 909 self-directed investors, investors who fully delegate investment account management to financial professionals, and investors who utilize both. The survey has a margin of error of ±3.20 percent at the 95 percent confidence level. It was fielded and administered by Dynata. The panel is broken into three investable assets: less than
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Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, a global leader, provides access to a wide range of products and services to individuals, businesses and institutions, including brokerage and investment advisory services, financial and wealth planning, cash management and lending products and services, annuities and insurance, retirement and trust services.
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Referenced Data |
When it comes to the current market are you? |
Q4’ 24 |
Q1’ 25 |
Bullish |
Bearish |
Where do you predict the market will end this quarter? |
Q4’24 |
Q1’25 |
Rise Total |
Rise |
Rise |
Rise |
Rise |
0/Stay where it is |
Drop - |
Drop - |
Drop – |
Drop – |
Which of the following are you most concerned about when it comes to your portfolio? (Top 2) |
Q4’24 |
Q1’25 |
Inflation |
Market volatility |
New administration |
N/A |
Earnings |
A recession |
Geopolitical conflict |
Energy costs |
Fed monetary policy |
Jobs market |
Narrow market driven by mega-caps |
None |
2024 election |
N/A |
Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. The |
Q4’ 24 |
Q1’ 25 |
Agree (Top 2) |
Strongly agree |
Somewhat agree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Strongly disagree |
What industries do you think offer the most potential this quarter? (Top three) |
Q4’24 |
Q1’25 |
Information technology |
Energy |
Health care |
Financials |
Real estate |
Industrials |
Utilities |
Communication services |
Consumer staples |
Materials |
Consumer discretionary |
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Media Relations Contact: Lynn Cocchiola,
Source: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management