Morgan Stanley Investment Management Closes Fourth Global Infrastructure Fund at $4.1 Billion
Morgan Stanley Investment Management has successfully raised $4.1 billion for its fourth global infrastructure fund, North Haven Infrastructure Partners IV (NHIP IV). The fund attracted major institutional infrastructure investors, including public and private pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, and insurance companies.
NHIP IV is part of Morgan Stanley's $240 billion alternatives business and will focus on investments in transportation infrastructure, digital infrastructure, energy transition, and utilities. The fund aims to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns by investing in essential service assets with long useful lives and stable, inflation-linked cash flows.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management ha raccolto con successo 4,1 miliardi di dollari per il suo quarto fondo globale di infrastrutture, North Haven Infrastructure Partners IV (NHIP IV). Il fondo ha attratto importanti investitori istituzionali nel settore delle infrastrutture, tra cui fondi pensione pubblici e privati, fondi sovrani e compagnie di assicurazione.
NHIP IV fa parte del business di alternativi da 240 miliardi di dollari di Morgan Stanley e si concentrerà su investimenti in infrastrutture di trasporto, infrastrutture digitali, transizione energetica e servizi pubblici. Il fondo mira a offrire rendimenti interessanti corretti per il rischio investendo in beni di servizio essenziali con lunghi cicli di vita e flussi di cassa stabili legati all'inflazione.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management ha recaudado con éxito 4.1 mil millones de dólares para su cuarto fondo global de infraestructura, North Haven Infrastructure Partners IV (NHIP IV). El fondo atrajo a importantes inversores institucionales en infraestructura, incluidos fondos de pensiones públicos y privados, fondos soberanos y compañías de seguros.
NHIP IV es parte del negocio de alternativas de 240 mil millones de dólares de Morgan Stanley y se centrará en inversiones en infraestructura de transporte, infraestructura digital, transición energética y servicios públicos. El fondo busca ofrecer rendimientos atractivos ajustados al riesgo mediante inversiones en activos de servicios esenciales con largas vidas útiles y flujos de efectivo estables vinculados a la inflación.
모건 스탠리 투자 관리는 네 번째 글로벌 인프라 펀드인 North Haven Infrastructure Partners IV (NHIP IV)를 위해 41억 달러를 성공적으로 모금했습니다. 이 펀드는 공공 및 민간 연금 기금, 국부 펀드, 보험 회사 등 주요 기관 투자자들을 끌어들였습니다.
NHIP IV는 모건 스탠리의 2400억 달러 대체 투자 사업의 일환으로, 교통 인프라, 디지털 인프라, 에너지 전환 및 공공 서비스에 대한 투자에 집중할 것입니다. 이 펀드는 장기간 유용한 수명을 가진 필수 서비스 자산에 투자하여 안정적이고 인플레이션 연동된 현금 흐름을 통해 매력적인 위험 조정 수익률을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management a réussi à lever 4,1 milliards de dollars pour son quatrième fonds mondial d'infrastructure, North Haven Infrastructure Partners IV (NHIP IV). Le fonds a attiré de grands investisseurs institutionnels en infrastructure, y compris des fonds de pension publics et privés, des fonds souverains et des compagnies d'assurance.
NHIP IV fait partie des activités alternatives de 240 milliards de dollars de Morgan Stanley et se concentrera sur des investissements dans l'infrastructure de transport, l'infrastructure numérique, la transition énergétique et les services publics. Le fonds vise à offrir des rendements attractifs ajustés au risque en investissant dans des actifs de services essentiels ayant une longue durée de vie et des flux de trésorerie stables liés à l'inflation.
Morgan Stanley Investment Management hat erfolgreich 4,1 Milliarden Dollar für seinen vierten globalen Infrastrukturfonds, North Haven Infrastructure Partners IV (NHIP IV), gesammelt. Der Fonds zog bedeutende institutionelle Infrastrukturinvestoren an, darunter öffentliche und private Pensionsfonds, Staatsfonds und Versicherungsgesellschaften.
NHIP IV ist Teil des 240 Milliarden Dollar großen Alternativen-Geschäfts von Morgan Stanley und wird sich auf Investitionen in Verkehrsinfrastruktur, digitale Infrastruktur, Energiewende und Versorgungsunternehmen konzentrieren. Der Fonds zielt darauf ab, attraktive risikoadjustierte Renditen zu erzielen, indem er in essenzielle Dienstleistungsanlagen mit langen Nutzungsdauern und stabilen, inflationsgebundenen Cashflows investiert.
- Successful fundraising of $4.1 billion for new infrastructure fund
- Part of substantial $240 billion alternatives business
- Focus on essential infrastructure assets with stable, inflation-linked cash flows
- Diverse institutional investor base including pension funds and sovereign wealth funds
- None.
Markus Hottenrott, Chief Investment Officer for Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners said: “With our nearly two-decade track record of differentiated deal sourcing through our network of relationships and Morgan Stanley’s global franchise, we will seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns for our investors by identifying assets with long useful lives that perform essential services to society while generating stable, predictable cash flows that are linked to inflation.”
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Source: Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners