Morgan Stanley at Work Launches New Digital Experience for Financial Benefits Participants

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(Very Positive)

Morgan Stanley at Work has launched a new pre-login digital website experience for benefits participants, focusing on benefits education. The site aims to improve accessibility and understanding of employer-provided resources. Key features include:

1. Onboarding resources for new participants
2. Pre- and post-login support
3. A comprehensive Learning Center
4. A unified entry point to Morgan Stanley at Work's ecosystem of solutions

This launch follows Morgan Stanley's back-office integration of Solium and E*TRADE Corporate Services. Morgan Stanley at Work now serves over 24,000 corporate clients and ~12M workplace participants, representing $450 billion in unvested stock plan assets under management.

Morgan Stanley at Work ha lanciato una nuova esperienza digitale pre-accesso per i partecipanti ai benefici, concentrandosi sulla formazione sui benefici. Il sito mira a migliorare l'accessibilità e la comprensione delle risorse fornite dai datori di lavoro. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. Risorse di onboarding per i nuovi partecipanti
2. Supporto pre- e post-accesso
3. Un Centro di Apprendimento completo
4. Un punto di accesso unificato all'ecosistema di soluzioni di Morgan Stanley at Work

Questo lancio segue l'integrazione back-office di Solium e E*TRADE Corporate Services da parte di Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley at Work ora serve oltre 24.000 clienti aziendali e ~12 milioni di partecipanti nel luogo di lavoro, che rappresentano 450 miliardi di dollari in asset di piani azionari non maturati sotto gestione.

Morgan Stanley at Work ha lanzado una nueva experiencia digital previa al inicio de sesión para participantes de beneficios, enfocándose en la educación sobre beneficios. El sitio tiene como objetivo mejorar la accesibilidad y la comprensión de los recursos proporcionados por los empleadores. Las características clave incluyen:

1. Recursos de incorporación para nuevos participantes
2. Soporte antes y después del inicio de sesión
3. Un Centro de Aprendizaje integral
4. Un punto de entrada unificado al ecosistema de soluciones de Morgan Stanley at Work

Este lanzamiento sigue a la integración de back-office de Solium y E*TRADE Corporate Services por parte de Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley at Work ahora atiende a más de 24,000 clientes corporativos y ~12 millones de participantes en el lugar de trabajo, representando 450 mil millones de dólares en activos de planes de acciones no adquiridos bajo gestión.

Morgan Stanley at Work는 수당 교육에 초점을 맞춘 새로운 로그인 전 디지털 웹사이트 경험을 런칭했습니다. 이 사이트는 고용주가 제공하는 자원의 접근성과 이해를 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 신규 참여자를 위한 온보딩 리소스
2. 로그인 전후 지원
3. 포괄적인 학습 센터
4. Morgan Stanley at Work의 솔루션 생태계에 대한 통합 진입점

이번 출시는 Morgan Stanley의 Solium 및 E*TRADE Corporate Services의 백오피스 통합 이후 이루어졌습니다. Morgan Stanley at Work는 현재 24,000개 이상의 기업 고객과 ~1200만 직장 참여자를 지원하며, 4500억 달러의 미취득 주식 계획 자산을 관리하고 있습니다.

Morgan Stanley at Work a lancé une nouvelle expérience numérique avant connexion pour les participants aux prestations, axée sur l'éducation aux prestations. Le site vise à améliorer l'accessibilité et la compréhension des ressources fournies par l'employeur. Les principales caractéristiques incluent :

1. Ressources d'intégration pour les nouveaux participants
2. Soutien avant et après connexion
3. Un Centre d'Apprentissage complet
4. Un point d'entrée unifié dans l'écosystème de solutions de Morgan Stanley at Work

Ce lancement fait suite à l'intégration intégrée de Solium et des services d'entreprise E*TRADE par Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley at Work dessert désormais plus de 24 000 clients d'entreprise et ~12 millions de participants au travail, représentant 450 milliards de dollars d'actifs de plans d'actions non acquis sous gestion.

Morgan Stanley at Work hat eine neue digitale Voranmeldeseite für Leistungsteilnehmer gestartet, die sich auf Ausbildung zu Leistungen konzentriert. Die Website zielt darauf ab, die Zugänglichkeit und das Verständnis der vom Arbeitgeber bereitgestellten Ressourcen zu verbessern. Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

1. Onboarding-Ressourcen für neue Teilnehmer
2. Unterstützung vor und nach dem Login
3. Ein umfassendes Lernzentrum
4. Ein einheitlicher Zugangspunkt zum Lösungsecosystem von Morgan Stanley at Work

Dieser Start folgt der Backoffice-Integration von Solium und E*TRADE Corporate Services durch Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley at Work betreut nun über 24.000 Unternehmensklienten und ~12 Millionen Arbeitsplatzteilnehmer, die 450 Milliarden Dollar an nicht einbehaltenen Aktienplanvermögen darstellen.

  • Launch of a new digital experience to improve benefits education and accessibility
  • Unified entry point for various workplace benefits solutions
  • Serves over 24,000 corporate clients and ~12M workplace participants
  • Manages $450 billion in unvested stock plan assets
  • Completed back-office integration of Solium and E*TRADE Corporate Services
  • None.

Morgan Stanley at Work's launch of a new digital experience for financial benefits participants marks a significant step in improving user engagement and financial literacy among employees. This move aligns with the growing demand for better benefits education, as highlighted by the statistic that 85% of employees and 96% of HR leaders believe companies should improve their efforts in helping employees maximize their benefits.

The new platform's features, including onboarding resources, pre-and post-login support and a comprehensive Learning Center, address key pain points in benefits navigation. Particularly noteworthy is the inclusion of resources for navigating corporate events like mergers and IPOs, which can significantly impact equity compensation.

From a business perspective, this initiative strengthens Morgan Stanley's position in the workplace benefits market. The company now serves over 24,000 corporate clients and approximately 12 million workplace participants, including 40% of the S&P 500 and roughly 60% of the Nasdaq 100. This extensive reach, coupled with $450 billion in unvested stock plan assets under management, underscores Morgan Stanley's significant market share in this sector.

The timing of this launch, following the back-office integration of Solium and E*TRADE Corporate Services, demonstrates Morgan Stanley's commitment to leveraging its acquisitions effectively. This integration and subsequent platform enhancement could potentially lead to increased client retention and attraction, possibly driving growth in Morgan Stanley's workplace benefits segment.

However, the true measure of success will be in the platform's ability to increase participant engagement and understanding of benefits, which could lead to higher utilization rates and, consequently, greater value for both employees and employers. The focus on reducing administrative burden for employers through self-guided information and support could also be a key differentiator in a competitive market.

The new digital experience launched by Morgan Stanley at Work represents a significant advancement in user-centric design for financial benefits platforms. The focus on a unified pre-login experience across the Morgan Stanley at Work ecosystem addresses a critical pain point in the industry: the fragmentation of benefits information and access.

Key UX improvements include:

  • Streamlined navigation for intuitive access to information
  • Onboarding resources with pop-up prompting for first-time users, enhancing the initial user experience
  • A 'hand raise' feature for connecting with Financial Advisors, bridging the gap between digital and human support
  • A comprehensive Learning Center with advanced search and filtering capabilities

These features collectively aim to reduce cognitive load on users, making complex financial information more accessible and actionable. The inclusion of topic pages, such as 'Navigate Change', demonstrates a thoughtful approach to contextualizing information based on specific user scenarios.

From a UX perspective, the unification of the entry point for various workplace benefits solutions (equity compensation, retirement, deferred compensation, etc.) is particularly noteworthy. This approach aligns with best practices in information architecture, potentially reducing user frustration and improving overall engagement with benefits programs.

However, the true test of this platform's UX success will be in its ability to drive measurable improvements in user engagement and benefits utilization. Morgan Stanley should closely monitor metrics such as time-on-site, feature usage and successful completion of key tasks (e.g., benefits enrollment, information lookup) to validate the effectiveness of these UX enhancements and inform future iterations.

Morgan Stanley's launch of this new digital experience for financial benefits participants is a strategic move that solidifies its position in the workplace benefits market. This initiative demonstrates the firm's commitment to executing its post-acquisition integration strategy and leveraging its expanded capabilities.

Key strategic implications include:

  • Market Consolidation: The successful integration of Solium and E*TRADE Corporate Services stock plan businesses positions Morgan Stanley as a dominant player in the workplace benefits sector.
  • Competitive Differentiation: By addressing the widely acknowledged gap in benefits education and accessibility, Morgan Stanley is differentiating itself in a crowded market.
  • Cross-Selling Opportunities: The unified platform creates more touchpoints with participants, potentially increasing opportunities to cross-sell other Morgan Stanley products and services.
  • Data-Driven Insights: The new platform likely enables better data collection on participant behavior and preferences, informing future product development and personalization efforts.

The scale of Morgan Stanley's reach in this sector is impressive, serving 40% of the S&P 500 and 60% of the Nasdaq 100. This extensive client base provides a significant competitive advantage and creates high barriers to entry for potential competitors.

However, the success of this strategy hinges on execution. Morgan Stanley must ensure that the platform delivers on its promises of improved user experience and benefits understanding. Failure to do so could risk client retention in a highly competitive market.

Looking ahead, this move positions Morgan Stanley well for future growth in the workplace benefits sector. As companies increasingly focus on comprehensive benefits packages to attract and retain talent, Morgan Stanley's integrated platform could become a valuable tool for HR departments and a key differentiator in winning new corporate clients.

  • New public-facing website unifies the pre-login participant experience across the Morgan Stanley at Work ecosystem
  • Offers benefits participants intuitive navigation, rich educational content and access to support and financial guidance
  • The site exemplifies the Firm’s focus on execution, post completion of its back-office integration of E*TRADE and Solium

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Morgan Stanley at Work today announced the launch of a pre-login digital website experience for benefits participants, with a focus on benefits education. ​With 85% of employees and 96% of HR leaders agreeing their companies should do a better job helping employees make the most of their benefits,1 the new website is designed to help improve accessibility, foster clarity, and reduce friction in understanding and navigating the full scope of resources employers provide.

credit: Morgan Stanley

credit: Morgan Stanley

Designed for streamlined navigation, the digital experience includes:

  • Onboarding resources to welcome new workplace participants, walking through the specific benefits available to them—including pop-up prompting and orientation for first-time users.
  • Pre-and post-login support to help participants find relevant information and explore additional Morgan Stanley services and offerings—such as using a “hand raise” feature to connect with a Financial Advisor
  • A comprehensive self-guided Learning Center with intuitive features and functionality, such as topic pages, filtering and search capabilities—for example, a “Navigate Change” topic page to identify content pertaining to key corporate events such as mergers and initial public offerings (IPOs) that can affect equity compensation.

Additionally, in line with Morgan Stanley’s recent back-office integration, the site provides US-based workplace benefits participants a unified entry point to the Morgan Stanley at Work ecosystem of solutions, including equity compensation, retirement, deferred compensation, charitable giving and executive services, and leads to an authenticated platform for more personalized information about the participants’ specific plan.

“As Morgan Stanley at Work continues to integrate our workplace benefits offering across equity compensation, retirement and more, delivering our participants a more unified digital experience is an exciting and important next step,” said Stephanie Glashow, Chief Marketing Officer, Morgan Stanley at Work. “Our goal is to empower individuals on their benefits journey throughout onboarding, education, engagement and beyond, making it easier than ever to connect with the full breadth of Morgan Stanley.”

The announcement comes on the heels of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management finalizing the organization’s back-office integration of the Solium and E*TRADE Corporate Services stock plan businesses, which together play a key role in the Firm’s overarching strategy of combined workplace, advisor-led, self-directed channels. Morgan Stanley at Work now serves over 24,000 corporate clients and ~12M workplace participants, encompassing over 40% of the S&P 500 and roughly 60% of the Nasdaq 1002—representing $450 billion in workplace participants’ unvested stock plan assets under management.

“Given that 85% of employees believe their company needs to do a better job explaining how to maximize their financial benefits,1 refining the user experience—at scale—is a top priority for providers and employers alike,” said Scott Whatley, Head of Morgan Stanley at Work. “With the integration work squarely in our rear-view, we are in execution mode, continuing to invest in a combination of human support and self-guided digital solutions that can help foster deeper engagement, understanding and ease of use for participants—at the same time, lightening the administrative lift for employers with self-guided information and support.”

To learn more and visit the new participant website, visit

  1. State of the Workplace Study 2024 | Morgan Stanley at Work
  2. Statistics refer to equity compensation administration services for Shareworks and Equity Edge Online®. Companies represented includes companies for which Morgan Stanley at Work provides equity compensation solutions as of March 2023.

About Morgan Stanley at Work

Morgan Stanley at Work provides workplace financial benefits that build financial confidence and foster loyalty—helping companies attract and retain top talent. Our end-to-end solutions support your organization at any stage of growth through a powerful combination of modern technology, insightful guidance, and dedicated service; they include Equity, Retirement, Deferred Compensation, Executive Services, and Saving and Giving solutions. And while we’re fulfilling your company’s benefits needs, we’re also enhancing your employees’ financial well-being. Each benefit solution also includes our engaging Financial Wellness program, which provides employees with knowledge, tools, and support to help them make the most of their benefits and achieve their life goals.

About Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is a leading financial services firm that provides access to a wide range of products and services to individuals, businesses, and institutions, including brokerage and investment advisory services, financial and wealth planning, cash management and lending products and services, annuities and insurance, retirement, and trust services.

About Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley is a leading global financial services firm providing a wide range of investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. With offices in 42 countries, the Firm’s employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions and individuals. For further information about Morgan Stanley, please visit

Content and services available to non-US participants may be different than those available to US participants. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management is the trade name of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, a registered broker-dealer in the United States.

© 2024 Morgan Stanley at Work services are provided by Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC, member SIPC, and its affiliates, all wholly owned subsidiaries of Morgan Stanley.

Media Relations Contacts: Lynn Cocchiola | Jeanne Joe Perrone

Source: Morgan Stanley


What new digital experience has Morgan Stanley at Work (MS) launched in 2024?

Morgan Stanley at Work has launched a new pre-login digital website experience for benefits participants, focusing on benefits education and improved accessibility to employer-provided resources.

How many corporate clients and workplace participants does Morgan Stanley at Work (MS) serve as of 2024?

As of 2024, Morgan Stanley at Work serves over 24,000 corporate clients and approximately 12 million workplace participants.

What is the value of unvested stock plan assets under management by Morgan Stanley at Work (MS)?

Morgan Stanley at Work manages $450 billion in workplace participants' unvested stock plan assets.

What recent integration has Morgan Stanley (MS) completed for its workplace benefits offerings?

Morgan Stanley has recently completed the back-office integration of Solium and E*TRADE Corporate Services stock plan businesses.

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