Datamaran Secures $33M Growth Financing from Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital; More Than Doubles ARR Since Series B

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Datamaran, a leader in the ESG software market, has secured $33 million in Series-C financing from Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital. This investment validates Datamaran's global leadership and will be used to accelerate growth in the U.S. and Europe, as well as advance initiatives in generative AI. The company has more than doubled its subscription revenue in the past 18 months, driven by increasing demand for its ESG governance and risk solutions.

Datamaran's platform allows nearly 200 clients, including major corporations and organizations, to monitor over 400 external risk factors and comply with more than 4,000 ESG regulations and standards globally. The company's database of 9,000 companies enables customers to benchmark themselves, set targets, and drive efficiency and profitability. This financing round positions Datamaran to further penetrate the U.S. market and potentially add more Fortune 500 companies to its client roster.

Datamaran, leader nel mercato del software ESG, ha ottenuto 33 milioni di dollari in finanziamenti di Serie C da Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital. Questo investimento convalida la leadership globale di Datamaran e sarà utilizzato per accelerare la crescita negli Stati Uniti e in Europa, oltre a promuovere iniziative nell'AI generativa. Negli ultimi 18 mesi, l'azienda ha più che raddoppiato i suoi ricavi da abbonamento, spinta dalla crescente domanda per le sue soluzioni di governance ESG e gestione dei rischi.

La piattaforma di Datamaran consente a quasi 200 clienti, tra cui grandi aziende e organizzazioni, di monitorare oltre 400 fattori di rischio esterni e di conformarsi a più di 4.000 normative e standard ESG a livello globale. Il database dell'azienda di 9.000 aziende permette ai clienti di confrontarsi, impostare obiettivi e migliorare efficienza e profittabilità. Questo giro di finanziamento posiziona Datamaran per penetrar ulteriormente il mercato statunitense e potenzialmente aggiungere più aziende della Fortune 500 alla sua lista clienti.

Datamaran, líder en el mercado de software ESG, ha asegurado 33 millones de dólares en financiación de Serie C de Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital. Esta inversión valida el liderazgo global de Datamaran y se utilizará para acelerar el crecimiento en EE. UU. y Europa, así como para avanzar en iniciativas de IA generativa. La compañía ha más que duplicado sus ingresos por suscripción en los últimos 18 meses, impulsada por la creciente demanda de sus soluciones de gobernanza ESG y gestión de riesgos.

La plataforma de Datamaran permite a casi 200 clientes, incluidas grandes corporaciones y organizaciones, monitorear más de 400 factores de riesgo externos y cumplir con más de 4,000 regulaciones y estándares ESG a nivel mundial. La base de datos de 9,000 empresas de la compañía permite a los clientes evaluarse, establecer metas y mejorar la eficiencia y la rentabilidad. Esta ronda de financiación posiciona a Datamaran para penetrar aún más en el mercado de EE. UU. y potencialmente agregar más empresas de Fortune 500 a su lista de clientes.

Datamaran은 ESG 소프트웨어 시장의 리더로서 Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital로부터 3300만 달러의 시리즈 C 자금을 확보했습니다. 이 투자는 Datamaran의 글로벌 리더십을 입증하며, 미국 및 유럽에서의 성장을 가속화하고 생성 AI 분야의 다양한 이니셔티브를 발전시키는 데 사용될 예정입니다. 이 회사는 지난 18개월 동안 구독 수익을 두 배로 늘렸습니다, 이는 ESG 거버넌스 및 위험 솔루션에 대한 수요 증가에 의해 추진되었습니다.

Datamaran의 플랫폼은 주요 기업 및 조직을 포함하여 거의 200개의 고객이 400개 이상의 외부 위험 요소를 모니터링하고 전 세계 4,000개 이상의 ESG 규정 및 기준을 준수할 수 있도록 합니다. 이 회사의 9,000개 기업 데이터베이스는 고객이 자신을 비교하고, 목표를 설정하며, 효율성과 수익성을 촉진할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 이번 금융 라운드는 Datamaran이 미국 시장에 더 깊이 침투하고 Fortune 500 기업들을 고객 목록에 추가할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다.

Datamaran, un leader sur le marché des logiciels ESG, a sécurisé 33 millions de dollars lors d'un financement de Série C auprès de Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital. Cet investissement valide le leadership mondial de Datamaran et sera utilisé pour accélérer la croissance aux États-Unis et en Europe, ainsi que pour faire avancer des initiatives en intelligence artificielle générative. Au cours des 18 derniers mois, la société a doubler ses revenus d'abonnement, alimentée par une demande croissante pour ses solutions de gouvernance et de gestion des risques ESG.

La plateforme de Datamaran permet à près de 200 clients, y compris des grandes entreprises et des organisations, de surveiller plus de 400 facteurs de risque externes et de se conformer à plus de 4.000 réglementations et normes ESG à l'échelle mondiale. La base de données de 9.000 entreprises de la compagnie permet aux clients de se comparer, de fixer des objectifs et d'améliorer leur efficacité et leur rentabilité. Ce tour de financement positionne Datamaran pour pénétrer davantage le marché américain et potentiellement ajouter plus d'entreprises du Fortune 500 à son portefeuille de clients.

Datamaran, ein führendes Unternehmen im ESG-Softwaremarkt, hat 33 Millionen Dollar in einer Serie-C-Finanzierung von Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital gesichert. Diese Investition bestätigt die globale Führerschaft von Datamaran und wird verwendet, um das Wachstum in den USA und Europa zu beschleunigen sowie Initiativen im Bereich der generativen KI voranzutreiben. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Abonnementeinnahmen in den letzten 18 Monaten mehr als verdoppelt, was durch die steigende Nachfrage nach seinen ESG-Governance- und Risikolösungen angetrieben wurde.

Die Plattform von Datamaran ermöglicht es nahezu 200 Kunden, darunter große Unternehmen und Organisationen, über 400 externe Risikofaktoren zu überwachen und mehr als 4.000 ESG-Vorschriften und -Standards weltweit einzuhalten. Die Datenbank des Unternehmens mit 9.000 Unternehmen ermöglicht es den Kunden, sich zu benchmarken, Ziele zu setzen und Effizienz sowie Profitabilität voranzutreiben. Diese Finanzierungsrunde positioniert Datamaran, um weiter in den US-Markt vorzudringen und möglicherweise weitere Fortune 500-Unternehmen in seinen Kundenstamm aufzunehmen.

  • Secured $33 million in Series-C financing from Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital
  • More than doubled subscription revenue in the past 18 months
  • Platform serves nearly 200 clients, including major corporations like Dell, Cisco, and Pepsico
  • Monitors over 400 external risk factors and helps comply with 4,000+ ESG regulations globally
  • Database of 9,000 companies for benchmarking and target-setting
  • Plans to accelerate growth in U.S. and Europe markets
  • Advancing initiatives in generative AI
  • None.

Datamaran's $33 million Series C funding from Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital is a significant milestone, indicating strong investor confidence in the ESG software market. The company's impressive growth, more than doubling its subscription revenue in 18 months, showcases the increasing demand for ESG governance and risk solutions. This capital injection will likely accelerate Datamaran's market penetration, particularly in the U.S. and Europe.

The company's client base of nearly 200, including major corporations like Dell and Cisco, demonstrates its strong market position. With over 4,000 ESG regulations globally, Datamaran's platform addresses a critical need in the corporate world. The investment in generative AI initiatives could further differentiate Datamaran in the competitive ESG software landscape, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth.

Datamaran's focus on leveraging AI for ESG governance is a strategic move in an increasingly data-driven corporate landscape. Their platform's ability to monitor over 400 external risk factors showcases advanced data processing capabilities. The investment in generative AI could lead to more sophisticated predictive analytics and risk assessment tools, giving Datamaran a competitive edge.

The company's extensive database of 9,000 companies for benchmarking is a valuable asset, enabling clients to make data-driven decisions. As ESG regulations become more complex, Datamaran's tech-driven approach to compliance and risk management could become increasingly essential for large corporations, potentially driving further growth and market expansion.

The ESG software market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by increasing regulatory pressures and stakeholder demands. Datamaran's success in securing this funding round and doubling its ARR indicates strong market validation for its offerings. The company's focus on serving C-Suite executives aligns well with the trend of ESG becoming a board-level concern.

With regulations like the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive mandating C-suite ownership of ESG issues, Datamaran is well-positioned to capitalize on this shift. The company's ability to transform ESG compliance from a cost center into a value driver could be a key differentiator in a crowded market. However, as the ESG software space attracts more players, Datamaran will need to continue innovating to maintain its market leadership.

LONDON & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Datamaran announced today the completion of $33 million in Series-C financing from investment funds managed by Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital, validating its global leadership in the ESG software market.

The proceeds will be used to accelerate growth in the U.S and Europe and further advance initiatives in generative AI.

In the 18 months since its last funding round, Datamaran has more than doubled its subscription revenue, fueled by rapidly increasing demand for its ESG governance and risk solutions from C-Suite executives. The company’s software platform allows clients to monitor over 400 external risk factors and transform ESG compliance from a cost center into a value driver.

“As a 10-year-old company, we are the trailblazers in strategic ESG, and this investment will enable us to stay at the forefront of innovation in AI-powered software to serve our clients’ growing needs,’’ said Marjella Lecourt-Alma, CEO and Co-founder of Datamaran. “With the number of ESG reporting requirements increasing exponentially, there is a clear incentive for companies to double down on ESG governance and know their material risks and opportunities.’’

Datamaran’s platform allows its nearly 200 clients, including Dell, Cisco, AB InBev, Deloitte, and Pepsico, as well as organizations such as the European Financial Advisory Reporting Group (EFRAG), to prepare for and comply with the more than 4,000 ESG regulations and standards globally. In addition, its database of 9,000 companies lets customers easily benchmark themselves, set targets, and achieve the best outcomes to drive efficiency and profitability.

Commenting on the financing, Lincoln Isetta, Managing Director of Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital, said: “Datamaran has exhibited impressive growth and capital efficiency since we first met them over two years ago. They are a market leader in providing technology that enables companies to embed ESG into their business practices, which is becoming more important as customers, stakeholders and regulators demand ever greater accountability from global enterprises. We are excited to partner with Marjella and her team to support Datamaran’s next stage of growth, penetrating further into the U.S. market and seeking to add more Fortune 500 companies to an already impressive client roster.”

International regulations such as the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive are increasingly requiring proof of C-suite ownership and board oversight of ESG issues. Datamaran's clients benefit immediately from the adoption of its platform as a governance tool that enables accountability, while ensuring agility as the ESG landscape undergoes rapid change.

Datamaran’s previous financing round was led by Fortive (NYSE:FTV) with participation from American Electric Power (NASDAQ:AEP).

About Datamaran

Datamaran is the leading software analytics platform that identifies and monitors external risks, including ESG. In addition to being trusted by blue-chip companies and top-tier partners, it has been recognized as best practice by the European regulator EFRAG for bringing a data-driven business process for materiality analysis and risk monitoring in-house - at any time. Datamaran's patented technology offers real-time analytics on strategic, regulatory, and reputational risks, specific to your business and value chain. Learn more at

About Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital

Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital is the growth-focused private investment platform within Morgan Stanley Investment Management. Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital targets late-stage growth equity and credit investments within consumer, technology, healthcare, and other high-growth sectors. For over three decades, Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital has successfully pursued growth investment opportunities and has completed investments in over 200 companies, leveraging the global brand and network of Morgan Stanley.

Katherine Snyder, | Grace Smoker,

Source: Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital


How much funding did Datamaran secure in its Series-C round from Morgan Stanley (MS)?

Datamaran secured $33 million in Series-C financing from investment funds managed by Morgan Stanley Expansion Capital.

What is Datamaran's plan for the $33 million funding received from Morgan Stanley (MS)?

Datamaran plans to use the funding to accelerate growth in the U.S. and Europe markets, and further advance initiatives in generative AI.

How has Datamaran's subscription revenue changed since its last funding round?

Datamaran has more than doubled its subscription revenue in the 18 months since its last funding round.

Which major companies are among Datamaran's clients?

Datamaran's clients include major corporations such as Dell, Cisco, AB InBev, Deloitte, and Pepsico.

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